The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 836 Spit it all out to me! Slap in the face again【1 more】

All the spirit cultivators were shocked to see that the gray-clothed woman came before Yun Luoran, who was laughing heartily, without even being able to catch it with the naked eye for a moment.

In the next second, the white and jade-like palm came out!


In an instant, Yun Luoran's throat was locked.

Jun Muqian lowered his eyes slightly, his lips curled up, and he smiled softly and coquettishly: Smile.


Yun Luoran's eyes widened suddenly, his face froze, and his laughter turned into a stiff smile.

You laugh.

Those three words were like a slap on her face so hard that her blood flowed backwards.

All the blood in his body rushed to his face, and his eyes were red.

Bitch, court death!


Yun Luoran mobilized his spiritual power, and just flipped his hand out with a palm.

There was a very light black mist on this palm, which only Jun Muqian could see.

The palm wind rose suddenly, and a majestic spiritual force surged out, attacking with a force that could tear the world apart.

Wherever the wind went, there was a series of sonic booms in the air, exploding around the eardrums.

Just the remaining prestige, the ground was cracked into several gaps.

If it hadn't been for the Blessed Holy Master to raise the enchantment once established by the Tianyu Emperors in time, half of the Lingdao City might collapse under the surging force.

Seeing this scene, the spiritual cultivators were shocked again.

Even though the barrier has dispelled 99% of the energy, they can still feel the coercion.

Transforming gods into gods is simply not comparable to the spiritual cultivation of the lower class!

If it weren't for the emperors of the eternal realm to have the power of emperors, they might not necessarily be opponents at the peak of the god transformation realm.

But a bastard in the mid-period stage... Yun Luoran's eyes flickered with a sinister light, You have to regret what you did, regret coming to this world!

She seemed to have seen how the person in front of her died under her hands, and she couldn't help but get excited whenever she thought of the bloody scene.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, retreated, and easily avoided Yun Luoran's seemingly terrifying palm.

Even, in the violent palm wind, the corners of her clothes never fluttered.


The palm print hit the barrier and was instantly absorbed.

While Yun Luoran was dumbfounded, she heard a cold female voice next to her ear: Are you laughing?

These three words are still more lethal than any other sentence.

Ho ho... Yun Luoran was about to explode with anger, she glared and gnashed her teeth, Bitch, you really want to die!

How dare you humiliate her like this!


Yun Luoran only used one finger this time, and the mighty spiritual power gathered at her fingertips, and with the help of the law of space, it caused the spiritual energy in the world to vibrate.


Countless small cracks appeared around the originally calm space.

The turbulent flow of space surged out, and white light suddenly appeared, as bright as day.

Today is your day of death! Yun Luoran smiled viciously, and shouted, Taiyin Finger!


Point out with one finger, suppress the Quartet!

The earth trembled violently, and the spiritual power was amazing!

Along with this attack, an extremely cold force slowly emerged.

But also at this moment!

A bright moon appeared in the sky, surrounded by a few sparse stars.

If you look closely, you can still see the graceful figure of a woman.

Visions of heaven and earth!

Everyone was shocked, just such a simple finger, even the world has changed.

Taiyin finger... Jun Muqian looked at the moon in the sky and narrowed his eyes.

In ancient prehistoric times, Xihe ruled the sun, and his younger brother Wangshu ruled the sun.

In Mirror Moon Palace, there are only two exercises that can borrow the power of Taiyin.

One is the treasure of the town palace Taiyin Jue.

The other one is Taiyin Finger.

Taiyin Jue seven formulas, plus Heaven and earth live together, a total of eight formulas.

Ordinary disciples can at most practice the first two forms. Although Yun Luoran is Jing Lian's disciple and has more resources for cultivation, he has stopped at the third form.

Therefore, Yun Luoran could only settle for the next best thing, and chose Taiyin Finger

Just this finger...

Jun Muqian clicked his tongue, but it was really not standard.

Her master Jing Lian must have been blind before, and let alone Yun Luoran's temperament, this talent alone is far behind.

Amidst the aura of riot, the woman in gray remained motionless.

Seeing this, the bystanders talked a lot.

Could it be that you've been scared out of your wits?

I think it is. My cultivation is at the peak of the immortality realm, so I dare not compete with the move of Lady Lingnv. She is only at the middle stage of the immortality realm, and even I can't beat her.

Yun Luoran also thought so, she raised her chin proudly: If you beg for mercy now and say that you will only be loyal to me in the future, I can consider letting you go.

She planned well, she is now in the state of transformation, and the people under her will naturally have to be screened again.

Although she hated this slut extremely, wouldn't it be great if she could see this slut prostrate at her feet?

However, Yun Luoran didn't get the answer she wanted, but saw the woman in gray raise her finger.

She was a little puzzled, and sneered: Why, you don't want to learn from me, do you? Let me tell you, this Taiyin finger is my exclusive technique, not everyone...


The next few words just got stuck in the throat, and there was a monstrous coercion rushing towards his face.

It is also a fingerprint, drawing a more majestic power of the sun.

Above the sky, a second moon appeared, dimming even the brilliance of the sun.

In the next second, with a buzz, the second moon swallowed the first moon!

Yun Luoran couldn't believe it, and was extremely astonished: No...impossible! Why do you...

How could it be Taiyin finger too?

Everyone in Mirror Moon Palace was killed by her, and the ancient books were also destroyed by her, so how could anyone know Taiyin Finger?

But before she could think it through, the fingerprints had already landed on her body.

Pfft! Yun Luoran spat out a mouthful of blood, and retreated back uncontrollably.

She clutched her abdomen in embarrassment, her face contorted from the pain.


The faces of all the spiritual practitioners changed, and there was a bit of disbelief in their eyes.

it turns out……

It is really possible to shake a God Transformation Realm by relying on the cultivation of the Longevity Realm!

In the past, this was simply unbelievable!

Moreover, among the onlookers, there are also those who have descended from the upper five realms to transform into gods.

Their cultivation bases are higher than Yun Luoran's, and they can clearly see that Jun Muqian has not hidden his cultivation bases, and is a real immortal state.

No matter what kind of magic weapon that can change strength is used, the fluctuation of energy cannot be faked.

Not only did Yun Luoran's two attacks not hurt Jun Muqian, but he broke a few ribs.

If it weren't for the support of the cultivation base of the transformation of the gods, she would have fainted from the pain at this moment.

The position of spiritual girl can only be mine! Yun Luoran gritted her teeth, No one can take it away, absolutely not!

In her previous life, she was torn to pieces by five horses. She wants revenge, everyone!

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly saw the black mist that repaired Yun Luoran's injury earlier.

It's just that the black mist is thinner than before, and it seems that it will be consumed soon.

Bitch, learn my skills secretly, so despicable. Yun Luoran didn't think about other things at all, I want to see how you can steal my magic weapon next!

She smiled coldly and raised her voice: The sun is really hot!


As soon as the voice fell, a flame burst out of the sky.

Pale in color and extremely cold.

The moment the fire appeared, the temperature dropped suddenly, and frost appeared on the ground.

Seeing this, the spiritual practitioners below were puzzled a lot: What is that?

Does Unreal Great Thousand have such a flame?

Although an alchemist can refine the fire of his own life, who would use a flame with a yin attribute?

Let me tell you what it is. Yun Luoran smiled sweetly, This is the true fire of the Taiyin, but it is a treasure handed down from the ancient prehistoric times. If a mortal touches it a little, his soul will fly away.

It was not in vain that she killed that old woman Jing Lian to get the Taiyin True Fire.

Obviously there are such treasures, but they are only enshrined in the Taiyin True Hall, what a waste of heaven and earth!

But it is different in her hands, she can bring out the greatest power of Taiyin True Fire.

The damn thing about Jing Lian, an old woman, is that she didn't pass these treasures on to her.

Jun Muqian raised his head, his eyes were slightly cold.

She had already brought back the Qingping Sword and Chuanxin Lock, and only Taiyin Zhenhuo was left.

However, neither Master Jing Lian nor her comrades in Jingyue Palace could come back no matter what.

When she rushed back, Mirror Moon Palace had already been destroyed.

The corpses fell right in front of her, their hands were stretched out, they couldn't escape, they were only one step away.

How many years have passed, and she can even hear their screams.

It comes from the depths of the primordial spirit and can never be erased.

If she could go back sooner, she wouldn't be able to hear only one sentence in the end——

Senior Sister Jun, you're back...

Jun Muqian closed his eyes, and suppressed the roiling emotions in his heart.

She will not be troubled by demons, but she will still be sad and angry.

Hey, are you finally scared now? This reaction was reflected in Yun Luoran's eyes, which made her feel better, If you are scared, come here and kowtow to admit your mistake!

She knew she would win.

Neither of them moved, making the people below look very anxious.

Things that are stolen can never last forever. You are the second person I tell you this sentence. Jun Muqian slowly raised his eyes, reflecting the cold smile on his lips, Kill you! , It’s really too cheap.”

Hearing this sentence, Yun Luoran froze for a moment: What are you talking about?

Jun Muqian didn't move her eyes, she opened her hand.

In the next second, a red-golden flame rose from the plain white palm, and its pressure instantly overwhelmed the pale flames around Yun Luoran.

The pale flame flinched suddenly as if it had encountered something frightening.

Jun Muqian smiled coldly, and his momentum suddenly rose: The ancestor of Wanhuo is here—

The sun is really hot, if you don't return to your seat at this time, when will you wait?!


Why Lord! so handsome! You still miss the hero!

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