The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 829 Slap Yun Luoran in the face! Who is this? 【2 more】


It's too gray.

Gray clothes and robes, even his face was covered with dust.

She is a poor, humble, weak and helpless little pitiful.

This is the king's definition of himself.

I'm alive... Jun Muqian squeezed her chin, I need to experience a different life.

That way, no one should notice her.

Although her appearance is not bad at the moment, but with her gray body, it is estimated that no spiritual cultivator is willing to talk to her.

very good.

She waited slowly for the start of the Spiritual Dao Ceremony without spending any effort.

Jun Mu glanced lightly at the seats where the seven major sects of the Eastern Region were located, and when his eyes fell on Qinglan, he settled down.

She had already learned about Qingluan's death from Si Qingxuan.

Even, this stingy boy clearly learned the inside story that even the seven sects didn't know.

Qingluan was killed by Su Yang, the Shaojun of the Eastern Region, when Yun Luoran was retreating.

Regarding Su Yang, Jun Muqian has always been confused.

If he had always liked Ying Zijin, why would he kill her clone?

What's more, after killing him, he spent a lot of time building a illusory realm, and in order to gather souls for it, he did not hesitate to sacrifice countless primordial spirit powerhouses.

This matter is all contradictory.

Jun Muqian believed that what she could see, Ying Zijin would also be able to see.

Su Yang's feelings for Ying Zijin can never be faked, it has even reached a level that is deeply rooted in his bones.

Otherwise, after knowing that everything I did was useless, I wouldn't completely collapse.

Punishment, heart death.

But what is all this for?

Jun Muqian can also conclude that Su Yang killed Qingluan because of Ying Zijin.

Qingluan is Yun Luoran's great help. During the years of being a spiritual girl in Yunluoran, the support Qingluan gave her far surpassed that of the Emperor's Palace of the Eastern Region.

Qingluan represents the rivers and lakes of the Eastern Region, and has great prestige.

Without Qingluan, it would be impossible for Yun Luoran to control the seven sects so easily.

And Yun Luoran was the murderer who indirectly killed Ying Zijin, if Su Yang wanted revenge, he would definitely kill Qingluan.

Tsk... Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and there was a coldness in his pupils.

What's the use of regretting if you don't cherish when you should cherish.

However, it is useless to cherish it, after all, Su Yang has never really owned it.

But this suspicious point forced her to pay attention.

As long as it is related to Yun Luoran, there is an 80% possibility that it will be related to that cloud of black mist!

It seems that she still needs to go to the Shaojun Palace in the Eastern Region after the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony.

Su Yang is no longer a threat. At present, the only one who threatens her from the Eastern Region is the Emperor of the Eastern Region.

At this time, Jun Zunzhu didn't know that her beautiful, ruthless and powerful mother-in-law had already cleaned up the emperor of the Eastern Region for him.

Even if the Emperor of the Eastern Territory wanted to deal with her now, there was nothing he could do.

Every Spiritual Dao Ceremony is held in the Spiritual Dao City of Central Territory.

This city was built just for the spiritual ceremony, and it can guarantee to accommodate at least tens of billions of spiritual cultivation.

Among the tens of billions of spiritual practitioners in public, 90% come from the lower five domains.

However, there are not so many cultivators who discuss the Dao. Therefore, the onlookers must come to Lingdao City early in order to occupy a good place to watch.

Hey, I don't know if the first son of the Eastern Region will come today, I really want to see what kind of handsome son he is.

One person said: I don't know anything else, but the first son of the Eastern Region will definitely come! You don't know yet, right? The first son of the Eastern Region said that whoever supports the emperor will get a holy artifact for free !

As soon as these words came out, many spiritual practitioners were shocked: Holy Artifact?!

That's right, it's a sacred artifact. The man triumphantly took out a sledgehammer, Did you see it? I've joined the King's Association a long time ago, and this is the sacred artifact that the young master gave me.

The spiritual practitioners around took a look and found that there was a golden oval mark on the handle of the sledgehammer, which was the symbol of the holy vessel.

Moreover, the fluctuation of spiritual power emanating from it is also very vast.

Absolutely the holy artifact can't escape!

At this moment, the spirit cultivators became restless.

Holy Artifact, a treasure that these people will never see in their lifetime.

Where is Junhui? I want to join too.

And me, I support the Lord!

Take me, take me!

The emperor must win!

Jun Muqian, who didn't want to hear it, heard it clearly: ...

The veins on her forehead twitched, and she forcibly suppressed the irritability in her heart, only then did she resist the urge to step on the ground and beat the first son of the Eastern Region.

Who is this?

Who is this person?

Is this helping her or playing with her?

Jun Muqian did not forget that the first son of the Eastern Region asked Xue Yan to bring her a message, asking her to go to the other side of the cloud in the Immortal Realm.

For the sake of safety, after leaving the Valley of the Medicine King, she has already gone to the other side of the cloud.

It's a pity that the other side of the cloud is also the site of the Immortal Emperor's Palace. Without the permission of the Immortal Emperor, she really can't break through the surrounding emperor's power and enter it.

However, she released the power of the primordial spirit to explore, and found that there seemed to be nothing else except the top-quality medicinal materials planted by the Immortal Emperor, and some rare and rare beasts.

Jun Muqian began to wonder if the bastard, the first son of the Eastern Region, was lying to her. After all, judging from his establishment of the Junhui, he was also a dark-hearted person.

She must find this bastard today.

When Jun Muqian used the power of the primordial spirit to explore the surroundings, there were also many powerful people of different forces doing the same.

They want to know the cultivation level of other spiritual practitioners who participated in this spiritual ceremony, so as to judge whether they can win the ranking in the discussion.

However, none of them paid attention to the dispute over the spiritual girl.

In their view, the reputation of this spiritual girl will only fall on Yun Luoran.

It's not that there are no other female spirits in the Lower Five Realms who can fight, but they have all been secretly warned by Yun Luoran.

If you don't listen, the people around you will suffer.

Yun Luoran was protected by the Emperor's Palace of the Eastern Territory, so he could do whatever he wanted, and the other cultivators who were persecuted by him only dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out.

And in midair on the high platform, there are dozens of lotus leaves floating.

The person sitting on the lotus leaf is the six major forces that determine who the final spiritual woman will be.

In the Xuanguang Auction, Xuanyi and Guangyi were dispatched.

They looked at the unremarkable gray-clothed woman in the crowd with sad faces, feeling regretful.

It never occurred to her that the little brother who came to their auction house to auction off the Infernal God Stone and the mysterious talisman turned out to be their boss' boss!

Moreover, it is the legendary monarch of the Eastern Region!

This is really explosive news, and the two were dumbfounded when they were first told.

However, their boss asked them to represent the Xuanguang Auction House, making them shrouded in the terrifying coercion of the boss's boss.

A little out of breath.

Xuan Yi, Guang Yi, what are you doing? There was a middle-aged man who looked like a scribe sitting between the two of them. He frowned with displeasure on his face. daze?

This middle-aged scribe is none other than Si Yong.

Si Yong is Si Qingxuan's uncle, and it is also a cover used to hide Si Qingxuan's identity.

It's just that he himself didn't know it, and he was complacent about it.

Si Yong was extremely selfish, and secretly took a lot of purple spirit stones from the Xuanguang auction house, and put them all in his pocket.

And Yun Luoran was able to invite Si Yong because the memory of her previous life told her——

Hundreds of years ago, Si Yong fell into trouble for a while and became a beggar.

It was Jun Muqian who casually threw a steamed bun and gave him a sigh of relief.

Yun Luoran didn't know the whole story of the matter, anyway, he directly pretended to claim this credit and approached Si Yong.

He promised that as long as the Xuanguang Auction House supported her during the battle for the spiritual girl, Si Yong would be able to enter the Emperor's Palace in the future and be reused by the Emperor of the Eastern Region.

Both of them are selfish, as long as it is profitable, they can do anything, so they hit it off.

Si Yong looked at Xuan Yi and Guang Yi with some disdain, mocking in his heart.

Si Qingxuan is a dude who knows nothing, and the subordinates around him are also as stupid as pigs.

Xuanyi and Guangben didn't want to talk to Si Yong, but remembering Si Qingxuan's instructions, they could only respond perfunctorily: I've never seen so many people.

Hearing this, Si Yong became even more contemptuous.

A bumpkin is just a bumpkin, and money can't change it.

After the Spirit Dao Ceremony is over, he will drive these two idiots out of the Xuanguang Auction when he returns.

When the masters of various forces had different thoughts, the sun finally slowly moved to the center of the sky.

Boom, boom, boom—

The long bronze bell was rung, accompanied by several majestic surges of spiritual power!

In the depths of the sky, a ball of golden light suddenly exploded.

In an instant, it turned into stars and fell from the sky.

The Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony has officially opened!

On the originally empty high platform, the space suddenly distorted, and a figure appeared in the next second.

It was an old man with silver-white hair and beard.

But the skin does not show a little aging, like a baby's delicate.

Immortal Lord!

It turned out to be the Holy Lord of Immortality!

All the spiritual cultivators were stunned for a moment, and then violent cries erupted.

Jun Muqian was a little surprised when he saw the old man.

In this Spiritual Dao Grand Ceremony, even the Immortal Holy Master was invited to move?

The Blessed Lord is a random cultivator in the world, and does not belong to any force, nor has he belonged to the Emperor's Palace in the Shunyu Realm.

However, his cultivation at the peak of the God Transformation Realm and his strange skills made him famous in the Ten Regions.

It was rumored that the Immortal Lord became like this because he ate a medicinal herb by mistake.

His age may be less than a thousand years old.

When the Blessed Lord was walking in the rivers and lakes, many practitioners came to provoke him, but they were all defeated without exception.

Since then, the reputation of the Immortal Holy Master has become even louder. In his life, he had only one defeat.

This defeat is Zu Luo, the number one spiritual reward.

Thinking of this, Jun Muqian's heart skipped a beat.

She completely forgot that when she gave Si Qingxuan, Xiao Yueyue and Yao Fu the phrase The more people come, the better, the kind that can scare Yun Luoran to death with a single sentence, Zu Luo also present.

I'm afraid...

The Immortal Holy Master held his nose and presided over the Spiritual Dao Ceremony after being beaten up again by Zu Luo.

Welcome the heroes from all over the world to Lingdao City. The Old Lord couldn't smile at first, but he unconsciously caught a glimpse of Zuluo's cold face, and immediately smiled, Today, I will give you a message to all the heroes. Preside over this spiritual ceremony.

After finishing speaking, he paused, and then continued: Old man, this is my first time hosting, but I know the previous procedures.

Then first of all, let us welcome Yun Luoran, the spiritual girl, to tell everyone about her path to enlightenment.

As soon as the words fell, people from the seven major sects took the lead in applauding.

However, there were only fragmentary applause.

Most of the cultivators hissed with contemptuous eyes.

With such a bad character, how can I still be a spiritual girl?

Yun Luoran's appearance on the stage this time did not receive the applause she expected.

Her face changed, but soon returned to normal.

She has already reached the realm of transforming gods, and no one in the Lower Five Realms can compare to her except for the Emperor's Palace of the Domain Realm.

These people dare not disrespect her, and they will only die when the time comes.

It's a great honor to stand here again and meet all heroes. Yun Luoran showed an elegant smirk, hiding the resentment in his eyes, Since the title of Spiritual Girl, every session of the Spiritual Girl Girl, I'll be the one too.


As soon as the words fell, the brows of many strong men frowned.

Let you talk about enlightenment and show off yourself, what are you doing?

Then the spirit girl this time must still be me. Yun Luoran was indeed showing off herself, and she was also very confident, Everyone can watch for a while, but I also welcome other people to compete with me for the spirit girl bit, even if you can’t get it.”

As soon as these words came out, many immortal-level female spiritual practitioners felt uncomfortable.

But they didn't dare to speak out, for fear that Yun Luoran would target their relatives and friends.

But at this moment, a leisurely and laughing voice sounded.

Very pleasant to the ear, twitching the eardrums.

Your Majesty, I would like to ask you a question. How did you manage to kill the Sovereign Lord of the Immortal Realm when you were still in the Realm of Life and Death?


Rebirth is not something that can improve people's IQ.

So I was a fool before rebirth, and I am still a fool after rebirth~

Only when the strong are reborn, they will always be strong~

Your Majesty: =ω=

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