The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 976: First in the assessment! The apprentice is so soft【1 update】

This is really the end.

Zhong Xingchun never expected that there would be such a despicable person in the world.

This Rong Mu, because his strength was inferior to him and his cultivation was too far behind, he came up with such a vicious plan, attracting the calamity cloud without him noticing, in order to fight with him under the thunder of heaven. He died together!

This is simply shameless!

Rong Mu! Zhong Xingchun, who has always had a cold temperament, lost his composure at this time. His eyes were red and he couldn't help roaring, You can die if you want. What do you mean by pulling someone else as a backer!

Normal people would not choose to go through the six or nine heavenly tribulations at this time. There are not enough Yuanling stones to replenish spiritual energy, and there are no weapons to fight against the thunder tribulation. Except for some monsters who are born with copper skin and iron bones, who would dare to go through the six or nine heavenly tribulations with bare hands? Nine days of tribulation?

Zhong Xingchun was extremely anxious and so angry that he wanted to rush forward and kill the young man in white, but he did not dare to move.

The blue-purple lightning hovering above his head was like a dangling knife that could kill him at any time.

what to do? What to do!

Under the pressure of Heavenly Dao, Zhong Xingchun couldn't even think of any way and was almost desperate.

When he passed through the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulation, he relied on the power of the great formation to cut off 99% of the power of the Thunder Tribulation, because the stronger the talent, the stronger the Sixty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation. Everyone knows this. reason.

Jiang Qingxue looked coldly at the completely darkened sky above, and naturally thought of this. She looked disgusted: It's really despicable.

If you're not as skilled as someone else, just borrow a knife to kill someone?

This kind of character is also suitable for practicing. Isn't he afraid of being haunted by inner demons and falling into evil spirits and dying?

The other practitioners who were watching the competition were also shocked.

Holy shit, this Rong Mu is so shameless. Don't you just want to die when you go through six or nine heavenly tribulations at this time?

Would it be better to find a place where no one is around to commit suicide quietly?

It is said that people with dark hearts always want to take revenge on others. Brother Zhong is really too innocent.

No one thought that this thunderstorm could be overcome.

It doesn't matter if Rong Mu dies, he is just a casual cultivator without any power behind him, but Zhong Xingchun must not die. Zhong Xingchun is the heir who has been trained by Zhong Qiuyun for more than 20 years, and it will only wait for him to rise to adulthood in the future. If you become an immortal, you can enter and serve in heaven.

Jiang Qingxue frowned tightly and felt embarrassed: Now, Zhong Qiuyun may go crazy...

Zhong Qiuyun's strength is not very high, he is just a Xuanxian, but he works in heaven and has some connections.

When one person is going through the tribulation alone, others must stay far away, otherwise it will only increase the intensity and scope of the thunder tribulation, and no one will dare to get close.

The sixty-nine catastrophes caused by Jun Muqian, not to mention Penglai, even the large and small islands within a radius of three thousand miles around Penglai were all covered.

It was pitch black, like an abyss.

Naturally, it also alarmed many elders in overseas immortal sects, including many golden immortals and mysterious immortals.

Who is going through the tribulation? Such a big movement... hiss! Is it just six or nine tribulations?

Which powerful Six-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is so powerful? It can't be the Demon King's newly born son, right?

Screw you, why did the Demon Emperor's son come to Penglai for nothing? Immortals and demons are at odds with each other.

The Lord of Penglai Mountain, Yin Xiangzhen, also noticed it. His expression changed and he hurriedly went out to take a look.

When he saw that the sky for thousands of miles was filled with dense black clouds and countless lightning bolts, Master Yin Xiang lost his voice: What a powerful thunder disaster!

Even a Taiyi True Immortal like him would not dare to touch this kind of thunder tribulation. Who is going to overcome the tribulation?

Without thinking much, Master Yin Xiang was about to go out to check, but when he took a step, he was held by a chubby hand.

Sit down, sit down, isn't it the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations? It sounds like if you go to this heavenly tribulation, you will be gone.

Master Yin Xiang's figure froze, a little ashamed: Master Taiyi is right.

I... hiccup! Taiyi was still a fat baby three feet tall. He drank a bowl of wine that was bigger than him and hiccupped happily, I don't mean to introduce you to this person a few times. The little baby who made alchemy, Hiccup... was given to this real person to be Hiccup's disciple?

Master Taiyi, Xiaoxian has sent people to find him in every peak and gate. Master Yin Xiang said respectfully, I think people will be here soon, but I am afraid that the talent is too low to catch the eye of Master Taiyi.

He watched with some pain as the fat boy in front of him drank one bowl after another, and his heart twitched.

This was all the jade liquid he brought back when he went to the Pantao Club. It was brewed from the water of the Yaochi and the flat peaches. Only this amount had been preserved for hundreds of thousands of years, and today it was all exposed to the light.

I am a real burp. I don't have any hobbies. I just like to make my apprentices drink and make some stove burps. Taiyi raised his chubby hand, wiped the wine stains on his face with his clothes, and patted his chubby cheeks. Belly sighed sadly, But my only lovely disciple was sent to guard Nantianmen after the Battle of the Gods. We only saw him once in hundreds of years. He is not as cute as he was when he was a child. It can’t be pinched anymore.”

He slapped his fleshy thigh suddenly: If I had known, when I gave him a physical body, I should have made him a small one. In this way, I can continue to use him as a pillow. This apprentice is so soft. well.

The corners of Master Yin Xiang's mouth twitched, not knowing how to answer the question.

Everyone in the three realms knows about Master Taiyi's disciples, and who doesn't know about him?

Among the younger generation, apart from the monkey demon who jumped out of the stone, this one was the only one with the most outstanding talent.

But if he hadn't communicated with Master Taiyi, he really wouldn't have known that this person had such a miserable life as a child.

As a pillow...

Taiyi patted his belly: But my disciple said that he has received a mission and will come to the mortal world after a while. When the time comes, I will secretly feed him a pill to turn him into a child again. Then use it as a pillow for me, hahahaha...

Master Yin Xiang couldn't stand listening anymore. He was still worried that the huge thunder disaster would destroy Penglai Island, and he was a little restless.

But at this moment, when everyone was frightened, the thunder hovering in the clouds finally fell.


The sky thunder brought blue-purple lightning and struck down on the boy in white at the center of the thunderstorm.

Sixty-nine heavenly tribulations require six thunder tribulations. If you survive, the golden elixir will transform into a Yuanying. If you cannot resist it, your physical body will collapse and your soul will return to the underworld and enter the six realms of reincarnation.

At this moment, Zhong Xingchun was so frightened that he was about to collapse. He looked at Tianlei who was less than one meter away from him, and his heart almost stopped beating.

He clenched his fists tightly, glanced hatefully at the indifferent young man in white, and sneered: Rong Mu, I'm afraid you will still be disappointed. Even if you ask me to support you today, my father can still do it for me. Shape your body, you will be the only one who dies today!

That's right, he won't die. His father works in heaven and has many magic weapons in his hands.

Jun Muqian still didn't answer. She stood there quietly, her whole body falling into a mysterious state, as if she didn't know that she was gambling on six or nine heavenly tribulations.

Zhong Xingchun's words hit the cotton, and he couldn't hold his breath. He closed his eyes, his body continued to tremble, and he was ready to die.


There was a roar in his ears, which was so shocking that his eardrums were about to burst. Zhong Xingchun shivered violently, his legs softened, and he knelt directly on the ground, but there was no severe pain in his body as expected.

Zhong Xingchun was stunned for a moment.


Is he okay?

He opened his eyes in surprise, and when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he was incredibly shocked.

The first thunder catastrophe that could definitely kill an earthly immortal, Rong Mu was unharmed, and his clothes were not even scorched at all!

How can this be? !

Before Zhong Xingchun could recover from the shock, the second thunder disaster had arrived.


Boom boom boom!

The third path, the fourth path, the fifth path...the sixth path!

The next few thunder tribulations were connected very closely, and they struck down one after another without any buffering time.

But for Jun Muqian, who has already controlled the Zixiao Divine Thunder, such a powerful thunder tribulation is no different from scratching an itch. Not only will it not cause any harm to her, it will also become her nourishment, improving her cultivation. Go one step further.


Everyone was stunned and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

They watched the boy in white resist the thunder, but his clothes were still fluttering, not stained by dust, and extremely elegant.

What kind of perversion is this? !

Sky thunder can't hurt people at all. Of course, people can overcome the tribulation whenever they want. Why can't they overcome the tribulation during the assessment? Can't you be willful?

The cultivators who had spoken sarcastically before were suddenly speechless, and their faces were in burning pain.

This is not to use Zhong Xingchun as a backing, but he doesn't take Zhong Xingchun seriously at all.

Jiang Qingxue's expression changed several times, and she couldn't believe it: This is impossible!

How could someone survive a catastrophe like this? !

Okay, Jiang Qingxue. Hearing this, Bai Que smiled sarcastically, Are you thinking now that I have such a good talent, but I have to rely on external objects to survive the disaster? His little golden elixir can be used continuously for a long time. I don’t have any decent magic weapon, so why can I get through it on my own?”

Baique! Jiang Qingxue's face turned red when her thoughts were pierced, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and annoyed, What are you talking nonsense about?

Tsk, tsk, I never talk nonsense. Bai Que yawned and smiled slightly, I only know that as long as this little brother enters Penglai today, the number one position among the younger generation in Penglai Mountain will change hands. ”

Hearing these words, Jiang Qingxue's fingers clenched tightly, her nails digging into her flesh, and a cold light erupted in her eyes.


He must not be allowed to enter Penglai!

If Jiang Qingxue just couldn't stand Jun Mu Qian at that time, now she is completely afraid of him.

The sixty-nine heavenly calamities are nothing to this Rong Mu, so what about the ninety-nine calamities that everyone is afraid of before ascending to immortality?

Will it be easy?

This kind of thing must never happen.

When Jiang Qingxue was thinking about how to let Penglai exclude people with such outstanding talents, several more explosion-like sounds suddenly came from the battlefield.

Oh! A cry broke out from the crowd below, Brother Zhong, he sneak attacks on you, be careful!

Zhong Xingchun had just recovered from the joy of surviving the disaster when he heard such a nonsense sentence. He immediately became vigilant and quickly turned his body backward.

But his speed was already very fast, and he didn't even dodge. A deep blood mark was drawn on his face by the spiritual energy.

Rong Mu! Zhong Xingchun's expression was ugly, You only know this despicable fighting method? Do you think you can fight me when you reach the Nascent Soul stage?

He was also frightened out of his wits by the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations. Looking back now, he really didn't have to be afraid of a Nascent Soul stage.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xingchun sneered: How dare you be so arrogant even if you are in the next stage of Nascent Soul!

He gathered his spiritual power again and attacked the boy in white.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and raised only one hand to restrain the furious Zhong Xingchun.

In the palm of his hand, a faint golden light flowed, and the talisman that had not appeared for a long time quietly came out.

Zhong Xingchun froze and raised his head in disbelief: What did you do?

What's going on? Why can't he move?

Wrong. Jun Muqian tilted his head and smiled, I am not the lower stage of Yuanying, I am the peak of Yuanying.

Zhong Xingchun's pupils suddenly shrank, his face full of disbelief: You have just overcome the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations!

At this time, the realm should be the most unstable, so how can it be possible to be promoted!

Jun Muqian did not answer. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: By the way, let me show you what a real magic talisman is.

Hearing these words, Zhong Xingchun froze: A real talisman?

Of course he knew that he was not a spiritual talisman master yet, but he would become one sooner or later. If Rong Mu was not as good as him, who was he to judge him?

Jun Muqian smiled slightly and said three words silently: Watch it.

Almost instantly, Zhong Xingchun saw an ancient symbol, which was glowing with sacred gold. Without even a pause, it struck directly at his chest.


Brother Zhong!!!

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