The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1016: Dead end? (Two more)

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In the void, the three figures moved quickly, and their frequencies were similar. Each move was almost a few tens of miles away, and it seemed that they were worried about making too much movement. When the three were moving, , The range of action is relatively small, and the whole body's breath is also restrained, which can be described as extremely careful.

Needless to say, these three people who hurried on the road are naturally the three defenders of the Black Imprisonment, the Yexin Protector, and the Purple Ye Protector.

"Brother Ziye, are you sure you didn't fight the grass and scare the snake and scare the old guy away?"

As he marched towards his destination, Hei Qinghuo still asked a little uneasily. Since Zi Ye Hu Fa felt the existence of the other party, he was really worried that the other party also felt Zi Ye's investigation, and then fled again.

"Rest assured, when I was investigating before, I just felt his energy fluctuations and breath, but then I glanced directly at him, and he should not have noticed. Moreover, my mind is still around now It is spreading that if he moves, he cannot escape my perception. "

The Purple Night Guardian is very determined. At this moment, all the law-protecting strongmen in the magic penalty domain are looking for the Blood Demon ancestors in sections, and there is no one who orders. Therefore, the goal he found must be blood. Demon ancestors are undoubted.

You must know that in a realm, there will never be a cave-dweller who does not belong to this realm. Just like the blood lord, he can build forces at the intersection of the two realms, but he Never go to the domain of a certain domain owner to find excitement. This is the unwritten rule of the magic world.

"Boss Heiqing, brother Ziye, no matter what, the two have to help the brothers to kill this **** ancestor, otherwise, Ben Lei will definitely punish me severely."

Ye Xin's protection method is the most anxious one. Other people beheaded the Blood Demon ancestors or not, they were all going for rewards. Even if they couldn't kill them, at most they just ran for nothing. But his night is different. If he can't kill the Blood Demon ancestor, then the white wolf protection law will fall, he will bear most of the responsibility.

"Brother Ye Xin, rest assured, this seat shot himself, can he still run away? Unless he tears the space into the chaos of time and space, otherwise, this time will definitely make him unable to escape."

Hei Qing protects himself with confidence, as if the Blood Demon ancestor is already his prey, and he has no time to run.

"Thank you both." Gratefully thanked the two of them, Ye Xin protects the law and knows in the end, if he can finally destroy the Blood Demon ancestor, I am afraid he has to work hard. As for these two guys, if you see the situation Unfortunately, it is certain that he will withdraw the first time, just as before he and the white wolf protector, when the white wolf defender is in danger, he escapes the first time.

The three were extremely fast, and they were all very close to the territory of the White Wolf's law-protection. It was almost moved for an hour or so. The body of the three people came to the periphery of the white-wolf's law protection. , Purple Night Protection Law is to signal the two to stop and no longer move space.

"Two people, you can't move any more. The distance here is already very close. If you move again, I'm afraid it may be perceived by the other party. Then you will scare away the prey, then it will be bad!"

Zi Ye Hu Fa thought quite thoughtfully. When he wanted to come, since the other party hadn't found them yet, they could have made a surprise attack and hit the other party by surprise.

"Okay, everyone tries to converge as much as possible, and when it is surrounded by the **** ancestor, it is not too late to show our prestige."

Hei Qinghuo nodded in agreement, the excitement in his eyes grew stronger. Looking at each other, the three people no longer moved the space, but moved closer to the target by flying.

The speed of flight is undoubtedly much slower than the movement of space. However, at least this will not cause too much space fluctuations and will not cause surprises.

As time goes by, the three of them will fly for half a day, and they are really careful to the extreme. It can be seen that in order to be able to kill the Blood Demon ancestors, they really did everything they could do. It would be a pity if they failed again.

After half a day of flying, the three finally arrived at the edge of the White Wolf's law-enforcement territory. In the distance, a barren canyon appeared in front of them.

"Boss Heiqing, Boss Yexin, this is the canyon. I used to feel the breath of the strong cave gods in this canyon's position. If there is nothing wrong, the Blood Devil ancestor should be somewhere here. The hideout is hiding. "

At the current position, the three of them have nothing to hide. Looking at it, the entire Grand Canyon is within their sight. It is just a matter of thinking where they want to reach.

"The two of you go up first, and I hide in the dark. At that time, the two of you will temporarily attract his attention and let me do a fatal blow."

Heiqing Protector is the strongest one among the three, and also the most experienced one. Although he said with a voice that he wanted to kill the **** ancestors, he knew very well that it would not be easy to kill a caveman who was strong in the heavens. It would be really difficult if he did not pay attention to some strategies. achieve.

"Okay, boss Heiqing seizes the opportunity and fights for a hit."

The two have absolutely no opinion on the proposal of Heiqing Protection Law. They also understand the reason. Obviously, this arrangement of Hei Qing protects the law is definitely the most reasonable arrangement.

Discussed the strategy, Ye Xin protector and Zi Ye protector flew directly into the canyon, while the black engine protector was shocked, a black mist appeared on the body, and he was His body slowly hides.

In the area of ​​devil, he is definitely at the forefront in terms of hiding ability. His surprise attack is also his skill. This time, if the three of them can cooperate well, there is no blood ancestor, absolutely not. impossible things.

The Yexin Protector and the Purple Night Protector entered the range of the gorge, but almost came to the depths of the gorge. The eyes of the two people noticed a dark hole.

"it's here!!"

When they saw the dark hole, the two looked at each other subconsciously, and the eyes of each of them were full of joy.

Although we haven't seen anyone yet, the faint aura that can escape from this dark hole is enough to explain what kind of existence there is.

The strong man in Dongtian Realm, even if he does not release momentum and does not radiate energy, the kind of aura dedicated to the strong Dongdong Realm cannot be concealed at all. This kind of aura is difficult to perceive by heart, but when it comes to the near future, it has nothing to hide.

Their eyes narrowed slightly, and the two nodded to each other. Then, their minds went into the cave together to verify their guess.


The two overbearing minds almost overlapped together, as if a mental storm had formed. They swept away directly into the cave, and such a shock of shock was enough to make a person of the same level caught by surprise catch a pot Already.

"Ah, who is it !!!"

The violent mental storm stormed into the cave, and then, an angry roar came from the cave, and as the roar rang, a slightly embarrassed figure appeared as if he had taken gunpowder and slammed from the cave. Out of the middle, the talking room came to the cave entrance and stood still.


Waiting until the wolf howl appeared at the entrance of the cave, the purple night protection method and the night Xin protection method had been preparing for a long time, and the figure of the wolf howl was sandwiched directly.

"Hahaha, Blood Demon Patriarch, let's meet again !!!"

The wild laughter spread from Ye Xin's mouth protection. When he saw the Blood Demon ancestor again, the happiest one would be him, especially he also found that the Blood Demon ancestor at this moment seemed to be hurt. Obviously not the state at the peak, which made him even more delighted.

"Ye Xin protects the law? How did you find me?"

Before the cave entrance, the Bloody Demon ancestor suddenly exuded an overbearing breath, as if to scare the other two. However, his performance in the eyes of the purple night protection law and night Xin protection law, obviously is the performance of external strength and dry.

"Hahaha, Blood Demon ancestor, do you think you can really escape this calamity? Don't be delusional!" Seeing the horrified expression of Blood Demon ancestor, Ye Xin could not help but laugh a long time, killing in his eyes , But it is unabashed.


The Gorefiend ancestor was obviously a little panicked and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Well, is this the Blood Demon ancestor? It seems that although you killed the White Wolf to protect the law, you paid a small price!"

Opposite Ye Xin Hu Fa, Zi Ye Hu Fa also said with a smile at this time. He could also see that the Bloodlord's ancestor was obviously injured, and it was still not bad. I have to say that in this case, God is helping them.

"Well, who is your Excellency?"

Turning his head, the ancestor of the blood demon glanced at the purple night protection method, said in a cold tone.

"Listen well, this seat is the Purple Night Guardian under the Lord of the Punishment Realm. You can die in the hands of this seat. Your life is worth it." Said, "Ye Xin protects the law, let's kill this guy together."

When the words fell, he just took out his own spirit sword and went straight to the Blood Demon ancestor and cut it down.

"Okay, you and me together, kill this old guy together."

Ye Xin protects the law and has nothing to say. He takes out his spear while talking, and greets the Blood Demon ancestor together with Zi Ye protects the law.

"My father, I'm afraid you won't succeed? Go to die !!"

The Gorefiend ancestor was also crazy. Seeing the two men coming, his sword trembled in his hand, and he was one enemy and two, fighting with the other two.

ps: Anxious for support of a few flowers, thanks! !! !! !!

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