The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 939 Is it Dad? The light beauty teases the lord [2 more]

The heartbeat, which never fluctuated due to anything, also accelerated in an instant, and it was very fast.

For a moment, Rong Qing once again felt a sense of helplessness.

Even, he was stunned for the first time, his mind went blank for a moment, and he stood there speechless for a long time.

No, of course it wasn't something wrong with Mumu's soul.

Even if there is any problem, he can easily end it.

He was just worried that after Mumu only used Yuanshen to pass through the gate of the universe, what abnormality would appear on Yuanshen, so he wanted to check her as soon as possible when he saw her.

Now, the problem is not detected, but...

Rong lightly raised her empty left hand, pinched the center of her eyebrows, restrained the complicated emotions in her heart, and held the wrist of the person in her arms even tighter with her right hand.

In order to prevent Jun Muqian from escaping, he raised his slender legs slightly to imprison her firmly.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as Rong Qing's consciousness sank, she entered Jun Muqian's sea of ​​primordial spirit.

As soon as the sea of ​​primordial spirit was invaded, Jun Muqian felt it.

Her eyes froze, and she didn't care whether she would hurt her body, and the power of her primordial spirit exploded in an instant.

But at the moment when her primordial power was about to sweep across, Rong Qing had already withdrawn from the sea of ​​her primordial spirit.

At the same time, another extremely friendly and gentle primordial power gushed out, which slowly calmed down her primordial power.

Jun Mu was stunned for a moment.

It is true that she lacks a memory, but she remembers everything related to cultivation clearly.

No matter how close people are, the power of the primordial spirit cannot blend together.

But just now, the power of her primordial spirit merged with this man, this...

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw the man in scarlet clothes holding her right hand and pushing her against the door, his eyes were deep and his expression changed several times.

Jun Muqian: ...?

How does this look look like she did something wrong and wanted to eat her?

A fickle man!

Rong Qing stared at her, his eyes darkened, his thin lips were pursed, and he said nothing.

This time, he was not mistaken.

Although he had just entered the sea of ​​primordial spirits for a short time, he had clearly captured another group of primordial spirits with a breath of life.

Even if it has not yet condensed into a complete primordial spirit, it is indeed growing slowly.

Whether it's the bloodline or the primordial spirit, they all told him that this group of little primordial spirits are the children of him and his Mumu.

Without knowing it, he became a father.

Until now, Rong Qing has not calmed down.

He lowered his eyes slightly, his eyelashes trembling.

For hundreds of thousands of years, he was used to being alone, and never thought that one day, he would have someone by his side to accompany him.

And now, it's two people.

Hey! Jun Muqian deeply felt that if she maintained this posture, her waist would be broken.

She turned her head and reached out to push his chest.

And when he touched the fine texture through the clothes, Jun Muqian paused his hands, lowered his voice and said angrily: Don't think that you are beautiful, so you can do such an outrageous thing to me, a yellow-flowered girl.

He can invade her sea of ​​primordial spirit, and the cultivation base of primordial spirit must be stronger than her.

She is already at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, so he will not be weak, and may even be a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Jun Muqian thinks that she has never been a gentleman, she can bend and stretch.

Now she can't beat this man, so she uses softness to overcome strength.

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qing came back to his senses, he didn't know what he thought of, his expression turned cold.

Not only did he not let go of her, but he held her tighter.

For the first time, he gritted his teeth and said every word: How dare you fight when you are pregnant? Jun Muqian, you are capable.

It's true that if he doesn't pay attention, she can turn the sky upside down.

Thinking of what happened at the Genius Conference again, Rong Qingzhong's pupils darkened a little, resisting the urge to tie up the person in front of him.

Jun Muqian was taken aback when he heard the words, and blurted out: How do you know?

She is not a normal pregnancy, even the best doctors can't tell.


It must be when this dog man invaded her sea of ​​primordial spirit and saw her little beauty.

Her little beauty is so strong, she has to protect it.

Compared with Unreal Daqian, there are more Yuanshen powerhouses in Honghuang.

In case this dog man wants to refine her little beauty, she really has no place to cry.


Jun Muqian didn't even think about it, as soon as she had luck with her spiritual power, she raised her leg and kicked it out, the direction was at the key point.

Rong Qing seemed to have predicted it in advance, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and swiped his right hand out, grasping the slender ankle with ease.

The two changed their positions and faced each other, which became even more ambiguous.

Jun Muqian: ...

Can't play anymore.

It's okay, she can bend and stretch!

I warn you, you can bully me, but don't try to bully my little beauty. Jun Muqian calmed down, Little beauty is my life, if you dare to move, I will fight you hard.

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qingzhong narrowed his pupils slightly, and came out with a bit of danger: Little beauty?

Very good, his proper title has changed hands.

What? Jun Muqian was very calm, without any guilt, I'm so beautiful, so of course my child is also a beauty.

Hmm... Rong Qing was silent for a moment, That makes sense.

Jun Muqian: ...

What is going on with this man?

To come into her room and say these inexplicable words?

Who the hell are you? Jun Muqian was quite speechless and a little upset, You don't do this to every girl you meet, do you?

Inexplicably, she wanted to hit him.

Rong Qing looked down at her, his eyebrows stretched, and his lips curled slightly: It's only for you.

Jun Muqian: ...!

It's not good, this man is actually teasing her, which is too much.

Your Excellency, shall we have a discussion? Jun Muqian took a look at his Sea of ​​Primordial Spirit and found that the little Primordial Spirit had not been affected, so he said, Let me go first, and then tell me who you are. Who, we can still be friends.

And you also know that I am a woman who is pregnant with a child, so you don't need to entangle me any more.

What's the matter, she has to wait until she gives birth to Xiaomei and let Xiaomei choose a father by herself.

Hearing this, Rong Qing fell silent, and for the first time knew what it means to lift a rock to shoot yourself in the foot.

Obviously his wife is right in front of him, but he doesn't know him.


Really retribution.

Rong Qing recalled that a long time ago, his Mumu said to him——

If there is a chance, I will definitely lose my memory once, and let you try this kind of suffering.

Now, he can roughly understand what Mumu felt when his soul was separated.

Never mind, though, one more chase.

And the first time Mumu was able to fall in love with him, it shouldn't change again.

Thinking of this, my heart is settled.

Rong opened his hand easily, took a step back, and the tail voice raised: Do you want to know who I am?

Jun Muqian nodded, thinking that this was nonsense.

No, what is she talking nonsense with this man for so long?

I'm also a beauty. Rong Qing rolled up his cuffs, looked down at her, and said in a leisurely voice, Little beauty's father.

As soon as the words were finished——


The door was closed again.

This time, even the windows were closed.

He too was pushed out without mercy.

Rong Qing: ...

In the house——

Return my little beauty's father. Jun Muqian directly sealed the whole room with the power of Yuanshen this time. After clapping her hands, she snorted slightly, It's so easy to be my little beauty's father. Is it? It also depends on whether the little beauty agrees.

What an odd man.

She looks so beautiful, but she turns out to be a psycho.

Huh... Jun Muqian rubbed his stomach and muttered, I'm a little hungry.

But she can't go out, if she goes out, she will definitely meet this dog man.

It's a pity that Hunyuan Bell was sealed, and she couldn't eat flat peaches either.

Her cultivation base is not enough, and she has not yet reached the realm of bigu.

After sitting on the bed for ten seconds, Jun Muqian suddenly got up, walked over, and opened the door.

The moonlight is like water, and the night wind blows.

The man in scarlet clothes still stood where he was, with a few strands of black hair fluttering, revealing a forehead as smooth as jade.

The moonlight scattered, dyeing his brows and eyes white, with a faint glint flowing, as beautiful as an ancient painting.

Jun Muqian's heart suddenly moved slightly.

She found that just looking at him like this is a different kind of pleasure.

Look more, she is in a good mood, and the little beauty looks good too.

Then what... Jun Muqian coughed lightly, and after a while, he said, How about I take you to the kitchen to steal something?

Rong Qing: ...

He could tell that her memory confusion this time was obviously aimed at him.

I'm afraid that in her heart, he is not even as good as food.

But at least, not being ostracized again can be regarded as a successful first step.

Rong Qing recalled some words that Fusu had said to him, then turned her head, with a slight smile in her eyes, she said: Okay.

There is ample time.

is a good word.


When Jun Muqian brought Rong Qing to the kitchen of Mingyue's house, the night was already deep, and even the patrolling guards had rested, calm and cool.

With a movement of her fingers, she used her spiritual power to pry open the lock, pushed the door open and walked in.

As one of the four major families, Mingyue's kitchen has a full range of ingredients.

Jun Muqian looked through the rows and found it difficult because she found that there was no cooked food at all.

She's hungry, but she can't cook.

While worrying, Jun Muqian suddenly caught a glimpse of the man in scarlet clothes rolling up his sleeves to the middle of his forearm, stretching out his slender fingers, and picked up the two fish in the basket.

You... Jun Muqian hesitated to speak, You don't mean to cook, do you?

She couldn't imagine what it would be like for such a noble, noble, indifferent and ascetic man to cook.

Yeah. Coincidentally, Rong Qing complied, he raised his head, What do you want to eat?

I'm not picky. Jun Muqian shook his head, then said seriously, I'll pay you.

She can't owe favors even for a meal.

Oh? Rong Qing's movements were unhurried, with a touch of elegance, A promise with your body?

Cough, cough, cough... Jun Muqian choked, and retorted, What kind of promise, I'm already a mother.

Rong Qing was noncommittal, raised his eyebrows slightly, and calmed down: This seems to be what you said yourself.

What did I say? I might say... Jun Muqian's voice suddenly paused, and she raised her head suddenly, Is that dress really yours?

Rong Qing didn't answer, but asked instead: Are you comfortable?

Jun Muqian: ...

Listen, what is this saying?

Seductive and so provocative?

I don't feel anything. Jun Muqian poked a piece of cabbage with his chopsticks, I'll return it to you later.

In two sentences, Rong Qing had already finished a dish, and he looked sideways: Can you still wear it?

It was only then that Jun Muqian remembered that she had cut off a section of his clothes, and couldn't fit those slender legs into them.

When she was about to say something, Rong Qing said first: Keep it.

After a pause, there was another sentence: Let you see things and think about others.

Jun Muqian: ...


Why is this sentence so familiar?

Rong Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced at the moonlight outside the window.

Looking back now, he realized that since the first time they met, he remembered every word she said very clearly.

Now, it doesn't matter if she doesn't remember, as long as he remembers.

He would remind her of everything.

Use the method she taught him, practice action.

Jun Muqian moved away cautiously, and glanced at the man in scarlet clothes.

This was the first thing she couldn't control after she came to Honghuang.

If you can't drive her away, if you can't scold her, she can't beat her.

Jun Muqian had a headache.

If it was in the past, it would be okay to accept it, but now she is a person with cubs.



This sound sounded like an alarm bell ringing in Jun Muqian's heart: I told you, don't call me that.

Honghuang, no one knows her real name yet, he called her Mumu, could it be her old friend in the Unreal world?

Could it be the little beauty's father?

Just as she was concentrating on her thoughts, Jun Muqian only felt a gust of wind flash in front of her, and the tall figure had already appeared in front of her eyes.

I don't call you Mumu, what do I call you? The man in scarlet clothes suddenly pushed her against the wall again, his voice was clear and light, but the ending was seductive, Can you tell me, huh?

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