The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 977 Oh no, the beautiful lady is here! 【2 more】


Everyone watched as Zhong Xingchun suddenly flew backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood. After landing hard on the ground, he passed out directly.

One blow seriously injured!

Everyone was in an uproar, unable to believe what they saw.

Even if Rong Mu successfully survived the sixty-nine tribulations, he wouldn't be able to completely crush Zhong Xingchun, right?


Looking at Zhong Xingchun who was pale and unconscious, everyone suddenly realized another problem——

Zhongxing Chunnai was number ninety-three on the Earth Ranking. Now Rong Mu defeated him. Number ninety-three on the Earth Ranking... has changed hands!

Li Qing, who was also on the ground list, twitched the corners of his mouth: Cruel, too cruel...

Zhong Xingchun has been firmly in control of the Earth Ranking for ninety-three years. Many people have challenged him without success. Now he was knocked unconscious by a Nascent Soul stage who had only survived six or nine heavenly tribulations.

If word spreads, who will believe it?

Jiang Qingxue took a deep breath and said coldly: It's useless.

A distraction period could not even beat a Nascent Soul period. It was in vain that she had been optimistic about Zhong Xingchun before, and it really failed her expectations.

In this way, Rong Mu had already won the first place in two assessments.

I'm afraid the third game will be his as well.

In this way, even if she had just greeted all the large immortal sects in Penglai in advance, she might not be able to stop him.

Jiang Qingxue frowned in embarrassment, but finally made up her mind slowly.

After giving Bai Que a cold look, she stood up and left the assessment venue.

When she reached a deserted place, she took out a piece of white jade and held it in her hand.

Two seconds later, the jade stone gave off a faint light.

Jiang Qingxue's throat choked up for a moment before she called out hoarsely: Mother, my child has something to ask for. It's a very small matter, and I ask my mother to grant it...


Jun Muqian closed his palms and saw that the talisman of destiny was taken back into his body. He glanced at Zhong Xingchun who had not yet woken up, and lightly wrote two words: Trash.


Many people's expressions suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but glare at the young man in white.

If Zhong Xingchun is said to be garbage when he is distracted, then what are they?

It's so arrogant!

But everyone only dared to get angry but did not dare to speak. Zhong Xingchun was the one with the highest cultivation level among the disciples who participated in the assessment this time. Even he was defeated by Rong Mu. How could they be their opponents?

There is no need to announce it anymore, the first place in the second assessment has been decided.

Jun Muqian glanced at the high place and found that Jiang Qingxue was not where he was, but she didn't care. After jumping down from the fighting platform, she entered the waiting area.

The rules and regulations for the second assessment are quite satisfactory, but I don’t know what the third assessment will be like?


As soon as Jun Muqian stood in the waiting area, all the assessors within a ten-meter radius around her hid, for fear that they would also be affected.

She raised her eyebrows but ignored it, closed her eyes and began to further practice her breathing.

Although she didn't bring her spiritual power with her, she was able to jump three levels in a row every time she was promoted. This speed was pretty good, just so-so.

She should be able to ascend soon.

After ascending to immortality, you can be reborn. Even if your physical body is damaged, it can be quickly repaired.

Only 800 people will be admitted in the second assessment, and the rest will be sent out of Penglai according to their ranking.

In less than two months, the number of people entering Penglai Mountain has dropped sharply.

The eight hundred people who stayed behind were very fortunate. Except for Zhong Xingchun who was still in a coma, the injuries on the other people's bodies were quickly healed by the medicine distributed by Penglai.

The third assessment is different from the first and second. The third assessment is not used to select Penglai disciples, but for the final ranking. This assessment is completely closed, and there will be students from various immortal sects. The elders and sect masters came to watch and select satisfactory disciples.

Although Zhong Xingchun was unable to participate in the third assessment due to serious injury, there were many immortals vying to choose him.

Your senior sister Qingxue was so angry that I will announce the rules for this third assessment. Bai Que knocked his hand on the table and spoke, The third assessment is simple to say, but it is It’s not easy to come, but the time limit is very short, only one night.”

Hearing these words, Jun Muxian opened his eyes.

One night?

What assessment will be conducted at night?

Others were also a little confused, and they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

But you may be frightened to death this night, or you may be fainted from fear, and you may not die, but you will be very embarrassed. Bai Que continued, Someone will assign you a temporary residence in a while. When the sun goes down, When it gets completely dark, you just take the key and pick a road from here to your residence. On the second day, no matter where you are or what you look like, you have passed the third test.

He raised his hand and pointed, and the white mist in the east dispersed, revealing a total of twenty entrances. At a glance, there were twists and turns, with no end in sight.

The assessors were even more confused and looked at each other in confusion.

What does this mean?

But they couldn't ask any more questions. After receiving the keys distributed by the Penglai Mountain disciples, they all stood there obediently.

Okay, let's wait until the sun goes down. Bai Que yawned, and when he was about to take a nap, Jiang Qingxue came back, so he straightened up again, What did you do?

Jiang Qingxue still looked cold: What do I do have to do with you?

It has nothing to do with me. Bai Que shrugged, I didn't think that you have the temper of a young lady. You were wronged today and complained to your family.

Jiang Qingxue's face darkened: Bai Que, you'd better pay more attention to what you say.

Her fingers clenched tightly involuntarily. She was not complaining, but just for Penglai's own good.

Okay, okay, what if you sue me too? Bai Que was very perfunctory, but there was a hint of warning in his voice, You'd better be careful and be careful of annoying people.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingxue glanced at him inexplicably: It's ridiculous.

Someone she can't mess with?

What a big joke, she is an incredible person herself.

Not to mention Penglai, she can walk sideways in the three realms, but she is too lazy to care about people like Bai Que.

Bai Que narrowed his eyes and said calmly, Whether it's ridiculous or not, you will naturally know later.


The sun sets quickly. Penglai Mountain is on the sea and has a very low altitude. After the sun disappears, the entire mountain peak is plunged into darkness, without even lights.

Only the entrances of the dozens of trails had a few ghostly flames flashing back and forth, illuminating the way forward.


Some people couldn't help but gulped and were a little scared.

Okay, the third assessment has begun. Bai Que Shi Shiran stood up from the steps, You should leave quickly, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave if it's late.

After hearing these words, no matter how scared the assessors were, they all jumped up and ran away.

Jun Muqian first checked the paths with her spiritual sense, and after finding that there was no difference, she chose a path at random.

She didn't figure out what exactly this third assessment would test. It couldn't be a test of courage, right?

But even if Black Sky Blind Fire has no lights, it is impossible to scare real practitioners.

Jun Muqian was thoughtful and walked slowly.

This kind of darkness has no effect on her, but for those in the Golden Core stage and Nascent Soul stage, it is like becoming blind.

The feeling of killing a newbie is indescribable.

But Jun Muxian did not let down her guard. After all, this was still an assessment. If something suddenly appeared next to her and attacked her, she would...


When the idea first came to her mind, she heard a small sound.


How dare someone want to murder me?

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, moved his ears, and instantly caught the direction of the sound.

As soon as she stepped on the ground with her right foot, her figure rushed out and pushed something to the ground.


A soft groan came from beneath him.

Why does this voice seem familiar?

Jun Muqian was stunned, lowered her head and took a closer look. This sight was incredible. She jumped up almost subconsciously, grabbed the clothes on the side, and rushed forward.

But this time, she failed to put her thoughts into action.

The slender waist was imprisoned in the strong arms of the person behind him, unable to move.

In the darkness, two words fell in my ears. The voice was low and cold, and there was a bit of gritted teeth: Still running?

The cool breath spread on her neck and behind her ears, and a faint red color appeared in the tingling. Jun Muqian was so excited that she just wanted to hold the tree and bang against it a few times, and it would be best to faint.

But her consciousness was very clear.

It's over, I'm going to die.

The beauty is coming.


Then ask for votes~

Will be updated later next month~

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