The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 887 Strong support! Beauty of the Rong family【1 more】


At the moment when the voice fell, all voices disappeared.

It seems that in the whole world, only this new figure is left.

The figure stood under the sky with its hands behind its back, standing indifferently.

It is not tall, but it attracts mountains and rivers to bow down, and heaven and earth are all ministers.

Guanghua's movements suddenly stopped, and after looking over, a look of astonishment appeared on Qingjun's face.

The palm of the emperor of the Eastern Region tightened suddenly, and there was uncontrollable hatred and resentment in his eyes.

The other emperors were also shocked.

And at this time...


One step, the space is fixed!


Two steps, the dark cloud disappears!


Three steps... the silence of mountains and rivers!

After the sky and the earth completely returned to normal, the appearance of the figure was completely revealed in front of everyone.

It was a slender and tall woman with a red dress sweeping the floor without any decorations.

She stood there with a self-contained momentum.

An invisible faint coercion lingers around everyone.

Just enough to catch my breath, but just couldn't breathe more.

Even more frustrating is her face, which is a beauty that cannot be expressed in words.

Eyes are as clear as cold springs, eyebrows are like the daisies of distant mountains,

The moon is the god, and the willow is the state.

Use snow as skin and jade as bone.

With such stunning beauty, among the women present, there is only one woman in purple.

At this moment, two kinds of beauty came into view at the same time, and what they collided with was shocking.

One, sword courage and tenderness.

One, the sky is frivolous.

Any one of them is peerless.


A long absence.

Jun Muqian was also there in a daze, staring blankly at the woman in the red dress who was admired by thousands of people, her eyes suddenly became hot.

An inexplicable feeling slowly swayed in my heart.

Empress of Tianyu!

Empress Tianyu appeared!

Even though everyone had never seen a woman in a red dress, they all knew that this must be the Empress of Tianyu.

In 120,000 years, since the opening of Tianyu, this is the first time that the Empress of Tianyu has truly appeared in front of the public!

Firm belief, silent and spontaneous.

Their gazes followed the woman in the red dress all the time, full of reverence.

But the emperors who had ghosts in their hearts were stiff and did not dare to move.

The phrase there are two emperors in Tianyu has long since completely distinguished them from the two emperors.

In other words, all of them together will not be the opponent of the woman in the red dress in front of me

How is it, Guanghua? Qing Yunge raised his lips, smiling softly and harmlessly, Maybe we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a fight?

Hearing this sentence, Guanghua smiled wryly: Why do you...

Why? Qing Yunge was still smiling, but her voice was cold, Guanghua, you have bullied my son and daughter-in-law, which means...

I can only watch?


As soon as these words came out, the other emperors were all shocked, especially the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord's face twitched for a moment, obviously thinking of something terrible.

In the past, when he had a hothead to find the conflict between the two emperors of Tianyu with Xiandi and the others, the female empress of Tianyu had such an expression, and then...

They were severely injured by a violent blow!

Now, it's such a non-threatening appearance again.

The Demon Lord couldn't help shivering, and moved away secretly, but don't get him involved.

Foyu and Tianyu have always been on good terms, and it was the first time Guanghua was questioned like this, so he couldn't help but fell silent again.

Qing Yunge stood there leisurely, not in a hurry.

Aww! How could Rong Xi give up this opportunity, she jumped up angrily, and even ran over with the bench in her hand, Mother, mother!

With a stab, she ran so fast that she almost fell headfirst.

Qing Yunge's spiritual consciousness has enveloped the entire chaotic galaxy, and nothing can escape her senses.

She reached out in time, hugged Rong Xi, and twisted the girl's ears, her purple eyes narrowed slightly: Xi'er, I don't have a long memory.

No matter how old you are, you can still wrestle while walking.

Oh, it hurts, it hurts! Rong Xi felt wronged, Mother, I'm so stupid.

Okay, no one will fool you if you are stupid. Qing Yunge was also reluctant to let his daughter suffer any harm, and put on a show, Don't look, your father is not here.

Really? Rong Xi blinked her eyes and cheered, It's a good thing daddy isn't here.

Otherwise, he would definitely slip her away again.

Let her look up to the sky and laugh for a while.

I've grown a lot taller. Qing Yunge touched the girl's head in her arms, raised her eyebrows slightly, It seems that the food is good.

No way! Rong Xi desperately shook her head, rubbing back and forth, Mother, I can't even eat without you here.

She will never admit it because she doesn't know how to cook at all.

And because her father's craftsmanship is so good, she developed a bad habit of picky eaters.

Oh—? Qing Yunge rolled his eyes and landed on Rong Nian, his eyes were gentle, I think Nian'er has lost a lot of weight.

As he spoke, he waved his hand and smiled: Let my mother take a look too.

Only then did Rong Nian run over in a hurry, and hugged the other arm of his beautiful mother, Mother!

Oh, my mother is so soft!

It's rare that their father is not around, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to hug them.

Qing Yunge was slightly relieved: They have grown taller.

This time, she and A Huai had indeed been away for too long.

Usually, they put the children in free range. Although they should have cared a lot, they still lacked a little companionship after all.

No one dares to disturb the quiet picture of a loving mother and filial son.

Jun Muqian coughed lightly, and lowered her voice: Qingmei, don't you go too?

Rong Qing tilted his head, his eyes paused, and there seemed to be fluctuations, but there were three concise words: Grow up.

Jun Muqian: ...

Good one has grown up.

Nonsense, I can see the light in your eyes. Jun Muqian muttered, exposing it mercilessly, No matter how old you are, you are still a child in the eyes of your parents.

She thought to herself, it must be that her beauty must be embarrassed to act like a baby to her mother-in-law in public.

Rong Qing: ...

His... eyes light up?

Why doesn't he know.

Jun Muqian looked at it, and said in a low voice, I want it, but I haven't yet...

Where are her parents?

Mumu. Rong sighed lightly, and hugged her tightly, You still have me, and my mother is here.

Jun Muqian was startled, then smiled silently: I know.

She can finally feel at ease now.

Her mother-in-law still likes her.

If not, they wouldn't have come here to slap the Buddha in the face at this time to support them.

Jun Muqian stared at the man in scarlet clothes for a while, then suddenly said, Hey, you are a light beauty.

Rong raised his eyes lightly: Huh?

I found that you really look like your mother-in-law. Jun Muqian poked his face, If you pretend to be a girl, you will definitely be a beauty.

Rong Qing's face turned cold: ...

Look, beauty, if you were a woman, wouldn't I be a man? Jun Muqian immediately released thirty-six tricks to coax her husband, We are still a match made in heaven.

As soon as the words fell, the face of the man in scarlet clothes improved.

He lowered his head and bit her ear slightly: Fire again?

Nonsense! Jun Muqian was stunned, Whoever lit the fire, I didn't do anything.

At this time, Guanghua, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: The situation is serious now, and I only want to let the capable people stay. Please give Lingyu this opportunity and let me take her to the Buddha Heart Platform to purify her heart and clear her mind. The demon inside her.

Hearing this, Qing Yunge released Rong Nian and Rong Xi, and slowly straightened up.

It's such a simple action, the coercion is even more obvious.

Guanghua's forehead could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

In the silence, Qing Yunge said lightly: I can't make the decision.

Guanghua was taken aback again.

Ordinary spiritual practitioners were also shocked.

If the empress of Tianyu can't be the master, then who else?

Could it be that it is the emperor of the Tianyu?

In the next second, the woman in the red skirt said again: I have to ask my daughter-in-law for her opinion.


Xian Lingyu, who had only breath left on the ground, was so angry that she fainted when she heard this.

Then, Qing Yunge turned around slowly, a smile appeared on her magnificent face.

As if the spring breeze blows, three thousand peach blossoms are burning.

Jun Muqian's expression froze.

After finally recovering, she suddenly realized that she was fascinated by her mother-in-law's beauty.


Jun Muqian was expressionless, and even wanted to slap himself very much.

Now it's all right, just seeing her mother-in-law, she was ashamed.

what to do?

She glanced at Rong Qing, and saw that she was still calm, her eyebrows jumped.

Jun Muqian brewed her feelings for a while, and when she was about to speak, she saw her mother-in-law taking a step towards her.

The expression on his face was like a smile but not a smile.

It is still a feast of beauty, which makes people lose their hearts and souls.

The woman in the red dress blinked her eyes, and the previous majesty disappeared, replaced by some kind of banter.

The corners of her lips curled up, her eyebrows and eyes curled up: I haven't seen you for a few days, I still miss you, Xiao Mumu, do you miss me?

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

Let's take a look at Yun Ge's final series of fantasy novels Peerless Spirit Master~

This book is not enough to read the previous one~

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