The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 848 I'll see who dares! 【1 more】

It seems to have heard that call, located in the sky above the central domain——

The man in scarlet clothes on the soft bed in Shaojun Palace suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes at this moment.

Those pair of double black pupils, with a strong golden light flowing at the bottom of the pupils, are incomparably captivating.

Inherent nobility, inverting the faces of all living beings, all of them clearly indicate the arrival of the peak.

The next moment, this perfect figure disappeared from the hall!


At the same time, in Lingdao City, the storm roiled, the sky collapsed, the ground collapsed, and the darkness deepened a little.

There are more and more cracks on the ground, and the drawn spiritual energy tore apart the space, leading to turbulent flows in the space.

Many Lingxiu who had no time to dodge were sucked into the space cracks without even leaving a scream.

And this sudden terrifying power was so violent that it instantly shattered the ink clouds summoned by the men in black into ashes.

The wind howled, and the golden light burst.

The spiritual power of the entire world seemed to gather at one point, and roared above the clouds, like an enraged demon god, about to cast down a harsh judgment.

Wait! Seeing this scene, Da Luo Jinxian's expression changed and his voice became sharper, A powerful enemy is coming.

Hearing this sentence, the other four Taiyi Golden Immortals hurriedly stopped: Brother, what's going on?

Huh—? The Great Luo Jinxian uttered a doubt, Why don't you see him?

A person who can cause such a change must have a much higher level of cultivation than him, at least at the level of Lord Tianzun.

But why didn't he see anyone?

Da Luo Jinxian did not relax because of this, he observed the surroundings very vigilantly, carefully released his spiritual consciousness, and explored the strong man within a million miles.

A second later, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: It's a strong man, but he shouldn't be our enemy. I didn't detect it. It seems that this strong man was just passing by here.

At his level, one step can cover thousands of miles.

Although only a few minutes passed, it was enough time for this mysterious strong man to go to another distant place.

It turned out to be a false alarm. The four Taiyi Jinxians were stunned for a moment, and then laughed, Brother, don't worry about it, we can't wait to taste the taste of blood.

What Emperor Guangying never told the Emperor of the Eastern Region was that although he sent the five black-robed men, they actually didn't listen to him very much.

Right now, the five black-robed men have long since forgotten the most important purpose of force the young master of Tianyu to come out.

They just wanted to kill the purple-clothed woman in front of them, and if they became interested, they would kill everyone in Lingdao City.

Rong light!

Jun Muqian raised his head abruptly, his dark eyes were lit by the golden light above the sky, revealing a momentary light.

This breath, this power, this connection from the depths of the primordial spirit...

It's him!

She definitely didn't feel wrong.

In just a few months, Rong Qing has completely recovered?

Jun Muqian was afraid that it would be like last time, it was because he sensed that she was in danger, so he showed up urgently.

Although there were no sequelae, it still made her frightened for a while.

Jun Muqian consciously looked at the young lord of the Tianyu, and saw that there was a little surprise on his beautiful face, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Could it be...

It's really a fool to say that you are a fool. Don't you really think that someone will come and save you?

The behavior of the woman in purple looking at the sky all the time touched the anger of the five men in black.

They were neglected, and the feeling made them uncomfortable.

He is obviously about to die, how can he be so calm?

The leader Da Luo Jinxian snorted lightly: Fool, your time of death has come!

He raised his hand and aimed at the place where the purple-clothed woman's heart was.

The majestic spiritual power was launched, and it was about to be photographed and killed immediately.

Miss Jun!


The fierce attack was close at hand, and Jun Muqian suddenly regained his senses.

Her eyes turned cold, she didn't choose to attack, and disappeared from the spot in a flash.


The palm fell, but it missed.

The ground sank into dozens of battles, but unfortunately no one was injured.

Da Luo Jinxian's senses are naturally very strong, he has already found the purple-clothed woman behind him, he can't help being surprised: Good guy, earth escape!

Immediately, he sneered: I want to see, I sealed this land, how can you escape!

As soon as the words fell, Da Luo Jinxian yelled, and slapped the ground with a backhand palm.


Ripples spread out, as if an invisible force had injected into the earth.

No changes can be seen on the surface, but in fact, this piece of land has been locked.

Die! Da Luo Jinxian drank again and waved his palm again.


An extremely sinister atmosphere permeated the air, and the surging energy between the heaven and the earth skyrocketed again.


However, this palm was still empty.

On the blocked ground, a thousand-foot-long crack exploded, like a roaring dragon, quickly spreading towards the front.

Yao couldn't change his eyes: Quick flash!

He held Si Qingxuan in one hand and Lone Moon in the other, and he also used the law of space to quickly change positions.

After landing, Yao couldn't realize that this battle was beyond his ability to participate.

Moreover, even if he goes forward, he will only be delayed.

When did the peak of the God Transformation Realm become so rampant in the Unreal World?

But after discovering that the purple-clothed woman was still hiding away, this time, Da Luo Jinxian completely changed his face, and blurted out: There is still the sky escape technique?!

This kind of unique knowledge has long been lost in the wild, so how can the practitioners here still know it?

Moreover, seeing his appearance, it seems that he has completely understood the sky escape technique.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape his attack with such meager strength.

Heavenly escape technique... Da Luo Jinxian's eyes showed a bit of greed, If I can get it, I will definitely be supported by Tianzun.

Thinking to this point, he withdrew his hand and said loudly: Junior, if you hand over the secret technique of the Heavenly Escape Technique to me, I can spare your life, how about it?

Leave it to you? Jun Muqian wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a slight sarcasm in his eyes, he smiled, If you want it, you can come and get it, see if you can get it!

Stubborn. Da Luo Jinxian's expression became gloomy, Okay, then I'll kill you and get the treasure again!

He quickly ordered to the other four Taiyi Golden Immortals: You guys, form an formation and block the Heavenly Domain Lord and other people who are in the way. She, I will kill her again.

yes, Sir!

Although the four Taiyi Golden Immortals were also very envious of the Sky Escape Technique on the purple clothed woman, they also knew that now was not a good time.

The four men in black robes are separated at four points, perfectly blocking all directions.

In terms of attack, maybe they are not as good as the Lord of the Sky Domain.

But once the formation is formed, at least it can resist the lord of the sky for a stick of incense.

But it didn't take such a long time at all, it only took a few seconds to completely deal with the woman in purple.

It seems that the friendship between you and the Lord of Tianyu is not very good. Da Luo Jinxian glanced at the young Lord who did not move, and smiled contemptuously, It is because of my mercy that I can last until this time, but after that, Not anymore.

Oh? Jun Muqian didn't pay attention to this kind of low-level provocation, she raised her eyebrows and smiled wantonly, Then your hands are really big enough.

When Da Luo Jinxian heard the words, his face became flustered because the truth had been exposed.

His complexion sank, he gritted his teeth and said, Sharp teeth!

He still doesn't believe it, he can't kill a mere ant.

Da Luo Jinxian yelled angrily: Black Cloud Break!


A black spiritual blade instantly formed in midair.

This attack is hundreds of times stronger than the previous fist, as if it has the power to shatter the world and tear the sea.

What a powerful wave!

All the spiritual practitioners present changed their expressions in shock, their breathing was stagnant, and their faces turned pale.

When had they ever seen such a terrible struggle?

No one dared to step forward at all, let alone join the battle, even if they just took a step forward, they would be torn apart by the berserk energy.

Qinglan, Daowu and the others stared at this scene with wide eyes, soaked through.

How hard are they to think about it before they go against Jun Muqian?

They must pray that the man in black can kill Jun Muqian.

Otherwise, it will definitely be their doomsday.

Jun Muqian must die!

Dao Wu couldn't help shouting: Kill her! Kill her quickly!

In the next second, black clouds burst out of the sky.


Da Luo Jinxian smiled viciously: Take your life!

However, seeing that the black cloud split was about to fall on the purple-clothed woman——

A cold and ruthless voice descended from the sky, with brutal killing intent, it locked on Da Luo Jinxian and the four Taiyi Jinxians.

Let's see who dares!

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