The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 910 First Genius? Awesome Lord! 【Ask monthly ticket】

A concubine from the Mingyue family? Another person answered, but disdainfully, There are so many concubines in the Mingyue family, who would notice that a concubine?

Xu Shi really took this surname, and each generation of Mingyue family has more young ladies than young masters.

But with the power of the Mingyue family, even a concubine would not worry about marrying.

But with the concubine Mingzhu in front, who would care about the concubine?

The others also looked bored. A concubine who steals the treasure of the family can only die. What is there to gossip about?

Alas, this is not an ordinary concubine. The person before waved his hand and said mysteriously, This is a concubine descended from a concubine.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's eyebrows twitched.

She is from the rivers and lakes and has not been in the family much.

Although when she went to Wanling, she also entered the Mu family, but the Mu family is also a family of the world, and there is not much red tape.

The racial boundaries of the prehistoric are too obvious, and the human world here is truly secular.

What kind of concubine daughter and concubine daughter, she didn't make a clear distinction, let alone know that a concubine daughter can be reduced to a concubine daughter.

Ji Xuanqing obviously heard it too, and he sighed: So it's that young lady, and she also has a hard life.

Subconsciously, Jiang Wenhao was about to ridicule, but after accidentally catching a glimpse of the frail young man in white, he obediently shut up again.

Up to now, he still can't understand why he is so afraid of an acquired second floor.

His innate cultivation is all three levels of acquired!

Jiang Wenhao naturally didn't know what kind of terrifying existence the frail boy in white was in front of him.

Even though his emperor-level cultivation has disappeared, Jun Muqian is still strong.

It's just that her current body is really too weak.

Jun Muqian rubbed her wrist, and found that she couldn't hold on to the chopsticks for a long time now.

This is not only the cultivation of spiritual power that has to be practiced from scratch, but also the physical fitness.

But at the beginning, she was able to successfully refine the bones because of the sudden oppression from the king. It would not be easy to have such an opportunity again.

We must rush out of the human race as soon as possible!

The human world is not the only race of the human race.

In the shortest time, she must at least have the strength to stand at the peak of the human world.

Jun Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled with his lips: I don't know what is the name of this young lady that brother Xuan Qing is talking about?

Brother Rong Mu doesn't know something. Ji Xuanqing nodded and sighed again, I don't know the name of this young lady's boudoir either, after all I was relegated to the branch family four years ago.

Girls who have not left the cabinet generally do not disclose their names to the public.

I just heard that she seems to have committed some crime, which angered the old man of Mingyue's family, and directly ordered his son to demote his wife to a concubine. Ji Xuanqing thought for a while before continuing, So this lady didn't Assuming the identity of a prostitute.

Jiang Wenhao took a cautious look at the frail young man in white, and answered slowly: Besides, just after Mingyue's family demoted their wives, they promoted an aunt who was at odds with the main house as the main wife. The girl under the aunt's knee , naturally became a daughter-in-law.

Jun Muqian nodded: It's good fortune to trick people.

The world of mortals is really trapped, but she is also trapped in it now.

Strength...or strength!

Although the Dayin dynasty controls the entire human race, and the four major families are also powerful, a single fairy is enough to make them fear.

She is now on the second level of Houtian, and if she wants to step into Xiantian and then form a golden core, there are still many bottlenecks from the heavenly immortal.

Jun Muqian poked the beans in the bowl with his chopsticks expressionlessly, his mood was indescribable.

The noise on the other side continued, all in mocking tones.

Who am I? It turns out to be Mingyueqian. One of them snorted coldly, I'm a waste, ugly, but luckily lucky. I got married on the first day of our Dayin. It's like a toad matching a swan. Meat.

Brother Xian is right. Who is Mr. Feng? She is a good-for-nothing? But now that it's over, Mr. Feng will definitely not marry her!

As soon as this sentence was finished, several people from other tables surrounded me curiously: Hey! What's going on?

Because the bright moon is shallow, she doesn't know how to be ashamed. The man looked disgusted, Even seduced her own brother, but if Mr. Feng found out, she would certainly have no face to marry.

What?! The others were taken aback, How could she do such a despicable thing?

Is it something a girl can do to seduce her own brother?

Isn't it? The narrator sneered, Not only that, she was found out and quibbled, saying that it was Miss Sha who wanted to harm her, and I don't know where the face came from!

Mingyuesha... Ji Xuanqing frowned, his expression turned cold.

Jun Muqian noticed his abnormality: Who is Ming Yuesha?

She was not interested in the affairs of the big family, so she didn't continue to listen.

Jiang Wenhao said bluntly: Before Xuanqing was not abolished, Mingyuesha was Xuanqing's fiancée, but after Xuanqing was abolished, Mingyuesha directly contacted Xuanqing for marriage.

It turned out that this wasn't enough. She also spread rumors in the imperial capital, saying that Xuanqing and her maid had privately agreed, and she had no choice but to resign the engagement.

Ji Xuanqing remained silent.

He didn't care about a marriage contract. She was annulled, and she was indeed not worthy of the eldest daughter of the Mingyue family.

But he couldn't bear to secretly ruin his reputation.

But what if I can't bear it?

He has already lost power, how could he be able to defeat the joint pressure test of the Ji family and the Mingyue family?

That's it... Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly, Mingyuesha will regret it.

Ji Xuanqing and Jiang Wenhao were taken aback at the same time: Regret?

Jun Mu smiled slightly: I regret missing a husband like Brother Xuanqing.

Ji Xuanqing didn't realize it for a while, and it took a long time to turn his thoughts around, couldn't hold back a smile, and shook his head: Brother Rong Mu is really good at making people happy.

I don't know how to deceive people. Jun Muqian said lightly, What I can tell is the truth.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt something was wrong again.

No... she seems to be able to coax people.

In the vagueness, she coaxed her more than once, but who came?

Although Brother Rong Mu's cultivation level is not high, he is in a good mood. Ji Xuanqing raised his glass with a smile, Brother Rong Mu can say such words, I am already satisfied.

He has lived in ridicule all these years, and anyone who sees him wants to step on him.

I haven't heard this kind of words for a long time.

Jun Muqian raised his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and said leisurely: The dantian hurts because there is a filthy qi in your body that hinders the movement of aura, and the meridians feel torn because there are three breaks in your meridians. Dot, the aura is blocked.

Ji Xuanqing was shocked suddenly, and his eyes burst into disbelief.

Under his shocked gaze, Jun Muqian slowly said the last sentence: Four years ago, you should have been underhanded by someone with a higher level of cultivation than you. And I don't want you to recover, so everyone thinks you're useless.


Ji Xuanqing got up abruptly, his gentle expression completely changed, and his voice became urgent: Brother Rong Mu, do you have a solution?

Back then when the Ji family invited the imperial doctor, they all shook their heads and said that he was hopeless.

After he left Ji's house, he also found many quacks on the road, and they all had an answer.

Am I... Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, I'm not a doctor, but—

She chuckled: I can indeed be cured.

Ji Xuanqing's current cultivation level is the ninth level of Houtian, which is equivalent to the level of the spirit king in the Lingxuan world.

Her cultivation base is gone, but her primordial spirit is still there, and some things can naturally be seen at a glance.

Jiang Wenhao's eyes widened, and he became excited: You are not lying, you can really cure it?!

Of course it can be cured. Jun Muqian understated, But it also requires a lot of medicinal materials. These medicinal materials must be found within three months, otherwise, there will be no possibility of recovery.

Four years had passed, and if Ji Xuanqing hadn't given up, and would absorb spiritual energy to wash his dantian meridians, his body would have died long ago.

Jiang Wenhao was speechless when he saw Ji Xuanqing, so he quickly asked, What medicinal materials do you need?

Jun Muqian pondered for a while, and then said casually: Purple Salvia, Baicao, Tianxinglu, Jade Spirit Fruit, and Chixin Aesculus Seed.

Jiang Wenhao was stunned: You want these?

Although he doesn't know medicine, he has also heard about these medicinal materials. Each plant needs at least one hundred thousand taels to start, which is still gold!

Even, it may not be able to find it.

Ji Xuanqingye gradually calmed down, and he was silent for a while: I know where the Jade Spirit Fruit is.

Jun Muqian looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Jiang Wenhao also seemed to have thought of something, and blurted out: Xuanqing, you mean...

Jun Zunzhu: In another world, this seat is still awesome! Just be so narcissistic that you can't refute

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