The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 802: Everyone Dies! The Lord who was in the Shura field as soon as he opened his eyes [2 mor

Also because of the two calamities that destroyed half of the prehistoric world, many righteous gods in the heavenly court also fell.

That's why there was the appearance of the Conferred God List.

Although Emperor Haotian was just a boy who sat down with Hongjun before, after all, he experienced countless disasters before he became the ruler of the heaven, and he was also recognized by Sanqing.

With the idea of ​​helping a group, Sanqing and Yuanshi Tianzun took the lead to discuss the list of gods on the list with Taishang Laojun and Tongtian leader.

The righteous gods in the heaven can only be recruited from the world, and let them go through calamities.

After the departure of the three emperors of the first century of the human race, there was a new dynasty and country.

This battle of conferred gods swept across the entire human race, and also involved other demon gods.

Taishang Laojun remained indifferent, did not fight or grab, and did not join the battle of the Conferred Gods.

Yuanshi Tianzun led the Chanjiao established by himself and the Jiejiao established by the Master Tongtian, and waded into this muddy water together.

The two brothers even sent their disciples to help out in different camps of the human race.

So far, the battle of the Conferred Gods has completely kicked off.

In this war, the sect of the Master Tongtian suffered heavy losses and was almost completely wiped out.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods brought benefits at the beginning. After all, in the name of Conferred Gods, those crooked people who only knew how to use heresy ways were eliminated.

But also because there are three hundred and sixty-five Conferred Gods, the number is huge, and there will still be mixed fish and dragons.

Some people with evil intentions were led to the Western Paradise. As time passed, the Western Paradise decayed from the inside, leaving only the glamor on the surface.

It is also because Yuanshi Tianzun's interpretation of teachings and Tongtian leader's cutting teachings both lost in the battle of conferring gods, leaving only the Taoism of Taishang Laojun.

After the end of the Battle of Conferred Gods, Taoism and Buddhism under the command of the Western Two Buddhas began a new round of competition.

Until later, Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti also disappeared, and the master of Buddhism became the Tathagata Buddha.

Finally, the prehistoric world has also entered a peaceful period.

So that's how it is... After hearing this, Jun Muqian was a little confused: However, the three great calamities did not make the Great Desolate perish. After all, neither Daoist Hongjun nor Emperor Wa ever came out.

That's what makes me strange. Bai Che said in a deep voice, Because just after this calm, war broke out again, very suddenly.

Almost in an instant, all the demon gods died, because neither of them expected that the other would attack them, even if they were brothers or close friends.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly: Infighting? Why?

I don't have any of these in my inheritance memory, so Senior Bai Wei must have passed away early. Bai Che pursed his lips, But the inheritance memory tells me that both Dao Patriarch Hongjun and Emperor Zongwa of All Souls are dead.

After they die, Honghuang will also perish.


After a very long silence, Jun Muqian sighed: That's right, even if they are all dead, how can the other demon gods survive?

Unexpectedly, Honghuang's demise turned out to be strange and ridiculous.

In such a powerful era, when it rises, it shines brightly on the earth, but when it ends, it is fleeting like a shooting star.

Can kill each other?

Jun Muqian is really puzzled.

It is understandable to say that Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian killed each other because of the battle of conferred gods.

But what is the reason for Wahuang, Hongjun, Taishang Laojun and others?

Although she has never seen Daode Tianzun himself, she has seen his afterimage in the ice and snow silver field.

Can a demon god who is inherently inaction and indifferent die because of mutual mutilation?

Who says it's not... Bai Che was very worried, Senior Bai Wei even asked me to rebuild Qingqiu Kingdom, but I, a male fox, can't rebuild it.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows: Can't you change your gender? Then you should try it with yourself.

Bah, bah, bah! Bai Che choked in shock, I can change my gender, but I'm not bisexual, you little beauty.

I figured it out. Jun Muqian rubbed the center of his brows, You didn't give me the reason to destroy the prehistoric world, but you brought me another mystery.

Hey, little beauty, just listen to it as a story. Bai Che lazily said, The prehistoric era is millions of years away from us, so what does he do? Why don't you just drink and enjoy yourself? Hua, isn’t one of life’s great pleasures?”

Jun Muqian glanced at him, stood up, and was about to leave Jiuxiao.

Hey, little beauty, don't go, just sit for a while longer. Seeing this, Bai Che shouted hastily, You said we haven't seen each other for so long, and we don't want to catch up, what are you rushing out for?

Go coax people.

After Jun Muqian put down such a sentence, his consciousness quickly withdrew.

Her consciousness had just returned to the outside world, only a few seconds passed.

Therefore, Rongqing Baiyi and Rongqing Xuanyi still maintained their previous postures.

But after a short while, Jun Zunzhu suddenly discovered that the third soul and the fourth soul began to have a fierce disagreement over whether to choose braised or steamed for a dish.

The disagreement did not result in an argument, and at the same time turned around and spoke at the same time.

Do you want braised or steamed?

Jun Muqian: ...


Light beauty, hurry up and take back your consciousness!

If this continues, she will run out of energy and die.


At this moment, Lingnu Palace.

Therefore, that day Su Yang killed Qingluan outright, and no one knew who the real murderer was.

Sanqing Palace was also in a mess because of Qingluan's death, but with the help of the palace soldiers sent by Shaojun Palace, it quickly calmed down again.

The group of elders, where Elder Wangchen belonged, re-elected a new palace master.

It's not that there are no disciples from Sanqing Palace to investigate Qingluan's death, but the young master of the Eastern Region is unquestionable, and they can't go to Cangxuan City in the Demon Realm to verify it.

He could only bury Qingluan in the back mountain of Sanqing Palace, and worship day and night.

But Sanqing Palace is good at divination calculations, and they couldn't figure out how Qingluan really died.

Regarding this, Sanqing Palace and Yun Luoran had a slight rift, and secretly began to prepare other plans.

But Yun Luoran, who was in seclusion at this time, didn't know that the outside world had changed drastically.

In front of the Lingnv Palace, there are maids guarding them strictly.

He heard footsteps from outside, and then saw a man in a green shirt walking towards this side.

His clear and handsome face was full of exhaustion, and his nobility was also relieved a little, making him look a little embarrassed.

Looking at it this way, it's hard to imagine that this is the young master of the Eastern Region.

A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of the maids, but they still saluted respectfully: I greet Your Highness Shaojun, Your Highness Shaojun is well.

There was no emotion on Su Yang's face, he nodded lightly: But there is no sign of coming out?

There may be many more _(:з」∠)_ today

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