The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 885 Are you an emperor too? ! Let Mumu play 【1 more】

Another burst of spiritual power burst out, but it was far weaker than the fairy jade.

As long as the immortal state has not reached the god transformation state, it is a mortal.

The realm of transforming gods is absolutely incomparable with the realm of eternity.

In the Unreal Universe, the Eternal Realm is God!

Do mortals want to fight against God?

You are simply overthinking your capabilities and looking for a dead end!

When the spiritual practitioners avoided, they were shocked.

The Empress Dowager is not crazy, is she?

Take the emperor's life? Xian Lingyu stood in the sky, never having heard a better joke than this, she sneered coldly, Want to take the emperor's life...Jun Muqian, at least you have to be Monarch!

Only Dijun can fight Dijun!

Moreover, the emperors of the lower five domains cannot be compared with the upper five domains in any case.

The throne she inherited is still the Emperor of the Upper Five Regions.

How can a human being be able to match it?

Jun Muqian's expression was light and his eyes were silent.

She didn't say a word, and her body also rushed out.

It's just in time! A cold light flickered in the jade eyes of the fairy, This emperor can kill you with one sword!

The sky suddenly darkened, and the sun and moon faded.

In the sky, the two figures collided so straightly.


An extremely sharp explosion sounded, and it exploded suddenly. It was actually a thousand miles of gunpowder smoke!

Girl! The demon queen was also taken aback, she hurriedly looked at the man in scarlet clothes, and said angrily, Stinky boy, what are you doing there, why don't you help your wife?

No hurry. Rong Qing looked indifferent, but looked at the woman in purple with gentle eyes, her thin lips parted slightly, Let Mumu play first.

Demon Queen: ...???

There is also this kind of gameplay?

She has really learned a lot, and she really is a father and son, and the way to spoil his wife is unmatched by ordinary people.

Rong Qing's eyes paused, and he said a few more words, still calmly: Mu Mu can handle it.

Stinky boy! The demon queen was very angry, You are not in the eternal realm, you are better than the eternal realm, how old is this girl, do you think she is you?

Me? Rong smiled lightly, and killed it instantly with one sentence, I'm not as good as Mumu.

Demon Queen: ...

With a terrible headache, she looked at the Buddha again: Guanghua, are you also in a daze?

Not in a daze... Guanghua frowned, Look, the black energy on Lingyu's body.

Hearing this, the Demon Empress froze for a moment before looking around.

After staring at it for a second, her expression changed: Honghuang?

Honghuang has not appeared for a long time, how could it be revealed at this time?

It's something from Honghuang. Guanghua nodded, his brows frowned even tighter, Lingyu should have been deceived by people from Honghuang to become like this. After a while, I will take her to the Buddha Heart Platform to purify her heart, and she will be able to return to normal .”

The demon queen was noncommittal and did not answer.

Regardless of whether it is Honghuang or not, Xianlingyu is still causing trouble.

With Rong Qing's temperament, can she let her go?

But the Demon Empress also understood what Guanghua meant.

Fairy Lingyu has stayed in the Buddhist realm for tens of thousands of years, and Guanghua has watched her grow up.

Compared with Jun Muqian, Guanghua is obviously more inclined to Xianlingyu.

No matter what his own child did wrong, if he beats and scolds again and again, it is still protected.

But outsiders are different.

To Guanghua, Jun Muqian is just an outsider who suddenly appeared.

The demon queen shook her head regretfully, but said: Guanghua, it's still unknown if the Buddha Heart Platform can purify this heart. If not, will you let her kill again?

Guanghua said faintly, Lingyu is not that kind of person.

No? The demon queen laughed angrily, and gave up persuading, Flies don't bite seamless eggs, do they? Let's wait and see.

After finishing speaking, the demon queen stared at Xian Lingyu closely.

If something goes wrong, she can also take action in time.

After panicking for a moment, all the spiritual practitioners calmed down.

All the emperors are sitting here, and with their protection, a battle will not affect innocent people.

But they all looked at the fairy Lingyu who looked like a ghost with horror, and there was deep disgust in their horrified expressions.

Is it because she became angry when she was exposed? Why didn't you find out that she was so narrow-minded before?

Pretend it, it's not tiring to be able to pretend for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even those who have spiritual practice can't help worrying.

The Queen Mother just went up like this, nothing will happen, right?

Don't worry, His Royal Highness Shaojun is still here, how can something happen to your empress if he spoils your empress so much?

Jun Muqian! Xian Lingyu hated why her senses were so good at this moment.

Every sentence is a heart-wrenching speech.

She has been standing at a high place, when has she heard such unpleasant remarks?

Can't bear it at this level? Jun Muqian's seven-star moon whip in her right hand was tightly wrapped around the emperor-level sword, and she looked lazily, It seems that your mental capacity is not very good. , how to cultivate the Tao?

Xian Lingyu's expression froze suddenly, and her eyes became even redder.

She understood what Jun Muqian meant...

This is using his own way to treat his own body!

How did she treat Jun Muqian back then, now Jun Muqian is dealing with her in reverse.

Moreover, it is still a hundred times stronger!

Okay, okay... Xian Lingyu endured the surging blood in his chest, Jun Muqian, I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful, and it is your honor to push this emperor to this point. It's up to you.

Jun Mu raised his eyebrows lightly, trying to take time off.

But, that's it! Xian Lingyu withdrew her hand abruptly, withdrew the sword in her hand, and suddenly shouted coldly, Cut!


Intense white light erupted from the sword, followed by an extremely fierce sword energy.

The space buzzed, shaking people's ears numb.

Prick, prick!

In the air, countless dense cracks appeared in an instant, and all of them spread towards the woman in purple.

Like a huge net of profit, it was going to crush her into pieces!

This is... The demon queen's pupils suddenly shrank, The Supreme Immortal King Slash!

The fairy jade, even the immortal emperor's secret knowledge has been thoroughly understood?

Even the Immortal Emperor realized the Supreme Sword Slash not long ago.

With this move, even she may not be able to retreat completely.

The Demon Queen couldn't wait any longer, and with a palm, she was about to stop the fairy jade.

However, before she could make a move, she was stopped in front of her by another hand.

Auntie, don't move. Rong Qing's voice was light, You have to look at it first.

Stinky boy, what do you want your aunt to watch? Look... the demon queen said, still looking up suspiciously, and then she was taken aback, You actually stopped it?!

call out!

There was another explosion, instantly knocking down the long jade steps leading to the Immortal Palace.

The fire of chaos firmly fixed those cracks.

A red-golden light bloomed in the cracks, like flowing lava, not hideous, but showing an indescribable beauty.

Qixing pulled the moon whip, and once again locked the sword in Xian Lingyu's hand.

The sword energy is also drawn by the power of the sun and the stars,

Don't say that it broke out, and you can't even take it back.

In the confrontation between the two, the woman in purple actually had the upper hand.

Guanghua looked at the twinkling rays of light in the sky, and frowned again.

He pondered for a long while, then clenched his hands imperceptibly, the Buddha's energy surged.

When necessary, he has to rescue Lingyu.

He couldn't just watch Lingyu being destroyed.

The demon queen was shocked: No way!

When will mortals be able to fight against the emperor?

If so, how can they intimidate the people under them?

The spiritual practitioners also stared blankly at the thin but sharp figure of the woman in purple, and were all dumbfounded.

But no one's impact was as great as that of the fairy jade.

She was inconceivable: Jun Muqian, you can't stop it!

In this Supreme Immortal Slash, she has added the power of an emperor!

The power of the emperor carries a strong will of heaven.

In other words, whoever the sky wants to die has to die.

Xian Lingyu seemed to have thought of something, and was horrified: You are also an emperor?!

Hearing this, Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes: Dijun? Then you are dead.

The number of emperors has always been fixed, neither too many nor too few.

Otherwise, the realm will collapse.

Therefore, until now, no one has become an emperor by himself.

This requires not only a huge power of faith, but also unparalleled strength.

At least for now, she can't do it.

You're not the emperor! Xian Lingyu was going crazy, Then how did you stop me!

She had used all her strength, but she couldn't even draw her sword back.

Her skin was being burned by the flames, and her heart ached.

What made Xian Lingyu unbearable was that she felt an unprecedented humiliation.

Jun Muqian stole her man away, and wanted her to be ruined in front of everyone.


Why can stop it!

How did you stop it? Jun Muqian locked Xian Lingyu's hand, preventing her from moving. She pursed her lips, and said in a slow voice, I haven't found it yet...

Your emperor is also a fake?


Well, Unreal World is really coming to an end this time, and the final volume will be opened soon~

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