The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 903 Mumu, it's my first time too [with prize]

Before she could say the words behind her, her feet were held.

The slender fingers were cold, but the palm was dry and warm.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but it just happened to cover the joint of the ankle.

Jun Muqian couldn't hold back, her body trembled, and she looked at him slightly angrily: What are you doing!

Don't you know she is ticklish? !

Hearing this, Rong Qing raised her eyes, looked at her lightly, and slightly moved her thin lips: Prevent you from being irresponsible if you light the fire.

At that time, it will be him who has worked hard.

Even being able to do such a thing as turning into an animal, he would dare to see her do anything.

What does it mean to be irresponsible for lighting a fire? Jun Muqian was choked, feeling a little guilty, but on the surface he was confident, I obviously did it for your health.

Rong Qingzhong squinted his pupils, and a little danger appeared: Oh?

As the saying goes, how can a man be immersed in the gentle land when his ambition is everywhere? Jun Muqian said with a solemn expression, If you stay in the gentle land all the time, you will not be able to get down.

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qing was silent, turned his head and glanced thoughtfully.

The eyes are light and light, seemingly without any emotion, but in fact they are meaningful.

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

She actually read a bit of sarcasm from this look.

Rong Qing actually mocked her!

That time doesn't count. Jun Muqian gritted his teeth, That's because I had no experience for the first time.

If she had known earlier, when she was in the Protoss, she should have been prepared, instead of selling herself out of her mind.

Yeah. Rong Qing followed suit, paused, but reminded, Mumu, it's my first time too.

Jun Muqian: ...

If you don't say this, you will die!

Why is it the first time, the difference between them is so big?

Is it really because of the disparity in physical strength between men and women?

But at least she has refined her body and bones.

Jun Muqian frowned, and began to think about this question seriously. For a moment, he forgot what he was going to do.

Seeing that the woman in purple was already out of her wits, Rong gently pinched the center of her brows.

He really couldn't bear this posture for a long time.

After enduring and enduring, Rong Qing still spoke, slightly helpless: Mumu.

Ah? Oh— Jun Muqian came back to his senses, patted his head, Sorry, I was distracted.

Rong Qing also let her press it, raised his eyebrows slightly: So?

Ignition, take charge. Jun Muqian turned his eyes and hummed twice, This time, let you see how powerful I am.

She must not be ashamed like the first time.

Hearing this, Rong Qing couldn't hold back a very light laugh.

Are you still laughing? Still laughing! This time, Jun Muqian was really angry.

She leaned over suddenly, let go of the shoulders of the man in scarlet clothes, but covered his lips, quite annoyed: Don't laugh!

But Jun Muqian didn't know that her current appearance really didn't have any deterrent effect. Instead, because of her large movements, her silver-white hair fell down and hung on her shoulders, adding a bit of softness.

The man in scarlet clothes darkened his eyes, and his chest was still shaking slightly.

Stop laughing! Jun Muqian began to threaten, Rong Qing, if you laugh again, you are not allowed to enter the room.

As a result, what she didn't expect was that as soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden whirlwind.

When her sight regained clarity, the person being held down became her instead.

Jun Muqian: ...

Well, there is really a huge disparity between men and women.

Mumu. Rong frowned lightly, Don't imitate your mother in everything.

He didn't understand his father's difficulties before, but now he understands a lot.

That's impossible. Jun Muqian challenged him, Look, if I hadn't been a light in the past, I might really be your aunt.

Fate is so wonderful.

This sentence made Rong Qing completely unbearable.

He couldn't bear it anymore, pulled down the curtain and extinguished the candle.

With just a wave of his hand, all obstacles were removed.

Jun Mu was stunned for a moment. She was about to say something, but her words were blocked and she couldn't utter a word.

its not right!

Isn't she going to be a bully today?

Why is it the other way around?

However, now there is no room for what Jun Muqian is thinking.

Looking at the pair of double pupils that were still as deep as the Milky Way in the darkness, and the shockingly beautiful face reflected, she was a little dazed.

It seems that the whole person has been completely attracted by Rong Qing.


Sink again.

The inner room is very quiet and will not be disturbed by anyone.

With the thought of being in their own home, the two of them once again forgot to set up a barrier, and the door was even ajar.

So I didn't even know that, in the quiet passage of time, there were footsteps approaching, and the door was knocked.

Qing'er, Xiao Mumu, let me tell you something important first.

Qing Yunge was still wondering why the door of the palace was not closed, and she had already stepped in.

Although it was pitch black, it did not prevent her from seeing clearly what was happening in the hall.

This look!

Excuse me, excuse me. Qing Yunge immediately closed her eyes, turned around and flashed, Go on, go on.


She can't get in the way of her daughter-in-law and her son, otherwise she will have nowhere to hug her grandson.

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muqian: ...

Both of them woke up with a start.



Someone was kicked out of bed.

Jun Mu, who was lying on the bed, covered his eyes slightly, feeling a little desperate.

She wanted to die, how could such a thing be seen by her beloved mother-in-law!

It's over, her image... now it's gone.

In desperation, someone hugged her from behind, her voice was deliberately lowered, slightly hoarse: Kick me?

Ah? Jun Muqian also came to her senses at this moment, she kicked Rong Qing down in a moment of agitation, and became anxious, Qing beauty, I swear! I really didn't do it on purpose, didn't I break it?

Rong Qing was silent for a moment, and then said after a while: No.

Quite a bit of gnashing of teeth.

That's good, that's good. Jun Muqian breathed a sigh of relief, It's fine.

The two stared at each other silently for a long time in the darkness: ...

In the end, it was Jun Muqian who broke the silence first. She pressed her head and sighed: Let's see what important things mother has.

Rong Qing didn't respond, he was in a very bad mood right now, but he was helpless.

Restrainedly planted a kiss on the forehead of the woman in purple before tidying up her clothes.


In the emperor's palace——

Qing Yunge supported her elbows, and began to fantasize about how many white and fat grandchildren she could hold in her arms in the future. When she was feeling comfortable physically and mentally, the door of the palace was pushed open.

She looked up, and when she saw someone coming, she coughed violently, she was surprised: Ahem, cough...Qing'er, why are you so fast?

Rong Qing: ...

He doesn't want this girl anymore.

Mother, no, no. Jun Muqian was choked, and secretly wiped off his sweat, We're here to hear what you have to say.

Weird girl, really weird girl this time. Qing Yunge's eyes twitched slightly, But why don't you close the door?

Jun Muqian was also embarrassed for a moment: Forget about it.

Okay... Qing Yunge sighed, Since you all chose to come out, it's hard for mother to say anything.

If I had known her earlier, I would have cursed her, pity her precious grandson.

Jun Muqian coughed lightly, and finally calmed down: Mother, what do you want to say?

Wait a moment. Qing Yunge said, There are still two people who haven't come.

As soon as the words fell, the palace door was pushed open again.

Master! A young figure rushed in, and plunged into the arms of the purple-clothed woman, rubbing and rubbing, Master, I miss you so much.

Xiao Yueyue? Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment, and took a look at the little girl, Have you transformed into a god?

Yeah, I just broke through. Gu Yue rejoiced, Master, am I very good?

Of course. Jun Mu smiled and rubbed her head, I didn't expect you to be so powerful before.

I didn't think of it before. Gu Yue scratched her head and suddenly exclaimed, Oh!

Jun Muqian's expression tightened: What's wrong?

Gu Yue's temperament has always been lonely and cold, but recently she finally has the appearance of a child.

Huh, that's strange. Gu Yue was also confused, Master, I suddenly feel a little cold.

Jun Muqian didn't think much about it: Then I'll hug you.

Gu Yue cheerfully said, Okay.

Qing Yunge glanced at her eldest son.

Rong lightly expressionless.

I thought coldly, that should be his position.

The second person to come in was Zu Luo. With a cold face, he chose a seat and sat down.

Okay, everyone is here. Qing Yunge nodded slightly, Now, I want to tell you what to do after going to Honghuang.

Hearing these words, all four of them raised their heads in unison.

Different from the Unreal Universe, the Great Desolation has no boundaries, but the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans.

Well, I was going to release the benefits one is watching recently, they should be raising articles, so the benefits are also postponed for the time being

Today is Thanksgiving, leave a message to reward 66 Xiaoxiang coins, draw one 999 [only genuine]

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