The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1014: Everything is ready (four more)

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Dantian has transformed into a world of sky and space, and at the same time mastered space skills. This is undoubtedly a world-changing change for Yuan Feng. Dong Tianjing Triple Sky's infuriating foundation, supplemented by space means, now he can be said to be a annihilation quintet and also a Dong Tianjing triple occupant.

Moreover, due to the existence of the Seven Mysterious Caves, his breath is still only the breath of those who annihilated the realm. In this way, even if the strong Dongtianjing sees him, he will not be treated as a master of the same level. Undoubtedly, this is definitely an overwhelming absolute advantage in hitting opponents.

After controlling the space skills, Yuan Feng did not continue to hide in the underground space, because at this moment, he no longer needed to continue hiding.

The strength of Dongtianjing Triple Sky doesn't seem to be very high when it comes to speaking, however, it also depends on who this kind of power is. An ordinary person in Dongtianjing Triple Sky is not a concept compared to a person in Dongtianjing Triple Sky who uses various tyrannical means.

"Controlling space technology is really different. Now I am truly a superpower!"

Coming out of the underground world, Yuan Feng left the hiding place directly, came to the market in the magic penalty realm, and reappeared in the space of the Mo Luo world. He felt that everything around him seemed to be exceptionally clear, Unusually kind.

In his eyes, the world seems to become an ocean, and he has become a swimming fish. Now, if he wants to swim in this ocean, he can swim freely. No one can control it. he.

At this moment, he really has the urge to release himself and let himself move in this world.

Of course, this impulse must be suppressed for the time being. Anyway, at this moment, he is still on the territory of others, and in all likelihood, this man in the devil domain should be looking for his whereabouts and the Blood Demon ancestor. In that case, it was simply pushing himself into the fire pit.

Although he is in control of space technology, he is already fearless, but he has two fists and four opponents. He can not stand many people. If it really attracts a large number of strong people in the devil domain, even the devil If the domain owner of the domain, then even if he has space means, I am afraid it is difficult to have good fruit to eat.

"Good turbulent space, it seems that the cavemen of the magical realm are really looking for me and the **** old man everywhere!"

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng directly released his mind into the space and felt the overall situation of the space world in the domain of magic penalty. And in his current state, it is easy to feel the active space power in the space. Obviously, the power of these spaces is definitely left after the activities of Dongtian Jingqiang.

"Om !!!"

In the time between speeches, Yuan Feng suddenly felt that a very large mind swept over him, and then continued to sweep away.

"Well? The heart of Dongtianjing is fiercely probed? Good guy, this is really moving."

Feeling the inquisitiveness glanced from his own body, Yuan Feng could not help but squint his eyes and subconsciously converged his strength.

Judging from the situation at hand, I am afraid that the strong men in the entire devil domain have begun to move, looking for him and the blood demon ancestor. Of course, the biggest goal should be the blood demon ancestor. After all, that night's hard protection No matter how you think about it, you shouldn't put your target on him, the annihilated person.

"From the intensity of this mind-searching, this person's cultivation should be between the triple heaven and the fourth heaven of Dongtianjing, which is not a threat to me."

After a while, Yuan Feng could feel that the master of the mind that was just now will not be stronger than him, so there is nothing to worry about.

"The beams with this devil domain have been forged. If these guys are left unchecked, it will be a trouble in the future. In this case, take a little thought and resolve this trouble."

His eyes narrowed for a moment, he didn't have any worry at this moment, but had a eager feeling.

The background of the magic penalty area is not necessarily weak, but even the strongest background, he is now not afraid of it. Anyway, it has reached the point of endless death. In this case, it is better to take the initiative in your own hands and fight with these guys in the magic penalty area.

When he first came to the Mo Luo world, he just wanted to establish a foothold in this world, and then found an opportunity to get back Chu Tianyu. However, after getting the blood curse, his mind has changed. Nowadays, his strength has reached the strength of the Dongtianjing strong, so there seems to be nothing that I can't think of.

The ancestors of the **** demon have the heart to dominate the magic, not to mention a character like him!

France Xiangjie wants to destroy the Mo Luo world. He should be worried that the Mo Luo world will be a disaster to the Quartet. However, if he can give orders and prevent the people of the Mo Luo world from acting wildly, then there is no need to fight you.

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng simply calculated it, and then he hurriedly walked out of the downtown area.

Along the way, Yuan Feng felt that there were no less than three mental investigations, each of which could be described as everything, with almost no dead ends. Imagine that if the Blood Demon ancestor was outside now, these mental investigations, Inevitably, it can be swept up immediately, and then surrounded directly.

"Dear guy, there are enough powerful men in this area of ​​magical punishment. The following mentality, I am afraid that they must be in the cave heaven for more than four or five days, even if they meet one-on-one, fear It's enough for me to drink a pot, and if it is surrounded by a group of strong men, it will be even more difficult to get out. "

While heading out of the downtown area, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help but amazement. Thanks to his control of space skills, if he doesn't, he would really be very difficult to leave the magical punishment realm.

Obviously, the man in the devil domain has made great efforts to find out the Blood Demon ancestor and him, although he can hide the Blood Demon ancestor in the Dantian space, and then he will drive away by himself. But as soon as he leaves the area of ​​the magical penalty zone and reaches the surrounding uninhabited zone, as long as he shows up, he will be detected by the gods of the magical penalty zone!

Don't even think about it, the strong in the magic penalty domain must have blocked the borderline of the magic penalty domain, and those who appear on the boundary line at this moment are afraid that they will be wiped out by the first time.

After tightening the black cloak fastened to her body, Yuan Feng had to be more careful and serious. Right now, it's not a question of whether or not you can leave the magic penalty domain, but how to solve the big trouble of the magic penalty domain.

The next time, Yuan Feng continued to rush towards the outside, and on this way, the previous several mind explorations appeared almost every once in a while, but the regularity was quite strong.

With the cover of the flow of people, Yuan Feng spent almost half a month, and finally left the territory of the White Wolf Protectorate and came to a confluence area of ​​the two large territories.

During these half months, the several heart-searching never stopped, it was a complete show of the ancestor who couldn't find the Blood Devil. It seems that the people of the Mo Luo world are really more vengeful.

In the middle of a barren mountain stream, Yuan Feng stopped his footsteps, and just as he stopped, the last inquiries of the mind just swept over him without making any stops.

Within the devil realm, there will be people walking around everywhere, like the barren land he came to now, but he is not the only one, so those who explore him will naturally not take him as the target After all, there are too many goals like him.

"The last mind has passed. The next time, I have at least five minutes to arrange. Five minutes should be enough!"

Stopping her figure, Yuan Feng's face could not help but reveal a smile that could not be concealed.

He has calculated the time and frequency of these mental investigations. After this last mental investigation, he will have at least five minutes to worry about new mental investigations, and five minutes is enough for him. Already.

"I'm afraid there will be more guests this time, and the strength will definitely be stronger. Therefore, I must be fully prepared for it!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, he no longer hesitated. Between his hands, countless spar, like a meteor shower, scattered all over the place instantly.

"Brush brush !!!"

A large number of spar projected rapidly in all directions, and realized the beauty of space, and the efficiency of his formation again can be described by the word horror.

Originally, a large array of more than ten miles was arranged. Yuan Feng took about half a quarter of an hour to complete, but after realizing the beauty of space and his own infuriating foundation also reached the triple heaven of the cave heaven, his cloth The array speed is almost twice as fast.

If anyone was watching beside him at this moment, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to see that he was in a battle array.

"go with!!!"

In three minutes, it took only three minutes for Yuan Feng to throw the last spar into the air, and with this last spar shot, a huge mysterious array with a radius of dozens of miles, is It has been fully formed, and only after Yuan Feng inputs his qi into it, can he start this large array.

"Little Eight !!"

After the Xuan array was arranged, Yuan Fengjian shouted Xiao Ba, who would understand, and produced several powerful Warcrafts that were destroyed in the first place.

These five annihilated Warcrafts were produced, and they ran directly towards the cliff not far away, and apart from that, they started to make holes on the cliff.

The few World of Warcrafts that were annihilating five times were almost just a few breaths of work. A three-meter-diameter hole was opened on the cliff. After that, a few guys quickly dived in, less than two minutes. It is the depth of this hole that is no less than a thousand kilometers.

"Very good, everything is ready, now it's up to you for luck!"

A thousand-meter-deep cave was completed, and Yuan Feng asked Xiaoba to take back these Warcrafts, and then he moved his mind and summoned the Blood Demon ancestor from the world of the cave.

ps: Please ask, brothers and sisters, come a little bit of motivation, Xiaoyan will be fully recovered! !! !!

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