The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 911 Horror Boost! The soft and delicate Lord? 【2 more】

Yeah. Ji Xuanqing lowered his eyelashes and said in a calm voice, After seven days, the genius conference every three years will begin. This time, the reward for the first place in the genius conference is a century-old jade spirit fruit.

Jade spirit fruit is not uncommon, but in less than a hundred years, jade spirit fruit is poison rather than medicine.

The price of a hundred-year-old Jade Spirit Fruit is about one hundred thousand taels of gold.

The royal family was able to present a century-old Jade Spirit Fruit as a reward, presumably because they attached great importance to this so-called genius conference.

The human race is the weakest existence in the Three Realms, but on the contrary, it has the greatest potential.

But ordinary people want to cultivate to become immortals, and it would be even better if they could be recruited by the Heavenly Court.

Dayin was able to pass on for so long, precisely because the first emperor finally succeeded in cultivating himself as an Earth Immortal and went to the Heavenly Court.

Thousands of years have passed, maybe the official position has been improved.

This genius meeting is also for the purpose of being able to select geniuses with outstanding talents.

The royal family provides them with the best resources in exchange for future blessings.

Jiang Wenhao couldn't help but said: But Xuanqing, don't forget, what kind of people are there at the genius conference? Although you have already returned to the ninth floor of Houtian through body training, but everything can be achieved at the genius conference. The last ones must be at least on the fifth floor!

The first place in the previous session was the terrifying innate seventh floor.

Before Ji Xuanqing was abolished, he was born at the ninth level, and he was not far from the condensed golden core.

Jiang Wenhao was worried: Besides, I don't know if Feng Linghan will participate this time. If he also participates, no one has hope.

Jun Muqian was adjusting his breath, when he heard the words, he asked casually, Who is Feng Linghan?

Isn't it? You don't even know Feng Linghan? Jiang Wenhao stared, The first genius, the first genius of our Dayin, is only 21 years old, and he is already at the Golden Core stage!

Oh—— Jun Muqian said calmly, Didn't you say that I bumped my head and don't remember?

The golden core period is only equivalent to the Lingxuan world's Lingdi.

Twenty-one-year-old Lingdi?

To say he is a genius is an understatement.

But... Jun Muqian rubbed her chin, she is now on the second floor of Houtian, so she really doesn't have the right to mock others.

When she came, she had already felt that the concentration of aura in Dayin's territory was not as high as that of Wanling Continent.

Jiang Wenhao choked, but he didn't dare to contradict him, so he could only change the subject, and said angrily: If Xuanqing hadn't been abolished, whoever will take the position of the first genius.

Jun Muqian nodded: Brother Xuanqing's talent is indeed good.

Then with the power of the primordial spirit, she could clearly see——

Once the foul air in Ji Xuanqing's dantian and the breakpoints in his meridians are removed, his cultivation will soar to the upper Golden Core stage in an instant!

And he is only nineteen years old this year.

Me? Ji Xuanqing smiled wryly, As long as I live in peace until I die, that would be the best.

This was his mother's greatest wish before she died, and he couldn't live up to it.

Jun Muqian asked back, But what if you can recover?

Ji Xuanqing saved her life, so she naturally had to repay the favor.

Ji Xuanqing was stunned for a long while before saying in a low voice: Let it be as it is...

If you don't even fight, why let it go? Jun Muqian said coldly, If you don't fight, you will always be stepped on by others.

Ji Xuanqing's body trembled, and after a few seconds of silence, he said solemnly: Brother Rong Mu, thank you for your awakening, I will fight.

You are fighting for yourself. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, You don't have to promise me.

Ji Xuanqing's gaze paused, and only then did he realize that the young man in white was rather gorgeous.

The skin is delicate, and the cheeks are stained with blush.

His eyes are like autumn water, and his eyebrows are like a crescent moon. really looks like a woman.

As soon as this thought came to him, Ji Xuanqing immediately shook his head. He was really a demon, and he didn't even distinguish between men and women.

Jiang Wenhao was very worried: Xuanqing, do you really want to participate in the talent conference? Why don't I participate for you?

No need. Ji Xuanqing shook his head, Brother Rong Mu is right, this is my own business.

Acquired ninth floor, it may not be impossible to beat innate masters.

He got up and put down a few pieces of silver on the table: Brother Rong Mu, Wen Hao, let's go after eating. We should be able to arrive at the imperial capital before the genius conference starts.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian stopped adjusting his breath, and after feeling the strength in his body, he stood up and curled his lips slightly.

Very good, three floors the day after tomorrow.

Genius Conference?

She also wanted to go and see if the geniuses at the genius conference were geniuses.


After leaving Anyang County, you will pass through a moat forest.

After passing through the moat forest, you will be completely under the feet of the emperor, and your every move will be watched secretly.

Jun Muqian discovered a very serious problem.

With her current body and bones, she walks a lot, panting every three steps, and coughing every five steps.

It's also thanks to her primordial spirit being strong enough to control her physical body until now.

But it can't be concealed, she is now a sickly and frail little girl.

This is simply an insult to her image of being wise and mighty!

Jun Muqian gritted his teeth, and while trying his best to absorb the aura in the moat forest, he quickened his pace.

But unexpectedly, as soon as she accelerated, she became even more panting.

Ji Xuanqing stopped in his tracks, and asked concerned: Brother Rong Mu, are you tired?

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand: Shall I carry you?

No need. Jun Muqian shook his head and refused, I'll just rest for a while.

Alright. Ji Xuanqing nodded, It's getting late, let's stay here for one night.

The moat forest is at the foot of the emperor, and there will be absolutely no monsters in it. If you spend the night here, you don't have to worry about being eaten.

Jiang Wenhao readily agreed: I'll set up a tent.

This time they went from the deserted city to the imperial capital, and happened to bring an extra tent with them.

Looking at the pale boy in white, Ji Xuanqing didn't know what was going on with him, so he said, Brother Rong Mu, why don't you and I live in a tent so that I can take care of you?

Hearing this, Jun Muqian almost choked, and she waved her hand: No, there's no need, I'm fine, and I don't sleep well, and I can kick people.

Subconsciously, she was refusing contact with men.

Strange, is it because she is more handsome than men so as not to put pressure on them?

Well, there is a possibility.

Ji Xuanqing couldn't persuade him anymore, so he said, Okay, just call me if you need anything.

Jiang Wenhao was very puzzled, he lowered his voice and asked: Xuan Qing, what's the matter with you, taking such good care of him?

Ji Xuanqing was stunned for a moment: I think it's pitiful for Brother Rong Mu to be alone.

Come on, there are so many beggars in the deserted city, and you have never been so sympathetic. Jiang Wenhao curled his lips, Who knows what evil you have fallen into.

Don't talk nonsense. Ji Xuanqing warned, I'll watch the first half of the night in a while, and you will watch the second midnight, do you hear me?

I heard you, I heard you. Jiang Wenhao sighed, I regret that I followed you, and I worked hard all the way.

He is different from Ji Xuanqing, he is a branch of the Jiang family, and he entered the imperial capital this time only to improve his status and obtain more cultivation resources.

Ji Xuanqing was silent, he lit a bonfire, and sat on the rock alone in a daze.

Jun Muqian sat cross-legged on the other side, entering a state of meditation.

Jiang Wenhao tactfully didn't bother, but he still couldn't help sneaking glances at the boy in white.

He no longer dared to look down on this Rong Mu. Although he was a second-tier acquired child, he always felt apprehensive.

He had never felt this kind of feeling in Feng Linghan in the Jindan period.

It's really screwed up.

Jiang Wenhao muttered, sat bored for a while, and was about to go into the tent to rest for a while.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, his eyes fixed on Jun Muqian, as if he was stupid.

Impossible... Absolutely impossible. Jiang Wenhao rubbed his eyes hard, but no matter how he looked at it, the result was the same.

He screamed: How did you break through?!

Ji Xuanqing regained consciousness and frowned: What?

Before Jiang Wenhao said anything, a clear boom sounded in the ears of the two of them.

There was a faint white mist rising from the body of the boy in white. Under the moonlight, his eyebrows and eyes seemed to have been covered with a layer of silver gray.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wenhao's eyeballs almost popped out. He pushed Ji Xuanqing: Let me rely on...Xuanqing, did you see it? Did you see it?

Ji Xuanqing was also dumbfounded: Look, I saw it...

As soon as the words fell, there were three more explosions, one louder than the other.

Bang bang bang!

The white mist on Jun Muqian's body became thicker and thicker, completely covering her face, but it did not conceal the gradually stronger breath on her body.

This time, Jiang Wenhao's gaze was completely dull, and he uttered four words with difficulty: The eighth floor of the day after tomorrow?!

in the blink of an eye...

Lord: I cannot accept this setting

Today's guarantee update is complete~~

The Lord then asks for monthly tickets, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭233 votes plus one change, don’t let the Lord fall_(:з」∠)_

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