The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 828 Your lord is still your lord! 【1 more】

The Spiritual Dao Ceremony is of great significance to the spiritual practitioners of the Lower Five Realms.

Because for most spiritual practitioners, this is one of the few times when they can see large forces in the upper five domains.

Moreover, their performance in the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony also means whether they can have the qualifications to enter the upper five realms.

Reaching the realm of life and death and entering the upper five domains independently, and getting the approval of the great forces in the upper five domains, is completely one on the ground and one on the sky.

There are many masters in the upper five domains, and there are as many immortal-level powerhouses as a cow's hair.

But in the lower five domains, the longevity-level can become the overlord of one party.

Such a gap is really huge.

The realm of life and death that is respected in the lower five domains is not worth mentioning in the upper five domains.

But if there is a big force behind it, it will be different. With the inclination of cultivation resources, future cultivation is just around the corner.

Therefore, the spiritual cultivators of the four domains in the southeast, northwest, and north are frantically rushing towards the central domain.

The seven major sects of the Eastern Region are no exception.

It's just that the current seven major sects are not as calm and calm as before. Since Qingluan's death, an invisible panic has enveloped everyone.

The current lord of the Sanqing Palace is named Qinglan.

This year, he is only in his early 30,000s, so compared to Qingluan, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he is naturally much younger in age.

It's just that he has entered the first stage of immortality at the age of 30,000 years old, and his talent is also extremely strong.

Except for some veterans who were dissatisfied with Qinglan becoming the lord of the Sanqing Palace, the other spiritual cultivators couldn't fault it.

But because Qing Lan just took the position of the lord of the Sanqing Palace, his prestige is definitely not as high as Qing Luan, so this time the leader of the gathering of the seven sects fell on Dao Dian Dao Wu.

If it was in the past, Dao Wu would be very happy.

But now, he was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell.

Tomorrow is the time for the start of the Spiritual Dao Ceremony. Dao Wu's face was gloomy, It's also the day when the devil, Jun Muqian, will appear.


Hearing this sentence, the bodies of the other six sect masters were all shocked, and they all fell silent.

One year is very short for them, and it will pass after a little practice.

But find someone, time should be enough.

But they didn't find any trace of Jun Muqian, even though they spent a lot of money to infiltrate their own people into the demon domain, and bought a few big monsters in the demon domain, they still couldn't find any clues from Gu Yue.

Regarding this, the seven sects were puzzled.

If Jun Muqian was very strong, he would have come out and wiped them out long ago.

But if she is weak, why not make good use of her previous connections.

Now they are running around like a headless chicken, Jun Muqian is in the dark, they are in the light.

This demon clearly wanted to catch them off guard at the Spirit Dao Ceremony.

In fact, they really don't have to worry so much, because their belief Yun Luoran has already broken through the realm of transforming gods.

One thought at the God Transformation Realm can kill the Longevity Realm.

No matter how strong Jun Muqian is, it's impossible to reach the level of transforming gods in the lower five domains.

But Dao Wu didn't know why, he was always inexplicably flustered and apprehensive, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

Brother Daowu, you can rest assured. Qinglan spoke at this time, and she said lightly, For such a thing, the Lord Ling Nu will naturally take care of it long ago, and Jun Muqian will not be the opponent of the Lord Ling Nu.

Also, I wonder if Brother Wu still remembers Si Yong?

Dao Wu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked: But the one who is rumored to have all the wealth in the Lower Five Regions?

That's right, it's him. Qing Lan nodded, Master Ling Nu is his savior.

Is there such a thing? Dao Wu was very pleasantly surprised, If there is Si Yong's support, the position of the spiritual girl will definitely belong to the spiritual girl.

Because, one of the strengths that determines the identity of the spiritual girl - the Central Territory Xuanguang Auction Site, is under Si Yong's control.

Moreover, Si Yong has so much wealth, Yun Luoran is still his savior.

Rounding it up, all this wealth belongs to Yun Luoran.

It is true that everything in the Unreal Daqian is based on strength, but there are many penances who are short of money, and no one will think that there are too many purple spirit stones.

Relying on their huge wealth, they can win over many masters.

In this way, their power will grow further.

Okay, okay! Dao Wu blushed with excitement, In this way, there is no need to be afraid of Jun Muqian, the devil, unless she can invite the Nine Realms City of Tianyu, otherwise, she will have no relationship with the spiritual girl at all. No chance.

Even if the Yaoshen Temple of the Yaoyu supports Jun Muqian under Gu Yue's instruction, what can they do?

So, what we have to do now is to get rid of Jun Muqian as soon as possible. Qing Lan nodded and said, She hasn't shown up yet, but it's impossible to hide the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony.

I reckon that she must have no background and can only break through step by step, so kill her in the previous competition!

Speaking of the last three words, Qinglan's eyes showed an undisguised killing intent.

Even Dao Wu couldn't help being slightly terrified by this killing intent, he hurriedly smiled: Sister Qinglan, you seem to have a lot of hostility towards the devil Jun Muqian?

Hey, Daowu, you don't know about that. The owner of Brahma Palace also smiled, Who doesn't know that our sister Qinglan is in love with the first son of the Eastern Region, but this first son of the Eastern Region It’s really not a good vision.”

You actually said something to support Jun Muqian. Didn't this offend our sister Qinglan to death?

The owner of Brahma Palace sighed: Tell me, our sister Qinglan wants to be good-looking, and her cultivation level is so high. Isn't the first son of the Eastern Region slapping Sanqing Palace in the face?

Dao Wu was stunned.

He knew about it, but he really didn't know the twists and turns.

I don't know why the first son of the Eastern Region suddenly went crazy again. Just ten days before the opening of the Spiritual Dao Ceremony, he announced to the entire Lower Five Regions that this time the Spiritual Dao Ceremony, he supported Jun Muqian.

Although the first son of the Eastern Region has disappeared for hundreds of years, his reputation is still there.

Many women have kept his portraits, and wept silently in the mirror because of his disappearance.

Now the young master of the Eastern Region raised his arms and shouted, naturally there are still many crowds, although most of them are women.

But often, women's gossip ability is the strongest.

Soon, the name Jun Muqian was mentioned again.

Under Yun Luoran's deliberate erasure, the new generation of cultivators didn't even know who it was, so they began to dig deeper.

This excavation is incredible.

Almost everyone has a reaction in their hearts——

Damn, this is too perverted!

Even those geniuses who are well-known in the ten domains do not have such terrifying achievements.

A hundred-year-old immortal, the strongest disciple of Mirror Moon Palace.

Fighting in and out of the seven major sects alone, walking tens of billions of miles alone, finally!

Killed thousands of immortal-level masters on Wuying Cliff, and left calmly.

This is simply a myth!

Before seeing Jun Muqian, all the spiritual cultivators were already filled with admiration, wishing to meet this legendary lord right now and enjoy good luck.

But after the amazement, deep confusion followed.

Since Jun Zunzhu is such a genius, even if he fell silent, they would not fail to recognize him.

So, under the conscious temptation of the first son of the Eastern Region, everyone began to dig deeper.

This excavation again can be described as earth-shattering.

Because they suddenly discovered that the one who secretly erased the traces of the monarch turned out to be Yun Luoran, the spiritual girl whom they had always admired before.

Moreover, Yun Luoran was the one who chased and killed the Sovereign Lord.

Afterwards, more and more things were discovered, and the things Yun Luoran did were picked up one by one, and spread before everyone's eyes.

Everyone's thoughts are still the same——

Jun Zunzhu is really too pitiful to be murdered by such a villain.

As a result, many spiritual practitioners who worshiped the monarch too much spontaneously established an organization called the Junhui as the backup of the monarch they admired.

The number one son of the Eastern Region is the leader of the Junhui.

This Junhui has been regarded as a cult by many forces in the world.

It's because these spiritual cultivators in the King's Association don't fight or fight, they just scold Yun Luoran, and then praise Jun Muqian.

Suddenly, Yun Luoran's scandal spread far and wide.

But she herself is still immersed in the joy of breaking through to the realm of transforming gods, and she still doesn't know it.

It's just that Junhui has been established for so long, and they haven't seen Junzunzhu yet.

Until the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony, Jun Zunzhu still didn't show up.

The people in the Junhui are a little confused. Could it be that the Jun Zunzhu is not coming?

None of them knew that Jun Muqian had arrived in the Central Territory three days ago and was here now.

It's just that Jun Zunzhu's appearance is really not flattering at the moment.

It can't be said to be ugly, because the appearance after using the seventy-two changes is still beyond most people.

Monarch: Who are you? ? ?

The first son of the Eastern Region: Guess!

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