The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 819 The mother-in-law is here to support me! 【2 more】

As soon as these words came out, all the spirit cultivators were dumbfounded.


Let ten strokes?

Did they get it wrong?

Must have heard wrong.

If the realm of life and death is a watershed, people who cultivate below the realm of life and death cannot match the spiritual cultivation of the realm of life and death no matter what.

Then at the longevity level, there is a gully every step.

Even if it is only one point more in the perception of mood, the difference brought about by this point is huge.

On the battlefield, that is, this point will bring decisive victory.

Sang Qingrou is now at the peak of the Immortal Realm, and this human is only at the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

The gap between the middle stage of immortality and the peak of immortality is even greater than the gap between people who have just ascended from the lower plane and the lower stage of immortality!

Where did she say that she would make Sang Qingrou ten tricks?

What's the difference between this suicide?

Sang Qingrou was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't recover from the great ecstasy.

After a long time, she only uttered a few words in a daze: Really?

I always keep my word when I say something. Jun Muqian put his hands behind his back and smiled slightly, Hit me straight away. I will let you make ten moves. Within ten moves, you will never fight back.

Hearing these words, Xian Jun'er immediately became vigilant.

Not good, absolutely not good!

This human being must be trying to play some tricks again. She remembered what happened in Taoyuan City for a long time.

With just a few words, Zu Luo, who was the first person in spiritual rewards, beat her elder sister ruthlessly.

She had been in the Emperor's Palace for a long time, and she couldn't understand why such a scheming person could be so bad.

She absolutely can't let the master fall into this human trap again.

Master, you... Xianling Yugang opened his mouth, and it was indeed too late.

Because at such a moment, Sang Qingrou responded directly: Okay, this is what you said, you gave me ten tricks.

Now, she wants to let this junior know what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!

Not to mention ten moves, just half moves, she can kill this junior.

It is impossible for her to lose this second competition.

In this way, she can not only solve the troublemaker, but also make Yao unable to lose face with his disciples.

Yao couldn't even agree to let Jun'er marry his apprentice.

Sang Qingrou's eyes were full of resentment.

If she can't get married, she can't do it, and she also wants her apprentice to marry his apprentice.

Didn't he kill his sister by mistake?

She also loves him too much, and if he cares about him, it will be chaotic. As for hating her so much?

Master! Xian Jun'er panicked, Master, don't rush to agree, you have to think carefully about it.

Jun'er, don't worry. Sang Qingrou still had these four words, and she didn't seem to have learned a lesson from the previous incident at all.

According to her thinking, it is impossible for her to lose in this second competition.

This junior has already said to let her go directly, so is it possible that he still wants to invite others to help out like last time?

Fighting is different from alchemy. Alchemy depends more on the right time, place and people.

It is very likely that the alchemy furnace exploded just because of just one sneeze during the alchemy process.

Although there is an element of luck in fighting, everything still depends on strength.

Strength determines everything.

Walking in the rivers and lakes also relies on fists to speak.

Sang Qingrou was full of confidence in the competition with a junior who had just stepped into the middle stage of immortality.

But her combat experience is not comparable to Jun Muqian.

Yes, she was injured by this junior before, but that was under the circumstances of this junior's surprise attack.

In a real fight, her attention must be highly concentrated, how can a mid-life immortality level person still be able to hurt her?

Sang Qingrou seemed to have seen the result of the battle, her eyes were a little red from excessive excitement.

Seeing this scene, the other spiritual practitioners in the audience were naturally unable to say anything.

The matter of left and right has nothing to do with them, one is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer, so are they worthy of being nosy?

This... The elders of Yaowang Valley who came out to be peacemakers were a little confused.

Originally, it was just a simple transposition of the medicine saint, so why did things become more and more complicated?

On the holy scriptures, the medicine sage fought with a little girl, where is the face of the medicine king valley?

Moreover, this little girl is very likely to be the future young master and queen of Tianyu!

Give them Yaowanggu a hundred guts, and they can't afford to offend them.

This Sang Qingrou, why is she so blank.

Pig brains!

No way, persuasion, quick persuasion. The great elder's beard trembled, and he couldn't speak clearly, Didn't you know this little girl? Hurry up and persuade her.

What can I persuade? Yao couldn't wave his hand, Hit it, let her hit it, if she doesn't let out such a bad breath, she will be so uncomfortable that she won't be able to sleep in a while.

Just kidding, Miss Jun came to avenge him, what is he doing to stop her?

Moreover, he knows Jun girl very well.

Although Jun girl is very conceited and has the capital to be conceited, but looking at her current expression, he found that she has settled down a lot.

Well, since she can say that, she must be able to do it.

Yao couldn't mutter to himself: It's good to grow up, it's good to grow up...

Even if he doesn't know what happened in these hundreds of years, he can still imagine that it must be a journey full of suffering and hesitation.

If you want to grow, you have to pay the price.

Hey! I can't help you... The Great Elder stared, Aren't your idle things messy enough?

Is this called chaos? Yao couldn't help but look innocent, I said, boss, do you want me to persuade you? I have told you in advance that if I persuade you, it will not be what it is now. .”

Great Elder: ...


He really believed in the evil that could not be cured by medicine.

Yao couldn't see that the Great Elder remained silent, so he rolled up his sleeves and walked over: Boss, then I'll go and persuade him.

Don't, don't, don't! The Great Elder realized that he was really scared, and quickly stopped, No way, you come back, don't go.

The medicine can't wait is just this sentence, he shook his head: Boss, just watch, maybe who will suffer the loss.

The great elder had a headache, and he didn't want to be unable to manage the medicine, so he was sullen all by himself.

Hey, apprentice! Yao couldn't solve a problem, and said to Huali with a smile, Tell me about the things in your world, tell me more about the girl Jun.

Hua Li was startled, then smiled and said: Okay.

At this time, with the acquiescence of the elders, a battle platform was quickly set up.

Sang Qingrou quickly flew to the stage, her eyes were cold and arrogant: Junior, come down soon?

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows slightly, not hiding his skills at all.

In an instant, the ground escape technique was cast, and the person had already arrived on the battle platform.

This move made many spiritual practitioners below gasp in amazement.

Sang Qingrou's complexion changed, and she snorted coldly: Beautiful fists and embroidered legs.

It's just an understanding of the laws of space, what's there to show off.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the woman in purple bend her legs and sit down.

No, it cannot be said to be sitting down, because it is not touching the ground.

Jun Muqian floated cross-legged in mid-air, his eyes were slightly closed, and his expression was calm: Sang Qingrou, you still have ten moves to live.

Her movements were lazy and contemptuous, and all the spirit cultivators could see the indifference, as if she didn't care about the battle of life and death at all.

This is downright contempt!

Sang Qingrou was pissed off again, her face completely sank: What a junior, I don't know how to respect my master, today, I will teach you well for your master!

Before she finished speaking, she stepped forward and rushed towards the woman in purple.

However, Sang Qingrou didn't notice at all that when she said the word Master, the woman in purple clothes slightly closed her eyes, and a coldness suddenly appeared.

She only wanted to quickly take the life of this junior, so as to stabilize her position in the arena.

Sang Qingrou let out a long roar, raised her palm, and suddenly clenched her fist in the air.


There was a bang from the bones, and an incomparably majestic energy gushed out from her body, tearing the surrounding space apart.

And at the moment of clenching the palm into a fist, the flat ground was lifted up, like a stormy sea, attacking with the wind of the palm!

Earth binding palm!

The sharp-eyed Lingxiu recognized this move, and his expression changed slightly.

Although the Earth Binding Palm is not a top-notch martial art, it is extremely powerful.

The Earth Binding Palm is an attack that uses the law of space to attract the power of the earth.

You can attack in groups or individually.

But in a single attack, the power will be ten times that of a group attack!

With this slap, even those at the peak of the longevity realm will not get any benefits, not to mention, it is still a move that must be surrendered, and cannot be fought back.

Many spiritual practitioners shook their heads pityingly: This is tragic...

However, what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.

Sang Qingrou's ground-bound palms came down from the top, and the purple-clothed woman didn't have any intention of resisting.

But when the attack was an inch away from her, suddenly!


The space distorted for a moment, and a faint golden light burst out, directly dispelling the ground-bound palm.

Not only that, but also gave birth to greater power, all of which were returned to Sang Qingrou.


Sang Qingrou screamed, and flew out backwards.

When she stabilized her figure and found that the woman in purple was not damaged at all, she was dumbfounded again.

how so?

It's just the first move, she still has a chance.

I was careless, and this time I went straight to my full strength.

Sang Qingrou comforted herself like this, gathered her spiritual power, raised her palm, and launched a second attack.

In order to show that she was not afraid, she yelled: The Holy Hand of Xuanguang!


A wave of spiritual power ten times larger than before burst out violently, and suddenly fell from the air towards the woman in purple.



The golden light came out again, and the master of Xuanguang, which had doubled its energy once again, was completely returned to Sang Qingrou.


Sang Qingrou spit out a mouthful of blood this time and fell to the ground.


Lingxiu, who was watching the battle, was stunned, looking at the bloody Sang Qingrou in bewilderment.

This is still the stage of giving up, why did you make yourself like this?

They were all doubting whether Sang Qingrou could survive her ten moves.

By the looks of it, the next move is to meet King Yama.

Seeing Sang Qingrou in a panic, Yao couldn't help but be overjoyed. If the situation didn't allow it, he would definitely go up and trample Sang Qingrou to death right now.

Not bad, Jun girl is more powerful than before.

Xian Lingyu narrowed her eyes coldly, and keenly caught the golden light emanating from Jun Muqian.

She frowned, what kind of magic weapon is that?

How can a human being with no background possess more treasures than her?

Immortal Realm Emperor's Palace may not have such a magic weapon that can automatically bounce back an attack at the peak of the Immortal Realm, and even counterattack back.

Xian Lingyu sighed secretly.

It seems that this time, this human being will escape again.

After all, does she still need to do it herself?

The light in the jade eyes of the fairy spirit shone slightly, and she looked in one direction thoughtfully, her lips curled up in a subtle way.


At the same time, the Eastern Territory, the Emperor's Palace.

The waiter who was waiting in the study suddenly saw a tall and tall figure appearing in front of him, his hands trembled, and he almost threw the inkstone out.

He hurriedly saluted: See Your Majesty!

Hmm. The emperor of the Eastern Region waved his hand, This emperor came back to get something.

To kill that human being without a trace, he must use a magic weapon.

Counting the time, the scriptures are almost over, and it is just right for him to return at this time.

Both the Emperor of the Central Region and the Emperor of the Northern Region thought that he had returned to the palace. At that time, even if the human being died, no one would suspect him.

The Tianyu Emperors had no evidence and could not kill him.

The emperor of the Eastern Region took out something from the dark storehouse, held it in his palm, and said lightly: This emperor is gone, remember to look after the young master, and report to this emperor if you have anything to do.

The servant said respectfully: Yes, Your Majesty...

Before the last word was finished, the voice became broken.

It wasn't because of any unexpected situation that the servant was too surprised, but because the surrounding time and space were all still.

In the entire Eastern Region, only the Emperor of the Eastern Region can move.

However, he didn't dare to move at all.

Just because when time and space are still, a sentence floats down.

Dong Yuan, where are you going?

See you tomorrow~

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