The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 888 It's Cold! Xiao Mumu, Immortal Realm gave you [2 more]

This tone, this voice, this demeanor...

Isn't this... her eldest sister? !

In an instant, Jun Muqian was dumbfounded.

She looked at her mother-in-law in a daze, unable to turn her head around for a while.

No, this is her mother-in-law, how could it be her elder sister?

But among the many people she met, only her elder sister would call her that.


After clearing everything up, Jun Muqian came to an absolutely impossible conclusion——

Wait, she married her mother-in-law? !


What a big misunderstanding!

Now that Jun Muqian remembered that she was almost unyielding and dragging her mother-in-law to marry him, she just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

How did she do such a thing?

It's going to kill me!

Jun Muqian stood there without any reaction.

Mumu? Rong Qing really didn't know that his wife and mother had already married behind his back, so he raised his slender finger and waved it in front of her eyes, slightly confused, Mumu?

Jun Muqian still didn't respond.

What's your name, Mumu? Qing Yunge glanced at her eldest son and smiled slightly, It's called Auntie.

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muqian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: Pfft...

It's over, it's over.

How could she make such a beautiful mistake.

Let her beauty call her aunt, how can she survive.

Rong Qing was silent for a long time, and he understood clearly, but his expression was extremely indifferent: The elder sister that Mu Mu said is your mother?

Hearing this sentence, Rong Nian and Rong Xi looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is a sister-in-law? The eldest sister is a mother?

Yes. Qing Yunge raised her eyebrows, So, don't hurry up and call me Auntie.

Rong gently pinched the center of his brows, feeling very helpless: Mother.

No, you don't have a mother anymore. Qing Yunge said slowly without the slightest politeness, You only have eldest sister now.

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muqian clutched his chest: ...

No, she is going to die.

How did she do such a stupid thing as a smart woman?

Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Seeing that her eldest son's usual calm expression was cracked, Qing Yunge waved and smiled, Xiao Mumu, come, come and meet everyone.

Jun Muqian didn't know how she drifted past, and when she came to her senses, her mother-in-law had already grabbed her shoulders.

I came in a hurry, I forgot to introduce you. Qing Yunge swept his eyes lightly, with a faint smile on his lips, Let me introduce, this is my daughter-in-law.

The words were very plain, and the use of a flat name was not intimidating at all.

But whoever heard it had to obey.

Hearing this, the emperors were silent for a long time before congratulating one after another.

Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty.

Tian Yu congratulates Tian Yu for having a successor.

Congratulations, congratulations...

Others, at this time, have no qualifications to speak at all

That's it? Qing Yunge's eyebrows twitched, her purple eyes narrowed dangerously, and her tone became cold, What do you mean?

All the emperors were taken aback.

Even if the emperor of the lower five domains was in a daze, he didn't dare to ask anything, and the devil was even trembling from fright.

All eyes fell on Guanghua.

Guanghua glanced at Xianlingyu first, considered it for a while, and then smiled wryly: Forgive me for my ignorance, please teach me again.

Hearing the cautious and anxious tone of the Buddha, Jun Muqian's heart moved slightly.

Sure enough, strength is paramount.

As long as the fist is strong, even the emperor who is as strong as the ruler of the general plane has to kneel!

Jun Muqian pinched her chin, why did she feel that her mother-in-law was more handsome than her beauty at this moment.

Let her climb a wall for a second first.

Qing Yunge's eyes swept slightly, as light as thin smoke.

But every emperor she saw felt chills from the bottom of her heart, fearing that in the next second, her life would be lost.

Suddenly, she spoke: How long have I been here?

Frightened, the Emperor of the Northern Territory blurted out: One hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-four years!

The devil is even more afraid.

How long?

Could it be that he was planning to destroy them all at this time?

But he is afraid that for tens of thousands of years, he has been huddled in the Demon Realm and has not done anything bad.

It's all Guanghua's fault!

The Demon Lord gave the Buddha a hard look.

Yeah—— Qing Yunge nodded slowly, her aura slowly growing, It's been so long.

Mo Jun felt a thump in his heart.

It's over, this must be...

The Demon King's legs shook, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

And just at this time, Qing Yunge finally spoke again: It's been more than 100,000 years since I got such a daughter-in-law, so you just say a few words, what about the meeting ceremony?

Besides, you guys scared Xiao Mumu just now, so the double gift isn't too much, is it?

The emperors were dumbfounded: ...???

Dare to look like she's about to kill someone, just for a meeting gift?

Qing Yunge looked at the same dumbfounded Mojun, and frowned: What are you kneeling for?

I, I, I, I... Mo Jun wanted to cry, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

He gave his leg a slap in pain, telling you to move quickly!

Qing Yunge understood: Like a rooster?

Jun Muqian, who was well protected by the side, choked: Pfft...

Her mother-in-law is amazing! no no! Mo Jun finally choked out a sentence, Legs are numb.

The other emperors: ...

Who are you kidding?

Guanghua hurried out to smooth things over, he smiled kindly: Of course there must be a meeting ceremony, we are really not as thoughtful as you think.

Although this is said, the emperors are all suffering in their hearts and cannot express it.

They were so frightened that they had to give gifts.

Moreover, they came out in a hurry, where did they bring any gifts.

The ones that can be carried are all portable magic weapons, which are so precious that there is only one in the entire chaotic galaxy.

Who would want to give it away?

Send it out, it hurts.

If you don't send it out, you will probably be killed to make an example to the monkeys.

Because Ben is her own, the demon queen was very straightforward and took off a jade pendant directly from the skirt: Girl, I gave Qing'er one piece at the beginning, and it happens that the remaining one is for you.

Jun Muqian hesitated for a moment, and after taking it, she responded with a smile: Thank you, Auntie.

Hey! The demon queen felt a lot more relieved, I don't need to be polite with my aunt in the future.

This girl is better than the boy, at least it won't make her bald.

Seeing this scene, the other emperors couldn't help feeling a little envious.

If they had known earlier that the couple turned out to be the Twin Emperors of Tianyu, they would have gone up to please them.

If not, it would not be like this now.

Let's get together later. Qing Yunge nodded to the demon queen, and brought Jun Muqian to the Buddha first, Guanghua, what about you?

Guanghua knew that he couldn't escape, so he took out a round bead from the spirit ring, and explained: This is the inner alchemy left after a phoenix I killed in the wilderness, it is very suitable for partial yin People with physique practice.

As soon as the word Hong Huang came out, the expressions of the other emperors changed slightly.

Hearing this, Qing Yunge's eyes moved, and he smiled faintly: Xiao Mumu, accept it.

Jun Muqian naturally took over.

There are no such creatures as dragon, phoenix and unicorn in Unreal Daqian, but these three tribes in the wild are extinct.

This phoenix inner alchemy is the only one in these two universes.

Is it suitable for a yin physique?

Then she can just give it to Shu Wei. Jiufeng is still sealed in Shu Wei's body, and this phoenix inner alchemy can help her disciple refine Jiufeng's primordial spirit.

Qing Yunge looked at Mo Jun again, and slightly curled her lips: The rooster crows, yours.

This, this, this! The Demon Lord was so anxious that he was sweating, he took out a piece of paper in a hurry, This contains the laws of reincarnation, life and death, and eternal life. A small gift is not a respect.

The Three Laws of Heaven and Earth!

What a great deal!

Jun Muqian's eyelids twitched, but she took it calmly.

In front of her mother-in-law, she must not lose face.

Qing Yunge raised her eyes, and glanced at the emperors who were still scrambling to find their treasures: Line up, don't let me ask one by one.

The emperors were desolate in their hearts, but they all had to obey.

This mother-in-law is a robber, and the daughter-in-law is acting like a good girl. It is a perfect match!

Except for the demon queen, the remaining six emperors were all raided.

Jun Muqian: ...

For the first time, she was dumbfounded when she received the gift.

And suddenly got so many treasures, Hunyuan Ling was so happy that the sky inside the bell trembled.

Damn it! Bai Che, who was practicing, was thrown into the gradually recovering spring of life, and almost choked to death, What's going on?

Lan Yiyue glanced at the baby that suddenly appeared on the ground, and the corner of her mouth twitched: Just get used to it.

Rong Nian was bubbling with envy: My mother is also very kind to my sister-in-law.

We also have this kind of treatment. Rong Xi leaned on his elbow, overjoyed, Isn't it also a search at that time?

She really likes to see the pained expressions of these emperors.

Rong Qing looked at the two women in the distance, with gentle brows and eyes.

Okay. Qing Yunge finally withdrew his hand and smiled inexplicably, Two copies, so there is still one copy.

The emperors felt even more desolate.

This one has already stripped them all, and another one, wouldn't it be fatal?

The position of Emperor of the Immortal Realm is vacant... Qing Yunge glanced coldly at the immortal Lingyu who was still in a coma, I will send it on my behalf.

Hearing this, Guanghua felt that something was wrong. He wanted to speak, but it was too late.


Suddenly, the entire fairyland vibrated, and the roar continued.

It was also at this time that Xian Lingyu suddenly woke up and let out a heart-piercing scream: Ah----!!!

White light floated on her body, and these lights were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Guanghua's face turned ugly.

Ordinary spiritual practitioners don't know it, but as emperors, they understand it very well.

The empress of Tianyu forcibly took back the control of Xiandi's family over Xianyu!

Singer Qing Yun waved his palm, crushing the white light, and raised his lips: Xiao Mumu, this fairyland is for you.

If you still fancy something, just say it directly, and I will fight for you.


There was a loss of sound.

Jun Muqian was shocked: Mother, you...

A fairyland, give it away if you say it?

This is not an item!

Is her mother-in-law so fierce?

Jun Muqian turned his head and looked at the man in scarlet clothes with hesitation.

Rong gently pressed the center of his brows, obviously a little helpless: Mother gave it, just take it.

His mother probably got a daughter-in-law because of great difficulty, and she was so excited.

If one fairy realm is not enough... Qing Yunge pondered for a moment, Why don't we add another demon realm?


The Demon Lord knelt down again.

No, no, no... Jun Muqian hurriedly waved his hands, That's enough, mother, this gift is too big.

It's too young. Qing Yunge blinked, I have to thank you, Xiao Mumu, for saving my unfilial son from the fire and water. Otherwise, I would worry that he would turn into a stone one day.

Rong Qing: ...

He may not be biological.

Rong Xi saw it at a glance, and she whispered: Brother, you should have known this when you were young.

Rong glanced at her lightly: Go back, double the homework.

Rong Xi immediately changed her words: I mean, big brother, your husband is more expensive than your wife!

Rong lightly: Three times.

Rong Nian laughed unkindly.

Bad brother! Rong Xi gritted his teeth and stood up straight, I'm not afraid of you now, let me tell you, if you bully me, brother, I will tell sister-in-law all your embarrassing things.

What embarrassment? Jun Muqian heard it, and walked over with Qing Yunge.

She was very curious: Xi'er, tell me.

That's it... The moment Rong Xi opened her mouth, she sensed her elder brother's warning eyes. She snorted, and continued, It's when elder brother was young, he...

Jun Muqian was listening, when a discordant voice came in.

It is Buddha Guanghua.

He is still very stubborn: Lingyu's cultivation base has been abolished now, and there is no possibility of repairing it. Please allow me to take her back to the Buddha's realm so that she can spend the rest of her life with peace of mind.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian raised his lips and smiled: Spend the rest of your life in peace?

She moved her eyes down, looking at Xian Lingyu who kept screaming.

Suddenly, the eyes changed.

She was right.

Monarch: (clenching fists) Today is the day I climb over the wall and go to my mother-in-law!

Rong Qing: ... Well, I miss my father.

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