The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 912 Slap in the face! I despise Feng Linghan [3 more]

Just broke through the eighth layer of the day after tomorrow? !

Is he crazy, or is the world crazy?

He didn't even take two breaths!

What kind of cultivation speed is this! ! !

Poor Jiang Wenhao went crazy, he was a little crazy, and he kept saying to Ji Xuanqing: Xuanqing, tell me quickly, this is not true, tell me quickly!

Ji Xuanqing's eyes froze for a little bit, and ruthlessly broke his fantasy: Brother Rong Mu is indeed on the eighth floor of the day after tomorrow.


There was a crisp sound, the sound of Jiang Wenhao's heart cracking.

He clutched his heart, almost having angina pectoris, but still couldn't believe it.

In the deserted city, he was considered a little-known genius. He once broke through the first floor in half a month.

But it can't be compared with Rong Mu, a freak!

However, this is not the end.

I saw Jun Muqian's breath rose again, and there was another bang!

Nine floors the day after tomorrow!

Jiang Wenhao's vision went dark and he almost passed out.

Ji Xuanqing was also so shocked that he couldn't help himself.

It's just...

After slowly adjusting his breath for a few minutes, Jun Muqian opened his eyes.

She moved her limbs a bit before she sensed her own cultivation, and she frowned: Well... just make do.

Although all of her cultivation has been dissipated, her cultivation experience is still there.

After the fusion of Yuanshen, her talent is a bit higher than when she was in Unreal Daqian, and her early training will be very fast.

But those words were heard by the two people next to him, but they were acting like they were cheap.

Jiang Wenhao's heart was desolate, and he couldn't help shouting: Do you know that you are just making do, a level that many people can't reach?

From the eighth floor to the ninth floor the day after tomorrow is also a hurdle.

Seventy percent of Dayin's hundreds of millions of people stop at the eighth floor of Houtian.

Jun Mu glanced at him shallowly: Why should I compare with these people you mentioned?

Then who do you want to compare with? Jiang Wenhao still couldn't get rid of his cheap mouth, even though his legs were shaking, Is Feng Linghan?

I still don't like Feng Linghan, so I have to... Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, glanced at the sky, and humbled himself, Great Luo Jinxian.

Returning the Great Luo Jinxian? Jiang Wenhao stared, You are really crazy, the Da Luo Jinxian are all legendary immortals, I don't know if there are any.

Don't believe me? Jun Muqian stroked his sleeve, Why don't you come and make a bet?

Don't fight. Although Jiang Wenhao didn't believe it, he didn't want to get involved, Maybe I'll be dead by then.

Jun Mu smiled lightly, You're quite witty.

Jiang Wenhao was so blocked that he had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to return to his tent.

Jun Muqian didn't bother to deal with a bad tempered person, she turned her head and found Ji Xuanqing staring at her with burning eyes.

Brother Xuanqing, what are you doing looking at me like that? Jun Muqian looked calm, If it weren't for you and me being men, I would have thought you had taken a fancy to me.

Huh?! Ji Xuanqing seemed to have just woken up, and hurriedly took a few steps back, I'm sorry, Brother Rong Mu, I just got lost in thought.

He actually became fascinated by watching a young boy, which was unprecedented.


Ji Xuanqing glanced at Jun Muqian again, but was once again dazzled by the stunning beauty under the moonlight.

The boy was standing half leaning against a tree, with his right leg unruly bent.

His head was tilted to one side, the profile of his face was beautifully curved, his brows and eyes were slightly lowered, and there was a bit of softness.

Dressed in white, he slid in the night wind, revealing his slender ankles.

Ji Xuanqing withdrew his gaze and shook his head secretly.

Sure enough, he had been in the deserted city for a long time, and he had seen too few outstanding people, so he would think too much about everything.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Jun Muqian couldn't help being lost in thought.

Looking at it, in the haze, she seemed to see a touch of crimson rushing towards her.

After opening and closing the eyes, the moonlight is still clear.

What the hell did I forget... Jun Muqian pressed his head in confusion, Why still can't remember.

Or was it because she came to the prehistoric world and had some sequelae?

But her subconscious mind told her that what she had forgotten was important, and she had to remember it.

Jun Muqian sighed, sat down again, and began to practice.

The breeze blows, a clear glow.


the second day.

When Jiang Wenhao woke up and saw Jun Muqian, he let out a heart-piercing scream.

He couldn't believe it, and his voice trembled: You, you are born with a first level?!

Huh? Jun Muqian looked at him, Is there a problem?

Is there a problem, okay? Jiang Wenhao scratched his hair, looking excited, How did you do it? How did you do it?

Ji Xuanqing shouted: Wen Hao!

Jiang Wenhao just woke up a little bit, and felt a little embarrassed immediately.

How could it be possible to reveal other people's cultivation secret skills?

How to do it? Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, with a lazy expression, I can tell you.

Jiang Wenhao's eyes lit up: Brother Rongmu please teach me.

Even Ji Xuanqing couldn't help looking over.

Is this the secret... Jun Muqian turned his eyes slightly, hooked his lips, and said leisurely, Of course it's because I'm a genius.

Jiang Wenhao: ...

Ji Xuanqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: It makes sense, it really makes sense.

A genius is enough to explain everything.

The repeated blows made Jiang Wenhao sluggish all the way.

Jun Muqian was rarely quiet, and continued to absorb the spiritual energy while walking.

She is not in a hurry to break through now, all the spiritual energy she has absorbed is used to transform her body.

Now, she no longer has to breathe, and finally got rid of the setting of being delicate and frail.

The next few days went smoothly, and the three of them arrived at Dayin's imperial capital one day earlier than planned.

But to enter the imperial capital, you need a customs clearance certificate.

Jun Muqian touched the front of his shirt, and actually found a token.

She glanced at the token and found that there was a word Yin on the front and a shallow on the back.

It seems that her reputation here in Honghuang is also shallow.

When she first came to Huaxu Continent, she thought it was just a coincidence, but unexpectedly, it was all her own.

With the clearance certificate, Jun Muqian entered the city easily.

Compared with the two cities that passed by before, the imperial capital is hundreds of times more prosperous.

All the avenues are narrow and inclined, with green cattle, white horses and seven fragrant cars.

Standing at the gate of the city, you can see the magnificent palace.

Back to the corridor, bells and drums sounded.

The deep blue glazed tiles, the colorful phoenix spreading its wings on the eaves of the hall, and the golden dragon winding around the columns...all of them clearly show the prosperity of Dayin.

Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, it has been 50,000 years before the human race revived.

Dayin was the most prosperous dynasty in the past tens of thousands of years.

But under its prosperity and prosperity, it is difficult to hide its dirty and corrupt.

The four major families restrained each other, so that the emperor's throne could be strengthened.

And the emperor's quilt can guarantee the authority of the four major families.

benefit each other.

Jun Muqian estimated the current situation of Dayin in his heart, and he had an idea.

Brother Rong Mu, we may have to separate now. Ji Xuanqing apologized, I can't bring you back to Ji's house yet.

Why do these words sound so strange?

Jun Muqian's eyebrows jumped, but he didn't care: It's nothing, I will trouble Brother Xuanqing on this journey, and I have no intention of going to Ji's house.

Although she is not afraid of anything, this kind of big and treacherous family can avoid as much trouble as possible.

Ji Xuanqing nodded, cupped his fists and said, Brother Rong Mu, let me take my leave.

Jun Muqian nodded: Goodbye.

But before Ji Xuanqing turned to leave, he saw something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Wenhao's expression also changed: Xuan Qing, he...

There were several people gathered in the direction the two were facing. These people all looked over at the same time, a little surprised, but more of a mockery.

Hey, look, look who I saw? A young man smiled strangely, and walked over staggeringly, still holding a flagon, Isn't this our great genius, Ji Xuanqing?

Jiang Wenhao stood in front of Ji Xuanqing with one hand, and said sharply, Ji Xiu, what do you want to do?

Hi, what am I doing? The young man named Ji Xiu deepened his smile and looked contemptuous, Of course I came to see our great genius.

Looking at Ji Xuanqing from top to bottom, he was even more disdainful: Tsk tsk, it's only been a few years, and the great genius has become like this? The ninth floor in the day after tomorrow? Hahahahaha, even the guards in the mansion are inferior!

Ji Xuanqing's expression was cold.

Jiang Wenhao suddenly raised his voice and said angrily, Ji Xiu, don't be too rampant!

The roar naturally alarmed other people on the street, and a girl turned around curiously and took a look.

She just wanted to watch the fun, but when she saw the boy in white, she suddenly widened her eyes and called out in disbelief: Mingyueqian?!

Hmm~ Although it hasn't arrived yet, I will add more updates, so as not to disappoint everyone who voted

Summon the babies who have tickets again, and help the lord to make the list at the beginning of the month!

Good night, see you tomorrow~

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