The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 940 Beauty Trick: Jun Muqian VS Rongqing [1 more]

That shockingly beautiful face was right in front of his eyes, and every inch of his skin was extremely seductive, as if he was tempting her.

Jun Muqian stared at the double pupils, took a few deep breaths, raised her eyebrows, and suddenly smiled.

This smile was too aggressive, as if it was carrying thousands of streams of light falling from the sky, even though Rong looked at it lightly for a long time, he couldn't help being startled.

While he was slightly lost in thought, Jun Muqian made another move without hesitation.

This time, she kicked it up successfully, but subconsciously avoided the key parts.

Afterwards, without giving Rong Qing any buffer time, Jun Zunzhu's escape technique came out and ran away.




Looking at her empty arms, Rong Qing fell into a long silence, with a little helplessness floating between her brows and eyes.

He forgot one thing, the beauty trick is certainly useful, but if Mumu uses it, he will still fall for it no matter how many times.

Sure enough, Fusu was a negative teacher, no wonder he was alone for so long.

Rong gently pressed the center of his brows, took a sip of the fish he made, and poured it out without changing his expression.

At this time, he should be glad that Mumu ran away. Otherwise, after she ate the fish, he might not be able to get close to her.

Sure enough, cooking skills cannot be accomplished overnight, he has to study slowly.

Rong lightly waved his sleeves, and after putting everything in the kitchen back in place, he disappeared with a movement of his body.

However, there is one method that is common.

His father told him about this method when he was very young.

After he finished speaking, his mother pressed him to the ground and beat him up.



Here, Jun Muqian left Mingyue Mansion directly and came to the street.

She rubbed her old waist, looking gloomy.

It's really strange, I think she is also a person who has a reputation of being romantic, in her previous life in the Unreal world, there were not a thousand people chasing her, but hundreds.

There are men and women, and there are not a few who were kicked off the cliff by her.

Why is she so soft-hearted to a man now?

It shouldn't be.

She should have knocked him out when she saw him.

Although Jun Muqian didn't want to admit it, but after she calmed down now, she still came to a conclusion——

This man who had only met her for less than a day, and whom she didn't even know his name, was the father of her little beauty, the bastard who abandoned his wife and son!

In other words, she must have taken a fancy to this man's beauty in the past, and then she got the little beauty.

Absolutely not to repeat the same mistakes.

Jun Muqian thought about it, and found it difficult to do this.

She has no shortcomings, the only shortcoming is her face.

After that, when she saw him, she would close her eyes and not look at him, thinking about herself in the mirror.

This problem has to be corrected. Jun Muqian rubbed his temples with a headache, turned around, and walked eastward.

The mansions of the four major families happened to be located in the four directions of the capital, and to the east was the Ji Mansion.

This time the genius meeting was completely ruined by her, but for some reason, the emperor finally ordered the prime minister to give her the century-old jade spirit fruit that was awarded the first place.

It just so happened that Ji Xuanqing was given this century-old Jade Spirit Fruit to repay the grace of saving his life.

The defense of Ji's family is stricter than that of Mingyue's family, but to Jun Muqian, it is still like a fake.

The Earth Escape Technique was used again, and she entered Ji's Mansion.

Jun Muqian glanced around, and a faint power of primordial spirit came out quietly, and within a short while, locked on Ji Xuanqing's position.

It was a dilapidated courtyard in an extremely remote northwest corner, next to a stable and a slop tank.

Jun Muqian blocked his sense of smell, his eyes narrowed slightly.

With Ji Xuanqing's current strength, he could only live in this kind of place.

And if it was a genius in the past, the floor would be covered with silk and satin.

Jun Muqian shook his head slightly, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Yes, she wouldn't just come in without saying a word like some bastard.


Hearing the sound of the door, Ji Xuanqing, who was trying to cultivate, instantly became vigilant.

He got up quickly, and after opening the door, he was stunned: Rong...Miss Mingyue?

Sorry, I came here uninvited. Jun Muqian nodded, and said straight to the point, This century-old jade spirit fruit is for Brother Xuanqing.

Give it to me? Ji Xuanqing looked at the wooden box in front of him, and hurriedly refused, Ms. Mingyue, I absolutely cannot accept this. I don't have so much silver taels yet.

No, the Genius Conference was ruined because of me. Jun Muqian said lightly, You saved my life, and I just returned you a medicinal herb.

Her life, not to mention one hundred thousand taels, even one hundred thousand magic weapons would not be able to buy.

Ji Xuanqing fell silent, and after a while, a wry smile appeared on his lips, and he reached out to take it: Then thank you, Miss Mingyue.

He knew very well in his heart that even if the genius conference hadn't been destroyed, he still wouldn't be able to win the first place.

With his meridians cut off, he can't even reach his innate ability now, so what qualifications does he have to fight against someone in the Golden Core stage?

And Ji Xuanqing also knew that what the purple-clothed woman did was to draw a line with him, her attitude was very polite, but very alienated.

I will keep an eye on the remaining five herbs for you. Jun Muqian said, If they are not gathered in time, I will find other ways in the future.

Hearing this sentence, Ji Xuanqing hesitated for a moment: Miss Mingyue is planning to leave Dayin?

The reason why Dayin's strength is so low is because practitioners who have reached the golden core stage will leave Dayin and go to overseas fairy mountains.

There, there will be more room for advancement.

Not yet. Jun Muqian shook his head, But soon.

Suddenly, a scarlet robe and a face flashed through his mind, and they also entered.

She shook her head, thinking that the impact of this beauty was really great, no wonder she fell down before.

Ji Xuanqing smiled: Miss Mingyue doesn't leave Dayin, it's a loss.

This woman is too dazzling.

Dazzling to the point of standing among ten thousand people, it is impossible to see other people again.

Dazzling, but also burning eyes.

Can't touch it, can't see it.

Not everyone can match it.

Ji Xuanqing suddenly remembered the man in scarlet clothes who suddenly appeared at the daytime genius conference.

In an understatement, he killed an earth immortal in seconds.

Probably only such a man could stand with her.

Thinking like this, Ji Xuanqing completely let go of certain things in his heart.

Well, let's go. Jun Muqian didn't want to stay here any longer, after she said, she turned and left.

Now, it's time to go to Jiang's house.

What she didn't realize was that behind the wind blowing, a touch of crimson color fell.


The three corners of the capital are very quiet, but only Jiang's house is still brightly lit at the moment, and the front hall is noisy.

What did I say? You shouldn't have let the younger sister marry into Mingyue's family! A voice was furious, Don't you guys know what kind of virtue Mingyue Ya is?

Brother, this is not right. Another female voice said not to be outdone, What's the use of what you say? Jiang Mo is so stubborn that he can't change the things he has decided. Don't you remember what the people said at that time? It's marriage! She deserves it!

Jiang Jie, what did you say?!

Seeing this, several other people hurriedly stopped and said, Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, it's been more than ten years, and it's useless to quarrel.

Don't interrupt, Jiang Jie, let me tell you...

The words are not finished yet.

Boom boom boom.

Mrs. Jiang sat in a high position, tapped the crutch in her hand on the ground, and said calmly, Everyone calm down, Huo Er, you are about to become a grandfather, and you are still so unseemly.


Several people fell silent for a moment.

Jiang Huo snorted coldly and sat down.

At the beginning he didn't agree with Jiang Mo marrying Ming Yueya, but he just went out for a few days, and when he came back, the matter was settled.

Back then, Ming Yueya was just an inconspicuous and lowly member of the Ming Yue family, how could he be worthy of Jiang Mo?

Mother, hurry up and bring Xiaoqian back from Mingyue's house. Jiang Huo couldn't bear it anymore, If this continues, Xiaoqian will definitely follow in the footsteps of little sister.

He has been away all year round, and the Jiang family's affairs have been out of his hands.

Jiang Jie sarcastically said: She is now in the Golden Core Stage where even overseas immortals are begging to come in. Do you think she wants to come back?

That's enough. Mrs. Jiang said calmly, Whether to pick it up or not, I have the final say.


There was silence again, and after a while—

Does Ming Yueqian know something? Otherwise, why would he say such a thing at the genius conference? Mrs. Jiang twisted the beads and frowned, Obviously, no one except you and me will understand this matter. You know it.

Jiang Huo's heart skipped a beat: What is Mother referring to?

What else could it be? Jiang Jie sneered, Isn't it because Jiang Mo conceived out of wedlock as a virgin, which disgraced the Jiang family? Otherwise, why do you think she married Ming Yueya so quickly?

Mingyueqian is just a bastard.

Shut up!

Babies who still have a monthly ticket, vote for the Lord~ There will be restrictions after the 15th

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