The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 904 Heavenly Court! I will give you a baby【2 more】

The heaven is the heaven. Qing Yunge tapped his hand on the long table.

With a hum, a little ripple spread out from the central wave, and spread outward round and round.

Then, clouds and mist rose up.

In the meantime, several palaces slowly appeared, interspersed between the clouds, some high and some low.

Ten thousand beams of golden light are rolling red neon, and thousands of auspicious qi are spraying purple mist.

Glazed green tiles, made of precious jade.

It is majestic, resplendent and unparalleled in the world.

Rao is the Emperor's Palace of the domain, and it cannot be compared with it.

Heavenly Court... Jun Mu stared at the palaces, recalling the records in the book, Thirty-three palaces, seventy-two palaces.

That's right. Qing Yunge nodded slightly, But in the earliest days, there was no such thing as seventy-two treasure halls.

Jun Muqian understood.

The original masters of the Heavenly Court were the Heavenly Emperor Dijun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

After all, the two brothers were from the demon clan, and they didn't have any desire for pleasure.

But after the death of Emperor Jun and Donghuang, the boys and girls sat down by Hongjun became the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, and the Heavenly Court was further expanded, and more and more acquired demon gods joined the Heavenly Court.

Comprehensive strength is stronger than Gu Tianting.

But neither the Jade Emperor nor the Queen Mother can compare to Di Jun and Dong Huang.

Xiao Mumu, Qing'er, and you. Qing Yunge pondered, When you go to the wilderness, the heaven will be the last place you come into contact with. At the beginning, you should avoid it as much as you can.

Jun Muqian and Rong Qing looked at each other, nodded and said, Understood, mother.

The prehistoric world is now an unknown world.

This is the human world, and it is also the mortal world you often hear about. Qing Yunge raised his hand, another cloud rose from the long table, and then slowly turned into an illusory flat continent.

The human world has the largest area among the Three Realms. She continued, But among the Three Realms, its status is the lowest. Those gods and demons in the Heavenly Court often make bets with mortals in the world, and they are often Hundreds of thousands of lives.

Jun Muqian thought for a while: Is it because the human race is weak?

Yeah. Rong Qing said lightly, Although the human race was created by Nuwa, when the operation of the Three Realms is on the right track, Nuwa Hongjun and the others will not make a move.

In the prehistoric world, the boundary between human beings and gods is very clear. Qing Yunge smiled, We don't have so many things in the illusory world. It is not impossible to travel in the rivers and lakes and meet the state of transformation.

However, some things are the same. At the beginning of the birth of the Great Desolation, this kind of boundary was also very blurred, but as time progressed, those demon gods established a lot of rules.

Jun Muqian made some calculations in his mind, and then asked, Mother, what are Taiyi Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal?

Oh, this... Qing Yunge laughed again, This is the level of spiritual power in Honghuang. It is the same as Unreal Daqian, but it is much more complicated, and the name is different.

For example, Honghuang's Taiyi Golden Immortal is roughly equivalent to Daqian's Transformation God Realm, and Daluo Golden Immortal is equivalent to Eternal Realm.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's eyes froze slightly.

Because when I was in the Buddha's realm, I heard Guanghua's meaning, and it seemed that there were not too few Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric era.

Compared with this, Unreal Daqian is really too young.

Of course, there are higher levels above Daluo Jinxian. Qing Yunge continued, One of them is the sage of heaven that you know.

Saint of heaven!

Jun Muqian narrowed her eyes, of course she knew the sage of heaven.

Because in the books about the prehistoric that she read in her previous life, the sages of the heavenly way were often used to refer to Nuwa, Sanqing, and the two Western Buddhas.

In this way, it is no wonder that Guanghua thinks that Yuanshi Tianzun can kill his father-in-law. After all, at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, he can already rival the emperors of the lower five domains.

Gu Yue scratched her head, very curious: Then, Your Majesty, do Heavenly Dao Saints have a corresponding class in Unreal Daqian?

Unfortunately, no. Qing Yunge spread his hands, So we lack top strength.

Gu Yue was discouraged all of a sudden: Wouldn't we have become hob meat in the past?

Zu Luo's eyes were full of fighting intent, without any fear at all.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and smiled: Mother, if I guessed correctly, the strength of some senior lords should not be inferior to the saints of heaven, right?

There are only two. Qing Yunge nodded, But it's the same as me and A Huai, they are both wild cranes and don't spend much time in Tianyu.

Jun Muqian coughed lightly, thinking to herself, it seems that they are really a destined family, they are all so lazy.

Besides, you can rest assured. Qing Yunge smiled slightly, If it's just to save all souls, you will definitely not meet the sages of heaven, at most they are Da Luo Jinxian.

After saying that, she raised her hand for the third time.

This time, the center of the long table was sunken directly.

The last realm is the underworld. Qing Yunge said, If the earth realm and the human realm are put together, the former is called the underworld, and the latter is called the yang realm.

This is the realm of death, ruled by the king of hell.

But all in all, the Ten Kings of Hades are also bound by the Heavenly Court to pay homage to the Jade Emperor.

Heaven is the greatest ruler.

Xiao Mumu... Qing Yunge turned his head suddenly, with a serious expression on his face, If you want to save those people in the Wanling Continent, going to hell is what you have to do.

Break into the underworld? Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment, Brother and their souls have been detained in the underworld?

The universe is different, but the so-called reincarnation should all have similarities.

It's not just that. Qing Yunge's face darkened, Although those people in Wanling Continent belong to the prehistoric, they were born after the original prehistoric was broken, so...

Their names are not listed in the book of life and death in the underworld!

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's pupils shrank slightly: Could it be that brother and the others have become wandering souls?

It's not a wandering soul. Qing Yunge shook his head, I didn't go, and I don't know what the situation is now.

His tone paused, before sinking: But no matter what, as long as you can change the book of life and death, anyone can be saved.

Jun Muqian took a deep breath: I will.

The book of life and death is a book that controls the lifespan of all living beings in the realm, and is used to control life and death.

From this point of view, Honghuang is indeed more authoritarian and rigorous than Unreal Daqian.

But the book of life and death is definitely not so easy to change.

It is difficult to enter the underworld as a living person, and it is even more difficult to change the book of life and death.

Moreover, after changing the book of life and death, the earth and heaven will be shaken.

Rong Qing also thought of this, he squeezed the hands of the people around him tightly: Mumu, I will always be here.

Jun Muqian raised his head, bent his eyes and smiled: I've always known that too.

Gu Yue suddenly stretched out her hand: And me and me.

You must take Xiaoyueyue with you. Jun Muqian rubbed her head, Xiaoyueyue is still my mount.

Rong Qing: ...

He decided that if he wanted a child in the future, he must have a son.

Otherwise, there must be no place for him in the family.

Hmm... Qing Yunge seemed to think of something, but she didn't think of it. She frowned, It seems that someone in Honghuang once changed the book of life and death, but I forgot who it was. If you can find him, it should be convenient Quite a few.

Jun Muqian remembered everything in her heart: I will, mother.

Remember, don't be brave in everything. Qing Yunge warned, Because the boundaries of the Three Realms are too clear, the prehistoric world is much more dangerous than the imaginary world.

The four nodded.

Okay, that's all for now. Qing Yunge stood up, Xiao Mumu, come with me, I have something to say to you alone.

Without any hesitation, Jun Muqian let go of Gu Yue in her arms and followed.

Rong Qing was waiting outside the hall, within a few minutes, he saw the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law walking out.

Looking at the expressions of the two, a little confusion floated in his eyes: Mother?

Why are their expressions so strange?

Your girl's whisper, don't inquire about it. Qing Yunge gave him a disgusted look, If you have any questions, go to your father.

... Rong pinched his brows lightly, he had to find it too.

When will father accept mother?

Tomorrow afternoon, we will all gather in Yuncheng in Immortal Territory. Qing Yunge waved his hand, From there, you can go to Honghuang.

After speaking, she flashed her figure and left first.

Mumu. Rong Qing's eyes showed some scrutiny, What did mother tell you?

It's not because I have to know, but because I feel uneasy in my heart.

I didn't say anything. Jun Muqian's eyes moved slightly, and he hooked his lips, Just tell me why you are so fast, and...

She suddenly hugged the slender neck of the man in scarlet clothes, pressed her head against his shoulder, and smiled faintly in a low voice.

Little beauty, let me give you a baby.

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