The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 846: Forcing Tianyu Shaojun to come out! 【1 more】

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and took a step back with his right foot.

But at the same time, her wrists flipped.

With a swish, the seven-star moon whip flew out, rolling up Yun Luoran who was fixed in mid-air, and brought it to another direction.

At this time——


With enough power to tear the sky and the earth apart, the strong wind swooped down and smashed a deep hole in the ground.

The speed was extremely fast, and there was no time for everyone to react.

By the time they saw it, the ground had already cracked open, and water splashed out continuously.

Si Qingxuan was a little startled, and his heart jumped: Sister Jun!

I'm fine. The purple long whip in Jun Muqian's hand wrapped around the half-dead Yun Luoran, who had already moved to another safe position by using the ground escape technique. She tilted her head slightly, Don't worry.

She raised her empty left palm and pointed it directly at Yun Luoran.

The golden natal talisman in the palm spun out, and a majestic power of primordial spirit surged out, completely enveloping Yun Luoran.

Space, locked again!

Ahhhh! Yun Luoran let out an extremely tragic scream when attacked by this powerful primordial spirit power.

The strong will to survive actually collapsed at this moment, she said in despair: Kill me, kill me quickly!

In her previous life, she had never experienced such pain from being divided into five horses.

Jun Muqian's expression was indifferent, without any expression of mercy.

The pain of the physical body is naturally far less than the pain of the soul and soul.

She can easily analyze Yun Luoran's primordial spirit with the power of primordial spirit, knowing where it hurts more.

This kind of pain, not only can't pass out, but also makes the Lingtai more and more clear.

It's really noisy. Jun Muqian picked out his ears and waved his hand.

Another burst of primordial power popped up, sealing off Yun Luoran's senses.

Yun Luoran stared, his face twisted, but he couldn't make a sound.

Presumptuous! Tu Er let out a cold snort full of anger, You are so ruthless at such a young age, how can you pay it back in the future?


The originally peaceful space suddenly vibrated.

In the next second, a figure slowly emerged from the space.

It was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, dressed in a dark robe.

There was a notch between his eyebrows, his face was cold and hard, and he was serious.

Obviously, he is a very difficult person to mess with.

All the spirit cultivators retreated subconsciously, and many people had already run away.

The rest of the people also realized that this time the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony was no longer an ordinary competition.

They even had a premonition that the following things would become more and more uncontrollable, and they could not participate at all.

Looking at the middle-aged man in black, Yao couldn't help but frowned, and said in a deep voice, This man's strength must be above mine.

Hearing this, Si Qingxuan was slightly startled: Old man, you are also at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, and he is stronger than you?

Better than me. Yao couldn't be very sure, The peak of the God Transformation Realm also has strict classifications, but you can only feel it when you reach this realm.

If not, there would not be some peaks of the God Transformation Realm, who could be compared to domain emperors who did not use the power of emperors.

Miss Jun is fine, I'll go over and have a look. Si Qingxuan was so worried that he wanted to rush up again, but Yao couldn't hold his shoulders.

Boy Si, you will only add to the chaos in the past. Yao couldn't shake his head, Gather the available manpower first, Jun girl is clever, she came back this time, when did you see her impulsive?

He had a strong hunch that it was difficult for him to even make a move under the hands of this middle-aged man in black.

This person, if the domain emperor does not come out, there is absolutely no one in the entire Great Thousand and Ten Domains who can deal with it.

Who is this person?

Yao couldn't quickly dig through his memory, but after thinking about all possible candidates, he couldn't find the right number.

Zu Luo also glanced at the middle-aged man in black with extreme fear: He is indeed very strong.

Si Qingxuan was terrified.

Zu Luo has a cold personality, and as the first person in the spiritual reward, he fights and kills every day, but he will hardly admit that he is better than him, even if he is really defeated by someone.

This middle-aged man in black...

One side is vigilant, while the other side is joyful.

The only remaining people from the seven major sects showed ecstatic expressions, and they all wished to kneel down and thank them.

Dao Wu originally thought he was doomed, but he didn't expect Yun Luoran to rush out suddenly and save his life.

Naturally, Dao Wu also knew that Yun Luoran was only doing it for herself, but it didn't prevent him from surviving.

Dao Wu quickly swallowed a elixir, and after recovering some strength, he hurriedly asked, Sister Qinglan, do you know this person?

I don't know. Qinglan's eyes changed, and he shook his head, This person gives me a terrible feeling, and I can only feel this feeling from His Majesty.

Dao Wu heard the words, and was even more pleasantly surprised: Could it be the incarnation of His Majesty who came to save us?

Qinglan was silent.

The emperor of the Eastern Region came to rescue them in person?

Totally impossible.

Even if all the sects in the Eastern Region were wiped out, the Emperor of the Eastern Region would not make a move.

Although the emperors of the domain are the beliefs of the people of the domain, they are also the most cold-blooded and ruthless.

The seven major sects are extinct, and new sects will be born.

A few hundred years is enough for another group of spiritual practitioners to rise up.

And for such a short time, for the emperor of the Eastern Region, it is just a blink of an eye.

Yun Luoran was tormented by the pain all the time, so she didn't know what happened.

The young lord of Tianyu stood there with his hands behind his back, his dark green eyes narrowed slightly.

I don't know what I thought of, my thin lips slightly bent.

Let him go. The middle-aged man in black glanced at the bloody Yun Luoran, and his eyes suddenly turned cold, I'll just say it once.

This seat will only say it once. Jun Muqian slightly hooked his lips, his eyes became more ruthless, very compelling, Immediately, immediately, get out.


As soon as this word comes out!

The flowing air froze for an instant, and some spiritual practitioners couldn't help but gasped, admiring the courage of the woman in purple.

Is this really emboldened, or is it a habit of arrogance?

Sure enough, the middle-aged man in black suddenly changed his face: Stinky girl, what are you talking about?

Jun Muqian said nothing, raised his eyebrows lightly, and turned his palm again.


Yun Luoran's screams rose sharply, obviously suffering from unbearable pain again.

Those who have not yet left have the lowest spiritual strength and are at the immortal level. Seeing this scene, they also changed their faces.

At this moment, there was no intact piece of flesh on Yun Luoran's body.

Even, one can clearly see the aura rolling back and forth in her flesh and bones, which is hideous and terrifying.

The middle-aged man in black never expected that the woman in purple was not only not afraid of him, but ordered him instead.

And the terrible thing is, he actually really felt terrified.

How can this be?

He is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, could it be that he is afraid of a mid-life immortal here?


The face of the middle-aged man in black turned ugly, and he said in a cold voice: Smelly girl, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. This deity will say it one last time and let him go, otherwise, everyone here will die.

He looked sullen: You don't want to let so many people die for you because of your own selfishness?

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly froze a bit.

Those spiritual practitioners who stayed behind were terrified, and they suddenly regretted that they wanted to stay and watch the excitement.

But it's too late to go now.

All the spiritual cultivators stood there nervously, completely unaware of everything that happened in Lingdao City, and were watched by the two of them.

It was in a certain domain emperor's palace.

In the resplendent palace, there is a water mirror.

In the water mirror, a purple figure was reflected.

Among thousands of people, at a glance, he stands alone.

What are you doing? The Emperor of the Eastern Territory stared at the purple-clothed woman in the water mirror for a while, and frowned, All the lords of the Heavenly Territory are here, so what if you send a Taiyi Jinxian?

Moreover, they haven't fought against the Lord of the Heavenly Domain for a long time, so who knows whether the Taiyi Golden Immortal is stronger or the Lord of the Heavenly Domain is stronger?

Hehe... There was another emperor beside the emperor of the Eastern Territory, he smiled slightly, Of course the Taiyi Golden Immortal will not be the opponent of the Heavenly Territory Lord, after all, even you who are stronger than the Taiyi Golden Immortal may not It is the opponent of the Lord of the Sky Domain.

The Emperor of the Eastern Region's face darkened.

There was resentment in his heart, but he had to admit that what he said was true.

Because Empress Tianyu forced him to break one of his arms, he now hates Tianyu to the bone.

He wants to kill anyone from Tianyu!

As for the reason why this emperor did this... The emperor picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, with a fierce and cold light in his eyes, and said coldly, Naturally, he was forced out.

The eyes of the emperor of the Eastern Region changed: Him?

Rong Qing: Oh?

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