The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 835 This is the dowry gift! Angry slap in the face, brutal abuse of scum [2 more]

My death date? Yun Luoran was stunned for a moment, then seemed to hear something extremely ridiculous, raised his head and laughed, Hahahahaha, my death date?

Look, look, there are such stupid people in this world who actually say that today is my death day? Do you think it's ridiculous?

The owner of Brahma Palace agreed winkingly: What the lady Ling Nu said is true, it's too ridiculous!

Seeing that Yun Luoran had fully recovered, the disciples of the seven major sects gained confidence again, and looked at Jun Muqian who was covered in ashes contemptuously: That's right, it's just arrogant!

Where did the untouchables come from, dare to say that today is the death day of the lord Ling Nu?

Yun Luoran was so elated by these words, she then laughed heartily: Then tell me, should you kill him?!

As soon as the voice fell, there was another echo.

It should be killed, it is best to execute Ling Chi!

It would be too cheap for Ling Chi to execute this lowly man. We should take out her soul first, and chop up her body to feed the dogs, so that she can only be tortured for life after life, and she can't even do reincarnation!

The disciples of the seven major sects talked about each other, and said all the cruel ways of death.

The spiritual cultivators around couldn't help frowning when they heard it, with a bit of disgust on their faces.

Even a demon cultivator wouldn't be so cruel, would he?

Since the stop at Wuying Cliff, the reputation of the seven major sects in the Jianghu has become worse and worse, almost to the point where everyone shouts and beats them.

And because of Yun Luoran and the Emperor's Palace of the Eastern Region, he acted more and more arrogantly.

If you don't like it, kill it.

If you don't like it, kill it.

Those who dare to disobey will be killed.

The seven major sects didn't care about the consequences of doing so, as long as Yun Luoran was still alive, they could enjoy the blessing of heaven forever.

Okay! Yun Luoran waved his hand, shouted, and sneered, In the name of Goddess of Heaven, I order you to kill her!

Hearing these words, apart from the seriously injured Dao Wu, including Qing Lan, all eyes fell on the woman in gray.


Spiritual power emerges, spiritual energy riots.

The master of Brahma Palace has achieved the ultimate level of flattery, and he smiled obsequiously: I will kill this girl for the Lord Ling Nu!

As he said that, he turned his feet on the ground and stepped out suddenly.

Seeing this scene, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows.

She stood there leisurely, with her arms folded, and spent all her time looking at the attacking Brahma Palace Master, without even moving.

When the owner of Brahma Palace was wondering why there were not many of these untouchables, his face was distorted by the severe pain.


A big hand came out in an instant, lifted his collar directly, and threw him to the ground.

Suddenly, with a few clicks, the ribs and leg bones broke apart.

Get back!

The Immortal Holy Master waved his sleeves blankly, overturning all the other disciples from the seven major sects who followed the Brahma Palace Master.

Looking at the wailing people on the ground, the Blessed Holy Master smiled on the surface, and said sadly: Take what the old man said as a deaf ear?

It is enough for Zuluo to bully him, when will it be the turn of these scorpions?

Moreover, this is an old man, if he lets these bastards hurt this old man...

It is estimated that he will definitely be beaten up by Zulo every day in the future.

The corners of the Holy Lord's eyes twitched, and he hastily suppressed this thought.

No, he didn't want to live in dire straits.

Yun Luoran's face darkened, and his eyes were like blades towards the Immortal Holy Master: Do you dare to stop me?

An older generation who is just famous in the Jianghu, half of her body has been buried in the ground, and she still wants to step on her?

Hmph! The Blessed Holy Master snorted coldly, Yun Luoran, don't think that the old man will preside over the spiritual ceremony, and you will regard the old man as your subordinate.

The old man doesn't rely on you for food, let alone your dead parents, the old man still spoils you?

Still blocking? The Blessed Holy Master sneered, I can kill you with one finger, are you worthy of letting this old man stop you?

Yun Luoran's expression changed suddenly: You...!

The words were still stuck in his throat, and his face was burning with pain.

She is so proud!

She was so proud that she had forgotten that the Immortal Holy Master was at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, so killing her was really easy.

Yun Luoran's complexion changed again and again, and he managed to squeeze out a sentence: Senior Blessed Holy Master just joked, and this junior speaks without restraint, just playing with you, please don't mind.

She bears it!

It was through her patience that she killed Jun Muqian, a bitch.

One day, the Immortal Holy Master will also follow in this footsteps.

However, the Immortal Holy Master didn't give Yun Luoran any face at all: I'm not kidding, even the Immortal Realm is not as good as the Immortal Transformation Realm, how dare you call yourself a Goddess?

Holy Lord of Immortality, I respect you as a senior, so I bow down to you. Yun Luoran's face turned ugly, and she said coldly, You treat me like this, I would like to ask the brothers in the world to comment on it. Reviewed.

It's your trick. The Old Master sneered, I don't care about my reputation in the Jianghu. Even if my reputation is bad, do you think my previous contacts will be broken?

... Yun Luoran was in a hurry, her heart and lungs ached.

What a holy lord of immortality, to mock her so much!

Holy Master calm down, calm down. Seeing the atmosphere on the field tense, the Fourth Elder of Yaowang Valley hurriedly said, Miss Yun is still a junior after all, not very sensible, Holy Master must not be as knowledgeable as her.

Junior over four hundred years old? The so-called retreat that the Immortal Holy Master would not eat the Fourth Elder, he sarcastically said, Aren't they old women at this age?

Cough cough cough... Jun Muqian was choked and rubbed his stomach, so as not to laugh himself to death.

She glanced at Yun Luoran's face as black as the bottom of a pot, and she was in a good mood.

That's right, the immortal holy master Zu Luo found was very gifted in speech skills, and he could be a companion with Yao Wu.

The Immortal Holy Master was not afraid of Yun Luoran, so he stood on the high platform again, and said to the bottom: I think you all have already understood it very well, let us congratulate you for being the first in the discussion this time—

After a pause, he raised his voice: Miss Rongmu!

After saying that, the Immortal Holy Master took a step back and gave the position to the woman in gray with a very respectful expression.

At the same time, my heart was secretly sweating.

The uncle is the uncle, even if he wears a sack, his aura is still so strong.

What?! Yun Luoran screamed, She is the number one in the discussion of Dao? It's nonsense, the number one is obviously a spiritual girl!

She didn't notice at all. After she said this, the practitioners below all looked at her with eyes like fools.

You, get off. Yun Luoran ordered, Don't think that you are justified because you are weak, the first place in this discussion is mine!

Oh? Jun Muqian raised his eyelids and glanced at her casually, Really?

She bent her fingers slightly, and waved out another faint power of primordial spirit.

The target was not Yun Luoran, but the Fourth Elder of Yaowanggu who was at the side.

Nonsense, of course it is! Yun Luoran took it for granted, she said contemptuously, You are an immortal, can you surpass this spiritual girl in terms of understanding of the Dao?

Even if this spiritual girl lets you, you can't...

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted tremblingly by the Fourth Elder: Master Lingnv, in the discussion just now, your heart of Dao has been broken, the foundation of Dao has been destroyed, and you have no chance to connect with Dao.


As soon as this remark came out, it caused a shock below.

They could only see that Yun Luoran was seriously injured, but they didn't know the truth.

Out of touch with Dao!

My whole life is ruined.

What can I do with mere spiritual power?

It is doomed that he will never be able to become a powerful person in the future, and he will not be able to travel in the chaotic galaxy and go to other planes.

For a moment, all the spirit cultivators looked at Yun Luoran who seemed to be stupid with pity, shook their heads and sighed.

Lo and behold, this was too much of a shock to even respond.

Yun Luoran: ...

How else could she react?

Her face was swollen from being beaten by her own people.

However, the Fourth Elder said again at this time: Master Ling Nu, please let me mourn.

Shut up! Yun Luoran finally came to his senses, and greeted him with a slap, furiously said, Shut up!

The fourth elder was also beaten stupid, and he was a little wronged.

He was just telling the truth, why beat him?

Bitch! Yun Luoran stared at the woman in gray with dark eyes, What a bitch!

She has the ability to destroy the connection between her and Dao!

Jun Muqian remained expressionless: Who is the bitch scolding?

Yun Luoran sneered, thinking he was still a deaf person, and cursed happily: Of course the bitch scolded you!

Well, yes, I have self-knowledge. Jun Muqian nodded, It's the bitch who scolded me.

You, you... Hearing the roar of laughter, Yun Luoran was furious, How dare you scold me!

Irrelevant people, don't disturb the process of the Spiritual Dao Ceremony. The Immortal Holy Master swung Yun Luoran's sleeves again, driving Yun Luoran away.

Yun Luoran couldn't hold her breath anymore, she just felt that the fig leaf on her body had been ripped off and exposed in front of everyone.

At this moment, it seemed that it brought her back to the shadow and humiliation that was shrouded in Jun Muqian when the bitch was still there.

The Immortal Lord bowed slightly: Master Rongmu, please also receive the reward for being the first in the discussion.

Jun Muqian nodded and smiled: Senior, you are polite.

Inadvertently glanced at Zu Luo again, and the old holy master shivered: No, no, you're welcome!

Master Rong Mu, please. He took out a jade box from the spirit ring and handed it forward, This reward was personally chosen by the two majesties for Lord Rong Mu.

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was shocked.

A reward personally selected by the Tianyu Emperors? !

This is the first time ever!

Yun Luoran gritted her molars, her eyes turned red with jealousy.

This should belong to her, she must take it back.

Huh? Jun Muqian took it, curious.

Was it given by her parents-in-law again?

Since she started giving her a steady stream of betrothal gifts so early, she also had to think about what kind of dowry she wanted to prepare.

Since it was given by the two majesties... Jun Muqian wanted to open it, but turned his wrist and put it away, blocking Yun Luoran's greedy sight, I will definitely go back and take a bath and burn incense before opening it. .”

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't find anything wrong, and they were quite satisfied.

The Heavenly Territory Twin Emperors are worthy of respect.

Master Rong Mu decides. The Blessed Holy Master nodded, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, Then, it's time for us to fight for the spirit girl.

He looked down with a serious expression: Everyone who wants to run for women, please come to the stage.


There was silence, and no woman in the audience moved.

They all saw Yun Luoran's tricks, so who would dare to go there?

Even the women who were sure of defeating Yun Luoran chose to remain silent.

After defeat, Yun Luoran will definitely get crazy revenge. How can they implicate their family members?

Moreover, the battle of spiritual girls is not about Taoism.

Even though Yun Luoran's dao foundation has been destroyed, his cultivation level of transforming into a god is still there.

What are you fighting for? Yun Luoran finally managed to breathe out, and said proudly, Apart from this spiritual girl, who else is qualified for the position of this spiritual girl?

The Blessed Holy Master frowned, obviously not expecting this scene, when he was about to say something, a leisurely and quiet voice sounded.

As I said, there will be no more spiritual girls in the Illusory Great Thousand. Jun Muqian slowly stepped forward, with a smile on his lips, If I can destroy your Dao foundation, I can kill you.

It's up to you? Yun Luoran was very disdainful, Okay, I'll give you this chance, and let you fight me against the odds.


The power of the God Transformation Realm was revealed, and the spiritual power fluctuated rapidly.

Yun Luoran looked arrogant: Don't you hurry up?

Hearing this, the spiritual cultivators onlookers shook their heads.

This girl is going to die.

Isn't it? If you can't think about challenging the God Transformation Realm with your cultivation at the Longevity Realm, you're really looking for your own death.

Although I don't like spirit girls, why does she have the face to mock?

Hey, who makes people have a strong sense of the road? I think I have the confidence.

I see...

However, in the next second, suddenly, all sounds stopped.

I figured out that the second son-in-law might be coming out soon.

look! As the leading heroine in a fantasy novel, there are too many roles for light beauties, don't they!

I am now an author who can’t even delete quarrelsome comments and can only continue to quarrel there, otherwise I will be voted for a one-star review, humble.jpg

But babies don’t need to waste money to vote for five stars~ The score is only displayed on the webpage, although it is lost, the impact is not big, if there is a free one, it’s good to vote for one, love Ni Meng (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

For this reason, sorry for the late update_(:з」∠)_

There is one more day for the monthly pass to expire, remember to vote for Zunzhu Duck

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