The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 906 Rong Qing, You Come To Me [1 More]


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even the demon queen raised her head in disbelief, her pupils constricted violently: Today is becoming an emperor?

Dijun, can you create it in an instant?

The Demon Lord, who was not invited but had the cheek to come over, was paralyzed with fright. He shivered and looked at the woman in the red skirt who was also wrapped in golden light, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Create an emperor in an instant... What kind of strength is this? !

Only then did the Demon Lord realize that the Empress Tianyu, who had made him feel fear in the first place, actually hid her strength!

He didn't even dare to think about his real strength.

Rong Qing's expression changed again: Mumu!

In the air, red marks appeared on the porcelain-like delicate skin of the woman in purple.

It wasn't the scars, but the blood in the body was forced to the surface due to the excessive pressure from the outside world.

If you can't bear it, you will die violently.

It's not bloody, but it's even more worrying.

But Rong Qing has no choice but to watch helplessly.

As the power of chaos continued to increase, cracks appeared in the space, and the air trembled violently.

And above the sky, there are more and more ink clouds, baring their teeth and claws, as if they want to swallow the whole world.

At the same time, there were more and more red marks on the body of the woman in purple, and it was clearly visible that the dark red blood was slowly flowing under the skin.

Even, a faint mist of blood had risen from her body.

Hold it! Seeing this, Qing Yunge yelled again, Persist for a few more minutes, and it will be over!

Hmm... Jun Muqian snorted, then clenched his teeth.

She endured waves of pain that surged up one after another, and blood oozed from her lips.

The power of chaos was transforming her body, and the pain made her heart tremble.

Even the strong-willed Jun Muqian, who has wandered between life and death countless times, has an urge to give up.

But when she thought of what she had to do, she clenched her fingers again.

she can't give up...

Absolutely never give up!

Her brothers and sisters are still waiting for her to save them. If she even gives up, then no one in this world will remember them anymore.

Jun Muqian closed her eyes, and in order to relieve the pain in her body, she began to silently recite Nine Transformations of Good Fortune in her mind

To her surprise, even without using her spiritual power, she still felt her mood growing.

The sixth turn of the Nine Turns of Good Fortune Divine Art broke through in an instant after she returned to the Immortal Realm in the Valley of the Medicine King.

At the same time, the sixth Xiaodanxiao in Hunyuanling was also opened.

Just like its name, there are many alchemy recipes and secret techniques for cultivating spiritual power in this heaven.

Jun Muqian had no interest in alchemy, so she took out a part and gave it to her mother-in-law.

The other part was given to Huali.

The last part is left for Ying Zijin.

Jun Muqian didn't know what the end of Nine Turns of Good Fortune was, but she had a feeling in her heart that if she could really turn on the ninth turn, the world would be able to touch it!

Moreover, she can still feel that whether it is the Nine Transformations Divine Art of Creation or the Hunyuan Bell...their secrets are all in the prehistoric.

Also, her background.

I don't know how many weeks the Nine Turns of Good Fortune has run, suddenly!


A burst-like explosion sounded from the depths of the sky, echoing throughout the entire illusory universe.

It even alarmed several surrounding lower planes.

The emperors of the lower five regions were even more horrified. They looked at the blue sky and white sun above their heads in shock, and saw wisps of red clouds slowly rolling out from the edge of the sky. The panic in their hearts reached a certain point.

A new emperor is born!


Who is it?

Will it come to take their place?

Without any thought, the emperors all headed towards Tianyu.

Everyone on the plain was also silent, and they were all shocked.

In the past, it was hard for them to imagine that they could witness the birth of an emperor with their own eyes.

Rong Qing didn't have time to think about anything at all, at the moment when the golden light dissipated, his body had already swept away, holding the woman in purple who fell down into his arms.

It's okay, Qingmei. Jun Muqian still had some lingering pain in her body, she gasped, I'm fine.

Mumu, don't talk for now. Spiritual power surged out of Rong Qing's palm, pressed against her back, and began to convey.

After a few minutes, Jun Muqian's pale face gradually returned to blood.

Just now, she thought that she was going to be broken.

You should have realized it yourself. Qing Yunge wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around, and sighed quietly, But it's too late.

Jun Muqian also sighed.

Back in time, Honghuang has also gone through 120,000 years.

And the time to go back was just after the Conferred Gods War ended.

Three calamities have been measured, all of which have passed.

This also means that if you don't go there as soon as possible, Honghuang will soon usher in the second demise.

But this time, there is no going back in time.

I understand. Jun Muqian chuckled, Mother, you are doing it for my own good.

Mother actually begged you not to go. Qing Yunge's expression was a bit complicated, Next, are you ready?

Jun Muqian still smiled, without any hesitation: It's ready.

Becoming an emperor is only the first step.

Because only the cultivation of the emperor is enough to open the gate of the universe.

But the most important thing is how to open it.

Okay. Qing Yunge raised his hand, Xiao Mumu, now I will seriously injure you to ensure the death of your physical body and the complete separation of your soul.


As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they heard.

Rong Qing's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his composure for the first time. He suddenly raised his head: Mother, what did you say?!

What does it mean to ensure the death of the physical body?

He looked at Jun Muqian again, but found that her expression was very calm.

As if thinking of something, Rong Qing's eyes changed, and he was suddenly cold: Is this what you were talking about that day?

No wonder they avoided him, because they knew he would never agree.

This is the only way. Jun Muqian looked at him, My current physical body is dead, and after the primordial spirit passes through the gate of the universe, I will choose another physical body. There will be no problem.

Because Hunyuan Qi can be divided, there is also Xiao Mumu's avatar in Honghuang. Qing Yunge also said, The person who wants to open the door of the universe cannot bear that force physically, and can only use Yuanshen.

Rong Qing remained silent, staring at her with deep black double pupils, obviously furious.

Jun Muqian stepped forward, hugged him, felt the familiar temperature, whispered: Little beauty, I will be fine, we will be fine.

It's just that they have to experience death again. After opening their eyes, they are still together.

Rong Qing's body trembled, and her voice was very difficult: Mumu...

He closed his eyes, as if a little weak: Can't... not go?

He really didn't want her to take the risk, it was too big of a risk.

Moreover, he couldn't bear to let her have any pain.

Qingmei, you know... Jun Muqian was silent for a moment, and his voice was even lower, In my previous life for more than a hundred years, I only had one friend, Ying Zijin. After I came to Wanling, I met such a friend. Lots of people.

Mu Ying, Mu Nuan, Su Qingli, Fu Su, Fu Feng...

How could she really ignore them?

They are all the people she loves.

Just this time— Jun Muqian raised his eyes slowly and smiled, But you came to find me instead.

Her tone was like a little girl's being coquettish, with a bit of cunning: I looked for you once, and you have made me angry for so long, so you should come to me, right?

Rong slightly moved his lips, knowing that he couldn't persuade him anymore.

He raised his hand to tie a strand of her silver hair behind his head, and looked at her deeply, as if trying to remember the person he loved with his life: I will find you, in the shortest possible time.

That light beauty, remember what you said. Jun Muqian bent his eyes, If I'm ugly in Honghuang, you can't dislike me.

Rong smiled lightly and hugged her even tighter: How could it be...

He loves her because of who she is.

You must come to me. Jun Muqian emphasized again before letting him go, nodding to the woman in the red dress, Mom, come.

Xiao Mumu, hold back. Qing Yunge couldn't bear it, but she had to do it.

She raised her hand, and a ray of light surged out of her palm, which gradually spread and turned into a thin blade.


The thin blade swept forward quickly and inserted straight into Jun Muqian's heart.

Blood followed.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, her complexion gradually turned pale, and her eyelashes slowly closed.

It lasted for a full ten seconds before the light blade completely dissipated.

Jun Muqian's body finally fell down, and was hugged tightly by Rong Qing.

And at the same time!

A transparent primordial spirit slowly floated out from that body.

Everyone was horrified and couldn't help but suffocate.


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