The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 884 Today, I'll Take Your Life! 【2 more】

The appearance of everyone in the team is extremely familiar to the spiritual practitioners.

The illusory universe has tens of thousands of trillions of living beings, and even hundreds of times more.

Coupled with the ascenders who come from the lower plane every day, there are countless people.

However, there are only more than 30,000 pharmacists in Yaowang Valley, including disciples and drug boys.

A real pharmacist who goes out at random will be well-known in the world.

Great Elder, it's really a Great Elder! A spiritual practitioner yelled out in surprise, At the beginning, I was afraid that Sang Qingrou would do something to my body, and it was the Great Elder who healed me.

There is also Senior Hongyuan! Senior Hongyuan is not only superb in medical skills, but also has a strong attainment in the Dao. Every time I go to the Valley of Medicine Kings to seek medical treatment from Senior Hongyuan, I will also discuss the Dao.

Hiss...that's Granny Zhilan. Granny Zhilan has been retired for a long time, but I didn't expect to come this time.

Seeing so many peerless doctors, the spiritual practitioners were so pleasantly surprised that they almost wept with joy.

Many people even burst into tears, with red eye circles.

I thought... I thought that as soon as Yaowanggu was washed in blood, I would never see these parents in the world who saved the common people again.

But now, they are standing here without any injuries.

Hey, Boss, here we come. Yao Fu couldn't walk forward slowly, and patted the Great Elder's shoulder vigorously, Boss, did you hear that, it's this despicable and shameless person who said that our Yaowang Valley was killed? Bloodbathed.

The old man was thinking, isn't this a joke? Look at the bones of our brothers, they are all good.

The corner of the Great Elder's mouth twitched: I can't compare to you, if you take a few more shots, I might really go to see the King of Hades.

As soon as the words fell, he was almost choked to death by a strong slap.

What did you say? Yao couldn't blow his beard and stare, They are all alive and well, what hell is not the king of hell.

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, but there was a long silence afterwards, and he did not refute again.

Being alive is indeed a good thing.

Fortunately, he can still see the sun today.

However, their Medicine King Valley was almost wiped out.

The time has to go back to seven days ago——

The Medicine King Valley at that time was still the same as usual.

The alchemy of alchemy, the reading of books, the practice of cultivation, there is nothing unusual about it.

Until Jun Muqian's arrival.

She said that the Great Thousand Territories are currently in turmoil. Although the Medicine King Valley does not belong to any realm, it is also within the scope of the Immortal Realm, so it will definitely be involved in the dispute.

But Guzhu and I have a lot of friendship, and will be regarded as a thorn in the side.

Decline is small, destruction is big.

She also said that for the current plan, I would like to invite all the doctors from Yaowang Valley to take shelter in Tianyu, and it will not be too late to return to Yaowang Valley after the limelight passes.

She also said that with the presence of Tianyu, the doctors in Yaowang Valley would not be harmed in the slightest.

Hearing these words at that time, the Great Elder still felt a little baffled.

No matter how much the ten domains fight, they won't involve Medicine King Valley.

Yaowang Valley is the Great Thousand Holy Land, if it is gone, where will the spiritual practitioners go if they get injured in the future?

But Yao couldn't wave his hand and said, the old man believes what Jun girl said, so you should be quicker and go to Tianyu.

So, under the intimidation of Yao FuFan, Yao Wang Gu Ju Gu moved to Tianyu.

Except for the great elder, the other elders and Physician Gu Zhong were beaming.

This is Tianyu!

They entered all the places they had dreamed of for a long time.

What flattered Yaowanggu was that Tianyu even opened up a Tianyi city just for them!

Tianyi City not only has a high concentration of spiritual energy and rich medicinal materials, but also has a special teleportation array leading to the other nine domains.

Everyone in Yaowanggu stopped leaving immediately and settled down directly.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the land of luck where the Medicine King Valley is located is almost exhausted.

The Great Elder thought that this was not bad, and immediately took care of the Tianyi City together with Yao Failing.

As a result, as soon as the matter was taken care of, the news of the bloodbath of Yaowang Valley came.

In the valley, he went up to the owner of the valley and down to the little drug boy, and none of them remained.

The Great Elder was stunned immediately, and carefully checked whether he was still alive.

And last night, he was so curious that he sneaked back and found out that their original lair was really taken away.

The remaining fluctuations in spiritual power made the Great Elder terrified.

Someone really wants to kill Yao Wanggu!

Thanks to Tian Yu's timely action, they were saved from a difficult situation.

The thousands of doctors who came here had the same idea as the Great Elder.

They looked at the woman in purple with a little more admiration.

The empress chosen by His Majesty Shuangdi for His Royal Highness Shaojun was really a good choice.

Seeing the doctors who should have died tragically under her hands, but now they are full of vitality and accepting everyone's gaze, Xian Lingyu's eyes are scarlet, and her teeth are gritted.

What exactly is going on! ! !

Could it be that all her preparations these days were just a dream?

What dream can be so real? Real enough to deceive her an emperor?

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Yaowang Valley, more mocking voices drifted into Xian Lingyu's ears.

Why is she always saying that Yaowanggu was washed in blood, and now that she's been slapped in the face, won't she say that the Great Elder and the others were also fake?

Probably so, it's too stupid, I think she just wants to be the young master and queen.

Fortunately, His Royal Highness Shaojun and Empress Dowager are smart, so they were not deceived. If...

Shut up! Shut up for me! Xian Lingyu clenched her fingers violently, her eyes were extremely stern, Whoever says another word, I will kill him!


Sure enough, the spiritual cultivators kept silent, but those eyes with clear emotions were still hard for Xian Lingyu to accept.

Xian Lingyu gritted her teeth tightly, her mouth was full of rust.

Her gaze was like a poisoned sword, and she shot at the woman in purple.

It's all Jun Muqian!

What are you doing looking at me like that? Jun Muqian raised his brows lightly, and suddenly smiled, Oh—I forgot, this is a great event for the Immortal Territory and the Eastern Territory today, and my gift...hasn't been delivered yet. .”

Xian Lingyu blurted out angrily: This emperor doesn't need it!

A bad premonition suddenly rose in my heart.

If you don't, you can't. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, and his words were overwhelming, I brought it, so I have to accept it!

Immortal Lingyu was not allowed to react at all, and a golden light burst out from the palm of the woman in purple.


The golden light shot up into the sky, exploded in mid-air, and turned into stars.

But the light did not dissipate, but slowly flowed, and finally condensed into a huge light curtain.

Seeing this, the uneasiness in Xian Lingyu's heart became even stronger.

However, she really couldn't find any reason to refute.

And even if she could, Jun Muqian would definitely have another way, and it would be even more difficult for her to move forward by then.

The cold light flickered in the jade eyes of the fairy, she wanted to see what kind of trick this was!


The light curtain moved, and a picture gradually appeared.

Singing birds and fragrant flowers, fish, insects and beasts.

Mountain streams and springs trickle.

It's like a fairyland.

The spiritual practitioners were puzzled in a daze.

Isn't this the Medicine King Valley?

Wrong, it was the Yaowang Valley before it was destroyed. The current Yaowang Valley is no different from the Black Demon Cave in the Demon Realm. Not a single blade of grass grows.

Fortunately, it's just that the valley was destroyed, and people are fine...

At this time, the screen suddenly changed!

In the dead of night, in front of the quiet Valley of the Medicine King, a white figure appeared.

The white figure looked down at the Yaowang Valley from high above, wondering what he was thinking.

This is... You Lingxiu stared at the white figure for a long time before blurting out, Isn't this fairy jade?

Hearing these words, all the spirit cultivators were startled and looked around hastily.

The face is slightly covered, it really is fairy jade.

What did Xianlingyu come to Medicine King Valley for?

When this idea first came up, the light curtain immediately gave the answer.

Then he saw the white figure in front of Yaowanggu distorted and replaced it with a woman in purple.

In the next second, the woman in purple rushed towards the Valley of the Medicine King under the dark night.

Spiritual power surged in his hands, and then he put his hands together and punched down!

Oh my god...

The faces of all the spiritual cultivators turned pale. Seeing the blood rolling on the screen, their internal organs twitched and their stomachs felt nauseous.

Xian Lingyu couldn't stand still, she looked at her in the picture in horror, her face was pale and her lips trembled.

no, can't...

It turned out to be you! The Great Elder was furious, and even more distressed, his eyes were extremely cold, Xian Lingyu, you are the emperor, how can you do such a thing?!

No wonder Miss Jun asked them to move the valley to Tianyu. It turned out that it was because it was a calamity to go to the Medicine King Valley!

The onlookers murmured: This is impossible...

Even if Xian Lingyu poured out a bucket of black water before, it can still be attributed to the jealousy of the youngest daughter's family.

But now what do they see?

It was Xianlingyu who really washed the Valley of the Medicine King with blood!

No wonder Xian Lingyu said so swearingly that Yaowanggu was washed by blood, because she was the one who did it.

When everything was displayed, Jun Muqian turned his palm, and all the power of the primordial spirit was withdrawn.

She folded her arms and said in a leisurely voice, I don't know if you are satisfied with this great gift.

All spirits: ...

What kind of gift is this? It's simply frightening.

Ruined, this marriage ceremony was completely ruined.

Jun Muqian's eyes turned and landed on Xian Lingyu, and he curled his lips: Why, now you want to say that I found someone to pretend to be you?

Hearing this sentence, Xian Lingyu raised her head suddenly, her voice trembling: You were prepared? You knew it?!

Jun Muqian's expression was light: Otherwise?

Impossible! Xian Lingyu still couldn't accept it. The corners of her eyes were bright red, obviously reaching the limit of collapse, I clearly saw you bury those corpses and set up a monument! You are still heartbroken , blame myself!

If you don't do this, why do you think... Jun Muqian smiled, Everything is under your control? How can you show off?

When Zhi Huan died, she told herself that she could not be conceited.

Before doing things, even if she can't do it, she should try her best to plan ahead.

She must never watch again, who died for her in front of her.

She doesn't allow it!

So, as early as that day when he was looking for the other side of the cloud, Jun Muqian took all the phantom heart flowers from the maids of Xian Lingyu.

Huanxinhua, coupled with her natal talisman and the power of the Great Dao, and with the help of Rongrong, it couldn't be easier to construct an illusion that Xianlingyu couldn't see.

The power of the emperor?

so what!

Pfft! Xian Lingyu spat out a big mouthful of blood, her body was on the verge of falling.

Even if she couldn't believe it, she had to believe it.

She was played!

She thought she was playing with Jun Muqian, but she didn't expect that it was her who was being played with!

Those disgusted eyes, those mocking voices, her lost reputation and status...

No! ! !

Jun, Mu, Qian! Xian Lingyu couldn't bear it anymore, black evil spirit permeated his face, and a majestic killing intent erupted instantly, This emperor wants you to die!


The emperor-level long sword came out again, and with a sound of stab, it sliced ​​through the sky!

The wind and clouds are surging, and the turbulence is rampant.

The emperor makes a move, and the sky collapses and the earth collapses!

Bai Wanlingxiu panicked at this moment, frantically looking for a cover.

Seeing this, the demon queen promptly unleashed a demonic power to protect everyone below the eternal realm.

Lingyu! Seeing the crazy fairy Lingyu, Guanghua's expression changed, You are crazy!

An emperor, actually wants to do something to ordinary spiritual practitioners?

But Xian Lingyu can't listen to any words of advice, she just wants to tear this person who has hurt her so much into pieces: Bring me my life!


There are many sword shadows, and the sword energy is violent.

While the wind was raging, Jun Muqian not only did not stand behind Rong Qing, but took a step forward.

She raised her eyes, hooked her lips, and smiled: What a coincidence...

With a flip of the plain hand, the long whip appeared.

Red light diffused, and the flames rolled.

The woman in purple had furious eyebrows and eyes, and her breath rose sharply: Today, I will take your life!


Well, the box lunch is hot~

If there is no foreshadowing, you will not be happy_(:з」∠)_

Good night!

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