The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 803 Yun Luoran: I am the protagonist! 【3 more】

He can use the most ambiguous and gentle way to call an enemy who has a deep hatred with him, but after that, there is nothing he can do.

Everything I wanted the most has been lost.

What's more, don't even give him a little nostalgia.

Just a clone?

A doppelganger with no soul and no emotion?

Su Yang couldn't believe the truth of these things at all, and every time he thought about it, a sharp pain swept through his heart, which was unbearable at all.

The illusory realm collapsed, and his efforts of hundreds of years were all in vain.

Looking back suddenly, he really failed too much.

The majestic young master of the Eastern Region doesn't even have the ability to protect his beloved woman, so he has to be controlled by others.

His Royal Highness, just yesterday, we felt a strong energy fluctuation. The leading maid said respectfully, I think the lady Ling will be able to leave the customs soon.

Yeah. Su Yang collected his thoughts, nodded and said, Then you go down, I'm here to protect the law.

Hearing this sentence, the maids were stunned: His Royal Highness, this...

Su Yang said nothing, just raised his eyes and glanced at them.

Yes, Your Highness Shaojun. The maids hurriedly said, Young servants will go down now.

They must have thought too much, how could His Royal Highness dote on Lady Ling Nu so much, how could she be harmed?

Su Yang shook his head and sat down cross-legged on the stone steps.

This time, he really came to protect the law.

He still has to watch Yun Luoran successfully reach the God Transformation Realm, and watch her participate in the upcoming Spirit Dao Ceremony!

He will not let her die quietly in cultivation so simply, he will make her pay a painful price for what happened before.

Su Yang lowered his eyes, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

Yun Luoran thought that Jun Muqian was extremely weak now, she didn't dare to show her head at all, and kept hiding in the dark.

Who knows, this Lord of the Eastern Territory, who made even his father fear, is even more terrifying than before.

Su Yang recalled the side when he saw the woman in purple in the realm of emptiness, and his expression froze slightly.

He was not mistaken, Jun Muqian only had the cultivation base of the peak of life and death.

But the aura emanating from her body told him that if she wanted to kill him at this early stage of the God Transformation Realm, she would not hesitate.

Su Yang clearly realized that even if Yun Luoran successfully broke through this time, he would definitely not be Jun Muqian's opponent!

But now there are still eight months before the Spiritual Dao Grand Ceremony, with Jun Muqian's current talent, I am afraid that by then she will definitely not be weaker than the Immortal Realm.

The most respected life, the return of the monarch.

At the moment when he saw Jun Muqian, Su Yang finally fully realized the power brought by the eight-character prophecy.

He has even begun to look forward to the arrival of the Spiritual Dao Ceremony, watching that the former culprits all pay the price at the Spiritual Dao Ceremony...

It is best to destroy the Eastern Territory together!

Su Yang closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

The entire Lingnv palace was under his surveillance, but he still didn't notice that a cloud of black mist drifted from his side into the closed palace door.

Yunluo is indeed hitting the realm of transforming gods, but the situation is not as good as she originally expected.

She has made no fewer than ten shocks towards this bottleneck, but each time, not only did she fail to break through, but she almost dropped her cultivation base by a few layers.

At this time, there were puddles of black blood on the ground of the palace, all of which were spit out painstaking efforts.

Yun Luoran's face was extremely pale, and her lips had no trace of blood.

Her body was trembling, traces of blood mist rose from her fair skin, and black fine lines could still be vaguely seen.

This appearance is obviously about to collapse soon.

Originally, Yun Luoran had no intention of hitting the God Transformation Realm at all.

After all, with her talent, she should stop at the immortal level, relying on the accumulation of natural resources and treasures, she was barely promoted.

But with the appearance of the eight-character prophecy, and because the two innate treasures of Qingping Sword and Chuanxinsuo were taken away, Yun Luoran couldn't bear it anymore.

She had to step into the God Transformation Realm in order to stabilize her position.

No one can take away her position as a spiritual girl!


Yun Luoran gathered all the spiritual power in his body, and once again launched an impact towards the bottleneck of the God Transformation Realm.

But this time, she still failed, and spewed out a mouthful of thick black blood

Crack, click.

An extremely clear crisp sound sounded, and half of Yun Luoran's face was completely shattered.

The dense cracks covered the cheeks, which looked hideous and terrifying.

The crack was still spreading downward at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was about to cover the whole body.

Yun Luoran raised her head and let out a painful wail, screaming continuously: Ah! Ah——!

She failed, she was going to die, and she couldn't take revenge on Jun Muqian.

No! She can't die, she is the protagonist, she is the one who came back from rebirth!

Idiot! At this moment, a cold and angry reprimand sounded, I don't even have this little ability, and I have lived for so many years in vain!

The voice came out of the black mist, and at the same time, there was a hand.

Surprisingly, this hand turned out to be extremely beautiful.

The fingers are long and slender, with distinct bones, like fine porcelain.

Against the backdrop of the black mist, it is heart-stirring.

In the next second, this hand grasped in midair!


The calm space suddenly vibrated, attracting powerful spiritual energy to swirl.

All these auras poured into Yun Luoran's body, forcibly suppressing her gradually collapsing body.

The damaged skin is gradually recovering, and her face is a little more rosy.

Obviously, with the help of the owner of this hand, Yun Luoran broke through the bottleneck of the God Transformation Realm.

Her breathing gradually calmed down, she entered a mysterious realm, and began to understand her state of mind.

Hmph! A cold snort came down, and this beautiful hand retracted into the black mist again, with a soft sneer, It has already been swallowed up by the inner demon, it seems to be useless.

The brain is stupid enough, I really thought I was reborn. The black mist fluttered around Yun Luoran, If the heaven favors a fool like you, you will really be blind.

The voice became farther and farther away, and the black mist became thinner and thinner: The matter is about to end, Honghuang... Let's perish completely!


A few days later, they arrived at the holy scriptures of the Medicine King Valley, and practitioners from all realms heard the sound.

All of a sudden, millions of spiritual practitioners gathered, which was even more lively than the post-election banquet in Yaoyu last time.

Yaowanggu didn't expect that there would be so many people, so in desperation, they could only distribute invitations.

Only spiritual practitioners who have received an invitation can enter.

Jun Muqian is still a black household without identification, and the invitation will not be sent to her.

Rong Qing in white seems to be just an ordinary demon cultivator, so naturally he is not.

As a result, His Royal Highness, the only one who received the invitation, is now in a better mood.

There are a few more updates tonight, post them together~

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