The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 821 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are ruthless! Count your knowledge 【2 more】

If God could give him another chance, he would never do it.

The other emperors are Immortal Emperor, Demon Lord and Southern Region Emperor.

They made an appointment to go up to Tianyu together to see who the so-called master of the plane is.

Later, when they found out that the couple didn't even have a lifespan of ten thousand years, they looked down upon them.

They believed that the couple had just had luck to open up the world.

They have both lived for nearly a million years. In their eyes, this couple is just a child with no hair.

So, why do you become the master of the illusory world?

The Buddha has nothing to do with the world, and the demon queen and other women don't have to be with him.

The other emperors of the lower five domains took a wait-and-see attitude and did not participate in it.

Therefore, there are only four of them.

Originally, they thought that the four emperors would suppress the couple in terms of numbers, and the result of the battle would definitely not be too bad.

Unexpectedly, the moment they first boarded Tianyu and released their killing intent, they had already fallen from the clouds.

They were expelled without anyone seeing them.

Even, they don't quite know how the couple started it.

Not only did they throw them down in Tianyu, but they also left a dark wound in their bodies.

It took a full hundred thousand years for this dark injury to be fully repaired.

Regarding this matter, the four emperors concealed it well.

The other emperors guessed something, but they didn't say anything tactfully.

It was also from that time that the nine emperors who were born in response to the heaven and the earth completely worshiped them.

Strength is above all else, they are creatures first, and then emperors.

They are in front of the Tianyu Twin Emperors, as if they were in the God Transformation Realm.

After the left and right opened in Tianyu, their power was not threatened, so that's it.

After discovering that the two emperors of Tianyu didn't care much at all and often roamed the chaotic galaxy, the emperors felt more at ease.

However, for those who have a different heart and want to rebel, the Tianyu Emperors have always killed what they should, and will not hold back anything.

So ruthless as these emperors who have been in high positions for a long time, they are deeply horrified in their hearts.

That time left a deep psychological shadow on the Emperor of the Eastern Territory. From then on, even if he heard the words the Great Thousand Ten Territory, there are two emperors in the Heaven Territory, his body would tremble subconsciously.

But now, the female emperor among the two emperors of the Tianyu is in front of him, asking for punishment.

The Emperor of the Eastern Region was sweating profusely and his teeth were chattering: My lord, I shouldn't have such thoughts, please forgive my sin, my lord, please forgive my sin!

He also didn't dare to make any excuses, after all, Empress Tianyu could know exactly what he was thinking.

Oh? Hearing this, the female voice was faint, How to forgive sins?

The emperor of the Eastern Region gritted his teeth, and said unwillingly: I have murderous intentions towards the young master and queen, and I really shouldn't. Of course, I have to repay it with my body and hair.

Using his spiritual power, he decisively cut off one of his fingers.

Blood with golden light flowed out, staining the ground red.

The emperor of the Eastern Region looked at the fingers on the ground, his heart trembling.

This was chopped off by himself, unlike the injuries he received while fighting with others, he could recover quickly.

All his life, he has been like this.

And the emperor's finger is comparable to the strongest emperor's weapon.

However, after the emperor of the Eastern Region chopped off his finger, the female voice did not resound.

The long silence plunged the Emperor of the Eastern Region into despair.

what does that mean?

This means that Empress Tianyu is dissatisfied!

If he can't make her dissatisfied again, he believes that he will die.

The blue veins on the emperor's neck popped up, and he roared loudly, his eyes were bloodshot.


This time, the right arm fell off directly.

He lowered the other arm tremblingly, his heart throbbing with pain: My lord, should you be satisfied now?

Hmm— the female voice rang out slowly, very surprised, Dong Yuan, why are you disabled after I've slept through it all?

The Emperor of the Eastern Territory was indignant: ...

fell asleep?

Who would believe it!

It was clearly to force him to cut off his arms.

It is clear that damage to the body, hair and skin is the most severe punishment for the emperor.

Please rest assured, my lord. No matter how sad and indignant the emperor of the Eastern Region was, he dared not speak out or be angry. He kowtowed to the nothingness in front of him, Even if I die, I will not dare to hurt the young master.

When he said this, he didn't notice at all that time and space have been unblocked at this moment.

Just now the sound of his severed arm alarmed the servants waiting around.

The waiter thought that some major event such as an enemy attack had happened, so he ran in in a hurry.

As a result, when he saw his own emperor kneeling there, still with one arm, kowtowing again, he was stunned.

what happened?

are you crazy?

The Emperor of the Eastern Region has always been noble and majestic in the eyes of the people of the Eastern Region. Seeing such a scene suddenly, the servants almost collapsed.

The faith in my heart is also rapidly collapsing.

With the cultivation of these servants, naturally they couldn't see Empress Tianyu, they could only hear voices.

Perhaps this voice was intentionally let them hear.

The female voice laughed again, and said coldly: You are smart.


The servants who rushed in had already been shocked to the point of numbness.


There are women here?

No... that's not the point, the point is which woman can be so fierce?

How dare you say such a thing to Dijun!

The servants couldn't turn their minds around, and they never thought that the Empress of Tianyu, who was revered by everyone in the Great Thousand and Ten Territories, was here.

They could only watch the emperor of the Eastern Region kowtow and beg for mercy.

However, Dong Yuan, your right arm is not bad. The female voice sounded slowly, with stronger pressure, I happen to be short of a medicinal ingredient, how about using your arm to make an alchemy?


The servants became even more numb.

Want to use the emperor to make alchemy?

Who is this person who can have such courage?

The Emperor of the Eastern Territory forced a smile and said, The ones taken by the adults are naturally good. If the materials are not enough, I still have my left arm.

It's not necessary. The severed fingers and arms on the ground had disappeared, and he heard a meaningful laugh, You should still cherish yourself.

This time, the female voice completely disappeared.

After feeling the coercion leave him, the Emperor of the Eastern Region stopped his movements.

His complexion was blue and white, and there was resentment in his eyes.

When he raised his head and saw a group of servants looking at him with dumbfounded expressions, the tyrannical killing intent in his body could no longer be suppressed.

He waved his only arm angrily, and roared: Death to this emperor!

With a hum--, there was a fluctuation in the space.

Before the servants could change their expressions, they stayed at this moment forever.

Crack, click.

Turned into powder, scattered with the wind.

The emperor of the Eastern Region clenched his fists fiercely, filled with hatred in his heart.

Wow ah ah ah—

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