The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 886 The End of the Fairy Jade [2 more]

A word, like thunder exploded in the ear.

With a bang, my mind went blank.

Xian Lingyu raised her head abruptly, in shock, she laughed angrily again: What did you say?!

Is her emperor a fake?

What nonsense!

Can Dijun still have fake ones? If it was fake, didn't she kill the Immortal Emperor in vain?

Xian Lingyu's expression was serious, but her heart felt a little thumping.

If it's not fake...

Then she is an emperor, why can't she beat Jun Muqian?

You are a fake emperor. Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, slowly, I don't mind saying it three or four times, as long as it makes you uncomfortable, I will be very happy.

Jun Muqian, you... Xian Lingyu was so angry that her blood was surging, she couldn't hold the sword firmly, she said with a gloomy gaze, You are not afraid, I will tell Rong Qing what you said?

So narrow-minded, how can you, a queen, convince the public?

In her whole life, she had never expected so much that someone could kneel down and beg her, and apologize to her in tears.

Just thinking about it like this makes my fingers feel like an electric current has flowed through them.

However, what made Xian Lingyu's face ugly was that Jun Muqian directly raised his hand and made a please gesture to her.

Loose and casual, there is a kind of meaning of whatever you say about this seat is nothing.

It was this kind of disregard that made Xian Lingyu's anger soar.

She also knew that if she really went to talk to Rong Qing, she would only be humiliating herself.

Oh, Jun Muqian, it turns out that you have such an idea. Xian Lingyu suddenly realized, and she sneered, You want to kill this emperor's Taoist heart, your little bit of Taoism, put it in this emperor's place. In front of you, it’s not enough to see!”

She has lost many times, and she must never fall into Jun Muqian's trap again.

In the air, the light was not weak, but the collision stopped.

What's going on? The Demon Empress looked up at the sky, her brows were furrowed, Why didn't you move?

Just when she was anxious, a light voice sounded slowly, the tone was still flat: Auntie really thinks that after the death of the Immortal Emperor, there will be a new emperor in the Immortal Territory?

Huh—?! The demon queen was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the man in scarlet clothes, Qing'er, what do you mean by that?

If there is no new emperor in Xianyu, it will definitely collapse.

Moreover, the emperor's power on Xianlingyu can never be faked, unless...

The Demon Empress blurted out: Did your mother do something?

Rong lightly nodded, without denying: The appearance of the emperor needs the approval of heaven. Auntie, you were able to inherit the throne at the beginning, do you still remember the details at that time?

The demon queen fell silent.

She doesn't want to recall that period of history.

If possible, she doesn't want to be the emperor, she just hopes that Yaochen can live well, that's enough.

After a long time, the demon queen said indifferently: This empress remembers that after this empress inherited his cultivation base and the power of the emperor, she also retreated for a full ten thousand years because she wanted to integrate the fate star into the trajectory of the heavenly path.

The sudden death of the Yaodi Yaoshen has always been kept secret from the outside world, otherwise the Yaoyu will be in chaos.

As far as the emperor is concerned, even if he does not appear in front of everyone for a hundred thousand years, no one will be suspicious.

Rong lightly said: The new emperor is born for the day after tomorrow, and it takes a certain amount of time to integrate with the way of heaven.

But Xianlingyu... The demon queen finally found out the problem, her eyes sharpened, There is no retreat at all.

This emperor is really a fake!

No, that's not right... The Demon Queen frowned again, The Immortal Emperor is dead, and there is no new Emperor, but the Immortal Territory is clearly still alive and well.

Hearing this, Rong Qing's eyelashes drooped, her crimson lips curled slightly, she was actually charming, but her voice was cold: Auntie, Dijun is just a title, and the power of a Dijun is where the Dijun lies. As long as the power of the emperor is there, it doesn't matter whether the emperor is there or not.

Hearing this sentence, the demon queen was slightly startled, and couldn't help but panic: Qing'er, you mean...

Before he finished speaking, suddenly——

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, the two lights and shadows collided again, making an earth-shattering sound.

Thousands of miles of clouds crumbled into ashes, and the wind howled.

Next second!


With the impact point as the center, an extremely huge shock wave suddenly exploded and spread in all directions.

The space trembled, and countless cracks appeared.

In an instant, all the people turned their backs!

Prick, prick...

The ear-piercing sonic boom made the spiritual practitioners below the Eternal Realm turn pale and horrified.

What level of fighting is this?

What kind of power is this!

They looked up in great panic, but found that with their strength, they couldn't catch the figure at all, they could only see the overflowing brilliant light, which sometimes merged and sometimes scattered.

And finally—


The final roar roared down from the sky, with enough power to tear apart tens of thousands of hectares of mountains and rivers, and accompanied by a red-golden beam of light, it crashed to the ground.

Crack, click!

The ground suddenly cracked open, and then sank deeply.

The smoke and dust billowed away, revealing a large pit with a depth of tens of feet.


Not only ordinary spiritual practitioners, but even the emperors couldn't help being surprised.

The hardness of the land in the area where the Emperor's Palace is located is hundreds of times that of other places.

Even at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, it may not be able to have such destructive power.

Everyone was stunned for a while before they realized that there was another person in the deep pit.

Isn't it the Empress Dowager?

No, no, right? But the Empress Dowager and Xianlingyu have a huge disparity in cultivation, this...

They struggled to look around, and when they found that the person in the deep pit was Xianlingyu, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

But immediately, he was dumbfounded.

So...the movement just now was made by the empress?

Heaven, it turns out that the Empress Dowager has surpassed the level of an emperor!

Xianlingyu is the emperor of the fairyland, not the match of the empress...

Naturally, spiritual practitioners would not have thought that Xian Lingyu was not a real emperor at all.

Ho ho... Xian Lingyu lay on the ground in a cross shape, her eyes were empty and her breathing became short of breath.

The pain caused by the broken bone made her gasp.

Even though her senses were so strong, Xian Lingyu was still so dazed that she didn't come to her senses.

She... lost?

At this time, there was another boom, and a purple figure landed on the ground.

Rong Xi's eyes lit up: Sister-in-law!

Yao couldn't hide the excitement on his face: Oh, girl!

I'm fine. Jun Muqian nodded slightly, Thank you for your concern.

Her cultivation had broken through to the peak of the Immortal Realm in the past few days. To deal with a fake Emperor Xianlingyu who was actually in the last stage of the Transformation Realm, it would have taken a lot of effort, and she might not be able to defeat it.

But Xianlingyu was also infected by the black mist by coincidence, and her Taoist heart was unstable, so she was not her opponent at all.

After seeing the woman in purple, Rong Qing's indifferent eyebrows were finally warmed up, and he smiled lightly: Mu Mu, very beautiful.

Where is it beautiful? Hearing this, Jun Muqian walked towards him, and asked as he walked, Is it a beautiful person, or a good player? If you don't answer well, your Mumu will run away.

Hearing this, Rong Qingzhong narrowed his pupils, with a somewhat dangerous look.

In the next second, the slender arms lifted and hugged the person directly.

The thin and cold voice said in a hoarse voice: They are all beautiful.

No. Jun Muqian choked on being strangled, she helped her waist that was ravaged again, I have to answer one, give me an answer that I will never refute.

Hmm— Rong Qing was silent for a moment, then said three words slowly, I'm beautiful.

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

She lost.

Never imagined.

She really couldn't refute this point.

I lost to you. Jun Muqian felt helpless, You are really better than blue.

Rong Qing raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

Let me get rid of the fairy jade first. Jun Muqian opened the hand on her waist, turned around, and walked towards the direction of the deep pit.

Xian Lingyu was still lying there, staring at the sky blankly, as if she had been struck dumb.

However, after hearing the footsteps, her eyes burst into light again.

The voice came out through gritted teeth word by word: Jun, Mu, Qian!

Stop howling, it's me. Jun Muqian looked down at her with a lazy expression, Do you still want me to say it again? You emperor...

Shut up! Without knowing where the power came from, Xian Lingyu suddenly jumped up, her blood-stained face was hideous, Jun Muqian, shut up for this emperor!

She is Dijun, she is Dijun!

Okay. Jun Muqian didn't care too much, she smiled slightly, I killed the Immortal Emperor, and now I will kill you too, just to send you father and daughter to reunite.

Fart! Xian Lingyu was so provoked that she burst into foul language, furious, You can kill my father? It was the emperor who killed him!

You Jun Muqian is an immortal, you are a waste!

Xian Lingyu didn't realize what she said at all.

Not to mention that everyone around them changed color, including the fairy queen who had fainted and woke up for an unknown number of times.

The demon queen was also shocked: It's actually patricide?

She thought that Yun Ge had dealt with the Immortal Emperor, but she didn't expect it to be the Immortal Lingyu.

The fairy queen couldn't believe what she heard. After staying for a long time, she let out a heart-piercing scream: Lingyu!

This Emperor... Xian Lingyu finally came to her senses at this moment, and her cold sweat broke out in an instant.

No, how could she tell the truth!

Killing one's father is a big treason.

Seeing the cold smile on the lips of the woman in purple, Xian Lingyu clenched her fists: Jun Muqian, what the hell are you doing to me?!

As soon as these words came out, Ling Xiu, who was already shocked, became even more disgusted.

When is it, and you still want to blame the empress, it's shameless!

Shameless is taking it lightly, she is simply a beast.

Tsk tsk... See, the Fairy Queen is so pissed off.

Jun Mu glanced at her lightly, suddenly!

The plain hand flew out like lightning, directly locked Xian Lingyu's throat, and lifted her up.

The voice was cold and harsh: I said it, I will kill you!

You... Xian Lingyu's eyes protruded, but she couldn't pronounce a single word.

The spiritual source of life was rapidly draining at this moment, and he couldn't breathe at all.


Seeing that the aura of the fairy jade was getting weaker and weaker, Guanghua finally couldn't stand it anymore.

His expression turned cold, and he waved his hand with the power of a monarch, and suddenly attacked the woman in purple.


Rong Qing's brows turned cold, and she raised her scarf sleeves, a wave of energy also surged out, pulling the woman in purple into her arms.

Guanghua who was stopped frowned even tighter: Young Master...

Before Rong Qing could speak, the Demon Queen had already said coldly: Guanghua, what do you mean?

This emperor... Guanghua fell silent.

Even if Xian Lingyu killed his father, he still couldn't bear to see such a good seedling die because of it.

But he watched the grown-up child, how did he become like this?

Girl. After a full three breaths, Guanghua sighed, and his eyes fell on the woman in purple, For my sake, please let go of Lingyu again, okay?

The demon queen was furious: Guanghua!

When did the Buddha become so ignorant?

Let go? Jun Muqian's eyes did not move, without the slightest fear, she smiled on her lips, I also want to ask the Buddha, if I am the one who loses today, will the Buddha let the fairy jade let go? me?

Guanghua was stunned, for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

The dying Xian Lingyu heard this and grabbed at straws: Uncle Guanghua...Uncle Guanghua save me!

Oh, evil fate, evil fate. Guanghua sighed, could only look at the man in scarlet clothes again, paused, and said, Young gentleman, in the past you said that you owed me a favor, but now I want to use this favor on On Lingyu.

Rong Qing's brows were calm, and the four words were ruthlessly smashed down: I am afraid of guilt.

In the slightest, I don't care if my image will be damaged.

Jun Muqian rubbed her heart, thinking, she has been teased again.

Xian Lingyu was still begging bitterly, she looked at Guanghua, wept, and choked up: Uncle Guanghua, Uncle Guanghua...

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die yet!

There was another silence, and Guanghua seemed to have finally made up his mind: Come on, come on, since the young master doesn't allow it, then I can't say anything, I can only...

His palms snapped together, and the power of the emperor gushed out again, obviously trying to rob people by force.

The demon queen yelled angrily and wanted to make a move: Guanghua!

Suddenly, a leisurely and scattered voice sounded at this moment.

Guanghua, it's really embarrassing to attack the children.

If you want to fight... How about we make gestures?


The slender figure slowly appeared.

Today's update is complete, good night~

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