The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1081: No fight? (Two more)

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On the side of the huge Tianlian Demon Palace, all the strong men in the Moro realm stood up in a low drink from the Lord of the Realm of Heaven, and almost as soon as these people became nervous, a cold voice was immediately followed by Resounded in the sky.

This cold drink was undoubtedly for all the powerhouses in the world of Mo Luo who exploded in their ears like a thunderbolt. No one expected that all the powerhouses in the world of Mo Luo gathered here. There were people who could come to them silently, but he didn't let them feel the slightest breath.

Of course, the most shocking is still the Eighteenth Master of the Land. Others have not found that the approaching people are understandable. As the eighteen strongest people in the Moro world, they did not even feel the slightest approach. This is not What a trifle.

Being able to come to them without any gap between them, it is clear that the coming person is either proficient in the ability to hide, or he is better than them. However, the possibility of the former case is not very high, because even if you are proficient in the method of concealment, you should not rely on it so close that you have not been discovered, and if the other person is really only a person who is proficient in concealment, If it did, it wouldn't appear so blatantly.

The masters of the Eighteenth National Congress moved towards each other subconsciously, and everyone's face became extremely difficult to look at this moment.

Since the possibility of strong players at the same level has been ruled out, it seems that the cultivation of these two guys does not need to guess anymore.

"How could this be ...... the realm of good fortunes ... there will be a strong one of good fortunes !!! ''

At this moment, the masters of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China have already understood that the two people who are here are simply super strong men who are stronger than them. As for cultivation, there is no need to think about it.

"Is it you? I recognize you !!!"

After a brief look, the side of Mo Luojie, the master of the magic heaven domain of Mo Luojie exclaimed for the first time, and stretched his fingers to the two in the sky.

"Eh?" Hearing the Lord of the Devil Realm's shouting, all of them were stunned, and turned their attention to the two in the sky, carefully and carefully observed the two.


With the hint of the magic domain master, the other domain masters in the field were discolored, and everyone seemed to suddenly remember something!

At the beginning of the earth-shattering battle, the domain masters who were present were naturally participating in the battle. In that battle, although they only played against people at the same level or killed some people who were lower than themselves, they appeared on the battlefield. Digital super strong, they all have several connections.

Speaking of which, the reason why there was so many powerful men in the Moro Realm at first was precisely because of the super powerful who suddenly appeared on the battlefield. If it weren't for those powerful guys who ran out suddenly, now the Mo Luo world has no idea what it looks like!

The two in front of them are not too unfamiliar. At the beginning of the battle, the Moro Realm and the Heavenly Alchemy Palace were inextricably linked. It was originally a situation with considerable fanfare, but later, I did not know where some strange strong men appeared. It was precisely the emergence of these strange strong men that made the problems that could have been solved in other ways finally solved with fists.

It can be said that if it weren't for these strange guys, the Mo Luo world would never have become what it is today.

The strong men in the Mo Luo world are not fools. Of course, after the original war, they have already remembered the problems. Obviously, the so-called helpers in the original group clearly distinguished the Mo Luo world and the Tianlian Magic Palace. Pushed into the fire pit. Without their participation, the Mo Luo world and the Tian Lian Mo Gong will definitely not be killed or killed. The biggest possibility is that Dacheng has some kind of agreement.

Therefore, for the sudden emergence of the powerful men, everyone in the Mo Luo world is actually full of resentment.

At this moment, seeing the two of the original group again, the mood of everyone in the Mo Luo world can be imagined. However, the problem at hand is not resentment at all. What is in front of the people of the Mo Luo world is an extremely serious problem. What is the current situation of the Mo Luo world to deal with these two people?

"I can't think of any of you guys who can recognize the Lord of the Star. It's rare, rare!"

Suddenly, Samsung ’s proud battle revealed a smile, and once again came to the Moro Realm. The situation today is really not what it used to be. There were many strong Moro realms, but now there are only some holes in the heavens. people. Although he is still injured today, the people present can obviously not cause him any trouble.

"People, this day the refining demon palace does not belong to you. If you are acquainted with the truth, all of them will take me aside, otherwise you will blame the host.

Although his cultivation is still the cultivation of the realm of reality, in fact, his condition is not much better than that of the Six-Star Master, and the power of the realm of creation is long gone.

This is also a helpless thing. From the top, when they came to the Moro Realm, their strength had been attacked by time and space. At the beginning of the war, he had suffered unimaginable injuries. But there is absolutely no way to compare with the real good fortune.

His condition is better. You must know that the Six-Star Master has no trace at this time, but that was born out of a realm. Now, at best, it is a half-step creation, and there is no way to stand up to the true creator Already.

Therefore, if he doesn't need to do anything, he really doesn't want to play against these lunatics in the Moro world.

"What kind of person is your Excellency? I have already killed me once, but what are you doing now?"

In any case, the strong men in the Moro realm are still more bloody. Although the strong men in front are not what they can defeat, they have so many people at the moment, and they will not lose to each other too much. many.

Dong Tianjing's great consummation is not for dry rice. If it is absolutely necessary, they can still hurt the people in front of them. Moreover, this is their home field. Even if they can't fight, can they still escape?

"Well, what do you want, I ca n’t even ask you guys to ask, why? Do you want to stop me from doing it? Give it all to me!"

Samsung boss raised his eyebrows. When the voice of the opposite Lord of the Magic Sky domain dropped, he suddenly raised his hand. Then, under his back, a bunch of strong men were like Like dumplings, he was summoned crackling.

"Brush brush !!!"

After a short time, no less than three or four hundred people behind Samsung Master Pride and Six Star Masters appeared without a trace, and suddenly appeared in the sky. The powerful momentum made the two star masters in a single shadow instantly become momentum. The dominant party.

"What? This ..."

When Samsung's arrogant battle summoned all the people he brought, all the people in the opposite Moro realm stepped back subconsciously, apparently being frightened by the people summoned by the other party.

After several days of preparations, although the two stars have brought the strongman this time, although the quantity is not dominant, but the quality is not inferior to that of the Mo Luo world, faintly, everyone in the Mo Luo world can feel So, in the opposite team, there are no fewer than twenty strong domain masters.

Tianxing Palace has been operating in the French realm for so long. The control of the French realm has almost reached the point where it can be said that at least half of the strong in the French realm have been completely controlled by them. In addition, there is also a lot of strong people in the star house. For these strong people, the star house can be called casually.

When the battle between Mo Luo Realm and Tian Lian Mo Gong was provoked, the Star Palace only dispatched the super strong, and did not use the ordinary hole sky realm strong, and this time they came to the Mo Luo realm, they brought a lot of law protection The main character of the government, this is almost the performance to complete the abuse of the magic world!

"Is this the Mo Luo Realm? It's finally reached the base of the Mo Luo Realm!"

"Sure enough, it's a dark world, and it seems that the time has come to cut the monster!"

"There are really a lot of strong people, but there doesn't seem to be an invincible strong person. This time, you must kill the Moro Realm and clear the world."

"Why is there a palace? This palace ...... it looks a lot like Star Palace!"

On the side of the French phase, the strong men released by the Samsung master naturally noticed the situation on the opposite side as soon as possible. When they saw the situation on the opposite side, all the strong men were unable to restrain the discussion.

For those in the French realm, they have come to the Moro Realm this time, that is to clear the sky and clear the world. It can be said that they represent justice.

For so many years, there will always be some secret battles between the two worlds. However, those battles are battles in the air, not face-to-face.

Many times, the two sides that fight each other don't even know who the other party is, but they will fight in the air instinctively, and naturally they won't have much victory or defeat.

However, this time is not the same. The strong men of the two worlds have all gathered together to form a face-to-face confrontation. If this time they fight, then it is bound to be that you are dead or dead. There will be no luck. Appeared.

Obviously, in this regard, the strong men of the two worlds are well aware. At the moment, everything depends on how the strong men of the Moro realm choose. If you choose to fight, then it is naturally a terrifying war. If you choose to avoid without fighting, the situation may be better.

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