The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1079: Immersive (four more)

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The atmosphere of the magical palace appeared in the Moro Realm, which naturally cannot be avoided by some people. But when the powerful men in the magic circle circled around Tianlian Demon Palace, they didn't know that, after the original war, the magic circle would soon have another new disaster. Already.

In that war, there were too many strong men who died in the Moro Realm. This also made the remaining strongs in the Moro Realm have a lot of sites to rule. In this way, after everyone was well-clothed, they naturally did not It will be boring to grab someone's place to play.

Frankly speaking, after the war, the Mo Luo world has actually been more comfortable. However, it is certainly not a good thing for the strong men in the world of Mo Luo that the so-called born in sorrow and died in peace.

Originally, there was no difference between the world of Mora and the phase of law. Whether it is the comparison of the strengths of the two worlds or the scale of the two worlds, they are almost the same. The only difference is that the original Astral Palace came to the phase of law. World, and Tian Lian Mo Gong came to the Mo Luo world.

Another point is that the time when the star palace is turbulent from space and time is obviously much earlier than the sky refining magic palace. By the time the sky refining magic palace comes, the sky star palace has completed the control of the phase of law and has become the true phase of law. Overlord and unified the whole world.

Tian Lian Mo Gong and Mo Luo Realm are relatively unlucky. Because Tian Lian Mo Gong came out of time and space, it was much later than Tian Xing Gong. When they wanted to secretly occupy Mo Luo Realm and control the entire world, However, it was the fierce calculations made by the strongest in the Star Palace, and finally a situation of both losses.

Of course, among them, the loss of the Star Palace is completely beyond the expectations of the strong Star Palace. It was during that war that the Star Palace lost one Palace Master, two powerful Star Masters, and others were injured. Seriously, the star house, which is not already strong, has become even more cowardly.

However, in any case, as a secret force, the Star Palace has finally taken advantage. By now, they are supported by the entire French realm, which is definitely not comparable to the Moro Realm.

Tian Xing Gong has more than once attempted to attack the Moro realm, looking for the Tian Lian Mo Gong that had disappeared. However, due to the injury of the main body of the current star house, and the fact that the real world of Moro is not clear, This made the war repeatedly delayed, until now it has not been fought.

Now that Tian Lian Mo Gong is in the world, even if Tian Xing Gong is not ready, this trip to the Mo Luo world is absolutely indispensable.

Samsung is proud, this person is a real celebrity in the Star Palace, surpassing the cultivation of Dongtianjing, making him want to directly lead people into the Moro realm, and take control of this world. In your own hands. However, in the original battle, he was also not badly injured. Even if he can slaughter the powerful Luo Luojie strong, but want to not stay in the future, I am afraid it is a little bit worse.

The six-star master has no trace. This man was also a superpower of that level at the beginning, but after that war, his cultivation was pulled down from the altar, making him a first-class figure in the realm of law and government. Until now, he didn't know how to restore his strength.

As far as the strength of these two people is concerned, as long as they bring the super masters of the French Realm, today the Moro Realm will definitely not have the slightest power to fight back.

Of course, the prerequisite is that today's Mo Luo world does not exceed the existence of the cave heaven level. Unfortunately, in this case, the Star Palace has not been able to figure it out, so he has not hurriedly ran to the troubled world. If the Star Palace can determine that the Moro Realm has no superpowers now, I am afraid that it will have been directly and violently killed, and the entire Moro Realm has been flattened.

If the Star Palace is going to start a war, it will not be ready in a short while. The Moro Realm has at least eighteen major domain masters. In other words, the actions of the French Realm must be at the same level The strongest is the vanguard, and the number must be above eighteen.

The masters of the thirty-six mansions in the French Realm have all reached the standards, but if they want to bring these people together and take them to the Moro Realm, then someone must follow.

The celestial palace controls the legal realm, which is not done in a very glorious way. In this regard, the strong in the legal realm are not fools, of course, they know a little or two. Tianxing Palace usually restrains them, but if they are allowed to run to the Moro Realm, they will certainly not run all stupidly.

Therefore, this time taking people to the Mo Luo world, just to prepare a large army, Samsung Master Ao will be preparing for a while.

The super war is about to happen. After this war, the Mo Luo world may no longer exist, or it may be that the powerful men in the French realm will come back regardless of what kind of result. After this battle, the Mo Luo world The grudges and the realm of law can almost draw a period.

The French phase began to make careful preparations. Maybe one day, the army would start and land directly on the Mora. However, for all of this, no one in the Mo Luo world knows anything about it, and naturally, this includes Yuan Feng, who is madly on his way.

The unimpeded rush to the road was really happy for Yuan Feng, but when he left the Mochi Realm far away, he stopped his rush and released Chu Tianyu.

After leaving a long distance from Capricorn Realm, Yuan Feng knew that there would be no means for those in Capricorn Realm in the next journey. After all, no matter how long the arms of Capricorn Realm could be, Reached to someone else's site.

The next journey, Yuan Feng was directly handed over to Chu Tianyu. Compared to his strength that is comparable to that of Dongtianjing Triple Sky, Chu Tianyu's Dongtianjing Five Sky is undoubtedly much stronger.

Dongtianjing's Five Heavy Heavens is a situation where the strength of Dongtianjing has changed significantly. Yuan Feng knew in his heart that if he only talks about strength, he is afraid that Chu Tianyu will fall a few streets away.

It is the same across a realm. Yuan Feng may take several days or even ten and a half months, but for Chu Tianyu, it may be enough in three or two days. This is the gap, the most obvious one.

Yuan Feng this time is not as cumbersome as when he was on his way with the Blood Demon ancestors. For Blood Demon ancestors and others, although he has controlled them, he is still not assured to enter their cave world. But Chu Tianyu is not the same. As a brother who died together, he naturally entered Chu Tianyu's cave world without any hesitation.

With Chu Tianyu responsible for hurrying, Yuan Feng can safely consider the next action in the other party ’s cave world. Even if he can't think of a good way, he can at least always communicate with the side of Kurong Snow and control the other side. Every trace of change.

Chu Tianyu's speed is extremely fast. Ten days later, his figure has stopped on a deserted ruin, and this ruin is an uninhabited area very close to Kurong Snow, and Kurong Snow There is almost a distance around the realm, and such a distance has obviously reached the safe distance that Chu Tianyu can catch the road.

"Brother Yuan Feng, it depends on you next time. There are countless strong men on the dry snowy field at this moment. Brother Yuan Feng must think carefully and then take action."

The right to leave was handed over to Yuan Feng again, and Chu Tianyu had the opportunity to take a few breaths and recover his strength.

"Leave it to me, Brother Tianyu may return to my Dongtian world for a while and rest. People are dazzled at this moment, so do n’t let them find it better."

When it comes to strength and speed, Chu Tianyu is stronger than him too much, but when it comes to the eye-catching degree of the goal, Chu Tianyu is much more eye-catching than him. The next journey is still completed by him, an ordinary annihilation quintet. I believe those strong men will never find him as a small character.

"Brother Yuan Feng, be careful!" Nodded towards Yuan Feng, Chu Tianyu honestly returned to Yuan Feng's cave world. However, Yuan Feng did not sever the other party from the outside world. At least, the other party could still pass through His body watched everything in the outside world.

"According to the positioning of the blood curse, the distance from me to the target location is almost more than a realm. In order to ensure security, I am afraid that I cannot continue to move, I just hope that there can be some good The hiding place allows me to hide up close and find opportunities to join in at any time. "

The solution can be thought slowly. Right now, he is about to reach the target position. After reaching the target position, no matter what method he uses, he must find an opportunity to approach the Tianlian Magic Palace and enter it.

He had long been full of endless longing for the **** crystal that Shao Yang was protecting at the beginning. Although he did n’t know if that thing was really in the heaven refining magic palace or even if it was useful to him, at least He must not miss such an opportunity.

As his body flickered, Yuan Feng communicated with several guardians at the target location while approaching the central area of ​​the dry snowy area. Looking at it, the light in front of it became more and more abundant. Obviously, Tianlian Magic Palace, Already not far from him.

Next, it depends on his ability to create and seize opportunities. Whether he can enter the Tianlian Demon Palace and get the treasures in it will soon be known.

ps: It's too late to come back, and it's so tiring. I spread the book to sleep, and my eyes have been slit! !! !!

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