The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1015: Hook (one more)

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Since the protection of the White Wolf fell in the hands of the Blood Demon ancestors, the masters in the magic penalty domain have never stopped searching for the other party in the entire magic penalty domain.

No one dares to execute the order of Ben Lei's law. Moreover, Ben Lei's law has promised that as long as it can find the **** ancestor and kill it, it will be rewarded. Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave husband, and the reward of Ben Lei's protection of law, most people can not resist the temptation.

Time has passed for more than half a month, and the masters of the magic penalty domain are still struggling to find, because they believe that the **** ancestors at this time have definitely not left the scope of the magic penalty domain. After all, the magic penalty domain At the moment, the border area of ​​the area has been blocked by the strongmen in the magic penalty zone. Even if a fly flies out of the magic penalty zone alone, it will be immediately detected by the strong men in the periphery.

The scope of the entire magic penalty domain is too large. Except for the strong domain masters who can cover the entire domain with their hearts, any law-protecting strong can only be fragmented to each area. Sweep.

There were originally 22 law-enforcement strong men in the magic penalty area, but due to the fall of the law protection of the white wolf, only 21 are left. These 21 people, except for the eight law-enforcement laws in the outer area, are in the border area. The remaining dozen people searched for the whereabouts of the Blood Demon ancestors inside the devil's punishment area, and everyone worked very hard.

The Gorefiend ancestors are not weak, and all the law-enforced strong ones in the Devil Realm know that even if they find the Gorefiend ancestors, if they rely on their own power, it is absolutely impossible to kill them, so now Each of the major law-enforcement methods has gathered with their better-level law-enforcement powerhouses and searched for the trace of the Blood Demon ancestor.

This is a void above the devil's domain. At this moment, in this void, three men are gathered together, releasing their minds over and over again, searching everywhere.

"Where did this blood-devil ancestor go? All of our law-protecting powerhouses shot as many times as we could, but he hasn't found his trace for half a month. Has this guy escaped from the devil's domain? ? "

Among the three, a middle-aged man shrouded in a thin black mist seemed to be impatient. While releasing his mind to explore everywhere, he mumbled casually.

"That is, it's been more than half a month, and there is still no news at all. For me to see, this guy is just scared to tear up the space and directly enters the chaos of time and space, or else He has quietly escaped from the slayer. "

When the middle-aged man's voice fell, a young man with a strange look on the side immediately took over.

"No, the Blood Demon ancestor is afraid of dying very much, and will definitely not tear the space into the chaos of time and space. As for escaping from the devil's domain, it should not be, after all, the eight major defense methods on the periphery received Ben Lei. The command of the adult is absolutely afraid to let go of the slightest slack, and to let go of the Blood Demon ancestor. "

Listening to the discussion between the two, the last of the three shook his head, but it was very authentic. If Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestor were present, it would be discovered that the last person to speak was not someone else, it was the Ye Xin protection method that had previously played against the Blood Demon ancestor.

Although Yexin Hufa and the Blood Demon ancestors only met briefly, he could feel that the Blood Demon ancestor was definitely an extremely calm and fearful person. To say that the other party's tearing space has entered the chaos of time and space is not very likely.

What is time and space chaos? That is the most dangerous part hidden in the depths of the space. Even the domain masters are definitely not afraid to descend on them, and those below the domain master level have no return or death. Unless it is time to die, no one will spend so much energy tearing the space and entering the chaos of time and space.

"Ye Xin, can you tell us the truth, but the Blood Demon ancestor really only has the realm of the cave heaven and the triple sky?"

Hearing Ye Xin's explanation, both of them frowned. The middle-aged man was a little hesitant, but he was a little uneasy and authentic.

"The boss of Hei Qing is right. Ye Xin protects the law. The relationship between the three of us need not be said much. You have to tell the two of us the truth. You must be hurt because you miscalculated the opponent. "

The strange young man also chimed in at this moment and asked Ye Xin Hu Fa.

"Brother Hei Qing, brother Ye Ye, even if Ye Xin lied to anyone, I couldn't lie to you both?" After hearing the questions from the two, Ye Xin Hu Fa shook his head and continued, "Before I and The White Wolf Guardian played against the Blood Demon ancestor, and the opponent did show the power of the cave heaven triple sky, and it was absolutely not hidden. "

The breath of Dongtian Jingqiang is relatively obvious, and it is not difficult to hide it. Moreover, the blood demon ancestor does not need to hide. After all, if the other party has a cultivation practice beyond the triple heaven of Dongtianjing, it will not be he and Bai. The Wolf Guardian * is so embarrassed.

"So, this blood-devil ancestor really has some ways. The white wolf is very good at defending the law. He was resolved so quickly. If it is really discovered by the three of us, we must be careful to prevent it. . "

The man named Heiqing Protector nodded his head, apparently having a little fear of the Blood Demon ancestor. In any case, a character who can kill a triple heavenly man in Dongtianjing must not be taken lightly.

"Hehehe, the boss of Hei Qing should not be humble, no matter how strong the blood monster ancestor is, it's nothing more than Dongtianjing Triple Sky. Brother Yexin and I have paid more attention and can be justified. If the character of the heavens finds the Blood Demon ancestor, he will certainly be able to destroy him easily. "

The Purple Night Guardian is the shortest of the three years of practice. Usually he refers to the Hei Qing Guardian and the Yexin Guardian by the name of his brother. It is much more casual than the two.

"Of course, this seat is not afraid of any Gorefiend ancestors. Unless he is not found by this seat, this seat will definitely kill him and take revenge for the White Wolf."

His chin was slightly raised, and He Qingju's face couldn't help flashing a proud look. He is the strongest of the four heavens of Dongtianjing. Naturally he is not afraid of a **** ancestor of the third heaven of Dongtianjing. Besides, there are two people from the third heaven of Dongtianjing to help.

"Well, keep looking. The other three groups are very hard, and our group cannot be dropped. If we can find the Blood Demon ancestor and kill it, it will also be a good one for the Ben Lei Protector. reputation."

He waved his hand, and Hei Qing's protection method signaled that the two should not continue to be distracted, and he even took the lead to find it.

Leaving aside the rewards mentioned in Ben Lei's Law, they can earn a fortune by simply capturing the Bloodlord. For the strength of the three of them, the possibility of killing the other person in the Dongtianjing Triple Sky is no small.

In the time of speaking, the three did not continue talking, and three huge hearts swept at the surroundings again.

The sweeping of the minds of these three people can be said to be a carpet-like sweep. As long as there is any fluctuation in the force of space, they will feel it for the first time. Unless the Blood Demon ancestors are not in the area they are cleaning, otherwise, even if the Blood Demon ancestors are in hiding, sooner or later they will be taken out by them.

Another round of mental sweep began, but this sweep took almost no time, and it was immediately with gratifying results.

"There is a situation !!!"

Almost half a minute after the trio had just started sweeping, Ziye Hufa suddenly whispered, his face was full of excitement.

"Brother Ziye, but what did you find?"

Hearing the exclaimed purple night protection method, the black engine protection method and the night protection method were a little stunned, but then they became excited, especially the night protection method. The work has been made up, so unless it is their group that finds the Blood Demon ancestor, even if other protection methods find the Blood Demon ancestor, he will be punished by Ben Lei Protection.

"Boss Heiqing, Brother Yexin, I found him, I found him, hahahaha !!!"

With a big wave of the purple night guardian's hand, it was obvious that a lot of laughter was heard.

"Where? Where's the old guy? And, Ziye, the brother, has a fight against the grass?"

Hei Qing Hu Fa also showed an excited smile at this moment. As long as he found the target, it was a good thing for them. He believed that under his hands, the **** ancestors would definitely not escape.

"To the northeast, just outside the territory of the White Wolf Law Protectorate, there was definitely a trace of spatial fluctuations. Although I was very careful, I still couldn't escape this seat's perception."

Zi Ye protects his chin slightly, and expresses a triumphant expression. He had just swept through a barren land with his mind, but was keenly aware of the energy fluctuations of a person in the cave of heaven, and the other side was obviously hiding, and it must be the blood ancestor.

"Okay, this old guy is finally exposed. Brother Ziye leads the way. Let's have a quick battle between the three, and destroy this old devil."

The three were a little excited, but at this moment, they didn't want to, they were flying under the direction of the purple night protection method and heading straight for the target position ...

At the same time, in a deep cave, the Blood Demon ancestor was sitting cross-legged in the cave, and there was a flash of strangeness in his eyes.

"Young Master, according to Young Master's meaning, his subordinates have exposed their positions. Next, this subordinate's life, all of them can count on Young Master!"

Mindful, the blood ancestor at this moment is undoubtedly still a little scared.

"Hey, old blood, rest assured, I'll be there to protect you."

When the words of the Blood Demon ancestors fell, a chuckle slowly passed into the ears of the Blood Demon ancestors, and the whole cave was cleaned up, and there was no sound anymore.

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