The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 978 Lord: Because of the excitement! Rong Qing: Oh? 【1 update】

Jun Muqian wondered whether she wanted to say sorry and accidentally ate you by practicing too much, or whether she should just pretend that nothing happened and say the weather was really nice today.

But after feeling the strength in her waist, she chose the second method.

What if she made a mistake and was dumped?

Jun Muqian coughed, calmed down her heartbeat, and then slowly said: What about that, Qingmei, the moon is so round tonight, like a round mooncake, do you want to eat mooncakes? Hurry up. It’s Mid-Autumn Festival.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the big hand on her waist loosened, but did not leave.

There's drama!

Jun Muqian thought to herself, it seemed that her choice was indeed the right one.

Rong Qing remained silent for a moment, and two seconds later, he said calmly: It's cloudy tonight.

Jun Muxian: ...

She raised her head with some difficulty and found that not to mention the moon, there was not even a star. The clouds covered everything they could, leaving no light for her.


If I had known earlier, I should have said that it was very dark tonight, as dark as, like...

Before she could think of a second excuse, Jun Muzhen was grabbed by Rong Qing's waist. He didn't allow her to refuse and turned her around to face him.

The two people's eyes met in the dark night, but they could both see the bright starlight in each other's eyes, like two galaxies slowly converging together, and the light streamed across the area in an instant, extremely bright.

Rong Qing lowered her eyes, her eyelashes moved, and said three words: Why are you running?

Are you guilty of running away when you see him?

Jun Muqian stared at the too handsome face in front of her for a long time, and suddenly said: Because it's very exciting to fall out after eating.

Rong Qing's eyes suddenly narrowed: ...huh?

Is it exciting to fall out after eating?

No... no no. As soon as Jun Muzhen finished speaking, she wanted to slap herself. What did she say?

——How can I say what I'm thinking so frankly?

——Why do you have to hide it, coax it on the surface, and secretly stimulate it yourself?

Rong Qing's eyebrows twitched, and her eyes darkened a bit.

Are you still secretly stimulating yourself?

Jun Muqian, who had no idea that her inner voice had been completely captured by a certain young gentleman, grabbed his collar and said in a deep voice: Beauty Qing, please listen to my explanation.

——This really needs to be explained carefully. My current cultivation level is not as good as his, and I still have to rely on him to break the seal on my soul.

——Humph, but since I am such a genius, my cultivation level will soon be higher than his. By then, this beauty will be delicate and soft, will she be at my mercy?

Rong Qing was once again caught off guard and heard her heartfelt voice: ...


How to slaughter him?

Seeing those peach blossom eyes looking at him really nervously, Rong Qing raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at her with lowered eyes: Yes, I'll listen.

He also wanted to hear how she would explain it to him.

Qingmei, you always know that I have lost my memory, right? Jun Muqian looked solemn and said solemnly, This person has no memory, and there are always some things that are unfamiliar to him. I may have accidentally changed them while practicing. What are you doing, we are all together for the sake of familiarity.

Look at what she said, how it highlighted that she was a pitiful and helpless person who had lost her memory.

Well - Rong Qing looked at her, her thin lips slightly hooked, and she said the same words, So, Mumu, why are you running away?

I ran... Jun Muzhen paused for a moment and said confidently, That's because after I get to know each other, I have to relive the memories alone. I'm embarrassed to have you by my side.


Nothing wrong with it!

Who else but her could find such a good reason!

... Rong Qing was silent again. After a while, he raised his eyelashes and glanced at her lightly, Aren't you excited anymore?

It's not irritating, not irritating at all. Jun Muxian coughed a few more times, I really didn't mean it, and you see I have no memory. Although we all have children, I'm still... I'm sorry. .”

That's not right. If she really ate the little beauty's father, how come she didn't feel anything except weakness in her legs and pain in her waist?

Jun Muqian touched his chin in confusion and glanced at the man in scarlet clothes: Was it your master at that time or mine?

It should be her!

Rong Qing easily saw through her thoughts without listening this time. He raised his eyes slightly and said in a cool voice, Yes, me.

Cough cough cough... Jun Muzhen choked and snorted slightly, Then your skills are not good, I don't even feel it.

As soon as the words came out, her waist suddenly tightened, and the force was so strong that it almost broke her.

Rong Qing's eyebrows were cold, and three words came out of her lips one by one, with full danger: Don't you feel it?

This is really the biggest provocation to men.

And, don’t feel it?

I really didn't. Jun Muzhen argued, When I woke up, I only saw you...ahem, and then I didn't remember anything.

——If I have feelings, I must at least have memories. It's definitely because of my poor skills.

——So is it possible that it's not that the little beauty's father abandoned his wife and son, but that I disliked his poor skills and kicked him? Well, it seems like something I can do, otherwise How can a person as dedicated as me kick someone?

Hearing his queen's unrealistic accusations against her again, Rong Qing could not bear it any longer.

His eyes widened, and with a quick movement of his body, he directly pressed the person in his arms to the ground.

The sudden loss of her feet made Jun Muzhen slightly dazed. When she raised her head, she felt a slight chill on her forehead.

It's his body temperature.

Is your skill good? Why don't you give it a try now. The scarlet-clothed man held her in his arms and protected her head with his hands. He said in a cold voice, It's not interesting to reflect on it alone.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's eyelids jumped: You're not serious, are you?

In the wilderness, in the dark, he now said that he wanted her to try his skills?

Although there is no one around now, what if someone comes later?

Moreover, it is still under assessment. The immortals in Penglai will check here from time to time. If this is discovered...

Through the mist, Rong Qing seemed to see her doubts, and said calmly: Don't worry, Mu Mu, they can't see.

Jun Muxian: ...

She rubbed her eyebrows and was speechless.

She had forgotten that even the Lord of Penglai Mountain was not as good as him.

No. Jun Muqian always remembered the mission, and she pushed him desperately. We agreed that you are not allowed to come out or interfere during the assessment. Now you have violated the agreement.

Hearing these words, Rong Qing's eyes fixed, and the corners of her lips raised slightly: I violated it, what will Mumu do to me?

Jun Muxian choked.

What will she do to him?

Why don't you just let it go just because he looks good?

I don't blame you this time. Jun Muxian pushed him again, Get up first and let me pass the third assessment.

Until now, she has not figured out what this third assessment is.

Rong Qing naturally bullied her a little, after all, he still had to listen to his queen.

He stood up, stretched out his hand to take her up, and brushed away the fine grass on the two of them.

Remember, you are not allowed to do anything. Jun Muzhen rubbed her waist, I will do it myself.

Rong Qing nodded and stood aside calmly.

Jun Muxian listened attentively first, and then continued to move forward.

It's so strange, why didn't anything happen?

But as soon as she took a few steps, her right hand was grabbed.

Suddenly feeling the familiar coolness, she twitched but didn't pull back. She turned her head and glanced at him: What are you doing?

Rong Qing lowered her eyes, her pale brows showing no emotion, and her voice was cold: I was afraid that you couldn't see me, so I fell.

Jun Muxian: ...

This lie can be told more smoothly than she can!

——If you want to hold my hand, just say so. You also said that you are afraid that I will fall. Hum, you are so boring.

This kind of title...

Rong Qing's eyebrows tightened and she was a little more forbearing.

What else did his mother teach her at that time?

They must be separated in the future.

He had completely forgotten this and actually still remembered the things his mother taught him.

The two of them continued to walk forward like this. Finally, after walking for a few minutes, Jun Muzhen noticed something coming towards her, very fast, and with a hint of murderous intent.

Almost out of instinct, Rong Qing raised his hand.

Jun Muqian quickly held him down with quick eyes and hands, and then used her other free hand to hit the flying thing.


One punch and it went out.

Ouch——! The thing let out a scream, Kill the ghost, kill the ghost!

The sound was somewhat familiar, and Jun Muqian was startled. She narrowed her eyes slightly and found a white figure lying under the tree in front of her, covering her nose and wailing in pain.

That tall official hat and long chain, who else could it be if it wasn't Bai Wuchang?

What's it called? Jun Muqian had no good temper when she thought of how Bai Wuchang had scared her. You are so invincible. Now that I am a mortal, I can still kill you, the seducer. ? You came to scare me again, are you asking for a beating?

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qing was thoughtful and said Congshan Ruliu: Mumu, I will help you kill him.

As he said that, he raised his hand again.

No, no, no, no! Feeling the threat, Bai Wuchang immediately stopped howling, Grandma, it's unfair, Grandma, I'm not here to scare you, I'm here to inform you.

When he said this, he kept looking at the man in scarlet clothes and sighed in his heart.

Grandma Grandma is Grandma Grandma. The people around her are all different. They are all masters. This kind of momentum has never been possessed by the Tenth Palace Lord Yan.

What kind of letter are you reporting? Jun Muqian glanced at Bai Wuchang, Why are you here?

Hey! Grandma Grandma, you're going to get embarrassed by asking. Bai Wuchang clapped his hands, I wouldn't have been here originally, but when I knew Grandma Grandma you were coming, I immediately came here in place of those devils. I respect you, old man.

This flattery did not fall on Jun Muzhen, she narrowed her eyes and said: Penglai Immortal Sect's big exam?

Yes, yes, yes. Bai Wuchang nodded repeatedly, This is the Penglai Immortal Sect Examination. In this third examination, there will be thousands of dead souls. It is easy to encounter ghosts when walking at night.

Jun Muqian was silent for a moment and praised sincerely: This assessment method is really interesting.

No wonder it had to be done at night. It turned out to be to facilitate the entry and exit of the underworld people.

The feeling of familiarity is getting stronger and stronger. Who is tricking her?

Grandma, have you noticed? Bai Wuchang said mysteriously, You have never encountered ghosts along the way, but the few mortals next to you are different. They were all scared to death.

After speaking, he straightened up and raised his head, as if begging for praise.

I was scared away when I saw you? Jun Muqian understood slightly, They are just some wandering souls, what's the harm in scaring them?

No, no, no, grandma, there are not only wandering spirits on this road. Bai Fengfeng waved his hand, There is another one in your house. You will only pass the test after you successfully stay with it for a night.

Jun Muqian nodded and said calmly: This is why you came to me.

Yes, because I saw that the other rooms are full of wandering souls who are not well-educated and have no consciousness, but grandma, it's very strange here. Bai Wuchang was very confused, Penglai We have made an agreement with our underworld to only send some wandering souls with low-level cultivation, but the one in your house is an earthly immortal level wandering soul, which can be regarded as the lord of a small city in the underworld.

And that wandering spirit has a violent temper. He was once on the wanted list of the underworld because he hunted many young wandering spirits to supplement his own strength. Hey, grandma, who did you offend? You sent such a wandering spirit. It’s clear that there are high-level officials in Penglai who want to harm you!”

After hearing this, Jun Muqian's eyebrows were slightly cold and he said three words coldly: Jiang Qingxue!

Except for Jiang Qingxue, all the people she had spent time with in Penglai had been taken care of by her.

Grandma, I just want to remind you. Bai Wuchang swallowed the non-existent spit, If nothing happens, I will take the wandering soul in your house back.

Take it back? Jun Muqian tilted his head, a smile appeared on his lips, the coolness was charming, There's no rush.

at the same time--

On the top of Penglai Mountain, in a grand but not luxurious palace, Jiang Qingxue sat on the ground.

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