The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 801: Battle of Conferred Gods! The Missing Empress Xihe【1 more】

This accident was the great array of gods and demons in the twelve capitals.

Even though Zhu Rong and Gonggong had already died under Mount Buzhou, the power brought by the ten major witch clans mobilizing the formation of gods and demons in the twelve capitals together could not be resisted even by Donghuang Taiyi and Tiandi Dijun.

The innate treasure, the Chaos Clock, is used to protect the heavenly court and cannot be moved, otherwise all the demon gods and demon clans in the heavenly court will die.

In the end, Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of the rain with the strongest cultivation base, and the Eastern Emperor Tai died together, and all the witches and witches perished.

The emperor of heaven, Dijun, also died of exhaustion due to fighting against the great array of gods and demons in the twelve capitals.

Empress Xi He also participated in the battle, but disappeared after the battle, leaving no bones or breath behind.

After the leaders were all dead, in this battle, countless ancient monster clans were killed, some hid, and some belonged to other forces.

As the original strongest witch and demon clans in the prehistoric world, they also declined because of this, completely lost their strength to fight for hegemony over the prehistoric world, and withdrew from the stage where all spirits compete.

However, Bai Che's inheritance memory did not tell him why the sudden appearance of the Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Demon Formation was so powerful.

No one knows exactly where the great array of gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals came from.

It shouldn't be... Jun Muqian frowned, If all the twelve ancestor witches are dead, who are they in the Lingxuan world?

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches only need to retain their consciousness, abandon their physical bodies, and even change them without limit, they can survive forever.

But their opponents are Donghuang Taiyi and Tiandi Dijun after all.

The so-called death means the extinction of consciousness.

Not to mention, Zhu Rong still died in a fight with Gonggong, and didn't even participate in the Lich War.

Have you seen the Twelve Ancestral Witches? Bai Che was still in a coma and didn't know anything. He was taken aback, Really the Twelve Ancestral Witches?

Although I really want to say it's fake, but unfortunately... Jun Muqian shrugged slightly, It is indeed the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

At least strength can't be faked, and Xuantong can't be faked either.

It's not the owner of Zuwu's spiritual veins, but possesses the supernatural powers of Zuwu, who else is there besides Zuwu himself?

This is really strange. Bai Che couldn't figure it out, Yes, they died at that time, how can they still appear?

Jun Muqian's eyes flickered, and he said thoughtfully, Go ahead and talk about it first.

Among them, she also paid attention to a special point.

As an existence no less than the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the Empress Xihe, where did she go after the Lich War?

Is it missing, or is it dead?

The Lich War is the second calamity.

And the first calamity of dragon and phoenix, the first calamity of dragon and phoenix, was not much different from the truth she knew.

The demon ancestor Luohu provoked the relationship between Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin, causing the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and kylin to perish.

But this time, Jun Muqian finally got some information about Demon Ancestor Luohu.

The origin of Demon Ancestor Luohu is still a mystery. After he provoked Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin, he formed his own faction called Demon Sect.

The title of Demon Ancestor also came from this.

The demon ancestor Luohu absorbed the aura of heaven and earth in the west of the prehistoric world, as well as the blood and resentment of the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes, broke through Pangu's seal, and obtained the Zhuxian Sword Formation from it.

The Zhuxian sword array is so powerful that it is easy to trap the saint of heaven.

The Demon Patriarch Luohu has the courage to kill and kill, and he wants to replace the Sanqing and the Western Buddhas and become a saint of heaven.

He killed infinitely, plunged the prehistoric world into a bloody storm, and caused great chaos.

In order to destroy the demon ancestor Luohu, Daozu Hongjun and Sanqing went to the center of the plane - Mount Sumeru together to fight against Luohu and break through the Zhuxian sword formation.

In the end, the Zhuxian sword array was broken, and the demon ancestor Luohu died.

The first tribulation of dragon and phoenix finally came to an end.

But the disaster brought about by the first calamity is not weaker than the second calamity, the Lich War.

Every time a calamity comes, three parts of the prehistoric world will be destroyed.

You may have heard of this third calamity, little beauty... Bai Che looked at the magic talisman light ball floating in the air, paused for a long time, and then said, It's called the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods? Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes sharpened immediately, The Conferred Gods List?!

The list of gods is a treasure in the heavenly book, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, which can be used to enshrine the three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods in the eight divisions of the heaven.

It's just that there are too many acquired demon gods, and it is impossible to record them all in the prehistoric history.

Therefore, there are no names left for these entrusted righteous gods.

That's right, it's the list of gods. Bai Che nodded slowly, The three clans of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn are gone, and the second clan of lich is even weaker. Little Meier, think about it, who is the strongest in the prehistoric world now? ?”

Jun Muqian sighed softly: Human race.

There are only humans left.

The human race has the protection of the Emperor Wa. Although they are weak, they survived the longest.

Of course, it's the human race. Bai Che said lightly, The lifespan of human beings is much shorter than that of other races. The Emperor Suiren, the Emperor Shennong and the Emperor Fuxi have all passed away at this time, or they may have chosen to hide from the world. .”

Humans have always liked to live in groups, and they prefer to have faith to rely on, but at the same time, human beings have the most weaknesses.

There will be jealousy, rage, desire, greed... This will cause human beings to always destroy themselves.

Jun Mu's shallow lips curved, his eyes narrowed slightly: With weaknesses, you will be more real.

Human beings are weak, but they have come to the present by themselves, becoming the only race that has never disappeared in the long river of history.

No...not! Bai Che suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, Little beauty, I'm not talking about you, I'm making an objective evaluation.

Well, I know you're not talking about me. Jun Muqian smiled half-smile, I'm not human anyway.

However, she has been human the longest.

Sometimes people are so strange that others can't make irresponsible remarks about things that they can scold.

I was wrong, I was really wrong. Bai Che's whole fox wanted to cry, Little beauty, listen to what I tell you first, and beat me up later, okay?

Hearing this, Jun Muqian pressed the center of his eyebrows: When did I say I was going to beat you up? You are such a cowardly fox.

Cough, cough, cough... Bai Che coughed a few times, his face turned serious, and he changed the subject decisively, My Qingqiu Fox Clan also perished in this great battle.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods, the third measure of calamity.

Before this calamity came, the prehistoric world was dominated by the human race.

There are many human races, all over the wild.

After Donghuang Taiyi, Tiandi Jun and Tianhou Xihe left one by one, there was no ruler in the heavenly court, so Taoist ancestor Hongjun sent the boys and girls who sat down to take charge of the heavenly court.

The boy is Emperor Haotian.

The virgin is the golden mother of Yaochi.

They replaced Di Jun and Xi He.

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