The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 830 Grab! Self-Humiliation Yun Luoran 【1 more】

Just because after Yun Luoran said these few words earlier, he stopped there with the thought of wanting to get the respectful eyes of all the spiritual practitioners.

Little did she know, she was completely notorious.

All spiritual practitioners will only be disgusted and dissatisfied with her, but they will not respect her.

Therefore, the entire Lingdao City was silent.

However, Jun Muqian's words still contained the power of the primordial spirit, even people with closed hearing could hear them.

At this moment, all the spirit cultivators were stunned, and they all looked at the high platform in unison.

If there were still people who didn't know the three words Junzunzhu before, but under the deliberate propaganda of the Junhui cult, everyone already knows everyone.

But most people don't know the inside story.

The person who killed Jun Zunzhu was Yun Luoran?

It turned out to be a life-death-level leapfrog killing immortal-level?

Yun Luoran's face froze immediately, the smile on his lips didn't have time to disappear, his expression was extremely terrifying.


Who doesn't open his eyes, dare to disturb her spiritual ceremony? !

She immediately looked down, but she couldn't find out who this person was.

Even at this moment, Jun Muqian looked at her calmly, with a smile on his lips.

But because of this outfit, Yun Luoran didn't care at all.

She no longer has the idea of ​​showing off, and now she just wants to step down as soon as possible.

But she still couldn't reveal the matter, because all the spiritual cultivators were looking at her suspiciously.

Damn it!

Yun Luoran cursed in her heart, how much effort she took to wipe out the prestige of Jun Muqian, a bitch in the Lower Five Realms.

It's only been a few days, and it's revived?

They are all a bunch of idiots who play with the wind!

Moreover, she had already concealed the fact that she was the one who ordered the seven sects to kill Jun Muqian.

She is a disciple of Jingyue Palace and Jun Muqian's colleague. To the outside world, she has always been a righteous person who cut off old love for righteousness.

Because of Jun Muqian's unfortunate death, she cried, she couldn't bear it, she was sad and pretended to be strong, she got everyone's sympathy.

Even the ordinary disciples of the seven major sects thought that she wanted to kill Jun Muqian for the sake of peace in the Eastern Region, so they admired her even more.

The real purpose must never be known!

Yun Luoran's expression froze for a few seconds before returning to normal. She smiled calmly and said calmly, Although I don't know which hero heard such false news and brought it here to slander me, but What I'm trying to say is—

I, Yun Luoran, have never done this before!

As soon as she finished speaking, her tears flowed down: I think you all know that Sister Jun, like me, is the closed disciple of Palace Master Jinglian. We are about the same age, we grew up together, and we are closer than real sisters.

Because Sister Jun is very powerful, the master asked me to learn more from her. I have always regarded Sister Jun as my role model, and asked questions humbly. But what I didn't expect was that Sister Jun did a lot of things that violated the rules of the Mirror Moon Palace. , and killed a lot of fellow robes, and the master was disappointed several times before expelling Sister Jun from the Mirror Moon Palace, and she will never be recalled.


There was silence below.

Yun Luoran wiped away her tears, choked up and said, I begged Master, but Master didn't change his mind, and Sister Jun's temper has always been irritable, and she won't listen to anyone, and I have nothing to do, but later Sister Jun did it. Things are going too far, she actually, actually...

Sobbing violently, he raised his voice: You actually held a grudge against Master, not only killed Master, but also destroyed the Mirror Moon Palace!

She said in tears: I have no father and no mother, Mirror Moon Palace is my home, master raised me single-handedly, how can I let this murderer leave me alone?

But I still can't be cruel, so I chose to ignore it, but I can't stop the heroes of the seven major sects. They want to kill the Eastern Region, so I can only watch Sister Jun being killed by them. I...

Yun Luoran cried so much that she couldn't speak, choking and choking, her eyes were red.

The feelings seem to be completely unfalsified, completely revealing the truth.


There was still silence in the audience, because all the spiritual practitioners were already dumbfounded.

What kind of grievances and grievances is this?

Moreover, it sounds reasonable.

From this point of view, even if Yun Luoran killed Jun Zunzhu with his own hands, it would be justifiable.

But why are things so weird?

However, the matter is over. After a while, Yun Luoran stopped sobbing, If I had known that Sister Jun would do such a thing, I would have tried my best to stop her.

Seeing a beautiful woman with pear blossoms in the rain, finally Lingxiu couldn't hold back, and comforted him: Master Ling, the world is unpredictable, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable. No one would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Master Ling Nu, you have done a lot, eliminating harm for the people, and your merit has deepened.

Yes, yes, Lady Ling, you have done a good thing.

Even though spiritual practitioners always feel that something is wrong, they only believe what they have heard with their own ears.

Moreover, didn't it mean that the emperor is not dead?

If the things that Lady Ling Nu said are all false, then why hasn't the Sovereign Lord appeared yet?

Must be guilty!

Thank you heroes. A sneer flashed across Yun Luoran's eyes, but he said with emotion on his face, However, if Sister Jun is here, it's not my turn to be a spiritual girl, and the position of this spiritual girl must also be Jun. Sister's.

When the voice fell to the ground, many people refuted it.

Hey, Lord Ling Nu, don't say such things. How can a person who can even kill his own master be able to afford the position of Ling Nu?

Heroes, it's better not to say such things. Yun Luoran was proud of herself, but she didn't show it, Sister Jun was just insulting the wrong way for a while, and today's incident aroused bad feelings in my heart, so let's go Come here.

After saying that, she hurriedly turned and left.

Yun Luoran's face was gloomy where all the spiritual practitioners could not see.

If you don't leave, what should you do if a problem pops up in a while?

However, she really admired her on-the-spot reaction, and she definitely couldn't find a fault.

Anyway, no one will know that she actually did these things, and those who know are either dead or are confidantes who will not betray her.

Jun Muqian was convicted of these crimes.

The smug Yun Luoran didn't know it at all, and it was Jun Muqian who asked that question.

She didn't even know that she had completely fallen into the trap arranged by the monarch.

The corners of Jun Muqian's lips raised slightly, looking at Yun Luoran surrounded by the seven sects.

Holding her first, and then letting her fall down, this kind of despair needs to let her try.

However, Yao Fu, Si Qingxuan and the others who were hiding in the dark were so disgusted by Yun Luoran's black and white confusion that they almost vomited.

What a shameless person! Si Qingxuan was extremely angry, How dare you arrange Miss Jun like this, I will definitely twist her throat in a while!

Come on, boy, you're only at the Immortal Realm, how can you fight against the God Transformation Realm? Yao couldn't help but was also very angry, The old man made a move, and the old man went to kill her.

Zu Luo interrupted coldly: You are not as strong as the pavilion master.


In a word, it was cold.

Both Si Qingxuan and Yao couldn't help but twitched.

They don't want to admit this sentence, but it happens to be the truth.

After learning that Jun Muqian had been promoted to the Immortal Realm, Si Qingxuan enthusiastically went to invite the battle, and then...became a pig's head.

Yao Fu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also became interested, thinking that he would try it himself.

As a result, although he didn't turn into a pig's head, he was also paralyzed from exhaustion, and could only lie on the ground in the end.

Thinking of him in the God Transformation Realm, it was still in the last period, and he couldn't even beat a little girl who had just stepped into the Immortal Realm.

I don't want to compare with Miss Jun, she is a pervert. Yao couldn't snort, I just need to be better than normal people.

Bitch Yun probably doesn't know that Miss Jun is waiting for her. Si Qingxuan shrugged, In a while, she won't even be proud.

This time, Jun Muqian's network of heaven and earth was not only intended to kill Yun Luoran, but also to destroy the seven major sects in one fell swoop, forcing them into the Shaojun Palace.

Let her be proud first. Yao couldn't roll his eyes, Let's see how she dies.

At this time, the voice of the Immortal Holy Master sounded again, thick and majestic.

Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony, all parties discuss the Dao, this time the Dao is still the same as before.

With a wave of the hand of the Immortal Holy Master, countless circles of light surged from his hand.

With a swish, they spread out, flying and hovering in the air at an extremely fast speed, which is difficult for the naked eye to catch.

However, Jun Muqian could easily see what the aperture was, and it contained a rotating light stick.

There are two words on each light sign - Dao!

I can't hear the old Holy Master speak slowly: There are only 10,000 lottery tickets, everyone who wants to discuss the Tao, please grab it first.

Before the words fell to the ground, countless spiritual forces had already rioted.


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