The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1139: Lesson (four more seeking flowers)

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The shouting anger drove the entire Tianlong dynasty completely, and when the anger shouted, a group of annihilating people who were attacking Xuanzhen was as if struck by lightning. Falling down, everyone can no longer stay in the air.

Not only them, at this moment, as long as they are in the air, they all fell to the ground without exception. The only ones who can stay in the air are the three cave ancestors who have only three gates.

However, although these three ancestors can still stand in the air, everyone's complexion is a little pale. No way, for them, the sound of the Tianlong Dynasty at this moment is too terrible.

"So powerful, this ... this is ..."

"Why is there such overbearing coercion? This ... this ..."

The ancestors of the Three Great Cave Heaven Realm felt a little stiff at the moment. Numerous years of cultivation have slowly improved their strength. Nowadays, they already have the power of the double heaven of Dongtianjing. However, such power seems so insignificant in the face of the coercion now.

The most terrible thing is that while the people came to release their coercion, they were obviously warning them, that is to say, the strong who came to the Tianlong dynasty at this moment would obviously not be their friends.

"Well !!!"

Almost just when the three were scared, not far in front of them, the originally peaceful space was suddenly torn apart, and then an angry young man appeared in front of them.

This was a man who looked extremely young. When they first saw the young man, all three felt like they had been swept away, but they couldn't remember it for a while.

Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that from this young man, they feel a **** of killing, and an appalling and powerful oppression. Obviously, the young intimidation and the coercion that shrouded the entire Tianlong dynasty came from the young man.

The three ancestors were shocked to find out that at this moment, all the space of dozens of miles was imprisoned. With their cultivation, they could not break the space at all. Even if they were to escape, they could only use flying Way to escape.

However, they are more clear. In front of the young man in front of them, they better not choose to move.

"Where are such terrible young people from? Flee? Or not?"

At this moment, the three ancestors were simply shocked and scared, but none of them dared to move at will, because they were really scared. Once they moved by themselves, they would be hit by thunder.

"Yuan ... Yuanfeng little brother?"

Just as the three powerful men sacrifice their gods, on the ground, the Five Elements Sect Lord Bi Yun kneeling down on the ground, and the Tianxin Sovereign Su Suxin, have seen the people clearly and murmured incredibly.

At this moment, the two men couldn't believe their eyes. For Yuan Feng, they are obviously no longer familiar. However, at this moment when they see Yuan Feng again, they can't believe it anyway. The young man in front of them is the young man they knew.

Although they knew Yuan Feng was strong, they never thought that Yuan Feng would be so powerful as it is now. With a single intimidation, you can shake the annihilation powerhouse to the ground. What a mighty power!

Also, at this moment, the original three eyes had nothing to do, and their ancestral ancestral ancestors were all turned pale, and their eyes were full of panic. This alone shows how powerful Yuan Feng is. .

Of course, in addition to these, there is one thing that they least understand.

Before, when they first came to Danxiazong, they had already met Yuan Feng's face, and at this moment, Yuan Feng even rushed back from the outside. This scene is what they couldn't figure out anyway. of.

"Three Sovereigns, the boy is one step behind, and I hope the three Sovereigns will forgive me."

Yuan Feng's gaze was only a cold glance at the three big cave heavenly strongmen, and then he looked up at the ground, where Su Xingxin, the lord of the heavens, and Bi Yun, the lord of the five elements, all kneeled on the ground, and Jianzong Sovereign Qiu Wanjian, at this time was already on the line, seeing his life would be lost.


Seeing Qiu Wanjian's appearance at the moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little pain. Qiu Wanjian helped him a lot. When he was aggrieved, he also presided over justice for him. At the moment, the other party was reluctant to rehabilitate himself because he was unwilling to shoot at him. In this regard, his heart is simply beyond words.

For everything that happened here before, he had already cast a double-eyed eye, and he could hear it clearly. The three great masters really did everything to him.


In a flash of his body, Yuan Feng had reached Qiu Wanjian's front, and with one hand, he directly printed it on Qiu Wanjian's head.

"Om !!!" Qiu Wanjian was completely unconscious at this moment. When Yuan Feng's palm rested on his head, he naturally couldn't feel it, but with Yuan Feng's shot However, his pale face started to become rosy in an instant, and the breath that had already been suspended in the front line was slowly restored to normal now.

Of course, his life was saved, but his practice was obviously difficult to recover in a while.

"Brother Yuanfeng, really ... really you?"

The master of the Five Elements Sect Bi Yun had stood up with excitement at this moment, facing Yuanfeng Road with excitement.

"Hey, Lord Biyun, the junior is late, and the three lords are involved, and the junior is really ashamed." Nodding to the Lord Biyun, Yuan Feng's face flashed apologetic. This time it was because of him that this caused the three great suzerains to suffer such grievances. In this regard, he really did not know what to say.

"Little brother Yuanfeng, you, you change ..."

Su Wenxin, the lord of the heavenly heart, also opened his mouth at this moment, but, just like Lord Bi Yun, he was also filled with an incredible look at this moment. He could n’t believe the powerful man in front of him. The well-known Yuan Feng.

"I encountered some encounters outside. Xiuwei was slightly promoted."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not want to say anything about his cultivation! His strength has completely reached another level. Even if he said it, the two of them would not understand.

"The two lords take care of the lord of the sword for the time being. I still have some things to deal with."

Suddenly, his complexion was slightly positive, but Yuan Feng's face was hard to restrain, revealing a trace of coldness. The words fell, and the two great masters didn't wait to say more. He was in shape and appeared in front of the three ancestors of the three great gates.

The figure appeared in front of the ancestors of the Three Heavens Cave. Yuan Feng stood there quietly, but said nothing, but stared coldly at the other three, like a hunter staring at himself. Like its prey.

"You ... you ... what are you ...?"

The atmosphere of silence almost made it difficult for the three strong men to breathe. Finally, after a long silence, the ancestor of the three ancestors, Zang Jiansheng, gritted his teeth, and finally he had the courage to ask Yuan Yuan. Road.

However, just before his words were spoken and before he had finished speaking, Yuan Feng in front of him suddenly disappeared into the air, and then a huge roar rang through the air.


Everyone didn't see what was going on, but when the roar rang, everyone found out that the original three old ancestors had stood in a row, but now there are only two left, and just now The ancestor of the Jianzong who spoke, hit the ground not far away and splashed a cloud of dust.

"Hum, when did I let you talk? It's time to hit !!!"

As Jianzong's ancestor Zang Jiansheng was smashed into the ground, Yuan Feng's figure appeared again, and the cold voice passed instantly in the air.


The sound of absorbing the air-conditioner came from everyone's mouth. At this moment, whether it was the three ancestors lying on the ground, the ancestor of the heart of the sky, Ge Cunxing, and the ancestors of the five elements, they were all around He took a hard breath and calmed his appalling mood.

"This ... how is this possible?"

The elders of all three major gates were all scared by the scene in front of them. In their hearts, the ancestors of the three great cave heavens are absolutely invincible. Anyone in front of them is just an ant. However, at this moment, it is this kind of existence in their eyes that was suddenly blasted into the ground, and this scene really made them unbelievable.

"Okay ... so strong ..."

Ge Cunxing and Yun Sihai were even more frightened by this scene. They both knew the strength of Zang Jiansheng. However, such a super strong man didn't have the slightest power to fight back in front of Yuan Feng. They really scared them.

What's more terrible is that they found it out now. After being bombarded by Yuan Feng into the ground, Zang Jiansheng suffered a serious injury and passed out.

One punch stuns a strong man in a cave heaven and a double sky. What kind of power can it do! At this moment, Yuan Feng had become a god-like existence in their eyes, let alone escape, even if they say a tough word, they dare not have the slightest idea.

"There is a scum like you in the Tianlong dynasty, it is simply a shame of the Tianlong dynasty, so you all give me down!"

"Boom boom !!!"

When the ancestors of the two great cave heavens were hesitant and didn't know what they should do, Yuan Feng's voice spread again, and as his voice spread, the two cave heavenly ancestors felt only one The huge force wrapped themselves, and then they felt a pain all over, and then, they also lost consciousness and fell into the ground.

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