The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 820 Want to kill my daughter-in-law? 【1 more】

It was a woman's voice.

Ethereal and clear, unreal and clear.

With a slight smile and a kind of detached indifference.

There is also a kind of supreme atmosphere and arrogance in which the world is in the palm of your hand.

Introverted in the heart, not open at all, but it is enough to shock everything and everything, and bow their heads.

The emperor of the Eastern Region froze, not even daring to turn his head.

He lowered his head and saw his trembling palms.

There was fine sweat dripping from the palm of the hand, soaking the sleeves, so much that a puddle appeared on the ground.

The Emperor of the Eastern Territory's complexion also turned pale in an instant when these words fell in his ears, and he completely lost his composure.

No, impossible!

how come……

He got it wrong, he must have got it wrong!

If this scene is seen by outsiders, I am afraid that they will be shocked beyond their control.

All emperors are born in response to the heaven and the earth, eternal and eternal, and are born to be the supreme existence.

But with the power of heaven on his body, it is enough to make all spiritual practitioners under the eternal realm terrified.

The emperor is proud, noble, sacred, and inviolable.

They are neither sad nor happy, nor angry nor sad.

The emperor who can destroy the sky and the earth with one palm at will, will not change his face even when the sky is falling.

But now, the emperor of the Eastern Region lost his composure because of a sentence, which was just a sentence of daily greetings.

No, it should be said to be fear.

Because space and time are completely frozen, the servants in the study are in an unconscious state.

While the emperor of the Eastern Region was terrified, he was also somewhat grateful.

Fortunately, fortunately, no one saw his appearance at this time.

Otherwise, if it gets out, what face will he have?

Moreover, the belief and awe of the people in the Eastern Region will be greatly reduced.

Then in this way, the power of faith he can get will also be reduced.

The emperor of the Eastern Region comforted himself in this way, but when he wanted to turn around, he found that his legs were already disobedient due to excessive fear.

His whole body trembled like a sieve, in a state of embarrassment.

But he was questioned, how could he not answer?

The emperor of the Eastern Region believed that if he kept silent like this, what awaited him would not be just a word, but death.

In this world, there are only two people who can make him die easily without being punished by heaven.


Heaven is also afraid!

It was only with great difficulty that the emperor of the Eastern Region moved his stiff tongue, and before he forced himself to smile and say a word, his voice sounded again.

It was still a light sentence, and there was a smile, which sounded very warm and amiable.

Just listening to this voice, one can imagine how stunning the woman with this voice is.

However, in the ears of the emperor of the Eastern Region, it was a reminder.

Want to kill my daughter-in-law?


The Eastern Territory Emperor's face was pale, his legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

His lips were trembling, and there was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

She actually knew... She actually knew!

Even the emperor's heart can be peeped, they are obviously of the same class, why is he completely crushed in front of her?

Moreover, is that just a simple competition of luck?

So recklessly designating a weak and humble human being to be the illusory universe's noble young emperor and queen of Tianyu?

Is this human worthy?

But even these emperors of the Eastern Region didn't dare to think, how could he still have any desire to resist.

He gritted his teeth, used his spiritual energy on his feet, and hurriedly turned around: My lord, please listen to my explanation, I...

He wanted to look up and search for this noble man, to ask for forgiveness.

But he couldn't lift his head up, and there was an invisible faint coercion covering him.

The Emperor of the Eastern Territory could only be forced to kneel there in an extremely humiliating gesture, all the blood rushed to his face, and his face was flushed, obviously about to explode.

Only a little mist can be seen in the slight peripheral vision.

The emperor of the Eastern Region once again felt extremely humiliated and shocked, because the owner of the voice is not here at all.

Without the main body or avatar, the entire eastern region was sealed off.


Still time and space are determined!

This means that once the blockade is lifted, the time will remain the same and will not change for a second.

Explain? The female voice was still light and elegant, but suddenly, the tone became cold and harsh, Dong Yuan, you are so brave!


It was as if a thunderbolt exploded in the depths of the sea of ​​primordial spirit, shocking the Eastern Region Emperor's mind to go blank.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth opened, and with a wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was a faint golden halo floating in the blood, revealing a bit of sacred majesty.

Source of life!

The power of the emperor!

The most precious thing for the emperor is the blood and the power of the emperor. Losing a drop or a point will seriously hurt his vitality.

One hundred thousand years of self-cultivation cannot be recovered.

And with so much power of the emperor being forced out, the strength of the emperor of the Eastern Region is also greatly damaged.

In one sentence, the Emperor of the Eastern Region was seriously injured!

How many people can there be in this illusory universe?

Empress of Tianyu.

This is the strength of Empress Tianyu.

Even the emperor who was born in accordance with the heaven and earth and protected by the law of heaven is nothing but an ant in front of her.

Even if the emperor could kill the peak of the God Transformation Realm with a single finger, he would lose his soul with a single word from the Empress Tianyu.

The emperor of the Eastern Region almost covered his mouth with trembling fingers, barely suppressing the fishy sweetness in his throat.

He can despise the emperors of the central and northern regions, and can even ignore the emperors and Buddhas.

But the Heavenly Domain Twin Emperors, he couldn't.

He can only bow his head and surrender.

The Emperor of the Eastern Territory endured the pain in his heart, and spoke with difficulty: My lord, it is my fault that I have full power in this matter. I am willing to suffer all punishments. For the sake of the past, my lord... Poof!

Before he finished speaking, another mouthful of blood spewed out, and the power of the emperor was released again!

This time, the emperor of the Eastern Region could not even return to his knees.

It seems that I have not been in the Unreal World for a long time... The woman smiled slightly, her voice was gentle, I made you Dong Yuan forget what kind of style I was when I was still in the Unreal World.

what style...

What was the style of Empress Tianyu when she was there?

The emperor of the Eastern Region dare not think about it, because once he thinks about it, it will be a nightmare.

Unreal Daqian has always been peaceful, and it has been so long that they have forgotten that there is a realm called Tianyu.

Until more than 120,000 years ago, golden light fell from the sky, and thousands of hectares of red clouds filled the sky.

Tianyu, open.

The Unreal Great Thousand ushered in its only owner.

It was a man and a woman.

A man in white clothes is picturesque.

Woman, the red dress is like fire.

The emperor of the Eastern Region thought that the worst thing he had done in his life was to agree to several other emperors to meet the so-called new emperor for a while.

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