The Destiny Villain

Chapter 218 I deliberately scold you, and the ghost appears

"Is this your mentality?"

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐”ฐ๐”ฅ๐”ฒ.๐”ซ๐”ข๐”ฑ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

"Why do you feel that your mentality is more fragile than Xuan Hu's?"

"You are a child of luck after all."

"Can you be a little more aggressive?"

"Don't let any little brat come along and compare you to others?"

On the top of the mountain, Ye Xuan looked at the skyrocketing luck in the golden ball and couldn't help but complain.

"Acquire Xuanhu's wrath, and gain +25 luck on the road"

"Acquire Xuan Hu's hatred, and gain +25 luck in the avenue"

"Acquire Xuan Hu's murderous intention, and gain +25 luck in the avenue"

Ye Xuan: "???"

After Ye Xuan reacted, he lowered his head and forgot to glance at Saint Xuanhu, who was pruning it repeatedly in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I was so excited that I forgot you were listening. I didn't mean to call you a brat. What I meant was that he is a brat just like you."

"Acquire Xuanhu's rage, and gain +25 luck in the avenue"

"Acquire Xuan Hu's hatred, and gain +25 luck in the road"

"Acquire Xuan Hu's murderous intention, and gain +25 luck in the avenue"

Today's Holy Son Xuanhu is like a potted plant in Ye Xuan's hand.

Ye Xuan would take it out and trim it every now and then.

The key is that Ye Xuan finishes pruning him every time.

They will use various elixirs and spiritual liquids to soak Xuanhu.

Holy Son Xuanhu couldn't die even if he wanted to.

He could only be tortured by Ye Xuan continuously.

Become a tool in his hands to repeatedly gain experience.

After pruning Xuanhu again.

Ye Xuan threw Xuan Hu back into the storage equipment again.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so soon, we can have another round of draws."

Just when Ye Xuan was about to click on ten draws in a row.

A mysterious transformation suddenly occurred on the surface of the golden ball where the great luck was constantly condensing.


"Are there any new features?"

Ye Xuan's eyes instantly fell on the newly added interface for claiming rewards in the void.

After a brief understanding.

Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly burst into bursts of ecstasy.

"Is there such a function?"

Since the last upgrade with the Flying Claw, Ye Xuan's golden ball has not had such a new function for a long time.

However, this newly added "Void Reward Claim" interface is obviously different from Flying Claw.

Because it has a rule written in it.

There is a certain chance of winning the mysterious treasure chest.

Although Ye Xuan doesn't know the level of this mysterious treasure box?

But it was obvious that it was definitely higher level than the treasure chests he had drawn before.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is...

"Does a Void Reward draw require 1,000 points of luck?"

If it were in the past, Ye Xuan would definitely not be willing to bear such luxury.

But now, the increase of ten consecutive draws on him has become smaller and smaller.

Instead of consuming 600 points of Grand Luck's Flying Claw.

Might as well give it a try.

Take a chance on the newly opened "Void Reward Claiming" interface.

See what kind of goodies you can draw.

"It just so happens that the speed of collecting Dao Qi has been relatively fast recently."

Without hesitation, Ye Xuan clicked on the newly opened void claim in the golden ball.

Soon, a huge golden vortex emerged.

There is a fishing line at the end of the whirlpool.

Ye Xuan gently pulled towards the fishing line.

The next second, a green treasure box flew out from the whirlpool.

"Emerald Chest???"

Ye Xuangang saw clearly the big characters on the treasure box.

Immediately afterwards, the emerald treasure chest in front of him opened.

"This isโ€ฆโ€ฆ"

When he saw the dark halo emerging from the emerald treasure chest, Ye Xuan was stunned.

"Halo of doom???"

But when Ye Xuan understood clearly the function of this halo of doom.

Ye Xuan's whole body couldn't help but start to tremble with excitement.

Because the function of this doom halo is very simple.

It can even be said to be rude! ! !

"Can you actually restrain the protagonist's aura and make the protagonist's aura temporarily ineffective?"


Why didn't Ye Xuan dare to force his little wife?

Instead, choose the circuitous route of writing a letter?

Isn't it because the aura of the protagonist in The Little Wife is unreasonable?

But now...

After having this halo of doom.

Ye Xuan no longer has to worry about anything.

"Although now, with the relationship between me and my little wife, the halo of misfortune is no longer useful to her, but it is still very useful to other children of luck."

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's eyes immediately locked on Situ Xiang in the distance.

He originally thought about using the invincible card in his hand.

But now.

"With the aura of doom, I wasted an invincible card on Der."

The most terrifying thing about the protagonist.

Itโ€™s the unreasonable protagonistโ€™s aura around them.

Now, Ye Xuan has a halo of doom in his hand that can restrain the protagonist's aura. Ye Xuan can completely rely on his own strength to defeat the protagonist.

"Ma Pi! After enduring this for so long, I finally feel the joy of being a villain."

However, at this moment, Situ Xiang, who was in mid-air, didn't know yet that he had been targeted by the "prey".

He stared down at those old Xuantian Shinto monsters who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth below with an angry look on his face.

"Although I don't know where you are from, but since you have met me today, please give me all your flesh and blood."

As he spoke, Situ Xiang's eyes emitted a strange light.

The huge blood cover began to sweep towards the old monsters of Xuantian Divine Dao.

"Master, are you still watching the show?"

"If you keep watching, we will die!"

"If we die, you will be a commander without troops in the future."

"There will no longer be so many little brothers to do odd jobs for you."

The old monsters of Xuantian Divine Dao shouted one by one.

But their butts did not want to move from the original place at all.


Accompanied by a sigh.

A long robe.

The master of Xuantian Divine Dao, who was full of style, finally appeared.

"The strong always appear at the end, don't you understand?"

"Tsk, it's not like I haven't seen you get beaten before!" The old monsters didn't give him face at all.

"Can you not mention the beating?" The eyes of the Taoist master of Xuantian Divine Dao suddenly became sharp.

"You almost died when you broke through the virtual god."


The Taoist master of Xuantian Divine Dao was speechless.

This feeling of having no secrets in front of acquaintances.

It shattered the prestige he had worked so hard to build.

Coincidentally, the blood light launched by Situ Xiang's blood shield had already approached everyone.

The Taoist master of Xuantian Divine Dao immediately turned his grief and anger into strength.

"Get out of here!"

He just waved his sleeves.

The blood light that was attacking the sky all around.

It was like glass that shattered in an instant.

It turned into powder particles.

It dissipated in all directions.

"How could it be?"

Now, it was Situ Xiang in the air who was shocked.

He used the fierce blood shield condensed by the ghost.

No one below the true god could break it.

"Could it be that the person below is a true god?"

This thought just popped up in Situ Xiang's mind, and then he quickly threw it out of his mind.

"No, it's impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

How could a true god appear in the lower world?

And this "true god" in front of him is very strange.

There is no divine body at all!

A true god without a divine body?

Can it be called a true god?

"I don't care what you are. Today, since you have entered my ghost evil light formation, even if you are a true god, I want your godhead to collapse."

Situ Xiang's voice just fell.

A huge bloody skeleton behind him has risen from the ground along his spine.


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