The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 847: Be Light! It's coming 【2 more】

Two Emperors of Tianyu, we can't afford to offend them, and we can't beat them. The emperor sneered, But their precious son, can't we kill them?

The emperor of the Eastern Region frowned again, and reminded in a cold voice: But, you have already failed once.

The owner of this domain emperor's palace is the light and shadow emperor who made a move in Cangxuan City of the demon realm.

He also took all the scapegoats on the body of the Immortal Emperor, and he was unharmed.

That's the emperor's carelessness. Emperor Guangying's face turned ugly, This emperor did not expect that even if his soul did not return to his place, he would be able to recover his peak strength in a short period of time.

The soul is incomplete, whether it is consciousness or the seven emotions and six desires are incomplete, and the cultivation base is naturally not as good as when it is in a complete state.

Emperor Guangying didn't know that Rong Qing would wake up at that moment just because he touched someone who shouldn't.

The light and shadow emperor naturally knew that Jun Muqian was the queen of the young emperor of Tianyu, and had already been recognized by the two emperors of Tianyu.

But he still doesn't think that a woman can accomplish anything big.

Women are the easiest to be abandoned.

In the past, Young Master Tianyu didn't have the seven emotions and six desires, and couldn't love others. Now that he has it, can he only love one person?

The Light and Shadow Emperor scoffed. He had already imagined that one day in the future, the Heavenly Domain Emperors would hold a concubine banquet for their precious sons.

Just the title of Young Lord of Tianyu is worthy of all the women in the Great Thousand and Ten Territories flocking here.

Even if a queen has been appointed, so what?

At that time, there must be three thousand beauties in the harem. An old and decrepit queen is not worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, Emperor Guangying wanted to use Jun Muqian to force Rong Qing out.

If you accidentally kill him by hand, then kill him.

He is a man, and he understands men.

When the so-called empress dies, people can take the young master of Tianyu who has recovered his emotions and desires to the land of flowers.

At that time, Tianyu Shaojun still remembered that he had a queen?

The light and shadow emperor's calculation was very good, he said lightly: Now the young master Tianyu is obsessed with the beauty of this woman, so it just so happens that this emperor kidnapped her and forced the young master Tianyu to come out.

This woman is not important. After Tianyu Shaojun comes out and enters our net, we will kill her directly.

The young master of the Eastern Region frowned and did not speak.

He didn't agree with the words of Emperor Guangying, but he still had some luck in his heart.


If that woman is really important, the empress of Tianyu should have killed her directly to support her.

The emperor of the Eastern Region seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help blurting out: You didn't just send a Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Naturally. Emperor Guangying laughed again, There are three Taiyi Golden Immortals and one Daluo Golden Immortal!

Hiss... The Emperor of the Eastern Territory took a deep breath, The Da Luo Jinxian is so rare, you are not afraid that the Da Luo Jinxian you sent will not only fail to kill the Tianyu Shaojun, but will be broken in his hands ?”

This emperor has already done the calculations. Emperor Guangying was noncommittal and vowed, Although the soul of Tianyu Shaojun has returned to his place, he is in a critical period of fusion.

This time, if he is forced to awaken again, he will definitely not be at his peak. At most, it will be the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The Daluo Golden Immortal is more than enough to stop a Tianyu lord, and the four Taiyi Jinxians are going to kill the Tianyu Shaojun.

Hearing this sentence, the emperor of the Eastern Region hesitated for a moment: But the two emperors of the Tianyu have already returned, how could they not catch up?

Of course they won't come here. Emperor Guangying smiled secretly, Otherwise, what's the use of this emperor releasing the bait of Immortal Emperor?

You used the Immortal Emperor to trap the Heavenly Territory Emperors! The Eastern Emperor realized instantly, Even so, we must ensure that the other lords of the Tianyu will not come.

The two emperors of Tianyu have returned, and as the emperors of the domain, they must not be able to take action against the young master of Tianyu, otherwise they will be completely exposed.

But apart from them, no one can stop the Lord of the Sky Domain.

In the current Unreal Daqian, there is no second Da Luo Jinxian.

However, neither of the two realm emperors knew that the second highness of Tianyu and the little princess had extremely high cultivation levels, no worse than the lord of Tianyu.

They don't even know what a stupid thing they are doing.

You can rest assured about this. Emperor Guangying said indifferently, This emperor will now go to Tianyu as a guest in the name of welcoming the two emperors of Tianyu. As long as he is still the lord of Tianyu, he will came out to greet you.

So, it's really a good plan. The emperor of the Eastern Region finally relaxed his brows, Then, I will send one of my incarnations to Lingdao City, just in case.

Go. Emperor Guangying stood up, and he smiled coldly, Today is the death date of Tianyu Shaojun!

With a buzz, his body fell into the space crack.

In an instant, it was no longer in place.

Obviously heading to Tianyu.

The emperor of the Eastern Region stayed for a while and then left.


At this time, Lingdao City.

The atmosphere was still tense, and the sky that was originally as bright as day also darkened at this moment, as if it was the end of the end.

After the middle-aged man in black said those words, Si Qingxuan and Yao couldn't wait for anyone and couldn't wait any longer, and they quickly gathered around the woman in purple.

The young lord of Tianyu glanced at the eastern sky, his beautiful eyebrows were slightly clustered, and he also took a step forward.

Girl Jun, you can just let it go. Yao couldn't watch the middle-aged man in black vigilantly, Don't worry about us.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in black smiled disdainfully: Let's do it? Just kidding, you have to be able to do it.

I don't want to talk nonsense with you people in this universe. Since you are so stubborn, then I will kill you!

He let out a long roar, and the black robe unfolded.


The space fluctuated again, and a black wind swept out.

Majestic power erupted from the body of the middle-aged man in black. He lifted his palm and grabbed the woman in purple.

It seemed a very ordinary move, but at the moment when this palm print was struck!


The spiritual energy with a radius of hundreds of feet was pulled in, and the dazzling light burst, gathering unprecedented terrifying power.

As soon as Jun Muqian raised her head, she saw an extremely huge palm print condensed above her.

From it, she felt a barren breath, as if it came from the ancient prehistoric.

If you don't pay, you will die!

The middle-aged man in black snorted coldly, and pressed his palm down suddenly.

Kacha Kacha—

Before the palm prints fell completely, dense cracks had already appeared on the ground.

Seeing that the space was substantially distorted, the complexions of all the spirit cultivators changed wildly.




At the moment when the huge palm print was about to fall, a purple figure suddenly rushed up and faced it directly.

With a raised hand, it was a punch!


The next moment, the palm print was shattered!

The face of the middle-aged man in black changed drastically, and he was a little horrified: Impossible!

The peak of the God Transformation Realm here may not be able to stop him.

A small middle-aged immortal, relying on the strength of his physical body, just took his palm?



Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed, and she heard the slight cracking sound of her bones.

She raised her left hand expressionlessly, and took it back lightly, without frowning.

Medicine cannot be used to treat people with superb medical skills, so naturally they can sense it even more. He was slightly startled: Girl Jun...

Small things. Jun Muqian said calmly, I'm used to it.

During the seven years when she was hunted down, she never suffered any injuries.

got used to.

Three simple words, but it makes people feel distressed.

Yao couldn't stop talking, and finally just shook his head.

It is said that he is stubborn, but he is only stubborn to other people, and sometimes he really can't be cruel to himself.

The face of the middle-aged man in black changed again and again, and he suddenly lost his voice in surprise: You actually refined bones?!

Only at the level of the Daluo Jinxian can one refine the bones. This is the middle stage of the immortal realm...

Let you go, if you don't go, you don't have to go now. Jun Mu slightly raised his eyes, Let's stay together.

The woman in purple stood there, letting the surrounding storm turmoil without changing her color.

She took a step forward slowly, flipping her wrist.

Even if the attacks haven't gathered yet, people still feel an unparalleled coercion!

The middle-aged man in black was dripping with cold sweat, he couldn't believe it.

Is it true that in his Jiujiufu universe, the cultivators here are so much stronger than before? !


Absolutely can't go on like this.

This mission cannot be failed.

The veins on the forehead of the middle-aged man in black twitched, he was furious, and roared angrily: What are you still looking at? Hurry up and help me!

Hearing this sentence, Yao couldn't help but change his expression: It's still there!

Shua, Shua, Shua!

The moment the roar of the middle-aged man in black fell to the ground, four shadows reappeared in the huge Lingdao City.

The same clothes, the same breath source.

Jun Muqian also suddenly discovered that among the four new men in black, there was one man in black whose cultivation level she couldn't perceive at all.


The strength of this man in black is at the level of an emperor!

However, Jun Muqian was sure that this man in black was definitely not the emperor of the realm.

who is it?

This man in black is the only Da Luo Jinxian among the five.

He first glanced at the young lord of Tianyu, with a look of fear in his eyes: I didn't expect to see such a strong man here.

Jun Muqian paused.

The Lord of the Heavenly Domain is very strong, stronger than the Emperors of the Lower Five Domains, but also the stronger Demon Queen Demon Lord, and the strongest Twin Emperors of the Heavenly Domain.

Why in the mouth of this black-clothed man, it seems that being able to meet such a strong man as the Lord of the Sky Domain has reached the limit.

In the dark, Jun Muqian felt that she seemed to touch the truth.

I thought it would be enough for you alone, fourth brother, but I didn't expect to have brothers to go together. The big Luo Jinxian said with a smile, fourth brother, you really miscalculated.

Brother, don't make sarcastic remarks. The fourth child in black's face turned ugly, We'd better get rid of this stinky girl as soon as possible.

Their goal was not Yun Luoran, a waste in the first place.

Of course. The Da Luo Jinxian smiled lightly, Just in case, let's go together.

He had just seen this human's attack method, which was not simple.

If you are careless, it is very likely that she will escape.

If they escaped, how could they threaten Tianyu Shaojun?

Yao couldn't and Si Qingxuan became more vigilant, they guarded the woman in purple, ready to be dispatched at any time.

Even though, they were not the opponents of these five men in black at all.

At this time, Lingdao City has been completely sealed off, not even an ant can enter.

Thousands of rays of light are fading rapidly, and the depths of the sky are terrifyingly dark.

Ink clouds rolled, and thunder and lightning struck.

All spiritual cultivators couldn't help trembling, and some of the weaker cultivators collapsed directly on the ground.


Very scary!

The power fluctuations gathered by these five people is no different from the formation of the twelve capital gods and demons gathered by the three ancestor witches Di Jiang, Qiang Liang and Zhu Rong at that time!

Even if a central region is razed to the ground, it is no problem.

But at such a critical moment, Jun Muqian suddenly raised his head, and called out a name to the depths of the sky: Rong Qing!

This call naturally attracted the attention of the four Taiyi Golden Immortals and one Daluo Golden Immortal.

Their footsteps stopped, and they showed a mocking look at the same time.

One pretended not to know, and asked, What is she calling? Is she stupid?

Another person laughed: Hahahaha! We bully the few with the more, so why not kill a fool?

That's right, it has insulted the reputation of our brothers. Alas, after we go back, we will definitely be ridiculed.

That's all, you and I haven't killed anyone? Killing one more idiot can be regarded as a new achievement.

The five laughed unceasingly, and walked slowly towards the woman in purple, not thinking that she could escape at all.

A terrifying force erupted from the depths of the sky...

Suddenly, the entire world was enveloped!


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