The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1017: Will count (three more)

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In the hearts of the three major law-enforcement methods of the Devil Realm, they spent more than half a month and spent great effort, and finally found the Blood Demon ancestors. Therefore, for the discovery of the Blood Demon ancestors, they did not Without any doubt.

The situation of the Blood Demon ancestor was there. It was obviously injured while dealing with the protection of the White Wolf. His injury also explained the reason why he exposed himself before.

A person who is seriously injured must find a way to manage the injury, and it is quite normal to divulge the breath when adjusting the injury.

In addition, when seeing the wounded ancestor of the blood demon, whether it is Yexin protector or purple night protector, it is already a kind of feeling that the other party is determined. You know, they were originally prepared to kill an intact cavernite triple sky man, but now they have been replaced by a seriously injured cavernite triple sky man. Such a good thing is too late to be happy Where can I think about this, think about that?

It's also a two-to-one situation. The single party is still the bloodlord, but the party of two people has changed one.

The strength of the Purple Night Guardian is comparable to the previous White Wolf Guardian, but because this time the Blood Demon ancestor was fighting with injuries, at the beginning of the battle, the Blood Demon ancestor was completely at a disadvantage, and Ye Xin The law-protection and the purple-night law-defense are almost like playing with the Blood Demon ancestors, playing each other round and round.

"There is no reason, there is no reason, Zi Ye, Ye Xin, don't you two feel ashamed to unite against an injured person? There is a kind of one by one, seeing my ancestors, I won't beat you all to find teeth."

While fighting, the Blood Demon ancestor's mouth was clamoring for a moment, and the content of the clamor was nothing more than two people hitting him, which was simply invincible.

"Hahaha, Blood Demon ancestor, you have been in the Mo Luo world for so many years, and you can be considered an old man. You never thought it would be so naive! Shame? Unfair? Where can there be fairness in the Mo Luo world?"

"Hehehehe, that is, the Blood Demon ancestor, I ca n’t see it this way, you just grab it. We two will take you to see the Thunder Protector, maybe we can still save you a life!"

The laughter of Ye Xin's protection method just fell, and the purple night's protection method also laughed from the side, and threw a temptation to the blood demon protection method.

"Well, why do I believe you, my ancestor? If I choose to surrender, then you will catch me to invite me for the reward, and finally my life is not guaranteed, can you afford it?"

While resisting the two's attack with difficulty, the Blood Demon ancestors fought with the two. However, when Ziye Hufa talked about surrender, his tone was obviously relieved a lot, and it seemed to be a bit emotional.


The subtle changes in the tone of the blood demon ancestors were naturally noticed by the purple night protectors for the first time, and they felt the changes in the other's tone. The two eyes flashed a bright color in their eyes, the strength of their hands, It is also subconsciously smaller.

"Blood Demon ancestor, you were beheaded and killed by the White Wolf. That only shows that he is not as good as humans. It also shows that the Blood Demon ancestor is much better than him. He Yexin protects the law and will be very willing to be the referee. I believe that even if Ben Lei protects the law, he will welcome the **** ancestors to join. "

Zi Ye Hu Fa's brain quickly turned. When he felt that the Blood Demon ancestor really had the idea of ​​joining the Devil Realm, he just opened his mouth and said what seemed to be in order.

"Yes, yes, the Blood Demon ancestor, the White Wolf Guardian is dead, and his site must take over by himself. This seat can guarantee that as long as you are willing to join the magic penalty domain, the domain of the White Wolf Guardian will be yours in the future. "

"That's it. Moreover, the Blood Demon ancestor already has the Blood Demon Palace in hand. Then you will move your Blood Demon Palace to the territory of the White Wolf Guardian. To protect the law, the Blood Demon ancestor is the strongest one. At that time, there is also a master of the domain to support you. Such a good thing is simply a good thing that there is nowhere to look for a lantern. "

The two major guardians sang a harmony, as long as they could think of the benefits, almost all of them were reported out, impacting the nerves of the blood demon ancestor. I have to say that if it is just to listen to these reasons, it is really a cost-effective thing to surrender the devil domain owner.

"You and the two of you don't lie to me, my ancestor I hate most is deception."

The tone of Gorefiend's ancestors has become completely different, and even a stupid person can hear it. At this moment, he is obviously really interested.

"Of course not. Do the Blood Demon ancestors think we need to lie to you? You know, we are two-on-one now, strong and weak, and the Blood Demon ancestors should know it."

"Also, the Blood Demon ancestors should understand that the White Wolf Guardian was beheaded. If the Blood Demon ancestors really escaped in this way, then it would completely offend the Lord of the Devil Realm and offend the Lord of the Realm. I don't know who can protect you. "

Zi Ye Hu Fa saw blood for a while, but she directly talked about the idea. And when his last sentence came down, the blood ancestor's breath was obviously slightly stagnant, obviously also thinking of that terrible consequence.

His performance is not pretended. According to normal circumstances, it offends one of the domain masters, so it is really difficult to have a foothold in the entire devil domain.

Wei Jiali was tempted. In just a few minutes, the two major protection methods are like incarnation lobbyists. They can say everything they can, and wait until their last words are spoken out. , The whole body has completely lost the will to fight.

"No more, the two still stop, after they are willing to surrender to the Lord of the Punishment Domain and saddle the horse before the Lord of the Punishment Domain, then say no more." It was like making a big determination, the Blood Demon ancestor suddenly sighed, facing The two major guardians chanted.

"Hahaha, okay, Ye Xin protects the law, let's stop !!"

When the blood ancestor's voice dropped, Zi Ye Hu Fa made a long laugh and shouted at Ye Xin Hu Fa while holding his sword behind him, standing there silently, and stopping the attack.


Ye Xin Hu Fa also stopped the spear in his hands during the talk, stood on the other side of Zi Ye Hu Fa, sandwiched the blood ancestor ancestor, and his face was filled with a smile.

"Okay, the person who knows current affairs is Junjie. The ancestor of the Blood Devil is indeed the old river and lake. It is really admirable to judge the situation."

Picking at the corner of the mouth, Ye Xin protects the law as if he has never had a festival with the Blood Demon ancestor, and his tone is full of sincerity.

"Don't say these scenes, two people, I have now agreed to surrender, what should I do next? Will the two of them go to see your little head?"

The Gorefiend ancestor seemed to slowly let go of his worries, and while running his Qi-regulating body, he asked the two guardians with a little question.

"This is not anxious. Since the Gorefiend ancestor is already his own, then let's adjust his breath for a while. Don't let the Gorefiend patriarch leave a dark illness because of us."

The turning of the two major protection methods is faster than flipping through the books, and they have to fight to die and live, and now they have become their own, and they also thoughtfully allowed the Blood Demon ancestor to adjust their breath on the spot. Can make anyone look stunned.

"Thank you both. In this case, please also take advantage of me, my ancestor, I will adjust my breath slightly."

He nodded gratefully to the two, apparently the Blood Demon ancestor completely believed the two, and regarded them as their own. When the words fell, he gave up all resistance, and even put away the spirit sword in his hand. In this scene, the two main law-protecting methods on both sides have a bright look, and a peculiar color under the eyes.

"Oh, although the **** ancestor adjusted his breath, there are two of me here. No one can disturb you." Zi Ye Hu Fa smiled slightly, but his smile this time was obviously mixed with some The same thing.

"Thank you !!!"

Thanks again, the Blood Demon ancestor landed on the ground, and then sat down cross-legged, and started to adjust his breath without any warning.


Seeing that the Blood Demon ancestors didn't even have a little alert, they sat directly there to adjust their breath. Ye Xin and Fa Ye Zi looked at each other, but they all felt speechless.

They also didn't expect that the Blood Devil ancestors were really convinced by them. But if you think about it, which of these words they say is not really good for the Bloodlord? If the roles are swapped, they believe they should be the same choice!

Smiling at each other, the two landed on the ground with the Blood Demon ancestors, standing at a distance of about 100 meters from each other, and the light in the eyes was swept towards the space above the Blood Demon ancestors.

Frankly speaking, it is definitely the best choice for the Devil Realm to let the Blood Demon ancestor submit to the Devil Realm owner. However, this situation is not good for them at all, so the beautiful scenes they planned for the Blood Demon ancestors can only be dreamy.

"Bloodlord, afraid to say goodbye!"

The eyes of the two guardians glanced over the head of the Blood Demon ancestor, and the eyes looked forward to the expectations.

A black engine protection shot, this time the blood ancestor ancestors will undoubtedly die.


Did not let the two wait for a long time, when the Blood Demon ancestors completely relaxed their vigilance and entered the state of breath adjustment, a dark sword light, like a sickle of death, went straight to the Blood Demon ancestors. Cut off your head.

This is a sword that must be killed. Under this sword, if the Blood Demon ancestor really looks like the state in front of him, there must be only a dead end.

However, when this slaying sword appeared, the blood-devil ancestor, who had completely relaxed his vigilance, looked like he had a third eye, and suddenly raised his head. At the same time, in Around his body, a thick mist of blood instantly centered on him, engulfing the two major protection methods not far away, and the Jianguang above.

"not good!!!"

When the blood mist appeared, three exclamations rang out at the same time, but even this time it was too late. The endless blood sea of ​​the Blood Demon ancestors, although not lethal, was in this blood sea. Both mind and vision failed, as if they were suddenly in the dark, and they were astonished in a moment.

"Don't panic, this blood is not lethal, everyone listens to me ..."

Ye Xin's protection method was taught by the blood ancestor ancestor, so after a little surprise, he immediately returned to God and wanted to explain the other two.

It is a pity that the endless blood sea of ​​the Blood Demon ancestor is nothing more than an obstacle to the eyes. The real killing is obviously behind.

"Om !!!"

Ye Xin's words haven't been finished yet, and the space of tens of miles is suddenly trembling slightly. Then, whether it is the ancestor of the blood demon who casts the endless blood sea, or the three major protections in the sea of ​​blood, One after another appeared in a special world, completely lost contact with the outside world.

ps: Four hundred flowers are here, brothers and sisters! !! !!

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