The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 941 Rong Qing: Mumu, I'm going to lie down [2 more]

Jiang Huo slammed the table and stood up, angrily said: A lady from all over the world, listen to what you are talking about? Xiaoqian is your niece!

Brother, you are so old-fashioned. Jiang Jie was still mocking, her expression becoming more contemptuous, Did you not hear or did you ignore it on purpose? As I said, Jiang Mo got pregnant before she was married!

A niece? I won't recognize a bastard who doesn't even know who he is as a niece.

Jiang Jie. Jiang Huo suppressed his anger, The family indulges you on weekdays, not for you to ruin my little sister's reputation.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Jie almost laughed out loud: I'm corrupt? That's because you were away that day and didn't hear the imperial doctor's diagnosis and treatment.

Jiang Huo glared.

Okay. Mrs. Jiang said lightly, Your little sister was indeed conceived out of wedlock.

Jiang Huo was stunned: Mother, this...

It's a disgrace to the family that a lady like this happens, so your little sister must get married as soon as possible, and there's nothing you can do about it as a mother. Even though she said so, Mrs. Jiang didn't have any regrets, But for Mother never thought that your little sister's choice would be Ming Yueya.

Mother, don't be so polite. Jiang Jie sneered, It's true that Jiang Mo is the most beautiful woman in the capital, but getting pregnant out of wedlock is a sin of death. Who would want her except Ming Yueya? ?”

When Jiang Mo was still alive, all the ladies in the capital were crushed by him, and she was no exception.

Even when others praised Jiang Mo, they insisted on lifting her out and stepping on her a few times.

Jiang Mo died, of course she wanted to applaud.

This time, Jiang Huo was speechless.

In Dayin, how important is a woman's chastity?

It's no wonder that more than ten years ago, the two families were married, but the wedding ceremony was so hasty, it was clearly to cover up the dirty matter of Jiang Mo.

Jiang Huo's face was heavy: But how can you get pregnant if you are a virgin?

Who knows? Jiang Jie said casually, Maybe it was Jiang Mo who played so much that he didn't even know who he was during the few years he went out.

Mrs. Jiang gave Jiang Jie a warning look before she spoke again: The imperial doctor checked Xiao Mo's body, and she is undoubtedly a virgin, but there is indeed a fetus in her womb.

After Xiaomo gave birth to the fetus, Mingyue's family did not have any doubts. My mother also went to see the child at that time, and it was no different from an ordinary baby.

Hearing this, Jiang Huo seemed to have thought of something, he was startled and angry: So you left Xiaoqian at Mingyue's house for seventeen years, because you were afraid that she would be a monster?

Otherwise? Mrs. Jiang asked back, The entire Jiang family is much more important than one person. Now it seems that the old man's decision is correct.

What happened today proves that Mingyueqian is not simple at all. He can pretend for seventeen years. How can human beings have such scheming?

Ming Yuesha was abolished and Ming Yue Fei was killed. If Ming Yueqian had really been brought to the Jiang family at that time, I am afraid it would have become the Jiang family today.

After all, Ming Yueqian is a waste, as long as he is in a big family, he will not have a good life.

Jiang Huo was speechless.

Jiang Jie was very proud.

Mrs. Jiang twirled the beads, pondered for a while, and said indifferently: However, what Huo Er said is also reasonable. Tomorrow, let's bring the daughter of Mo Er here. She is now at the golden core stage and is worthy of being cultivated.

The Jiang family, which claims to be descendants of the Shennong family, can only cultivate one or two Golden Core stages within a hundred years, and it is still under the inclination of all the resources of the whole family.

But now Mingyueqian is in front of them, her cultivation has soared to the golden core stage in just a few minutes, and she has defeated Feng Linghan, the first genius.

This kind of talent is enough for the Jiang family to cultivate with all their strength.

In the future, it is hard to guarantee a fairy.

Mrs. Jiang's thoughts changed a lot, and she ordered, Let Jie'er handle this matter.

I'm not going! Jiang Jie exclaimed excitedly, Why do you ask me to pick up a bastard?

She's at the Golden Core stage, so she's not a bastard. Mrs. Jiang's tone was unquestionable, If you don't go, go and watch in the ancestral hall.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Jie's arrogance completely disappeared: Then what should I say when I go? Ming Yueya is also a snobbish person, and now this miscellaneous...

Under Mrs. Jiang's sharp gaze, she swallowed her saliva: Ming Yueqian is so powerful, Ming Yue Ya must not let her go, because of Jiang Mo's matter, our Jiang family has not been in touch with Ming Yue's family for more than ten years How can I bring her back?

Don't let go? Hearing this, Mrs. Jiang smiled lightly, At the talent conference, Ming Yueya was clearly not her opponent, so why not let him go? As long as she is willing, you can bring her back. The Jiang family.

Jiang Jie was puzzled, and became suspicious: What does mother mean?

You can say this in the past— Mrs. Jiang held the Buddha beads tightly, Because Mingyue Ya is very repulsive to the Jiang family, and does not allow people from the Jiang family to visit her, and degrades the Mingyue family. Home, if you say what the Jiang family has done for her these years, she will naturally come back with tears of gratitude.

Jiang Huo couldn't help it: Mother, aren't you lying to Xiaoqian?

The Jiang family has been indifferent to Ming Yueqian these years. Although they didn't make trouble, they secretly contributed to it several times.

So what's the matter? Mrs. Jiang's tone was still flat and calm, As long as she believes.

Jiang Huo said angrily, What if Xiaoqian doesn't believe it?

Mrs. Jiang's face was full of arrogance and confidence: It's impossible, after suffering so much at Mingyue's family, she must be greedy for family affection. The Jiang family only needs to treat her better, and she will crawl over.

Jiang Huo couldn't listen to this insulting language at all. He was so angry that he turned around and left.

Mother, I'll go early tomorrow morning. Jiang Jie beamed with joy, With your method, Ming Yueqian will definitely come back.

Mrs. Jiang drank her tea slowly without raising her head: Well, keep your temper in check.

The other brothers and sisters don't have much status and dare not speak out, but they also think that this method is the best.

Just like those beggars on the street, if you give him a steamed bun, he can kneel down and recognize his father.

Old Mrs. Jiang is indeed scheming, but none of the members of the Jiang family would have thought that all the words they said had been heard by the people they were discussing.

Taking a step back, even if Jun Muqian hadn't heard it, she wouldn't have believed the Jiang family.

She is Mingyueqian, and she is not.

But after coming to Honghuang, she was finally completely complete.

Jun Mu's shallow lips were curled up, and his peach-blossom eyes were slightly curved, and the faint moonlight reflected the cold smile at the end of his eyes.


When she was a waste, she was a bastard, but when she reached the golden core stage, she was not a bastard but a tribe worthy of being cultivated.

The Jiang family is really scheming and scheming.

Jun Muqian glanced at the dimly lit front hall, bent the fingers of his right hand, and a very shallow dead aura slowly came out, covering the Jiang family's front hall.

Then, she patted her numb leg and walked away calmly.

She is a small-minded person, so let these people have nightmares related to the underworld for a few days.

Jun Muqian did not leave the Jiang family immediately, but followed her memory to find the courtyard where Jiang Mo lived before she got married.

The dust is full, and the grass is waist-high.

Now, doubts also come into contact.

No wonder Jiang Mo, the number one beauty in the capital, would marry Ming Yueya, a worthless man. It was because she was pregnant before she was married.

Jun Muqian pushed open the door, glanced at everything in Jiang Mo's boudoir.

At the same time, the power of the primordial spirit came out slowly, and began to explore every corner of the room.

Earlier, she also heard from Mrs. Jiang that Jiang Mo disappeared for a full year before getting married. However, it was not considered disappearance. It was only because after Jiang Mo went to the Overseas Fairy Mountain, there was no news from him. It was only a year later that she suddenly disappeared. return.

Overseas Immortal Mountain is Dayin's name for those sects of cultivating immortals, because these sects of cultivating immortals are among the three mountains above the East China Sea and the surrounding hills.

The three fairy mountains are Penglai, Yingzhou and Fangzhang.

Wangxianmen is the largest sect on Penglai Mountain, not only there are earth immortals, but also heavenly immortals.

It is rumored that there is an elixir of immortality in these three fairy mountains, and the former Emperor Dayin also sent people to search for it on the three fairy mountains, but it is a pity that even the people and the boat never returned.

After all, even if one ascends to immortality, it cannot be regarded as true immortality.

An ordinary calamity can kill even an innate demon god.

Something must have happened to Jiang Mo when he went to the overseas fairy mountains to get pregnant before marriage, but how did he conceive her?

Jun Muqian touched his face, puzzled, and said to himself: What the hell is the real seat...

Just thinking about it, suddenly, the power of the primordial spirit shook violently.

There is something!

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and instantly came to the wall on the right side of the room, reached out and pressed the place where the power of the primordial spirit changed.


There was a muffled sound, and there was a wall protruding where it was pressed, and it split open towards both sides, revealing a black hole the size of a palm.

Jun Muqian bent down slightly, stretched out his hand, and found a piece of paper from the black hole.

She took out the paper and unfolded it, raising her eyebrows.

There are a few very scribbled words on it, obviously written by the person who wrote the pen in a hurry.

She used her spiritual power to compare this piece of paper with what Jiang Mo had written before, and it was Jiang Mo's handwriting.

When Jun Muqian saw the first sentence, his eyes sank.

Xiao Qian, you should have seen this letter by now, the Taoist is indeed right, you will come back one day.

Who is the Taoist?

Judging by his tone, it shouldn't be her father.

Jun Muqian calmed down, then looked down.

If you want to know who you are, you must go to Penglai!

Penglai Mountain... Jun Mu's shallow eyes were thoughtful, Penglai Mountain should be under the control of Kunlun.

Kunlun is the territory of the Queen Mother.

The next sentence is -

Remember, stay away from Heaven! Stay away from the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!

Protect yourself, don't let them find out, now... only you.

This is the last sentence on this paper.

Jun Muqian squeezed the paper tightly, her heart sank a little.

There must be something she didn't know about Hong Huang's demise.

Her intuition tells her that the next thing will be very dangerous, but she must move on, and her family and friends are still waiting for her to save.

But from Jiang Mo's words, we can know that her enemies should be hidden in the Heavenly Court and the Western Paradise.

Jun Muqian's eyelids twitched, this is good, just came to Honghuang, and was about to stand opposite the two strongest forces in the Three Realms.

Life is bitter... My life is really bitter. She sighed deeply, and walked outside Jiang's house, Oh, my pity, I am alone and helpless in the wilderness.

The only contacts she has now are the three ghosts in the underworld, one of which is still crazy and unreliable.


After completing all the tasks, Jun Muqian returned to Mingyue's house, thinking about going to Penglai in a few days.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't look at the scene in front of her, and stepped directly on the bed with one leg.

With this kick, Jun Muqian realized something was wrong, because she seemed to have kicked something.

When she looked down, she realized that her bed was not empty, there was already someone lying on it.

The man was facing her sideways, his face was just exposed in her sight, and the long eyelashes were still stained with water droplets, probably just after taking a bath.

The faint scent of sala flowers permeates, making people feel at ease.

Such a scene, seeing the old days will not feel tired.

Jun Muqian was also dazed for a while, and even looked at it for a long time, and praised in her heart that her immunity had improved.

Faced with such beauty, she can handle it well, and she will never be cheated again in the future.

Before she was about to lift the person on the bed out, her eyes moved down a few inches inadvertently.

Just looking at it like this, Jun Mu was stunned, and then, he lost his footing and fell directly from the bed.


Light beauty: Mumu, I'm going to lie down.

Lord:? force me

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