The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 905 Today, Emperor Cheng! [add more]

A sentence is said lightly, but its impact on Rong Qing is huge.

His eyes darkened in an instant, and the bottom of his pupils seemed to be swept by storms and rain, gradually condensing into abysses.

All the light is bit by bit, swallowed by desire.

He almost couldn't hold back, and directly carried her into the room.

But not yet.

Rong Qing almost used all her restraint to suppress the surging waves in her heart.

His hands trembled slightly, and he firmly pressed the head of the person in his arms, feeling the softness of the silver-white hair.

Rong Qing closed her eyes, her voice was terribly hoarse: No,, it's not the time yet.

Going to the prehistoric world is extremely dangerous. Who knows what will happen next?

If they had children at this time, they would be powerless to protect them.

What's the wrong time! Jun Muqian raised his head, hooked his chin with his fingers rather arrogantly, and snorted slightly, Mother said, let's go to the prehistoric world first, the human world, the heavenly world, and the earthly world. It will be a long time before we get in touch.

Rong Qingli let her lift her chin, looked down at her, and pursed her thin lips: No, I can't agree.

Hearing such a strong refusal, Jun Muqian's peach blossom eyes blinked: You don't need to agree, anyway, it's my next life.

Rong gave her a slight glance: How would you live without me?

I can live without you! Jun Mu was furious, I asked my mother for a pill, and I took it directly from your body.

Rong Qing: ...

Even though it had been so long, this time he couldn't listen anymore.

The long arm was raised suddenly, and the purple-clothed woman was held onto her shoulders.

Hey hey! Jun Muqian almost choked when he jumped into the air suddenly, What are you doing?

This is still at the gate of the Emperor's Palace. If the mother-in-law sees it again, won't her image be ruined again?

Rong Qing didn't move her eyebrows, she walked forward with the person on her shoulders, and said three words lightly: Give birth to a son.

Oh—— Jun Muqian was a little surprised by the change in his attitude, lowered her head, and leaned into his ear, Why not a daughter?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a slight crimson color on his skin.

The voice that came out was extremely calm and indifferent: I don't like it.

Give birth to a daughter, she must come out to compete with him.

Jun Muqian didn't give up, and then teased: Then what if I have a daughter? Did you sell her?

Rong Qing's footsteps paused, seemed to ponder for a moment, and then said lightly: Let father and mother take care of you.

Jun Muqian was stunned, she had forgotten that such an operation could be done.

Qingmei, you won. She couldn't help applauding him, and then patted him on the back, Hurry up, beauty, hurry up, let's hurry up and have a baby.

As soon as the words fell, with a shua, the scarlet figure disappeared instantly.

In the next second, there was only a bang sound coming from Shaojun's palace, and after the frightened birds on the branches left one after another, everything became quiet.

For two whole days and one night, both of them spent in the room.

The door was not opened until the afternoon of the third day arrived.

Rong Xi, who was about to draw a spiritual array to eavesdrop and peek, was caught off guard, and fell and had a close contact with the earth.

Aww! Rong Xi bared her teeth in pain, she rubbed her face aggrieved, I'm handsome, beautiful and lovely, I'm sorry.

Jun Muqian staggered.

Rong Qing wrapped her arms around her waist in time, and gave her sister a warning look.

Huh! Rong Xi rubbed for a while, as if she had discovered some new land, her eyes flashed with surprise, Sister-in-law, you look like, like...

Jun Muqian looked himself up and down, and found nothing wrong: Huh? What's wrong?

Rong Xi scratched her head, and finally came up with a suitable adjective: Looks like I'm dehydrated!

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

She gritted her teeth silently, rubbed a certain young gentleman's foot viciously, and said through voice transmission: It's all your fault!

Rong Qing remained motionless, showing no abnormality.

Rong Xi seemed to have just discovered that there was another person besides her sister-in-law. She leaned over and was even more surprised: Brother also seems, like... um!

After realizing that her voice was silenced again, Rong Xi looked at the man in scarlet with grief and indignation, her eyes were enough to kill.

Her big brother is really bad!

Mumu, let's go. Rong Qing raised his hand, picked up the woman in purple clothes by the waist, and flew towards Yunyun City.

In just half a month, Xianyu has experienced too many things, and the sky has completely changed.

Originally, some immortal cultivators were angry at the despotism of the Tianyu Emperors and wanted to avenge the Immortal Emperor and Xian Lingyu's family.

But after learning the truth, they were all ashamed.

Now the spiritual cultivators in the Immortal Realm are all thinking the same thing - the Immortal Emperor died well, and the Immortal Lingyu deserved it!

If this kind of person is allowed to continue to govern the fairyland, it will be the biggest disaster.

However, the Immortal Territory cannot live without the emperor, and a lord of the Tianyu Territory took over.

In this regard, the spiritual cultivators of Xianyu are also very happy.

Except for the demon queen, the other emperors don't know that since the so-called emperor's power is given by heaven, it can also be taken back.

And the empress of Tianyu controls the way of heaven, even if she bestows the power of an emperor to an ordinary person with no cultivation, this person can also become an emperor!

It is true that the Dao of Heaven is above everything else, but the one who really dominates the universe is the master of the universe.

Today, many people came to Yunyun City and gathered on the plain beside the forest outside the city.

There is the demon queen, there is no medicine, and there is also the lord of Tianyu.

Here, an enchantment has been set up by the Empress of Tianyu, and no one in the entire universe can break through it.

Jun Muqian glanced at the sky with a complicated expression, and finally understood why the first son of the Eastern Region wanted her to come to the other side of the cloud.

Because this is the closest place between the Unreal Universe and the Primordial Universe.

The crack she saw last time was not an illusion, it was caused by unexpected friction between universes.


The first son of the Eastern Region disappeared again.

No one knows where he went.

She also asked her mother-in-law about this matter, and her mother-in-law only said one sentence - the secret must not be revealed.

At this time, ink clouds slowly condensed in the sky, and the strong wind also came silently.

The air pressure was so dull that even the Demon Empress felt a little palpitation.

Yun Ge. She glanced at the woman in purple with some concern, Is there really no problem?

She also watched Qing'er grow up. She knew that he had suffered a lot, and finally found a girl who truly loved each other. Both of them are so nice, why did this happen to them?

Let me look at it, there will be no problem. Qing Yunge's expression became a little more dignified, But it depends on whether Xiao Mumu can bear it.

It is true that she went to Honghuang by herself, but she just waved her sleeves back and forth.

Sending people away is also easy.

But once she does, it's meddling.

It's time. Qing Yunge turned around, looked at her eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, and said in a deep voice, Before the gate of the universe is opened, if you don't want to go, there is still time to stop.

Go, of course. Hearing these words, the light in Jun Mu's shallow eyes became more and more determined, I will go to the prehistoric world, I will go to hell, and change the book of life and death!

In a word, full of arrogance.

Everyone couldn't help being slightly moved. They all thought that this was just lip service, and if she could say it, she would certainly be able to do it.

Okay! Qing Yunge clapped her hands with soft eyes, Mother will wait for you to come back.

After a pause, he said again: Now, I will tell you how to open the channel.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's eyes tightened, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

Before he could say anything, Rong Qing spoke first, and he took a step forward: Mother, let me open this passage.

Forcibly opening the gate of the universe will definitely not be easy, and he doesn't want his Mumu to suffer any pain.

If you want to open the channel, you have to be the emperor. Qing Yunge shook his head slightly, Moreover, it must come from the wilderness. None of you are suitable for this.

Rong Qing's eyes changed.

Yao couldn't help but froze: But girl Jun is not the emperor, so what should I do?

Even if Gu Yue and Zu Luo are involved with Honghuang, they are far from Dijun.

It's coming soon. Qing Yunge smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his hands.

Next second!


The majestic power of chaos surged out like that, turning into strands of silk threads, winding up and down around the purple-clothed woman.

Then, it condensed into a golden barrier and flew into the air with Jun Muqian.

This scene made everyone very puzzled.

The demon queen was also at a loss.

Only Rong Qing's brows were tightly furrowed, and he stared closely at the purple-clothed woman lying flat in the air, his eyes dark as night.

Take your strength! Keep your heart! When the golden light stopped flowing, Qing Yunge yelled, Xiao Mumu, don't think about anything, stay calm!

Now, I will help you get to Dijun!

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