The Destiny Villain

Chapter 217 The son of luck, mental breakdown

Hearing Situ Xiang's words, Situ Jibo's expression changed.

"Aren't you sent by my ancestor to help me?"

"How can anyone believe this kind of lie? Situ Jibo, I really don't know what to say to you. You and I are both the proud ones of our family, how can I really make wedding clothes for others?"

Situ Xiang looked down at Situ Jibo like a fool.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should really thank the guys below who beat you up, if they hadn't suddenly appeared and disrupted my plan, giving me more time to prepare.

I'm afraid an idiot like you won't survive now. "

Looking at the sky above, Situ Xiang changed his groveling state and changed his face. Situ Jibo's expression changed again.

"I knew you had bad intentions..."

"Oh? If I had known it earlier, would you have prepared any means to deal with it?" Situ Xiang sneered.

However, Situ Jibo did not answer this.

His face was red.

He was confident from beginning to end.

They are all divine cards given to him by the four ancestors.

But now, the power of the divine card is actually blocked by the mysterious blood shield above his head.

"Situ Jibo, Situ Jibo, until now, you still don't know what is the most stupid thing about you? It is that you trust other people's methods too much.

The four ancestors give you divine cards.

You will regard it as your strongest strength.

But these powers do not belong to you after all.

Since they are all dying anyway, I might as well tell you a little more. There is only one kind of power in this world, which is the most reliable, and that is our own power. "

"Her bah~"

"He's obviously the protagonist!" Ye Xuan looked at Situ Xiang, who had bloody eyes and was extremely confident, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Situ Jibo is a direct descendant of the Situ family.

If you need resources, you have resources.

You have to be talented.

This fucking thing can still be betrayed.

What is the halo if not the protagonist?

"You cut off the divine card given by the true god as soon as you took action?"

"Can a normal warrior have such power?"


The old monsters of Xuantian Shinto below obviously did not expect that a second ago they were two geniuses from the upper realm from the same camp.

In the blink of an eye, they became mortal enemies.

"This blood weird."

"Nonsense, who the hell can't see this?"

"It actually covers the entire sacred mountain."

"Is it possible that he wants to kill us too?"

"Destroy the corpses and eliminate all traces. Let's watch him kill people. If we don't get rid of the roots, won't he be killed after the secret is revealed?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are young, but you are cruel and ruthless."

Looking down, the Xuantian Shinto people looked like people eating melons.

Situ Xiang frowned slightly.

These guys below.

Haven't you figured out the situation yet?

I will kill them all later.

Don't they feel any fear at all?

Unfortunately, at this moment, Situ Jibo, who was full of anger, had no time to pay attention to these details.

"Situ Xiang, you half-blood bastard, you are also preaching to me? If you dare, kill me now. See if the four ancestors can..."


Situ Jibo didn't even have time to finish his words.

A ghost claw had hit him hard on the face.

His whole face was beaten black and blue.

Several teeth were broken.

A mouth full of blood mixed with broken teeth fell to the ground.

"You have no strength, and you still behave like a dog barking. I really can't stand a brainless person like you."

"Ah!!! Situ Xiang, how dare you hit me. None of the four ancestors have ever hit me. How dare you hit me."

Situ Jibo let out a heart-rending cry, turned around and pointed at the four divine servants behind him.

"Are you four fools? I was beaten, and you just watched blankly?"

Although the four divine servants were beaten up by the old monsters of Xuantian Shinto.

A lot of the divine marks on his body were scattered.

But after all, the strength is still there.

Hear Situ Jibo's cry.

A little embarrassed, they quickly released the chains on their bodies and wrapped them around Situ Xiang in the sky.

"Servant of God?"


"They are just a bunch of losers who can't break through and can only be treated like dogs for the rest of their lives."

I saw Situ Xiang standing in mid-air and snorting softly.

Then, he slapped the four servants of God.

This slap seems ordinary.

In fact, the blood is overwhelming.

But in the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood in the bodies of these four divine servants began to be swallowed up by the surrounding blood shield at a terrifying speed.

Wailing and struggling in pain, they turned into four dry corpses.


"What a vicious method."

At this time, even the master of Xuantian Shinto, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He could feel that the opponent's strength was no longer weaker than that of the True God.

And it seems even weirder than the true God.

However, Master Xuantian Shinto is not worried.

Because he had the empty attribute godhead that Ye Xuan lent him.

In a sense, he can now exert the power of a true god.

Besides, even if he couldn't do it, wouldn't there still be Ye Xuan?

I saw Ye Xuan devouring two true gods from the upper realm with my own eyes!

This little crisis is nothing in front of Ye Xuan!

Not only the master of Xuantian Shinto is not worried.

The same goes for the old Xuantian Shinto monsters below the stone tower.

One by one, they brought out small stools.

From time to time, they took out the seeds of various spiritual flowers and fruits and started to eat them.

"Such a large blood shield is rare to see in a hundred years."

"Bah, it can't be seen in a thousand years, right?"

"And its power is really amazing."

"It actually sucked those four pieces of trash dry in one go."

"I don't know which is more powerful, this blood shield or those female martial kings in Chunhua Tower."

As soon as these words came out, all the old monsters present turned around at the same time and stared at the red-haired old monster with an almost weird look.

Just like those ordinary mortals.

There are brothels in the world of warriors.

Since the objects of their service are warriors.

They themselves are naturally warriors.

The services of the martial king level are basically for the strong people in the holy realm or the semi-god level.

"Why are you looking at me? I am old, not useless. I am also a man and have normal needs, okay?"

The red-haired old monster spread his hands.

I look innocent.

Very pure.

But their attitude completely angered Situ Xiang in mid-air. He didn't even have time to pay attention to the shocked and incredible Situ Jibo below.

"You... shut up right now."

He wanted to kill Situ Jibo.

Seize the position of the strongest genius of the Situ family.

This is a very serious and serious matter.

Why do these guys below have even the most basic respect?

Shouldn't you feel fear and shock now because you are trapped in the blood cover and your life is in danger?

Even the son of luck.

You also need others to provide emotional value.

Situ Xiang used such a shocking method to control the overall situation, but these old monsters of Xuantian Shendao below didn't give him any face.

No one cooperated with him.

Even, these guys ignored him?

This made Situ Xiang feel greatly insulted.

"Initially break the mentality of the son of luck, the luck of the road +50"




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