The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 837 Support the Empress! 【2 more】

As if hearing a call from ancient times, the pale Taiyin True Fire trembled.


The space was torn apart again, and it had already become mottled.

The spiritual cultivators held their breath and stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Even if alchemists compete with each other in alchemy, it has never been so earth-shattering.

Whether it was the pale flame or the red golden flame, they all felt a sacred majesty from it.

As if the ancient demon god descended, overlooking the world.

Even the Immortal Holy Master subconsciously took a step back and wiped his sweat again.

He is really too difficult, why make him suffer like this.

No one dared to speak out, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

The Taiyin True Fire trembled for more than ten seconds, and finally!


The pale flame separated from Yun Luoran's body, gathered into a strand, and flew towards the direction of the red-golden flame.

Yun Luoran saw it, but she thought Taiyin Zhenhuo took the initiative to vent her anger on her behalf.

She smiled indifferently, and with some complacency, she waved forward: The sun is really hot, I haven't let you make a move yet, wait a minute.

However, the pale flame completely ignored her intentions, and then swooped straight.

Taiyin real fire! Yun Luoran still didn't notice anything wrong, and she thought it was Taiyin real fire and wanted to get out of her control.

With a gloomy face, she said angrily in a cold voice: The sun is really hot, is it disobedient again?!

All of these original fires that have been passed down from the prehistoric are extremely difficult to subdue. She also relied on the black mist to force the Taiyin True Fire to obey her orders.

But in this way, the spirituality of Taiyin True Fire will be sealed, and its power will be greatly reduced.

But Yun Luoran didn't care at all, she just needed an obedient Taiyin Zhenhuo.

It's just that occasionally Taiyin True Fire will recover a little spirituality, so she wants to get out of her control, but she suppresses it every time.

But this time it was different.

When Yun Luoran saw the pale flame that was gone forever, he finally panicked and screamed: Taiyin is really hot, come back! Come back!

However, how could her cry be better than the pull of the Primal Chaos Flame?

What's more, the real fire of Taiyin was born from the fire of chaos.

Even if it has been separated, this kind of involvement is indelible.

The former is the offspring and the latter is the mother.

Even though millions of years have passed, the Taiyin True Fire has evolved a new profound power by itself, and when the Chaos Fire calls it, it will still come back.

The ancestor of all fires, the origin of all fires!

The vast primordial world, deterring the world!

Now that the fire of chaos is out, how can the fire of the world not surrender? !

Yun Luoran just watched helplessly that the pale flame under her control had completely lost contact with her, and she went crazy, screaming again and again: Taiyin is really hot!


This is not true!

How could Taiyin True Fire leave her?

The voice in the black mist made it very clear, as long as it is not the real sun fire that interacts with the real fire of Taiyin, other original fires will not be able to do anything to the real fire of Taiyin.

But what is that?

The red-golden flame is above all the fires...

As if thinking of something, Yun Luoran's face changed drastically: The fire of chaos is in your hands?!


The real fire of the sun is only a threat to the real fire of the sun, and it depends on the cultivation strength of the person in charge of the fire.

But if it is the fire of chaos, you should ignore everything.

Yun Luoran couldn't believe that there would still be a chaotic fire.

Shouldn't the fire of chaos disappear after the ten original fires were conceived?

What broke her even more was that there were still people who were able to subdue the Chaos Fire, which was stronger than the Taiyin True Fire.

So what is she? !

Isn't she the protagonist of this world?

Why is there someone who has better opportunities than her and more adventures than her? !

It's not too stupid. The pale flame jumped on the heart of Jun Muqian's left hand. She closed her palms and raised her eyebrows. Let me see, how did you make me lose my mind?

Taiyin True Fire targets the soul of the primordial spirit, but it can also exercise the primordial spirit.

Moreover, Taiyin True Fire has many benefits for women, and the more Yin the constitution is, the more obvious it is.

It just so happened that when she returned to Lingxuan World, she could hand over the Taiyin True Fire to Shu Wei.

Shu Wei has a female body of Jiuyin, and the remnant soul of Jiufeng is sealed inside her body.

Taiyin True Fire can suppress Jiufeng again with its extremely yin attribute.

Even if the rest of the witch clan join hands, they can't make Jiufeng riot again.

Bitch, bitch! Yun Luoran was so angry that she couldn't speak clearly, her voice was trembling, Give me back the real fire of Taiyin! Give it back to me quickly!

While roaring, he rushed over.

It's just that Yun Luoran was already dizzy with anger, and after being suppressed several times, it turned out that she was only relying on the strength of her physical body.

Jun Muqian didn't even move her position. As soon as she lifted her leg, she kicked Yun Luoran without showing any mercy.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Yun Luoran fell to the ground, his face even paler.

She seemed to be crazy, and started rolling on the ground, screaming non-stop: Chaos fire, you have chaos fire!

The people from the seven major sects did not expect this scene to happen at all, and they stood there a little dumbfounded.

It's just...

What's going on? Is this crazy? This is too ugly...

I have to take back what I said earlier. How could she be Goddess of God? Dirtier than a pig in a pigsty.

I'm curious about what method the gray-clothed woman used. Isn't the flame belonged to the spiritual woman? Why was it taken away by her?

The people in the audience talked a lot, and they all looked like they were watching the show.

It's hard to avoid being happy to see a spiritual girl like Yun Luoran who has always been aloof in this way.

Hahahahaha, you have the fire of chaos! Yun Luoran suddenly laughed again, You are an immortal, but you have the fire of chaos, don't you know the crime of having a jade?

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes and looked at her condescendingly.

Yun Luoran said viciously: I will tell the whole Daqian about you having the Chaos Flame, and you will definitely not be able to escape by then!

She said it, and she did it.

After getting up from the ground very quickly, Yun Luoran wiped the blood from his face, turned around and roared at the practitioners below: The fire of chaos is on her, don't you want it? !

Two dogs fight, play off.

She wants to be the fisherman!


The fire of chaos? The name sounds very powerful, but what kind of fire is it?

I've never heard of it, why is she so excited?

I guess she thinks we are all fools, and besides, even if this chaotic flame is very strong, wouldn't we be risking our own lives if we go to snatch it?

Now there is no spirit cultivator who dares to look down on the woman in gray. Even if there are still a few strong men who have turned into gods who are dismissive of her, they all put away a little bit of contempt.

Yun Luoran didn't expect that the crowd wouldn't listen to her at all, she couldn't believe it: She has the fire of chaos! Are you idiots, this is the fire of chaos!

The ancestors of the fires didn't respond at all. Are these people crazy?

Jun Muqian had already expected this scene.

She was right in guessing that both the prehistoric history and the prehistoric magic weapon are gradually disappearing.

Since she came back, no one in Unreal Daqian has discussed the innate treasure anymore.

Even, there is no so-called divine vein anymore.

No, it is also a divine vein, but it is only a spiritual vein level, and there is no inheritance god.

The primordial Demon God was also forgotten.

However, despite this, the comprehensive power of the Unreal World is getting stronger and stronger.

The sacred veins, emperor veins, etc. above the divine veins are much stronger than some of the last divine veins on the list of the top 100 divine veins.

Everything has changed.

Moreover, the lower five domains have the greatest impact.

She rarely went to the Upper Five Realms in her previous life, and she didn't come into contact with too many great powers. Therefore, it is not known whether this situation also happened in the Upper Five Realms.

But the only thing that is certain is——

The prehistoric, no longer exists.

But Yun Luoran still knew the Xiantian Lingbao and the fire of chaos, so it must be related to that cloud of black mist.

Idiots! They're all a bunch of idiots! Yun Luoran yelled angrily, You don't have any idea about the fire of chaos, why don't you die?!

Those who have eyes but do not know Mount Tai!

However, her ferocious and crazy appearance was reflected in the eyes of all spiritual cultivators, which made her even more inexplicable.

Hey, this must be crazy, but it's understandable. If my Dao Foundation is destroyed, I will also despair.

It seems that today's spiritual girl is indeed going to be replaced!

I don't think so. The final candidate for the spiritual girl must be determined by the six major forces. What if they are all blind?

The noise hit her ears, Yun Luoran's mind buzzed for a while, her lips trembled, she was unwilling to believe what she heard.

She had only one thought, and she was done.

Without the real fire of Taiyin, and her Taiyin finger was learned by that bitch, what else could she do?

If her Qingping Sword and Chuanxin Lock hadn't been snatched away by another bitch in the Wuji Forest, she wouldn't have been so passive.

No, she definitely can't fight anymore.

The real fire of Taiyin is so strong, how strong is the fire of chaos?

Gritting her teeth, Yun Luoran screamed unwillingly: I admit defeat!

As long as she admits defeat, according to the rules of the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony, this bitch can't do anything to her.

Hearing these words, the Blessed Holy Master glanced at the woman in gray anxiously, seeing that her expression was calm and calm, and she didn't seem to take it seriously.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a loud voice: The contest for the spiritual girl, the first round of competition, Mr. Rong Mu won!

The secret medicine couldn't smell this, and frowned: Why didn't Miss Jun just kill this Yun Luoran?

Old man, it's because you have no foresight. Si Qingxuan snorted, If Miss Jun kills her now, the seven sects will be afraid. Given their timidity, they will definitely run away early. After you have wiped out the seven major sects, it will not be too late to kill them.

Yao couldn't think about it, and thought it was the same, nodded and asked again: Are we all ready?

Naturally. Si Qingxuan excitedly rubbed his fists, None of the seven sects can escape!


On the high platform, Yun Luoran stood up with hatred.

She tidied up her skirt and sneered: Even if you beat me, the position of the spirit girl will not be yours!

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows halfway, and looked at her leisurely: Oh?

You must be a casual cultivator, and you don't know that the position of the spiritual girl needs the consent of the six major forces. Yun Luoran snorted proudly, Why don't we come and see, how many major forces will choose you?

Jun Mu lightly hooked his lips: Then let's take a look.

Seeing the woman in gray so calm, Yun Luoran was very disgusted, she didn't wait for the Immortal Lord to speak again, and directly said loudly: Seniors, you can start to choose.

Except for the Demon God's Temple, who will not choose her, everyone else will only choose her!

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, the fourth elder of Yaowanggu spoke first: Immortal Yaowanggu, support Miss Yun Luoran.

Si Yong also followed closely: The Xuanguang Auction House in the Central Region also supports Miss Yun Luoran.

Yaoyu Yaoshen Temple, support Miss Rongmu.

The Soul Eater Pavilion in the Demon Realm, support Miss Yun Luoran.

Foyu Foxintai abstains.

Three votes to one vote, it is clear at a glance who wins and who loses.

Although such a result had been expected long ago, all the spiritual practitioners were still very angry.

Hahahahaha! Yun Luoran laughed wildly, Did you see that? No one chose you, Rong Mu, you lost!

Jun Muqian was still calm, her peach blossom eyes slightly raised: Are you so sure?

Why, you still want to resist? Yun Luoran laughed contemptuously, You don't think that Tianyu Nine Realms City will come too? Oh, even if Tianyu Nine Realms City comes, you still...

Before the words were finished, a ray of light suddenly descended from the clouds, the brilliance it brought surpassed the sun and the moon, and it was incomparable.

Then, a voice came slowly.

Tianyu Nine Realms City, support Miss Rongmu.


Honorable Lord: The face slap produced by this seat is so cool.

(? But this seat seems to have not expected

Well, tomorrow is a new January~

Book a guaranteed monthly ticket first, as the old rule, if you have 233 tickets at the beginning of the month, you will get a change, and there is no cap!

See if it's enough to summon the light beauty, I don't want to get stuck~

November, there are benefits, get ready! (I’m really ashamed to write it _(:з」∠)_

Tomorrow, I will also send back the big monthly ticket red envelopes, refills!

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