The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1141: One change at a time (two more)

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Yuan Feng destroyed the ancestral ancestors of the Three Great Caves at will, this scene naturally surprised everyone present. However, everyone's shock did not last long, it was replaced by a greater shock.

Over the Lingcui Mountain, the masters of Dan Xiazong and Yuan's family gathered here, but at this moment, their faces are all dull, almost everyone's eyes are 愣Suddenly switching between the men in front of them, and the men standing in the sky in the distance.

In front of them, Yuan Feng, in white, hugged his shoulders with both hands, describing him standing there indifferently. In the space not far away, Yuan Feng, who was wearing a black robe, was also holding his hands with his shoulders, and was almost exactly the same as the white robe Yuan Feng, as if the two of them were carved in one mold.

"This this………"

All the people of Dan Xiazong and Yuan's family were stunned. They really couldn't figure out what was going on in this scene.

When Yuan Feng came from the outside, all their attention was put on the fact that two Yuan Feng were so strong that even the three big cave heavenly strongmen were destroyed by Yuan Feng. They were not too much. Care, because for them, the fact that two Yuanfengs are far more shocking than Yuanfeng's destruction of the three-hole heavenly powerhouse.

Everyone can't figure out what's going on right now, especially those in Danxiazong. They are very familiar with Yuan Feng. In their opinion, neither of these two Yuan Fengs It seems to be fake. Especially this one around them, almost every day around them, absolutely can not be fake.

"Fenger, this ..."

Yuan Qingyun is the most sloppy one, Yuan Feng is his son, but at this moment, he can't tell which one is true and which is false. However, he did not believe that there would be two Yuanfengs.


Almost when everyone was in doubt and wondered what was happening, on the Lingcui Mountain, the figure of Baipao Yuanfeng suddenly disappeared. When everyone looked intently, it was above the whole world. Only one black maple Yuanfeng remained.

"Ha, what's your expression? I'm back, aren't you happy?"

A long smile spread across the space, and the laughter spread. As soon as Yuan Feng, who was in a black robe, moved toward Ling Cuishan, he came to the people of Dan Xiazong and Yuan's family.


Seeing that two Yuanfengs turned into one in an instant, everyone was shocked and their heads couldn't turn.

"Person Yuanfeng, you ... Which one is you?"

At the front of the team, You Yue, brought back by Yuan Feng from the realm of law, finally opened his mouth at this moment, but this one who has realized a bit of the law of space and can soon be promoted to the strongest place in the cave heaven. Full of suspicion, I don't know how to face everything in front of me.

She is a very knowledgeable person, but she has never heard of this scene today.

"Hey, do n’t be surprised, I am the real one now. As for the company that accompanied you before, it is just a projection of my energy. In the past few years, I have wandered alone in other worlds, worried about Dan Xiazong. There is danger here, which leaves a projection of energy and guards everyone's safety. "

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was naturally able to think of the surprises of everyone. Speaking of them, Dan Xiazong and the Yuan family were regarded as upstarts. Their insights were really limited. Today's events must be an unimaginable for them. Happening.

"Energy projection?"

When they heard Yuan Feng's words, everyone widened their eyes again, and the eyes were filled with an incredible look.

"Yes, it is the energy projection. To put it plainly, I use supreme cultivation to condense an energy body. This energy body has only a little bit of my strength, but I can understand the situation here through him. "

Words like energy projection are probably not acceptable to everyone, so Yuan Feng simply explained it to everyone.

"Is there such a means? Is this too strong?"

As for Yuan Feng's words, of course, Dan Xiazong and the Yuan family would not have any doubts, but when they heard the explanation given by Yuan Feng, their shock was greater than before. stand up.

An energy-condensed projection can be false and true, and it has such a mighty power. What kind of strength does the current Yuan Feng have?

At this moment, they suddenly thought that just at the moment, Yuan Feng was willing to destroy three strong men beyond their cognition. Obviously, at this moment, Yuan Feng was absolutely strong. The point where they couldn't understand.

"Any energy projection?"

Others have no doubt about Yuan Feng's words, but one person is not. This person is naturally You Yue.

No one else knows, but she can't be deceived casually. She has been in the French realm since then, and the energy projection has been heard naturally, but he believes that the white robe Yuan Feng accompanying her during this time can never be an energy projection. This can be guaranteed by her life.

Of course, since Yuan Feng said so, naturally she wouldn't take it apart, but she could not help wondering about the means of Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, Fenger, every time you guys come back, they can make us more eye-opening. This time, if you leave a few times again, I am afraid we all will not recognize you. Hahahaha! "

Yuan Qingyun, the head of the Yuan family, suddenly stood up and laughed loudly.

His son has become stronger and stronger than he ever imagined. The three old men who came before, they can see very clearly, that kind of horror that throws their hands and throws their feet between them can scare them. But such a godlike figure was as weak as a ant in the hands of his son.

This is his son, Yuan Qingyun. No one can match it.

"Hey, I have such a person in Dan Xiazong, right, such a god, this life is enough, this life is enough!"

At this moment, Mu Xia, the patriarch of Danxia, ​​also sighed for a long time, and then he could not say anything.

To this day, Yuan Feng's power is definitely the power of God. They, like ordinary people, have no way to imagine how powerful Yuan Feng is.

"Well, don't think about it, let me send these guys away, and then tell the old story to everyone." He smiled at the crowd, and Yuan Feng's figure flashed back to the place where the three great masters were. Office.

"Two Sovereigns, Wan Jian Sovereign was not injured. I want to help him recover. The two Sovereigns also come together. How about it?"

Qiu Wanjian's Dantian has been destroyed, and the mysterious cave is even more fragmented. Even if he takes a shot, it will take some effort to help the other party repair. It can be said that this time, Qiu Wanjian really lost his half life.

"Okay ... okay, there is a little brother, Yuanyuan Feng."

For a moment, the two great masters couldn't return to God, and it wasn't until Yuan Feng's words fell for a long time that they replied in a daze.

"The two follow me." Nodded to the two, Yuan Feng raised his hand, and immediately put Qiu Wanjian into Dongtian World. Then he took the other two and flew towards Lingcui Mountain. .

"You guys, all go back and forth from wherever you go, don't let me see you anymore." When leaving with the three main lords, Yuan Feng yelled at the elders at the three main gates at the same time.

These people are small crickets, which is almost indestructible to him, and these people are directed by the three previous elders, and he will naturally not trouble these guys.

They waved at these people casually, and then hundreds of annihilated figures were just like small dusts, directly flying by Yuan Feng, and this one, these people were thrown away as far away as several countries . Of course, this is the result of Yuan Feng not being too hard. If he uses a little bit of force, even if these guys are thrown back to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, I am afraid it will not be very difficult.

Without these patriarchs present, the entire Danxia Zong was cleaned up a lot, and Yuan Feng returned to the Danxia Sect with his two main suzerains.

"Let's go back to their respective peaks and wait. I'm going to help Wanjian Sovereign restore his strength. I'm afraid it will take some time. Go!"

At present, Qiu Wan, the lord of the sword, was severely damaged, and he did not have time to tell the story of his relatives and friends. Moreover, his avatar has always been with these relatives and friends. This is always with his deity. In the same way, there is no need to renew the old one.

"Fenger, although you will help Wanjian Sovereign recover from injury, we will take the opportunity to clean up Dan Xiazong and wait for your good news."

Everyone looks at Qiu Wanjian's previous performance, so they are all grateful to this Wanjian lord, and it is naturally the most important thing for him to recover from injury now.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'm missing."

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, nodded to a group of elders, then flashed in shape, and disappeared in situ, the kind of chicness that disappeared without trace, made everyone present envious.

This is the manifestation of power, even the space is difficult to restrain it, and such a powerful force is absolutely unimaginable.

"Biyun Sovereign, ask the Sovereign Heart, the two please hurry up!"

After Yuan Feng left, Mu Hai hurried to greet the other two suzerains. He already knew the identities of these people, and frankly, if it weren't for Yuan Feng, he would definitely not face such a strong one like now.

"Sir, please !!!"

The two lords did not have any shelves, and the talking room followed the people in Dan Xia Zong to the guest room of Dan Xia Zong.

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