The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1080: The rain is coming (one more)

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After several days of hurrying, Yuan Feng finally came to the vast and endless world of ice and snow in Kurong Snow.

When he came to Kurong Snow, Yuan Feng did not bring himself too close to the target. Speaking, through the eyes of several guardians, he could clearly see what the Tianlian Demon Palace looks like. Naturally, there is no need to rely on So close.

After a mountain of ice and snow, Yuan Feng made a slight concealment, and stopped directly here, patiently pondering the next action.

"It's really terrible. It turns out that there are so many strong men in the entire Moro realm. It's truly spectacular that so many strong men come together."

Through the eyes of several guardians, Yuan Feng can not only see the Tianlian Demon Palace, but also all the strong men present, frankly, when he saw so many super masters gathered here, he was true There was a feeling of being shocked. Although he is not weak now, among these strong players present, they are much stronger than him.

Leaving aside the eighteen major domain masters, it is simply the leader among these eighteen domains, like a person of this level in the extinction law of the magical realm, that he simply cannot afford to exist.

Last time it was calculated for a long time, and another strong hole in the sky realm blew itself up, which made the extermination protection law suffer a little, but such an opportunity will obviously not be available again.

"How is this good? These guys tirelessly spin around Tianlian Demon Palace, how can I approach the Devil Palace or even enter the Devil Palace without revealing myself?"

Nestled in the snow and ice, the coldness around him kept him absolutely sober, but no matter how sober his mind, he couldn't think of a way to lead away so many strong people present.

That ’s the eighteen caves that have no enemies. You want to cheat these people away, it seems you can only think about it. If these people are so easy to be fooled, they are not the superpowers of the domain master Already.

"There is no way, wait, there will always be opportunities. Although these guys are very busy, but it seems that they did not break through the defense of the Heavenly Alchemy Palace, the way to get inside, since this is the case, I want to See when they can hold on, and this time, I'll consume them with you. "

It is impossible for these strong men in the world of Mo Luo to always do a thing that has no results. If these people really find that they cannot enter the Tianlian Demon Palace, then there must be other actions. Therefore, right now he doesn't need to be too anxious, he can wait for these people to create opportunities for him.

"It's nothing to wait, but you can't wait so meaninglessly, Xiao Ba, it's up to you!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng also understood that, if it were entirely God's will, the initiative would have disappeared from his hand. Therefore, while waiting for opportunities, he must also find ways to create some opportunities.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate to start making holes in the place where he was.

Carefully, Yuan Feng spent more than an hour, which made a vertical hole thousands of feet deep in the place. Then he kicked out Xiao Ba and let the other party start to produce Warcraft. Begin to make holes in the direction of Tian Lian Mo Gong.

Although the efficiency of such holes will not be too high, it can even be said that it would take a lot of time to approach the Tianlian Demon Palace in this way, but in any case, this can be regarded as a solution. .

Tian Lian Mo Gong stands above the snow, and obviously a large part is buried under the ice and snow. If he can open the passage and then directly enter the Tian Lian Mo Gong from the underground part, God is unaware of the ghost, then It's really perfect.

In addition, the underground ice in the dry and snowy area is very effective for the isolation of the mind exploration. Yuan Feng tried it, even if he had the ability to swallow the heavenly martial spirit, at best it was the depth of tens of feet in the underground. And the depth of thousands of feet, even those who are perfectly successful, may not be able to detect.

Yuan Feng is now ready to fight a long-term war. Although it will be slow to make holes in the ground, there is a period of ten or eight years. I can come close to the goal.

In this way, Yuan Feng, while ordering Xiaoba to make a hole in the ground, patiently waited for the opportunity to appear. Such a day, it was quite peaceful.

On the side of Tian Lian Mo Gong, the strong men in the world of Mo Luo are also much quieter than before. They have turned around and over the entire Tian Lian Mo Gong, almost touching each of them with their hands. Corner, unfortunately, no breakthrough flaws were found in the end.

In this way, everyone has given up looking for the flaws in Tianlian Demon Palace, but has settled down completely, randomly selected a place, patiently studied the composition of this demon palace, and searched for a breakthrough method.

The domain masters of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China have gathered their subordinates together. At this time, only the collective power can exert its effect. With one or two people alone, it is simply impossible to find out the cracking method of Tianlian Demon Palace.

"Everyone is working harder. If this magic palace can be broken, the owner of this domain promises that each of you will be promoted to at least two levels."

"Everyone, come on, if the domain owner can enter this magic palace, then all of you can benefit, even if it reaches the state I am in the future, it will not be a problem. Whoever gives the most credit will be rewarded more. Rich, so all means are available, don't hide them. "

"Well, everyone is working hard. The eighteen realms of the Moro Realm. Our opportunity to dominate the magical realm is coming soon."

"We have the largest number of magical realms. Everyone thinks of an idea, and there is a lot more than other realms. Therefore, it will be my magical realm."

Each of the domain masters is all gearing up, and can't wait to enter the Tianlian Demon Palace.

Although their strength is extremely powerful, each person's method is different. For Tian Lian Mo Gong, it cannot be opened with strong strength. Just like before, everyone has shot together, but it has not failed A little damage caused by the Alchemy Palace? It can be seen that if you want to break the Heavenly Refining Palace, it is absolutely impossible to attack, you can only rely on wisdom.

"What a tempting reward. Whatever I say, I have to find a way to enter the magic palace."

"My Jiuyou Huohuo has a very strong burning ability. It is better for you to help me. I slowly roast with Jiuyou Huohuo, maybe I can bake a place in this day's refining magic palace."

"My rotten heart's highly toxic and corrosive ability is terrible. If I want to see it, I will slowly corrode it with my poison. Maybe I can corrode a small hole in the Alchemy Palace this day."

"No, no, I feel that this magic palace is supported by a mysterious array. If you want to break it, then you must first study the mysterious array. If the mysterious array is broken, then this magic palace will be Nothing terrible. "

"Xuan Zhen? Don't be funny, if this thing is Xuan Zhen, the domain master will not see it? I don't think you should show off your own tricks, thinking about Faer to earn credit."

"Well, you can do it? Don't let it go!"


Although there is no scene of jumping up and down, but the scene is still quite hot, the rewards issued by the major domain owners are so generous, which makes everyone unable to resist the temptation.

As a strong man in the cave world, who has not yet mastered the skill of the bottom of the box, at this time, everyone wants to show their skills, maybe they can break the Tianlian Magic Palace and accomplish a great job!

The major domain owners do not block the discussion of the people. They have exhausted their own means, but they have not been able to open the Heavenly Refining Palace. At this moment, they can only pin their hopes on their subordinates. Already.

The masters of the Eighteenth National Congress stood in a volley, and everyone was extremely quiet. For them, Tianlian Demon Palace is a great opportunity, but if they can't get into it in the end, then this opportunity is really missed for nothing.

For this most helpless result, they have already made psychological preparations. This is no way out. Tianlian Demon Palace is obviously a fortress built by the super strong. They have even found that the quality of this thing is obvious. It is higher than any treasure in the Moro realm. Frankly speaking, let alone enter it. If you can knock down a piece of magic palace material and make a defensive spirit soldier, they can almost ignore others. Attacked.

Anyway, these people usually have nothing else to do except cultivation. At present, there is a Tianlian Demon Palace for them to play. They can spend a lot of time on it until the Tianlian Demon Palace is opened, or it is determined that there is no way After that, do other plans.

As time goes by, the Tianlian Demon Palace is still standing intact in the dry snow, and everyone in the Mo Luo world is tirelessly destroying. In the underground space, a young man is carrying a group of Warcrafts, digging through the holes, and everything is so harmonious and so calm.

However, such calm is obviously the tranquility before the storm.

At one moment, among the eighteen domain owners, several domain owners who were more sensitive suddenly frowned, and everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"You seem to be a little bit wrong, I seem to smell a dangerous feeling ..."

The Lord of the Hearts first stood out, and suddenly said loudly.

He is the strongest mind among the people, and naturally the one who is most sensitive to danger warning.

"Everyone stops and is ready to fight !!!"

Just as the voice of the demon domain master fell, the demon domain master shouted and shouted suddenly, and his tone was obviously more affirmative than the demon domain master. It seems that he is not under the magic heart master in terms of perception of danger.

"Brush brush !!!"

When the cry of the Lord of the Devil Realm fell, everyone was like a bird of surprise, and they stopped working in their hands, one by one, showing out the soldiers and waiting for them.

"Hmm, I didn't expect that the Mo Luo world without the strong can still have such vigilance, but it is really rare."

Almost as soon as the Lord of the Celestial Master shouted, a cold hum rang suddenly, and then, over the sky, the figures of the two men slowly emerged.

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