The Destiny Villain

Chapter 219: Best blood food, white light spot

The skeleton gradually turned into a grimace and kept making "Jie Jie" laughter.

Not long after, it had transformed into a tall and burly ghost statue.

"Just a little blood food?"

The grimace summoned by Situ Xiang was obviously not satisfied.

"A little? Didn't you see that there is a true god opposite?"

"True God???"

After hearing Situ Xiang's words, Gui Sha suddenly glanced at the Xuantian Shinto people with all his eyes full of light.

Soon, his eyes were fixed on Master Xuantian Shinto.

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐“ˆ๐’ฝ๐“Š.๐“ƒโ„ฏ๐“‰, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

"Huh? He doesn't even have a divine body. How can such a thing be called a true god?"

As the light gradually dissipated, what replaced it in Gui Sha's eyes was disdain.

"However, he is indeed different from the servants of gods around him."

Gui Sha clenched his chin and nodded slightly.

Ghost Way was originally a warrior system, a special system that was submerged a long, long time ago.

Situ Xiang, on the other hand, obtained the method of practicing the ghost way by chance.

With the incomplete formula in his hand, he cultivated the legendary ghost.

Not only that, after he was trained as a ghost, he accidentally awakened his own ghost memory.

It was also with the help of Gui Sha that Situ Xiang was able to perfect his ghost technique.

However, the Ghost Dao Kung Fu has been rejected by heaven and earth.

The ghost in his body is even more terrifying and evil.

Therefore, before using this trump card, Situ Xiang had to make some special preparations.

The blood shield above his head was not just to isolate the entire Xuantian Mountain.

It is also to cover up the perception of this world for ghosts.

Avoid the rejection of the laws of heaven and earth.

and punishment.

"Just kill them all. Afterwards, I will find new blood food for you."

Situ Xiang said to Gui Sha with a serious face.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, how about I exchange that ghost body in your body?"

Gui Sha licked his dry lips.

He said with expectation.

"If you want to be a low-grade ghost for the rest of your life, then you can give it a try."

Ghost demons are like true gods.

They were all powerful beings from ancient times.

However, the ghost spirit cultivated in Situ Xiang's body is actually a incomplete body. If he wants to perfect his ghost body, Situ Xiang must continue to deepen and improve his ghost cultivation.

"Ghost practitioners and ghost demons complement each other. Her ghost body can help me practice, and it will naturally help you reach your peak again. You'd better give up this short-term idea of โ€‹โ€‹killing the goose to get the eggs as soon as possible."

"Jie, Jie, Jie, I'm just joking with you. However, if you promise me to find better blood food for me, don't forget it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge ghost above Situ Xiang's head had already rushed towards Master Xuantian Shinto.

Even ghost cultivators cannot drive ghosts endlessly.

Therefore, every time a ghost appears, a large amount of blood food is required.

To make up for the damage done to oneself by the evil spirit.

Obviously, as the virtual god, the master of Xuantian Shinto is the best blood food for Gui Sha at the moment.

"Jie Jie Jie, let me devour your flesh and blood."

Facing the ferocious-looking Gui Sha, who was rushing towards him, Xuantian Shen Dao did not panic, waved his long sleeves gently, and an invisible force of heaven and earth suddenly blocked the Gui Sha.


The blocked ghost was slightly startled.

"This isโ€ฆโ€ฆ"

The power of divinity! ! !

The luster in Gui Sha's eyes suddenly changed.

The blood shield on Situ Xiang's head can isolate heaven and earth.

In this case, no matter what kind of servant you are, or a false god, you cannot mobilize the power of heaven and earth. You can only wait to be slaughtered by ghosts.

Of course, there is one exception.

That is the true God with godhead.

The godhead is originally transformed by the power of heaven and earth that was enlightened when the true god broke through.

It is a power that extends from the outside in.

Can make the true God under any circumstances.

Mobilize the power of heaven and earth at will.

"Jie Jie Jie, Situ Xiang, you really got it right."

"This is a true god without a divine body!!!"

He does not have a divine body, but he possesses a divine personality.

In a certain situation.

It can be regarded as sitting on the threshold of true God.

"Only a godhead, but no body?"

Hearing Gui Sha's words, a look of understanding flashed across Situ Xiang's eyes in mid-air.

Long before, he had sensed that the situation of Master Xuantian Shinto was very strange.

Now, I finally found the reason for this weirdness.

"Jiejiejie, although he doesn't have a divine body, if he has a godhead, he would be a good blood food."

The excited light in Gui Sha's eyes suddenly appeared again.

He is a low-grade ghost.

The strength is comparable to that of a low-grade true god.

However, because of his own specialness.

Even if a middle-grade true god is in front of him, he is sure to devour it.

What's more, the master of Xuantian Shinto, a target with only a godhead but no godly body?

In his eyes, it was simply blood food already lying on the chopping block.


I saw Gui Sha blowing out a mouthful of blood mist.

This blood mist instantly filled the power of heaven and earth around Master Xuantian Shinto.

"I have quite a lot of experience in corroding and devouring the power of the true god's heaven and earth."

After all, this is not the first true god he has devoured.

But soon, the confident ghost found something wrong.


In the past, no matter what attribute of the power of heaven and earth, it would collapse in a few minutes under his ghost blood mist.

But in front of the master of Xuantian Divine Dao, the barrier of heaven and earth condensed by the power of the divine nature, his blood mist could not break through?

"Could it be that my blood mist is ineffective?"

This thought was almost just popped out of the ghost's head, and he quickly denied it.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"It must be that the amount I sprayed is not enough!"

Thinking of this.

The ghost sprayed twice at the barrier of heaven and earth condensed by the empty attribute divine nature on the opposite side.



But it still didn't work.

Ghost: "???"

What a joke.

If it were normal, this amount would be enough to make the opponent have a child.

But now it can't even penetrate a layer of membrane?

"I don't fucking believe it."





The ghost demon gambled his dignity as a male.

He spit out blood mist one after another.

He was even more diligent than the legendary man who had sex N times a night.

But the final result was...

He was almost exhausted.

The master of Xuantian Shinto in the barrier of heaven and earth on the opposite side was still fine?

Situ Xiang in the air gradually discovered this situation.

In the past, the ghost demon who was invincible couldn't even break a small barrier?

"This place is really weird!!!"

Ever since the high tower of Xuantian Shinto filled with fragments of holy artifacts appeared in front of him, he felt that this place was full of weirdness.

And those servants of God.

Seeing the ghost demons he released,

each of them was as if nothing had happened.

Now, even the blood mist of the ghost demon can't do anything to these people?

"It seems... we must get serious."

A serious look flashed in Situ Xiang's eyes.

A white light spot the size of a grain of rice flew out from the fingertips.

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