The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1187 Ksitigarbha’s slap in the face! The confused Lord【1 update】


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even the Monkey King, who was still sitting on the throne with his legs crossed, was shaken and almost fell off.

Not to mention the ten kings of hell, including King Chujiang and King Pingping, who were still tied up. Bai Wuchang was so frightened that he lost his head.

What did they hear?

What does it mean - the poor monk has been away for a long time and has a good memory, so he doesn't remember passing the realm to you before he left?

Who else can say such arrogant words in such a calm tone?

It can only be Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Western Paradise do not have any pretensions. Basically, except Tathagata, the Lord of all Buddhas, they all call themselves poor monks, including Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Guanyin, three bodhisattvas with high status in the three realms.

Ksitigarbha's position in the Western Paradise is not inferior to that of Buddha Tathagata, only lower than Bodhi Patriarch and Taoist Taoist Jie Yin.

If he had not left the Western Paradise, I am afraid that after Patriarch Bodhi and Taoist Master Jie Yin retired, he would also be the master of all Buddhas.

But he chose to go to hell to transform souls, and made a vow that until hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha. He sat cross-legged by the Wangchuan River for more than a million years.

Who?! King Qin Guang's face turned extremely ugly, and his muscles twitched violently, Who dares to pretend to be Lord Ksitigarbha?!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has disappeared for so long, how could he suddenly come back, and at this point in time?

King Qin Guang sneered and glanced at the purple-clothed woman: I thought that you would be like the ancestor after learning from me, but I didn't expect that you like to cheat so much.

Jun Muzhen didn't pay attention to him at all this time, but turned her head suddenly and looked outside the palace door.

The first thing that appeared was not a human figure, but a huge beast.


A low beast roar sounded, shaking the entire main palace.

This giant beast is majestic, with a single horn on its head, and a long tail that is no different from that of a lion, dragging on the ground.

The beast's eyes are fascinating, with a faint coldness.

There was also an extremely comfortable aura exuding from his body, and for a moment, Jun Muqian felt that the resentment in the air had decreased.

Nezha stood up suddenly and blurted out: Listen carefully!

Hell ears, listen carefully!

He knows astronomy from above, geography from below, and he can even see into people's hearts.

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva transformed the wandering souls in the earth realm, the contribution of Tingting cannot be ignored. It can be said that Tingting and Ksitigarbha are inseparable.

If the truth is heard, then it must be Ksitigarbha!

It's a joke. King Qin Guang gritted his teeth and would not admit it even to his death, Both of you here are capable of seventy-two transformations. It's easy to conjure up a truth.

However, as soon as he finished saying this, his expression suddenly changed, as if it was broken into pieces, and his body even bent down in pain.

Not only King Qin Guang, but also the other ten kings of hell also felt a kind of fear and pain, and their faces turned pale.

This is an absolute suppression of status!

The only person who can absolutely suppress the Ten Palaces of Hell in terms of status is...

There was a figure walking slowly behind Di Ting, with the same faint voice: I'm a poor monk, there's no need to pretend to be anyone.

He is not the image that everyone imagined wearing a cassock, holding a tin staff, and wearing a Vairocana hat, but a young man. At first glance, you would not associate him with Buddhism at all.

But even so, no one will doubt his identity, because the pressure is there.

King Qin Guang's face turned pale, completely in disbelief, and lost his voice: Ksitigarbha, Lord Ksitigarbha...

Sun Wukong touched his chin: Little Nezha, why does Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva look like this?

Nezha thought for a while: I haven't met Ksitigarbha a few times, but to be honest, he used to be a very handsome monk.

Sun Wukong: Oh - I understand, this kind of monk is usually taken away by the female goblin.

Nezha: ...

He couldn't even refute it.

Jun Muqian was really confused. She looked again and again, and even opened and closed her eyes three times before she was completely sure that she was definitely not wrong.


Ksitigarbha turned around at this time, nodded slightly towards the purple-clothed woman, and smiled faintly: Xiao Qian.

Such an expression and tone were just like the first time they met in Xingluo Sect in Huaxu Continent. The cold-faced man came down from Wanling Continent and shocked everyone, but his identity was different.

Wait a minute, master, wait a minute - Jun Muqian took a step back and pressed her forehead, her expression a bit shattered, Please let me slow down, the impact you gave me is really too great. I have to slow down.

Is her master Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?

But she had met Fufeng just before, and there was no sign at that time to prove that her master was Ksitigarbha. Could it be that her master was dying and came here on purpose?

Moreover, is she really so connected to Buddhism?

Why are all the masters I worshiped from Buddhism?

Jun Muqian touched her hair and thought, fortunately, the Western Paradise is not as harsh as in the past, otherwise she would not be able to keep her hair.

She doesn't care about many things, and her hair is definitely one of them.


Jun Muqian covered her lips with her fist and coughed lightly, looking away. Why did she want to laugh so much when she heard that Fufeng called himself a poor monk?

Fufeng seemed to see what she was thinking, shook his head slightly and said: I didn't mean it, I just recovered.

Ah? Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized, Master was talking to Di Ting just now...

Before she finished speaking, another slightly familiar voice sounded.

Oh, I told you that you would definitely scare Xiao Qian, but Xiao Qian, we really couldn't help it. We really didn't think of it until after you left.

I saw a puff of smoke suddenly rising from Di Ting's body, and the next second, she transformed into a woman.

She had a smile on her face, with a bit of arrogance.

Who is it if it’s not Cang Yue?

Jun Muxian was completely shocked: ...!!!

Cang Yue is listening carefully?

Is her mistress her master's natal mount?

What's the relationship?

Come on, come on, if anyone has a quick-acting medicine to save her heart, give her one.

Su Qingli was also confused. She looked at that and then this.

It took Jun Muqian a long time before she said something: So, you met Sister Yue and your strength was restored?

She really couldn't call Fufeng Ksitigarbha, or call Cang Yue Tingting. This was really...

She also needs to adapt.

No, the strength has not been restored yet. Fufeng responded, It's just that the memory has been restored.

Cangyue shrugged and sighed: Me too, but my strength has recovered more, but when my memory recovered, I also had some...

Su Qingli murmured: It's really unbelievable.

When she learned her identity, it took her a long time to fully accept it.

Jun Muxian also knew that now was not the time to ask questions, so she just nodded: I understand.

She took a step back and handed over the home court to Fufeng.

With Ksitigarbha's arrival, King Qin Guang's previous majesty and confidence were instantly gone.

He knelt there with a trembling body, not daring to raise his head to look. He only dared to whisper: Lord Ksitigarbha...

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and he are not demons of the same era at all, he can only look up to him.

Of course, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also the object of his absolute respect.

The other ten kings of hell also trembled and stopped talking. They knelt there with dejected expressions and lost their minds.

They are indeed not the Lords of the Underworld. They were appointed by the Jade Emperor. The real Lord of the Underworld has always been Ksitigarbha.

Even if Ksitigarbha disappears, his prestige will still remain.

Just like if one day the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Heavenly Emperor Dijun and the Heavenly Queen Xihe come back, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother will also give way.

How could King Qin Guang not know that his head was buried even lower?

Fufeng lowered his eyes and looked at him, his voice cold: Do you think the leader of the local government only needs to control the territory?

Upon hearing this, King Qin Guang trembled suddenly: I beg Lord Ksitigarbha to be given a lighter sentence...

Fufeng ignored it and continued: The purpose of the existence of the underworld is not to allow you to pretend to be a tiger, nor to help the tiger, but to stabilize the reincarnation of the ancient world, and to purify the creatures of the ancient world.

You are so disappointing.

King Qin Guang smiled bitterly.

Time has passed for too long, and it has been too long to sit on this high position. It has been so long that they have completely forgotten what their original intention was.

When did the underworld start to become an existence that everyone in the mortal world is afraid of?

They were supposed to help mortals, but because of their power, they lost their eyes and couldn't see clearly.

From today onwards, you will be deprived of your position as the King of Hell, starting from the lowest official position. Fufeng flicked his finger, and a ray of soul power directly penetrated into King Qin Guang's body, You are not allowed to use any force.

He turned his head again, looked at the other palaces of Hell, and raised his fingers: You, too.

King Qin Guang turned pale and kowtowed: Thank you Lord Ksitigarbha for not killing me.

However, this was worse than killing him.

Bai Wuchang's brows were filled with joy and he directly raised his hand: Well then...then can I be Lord of Hell?

Jun Muxian: ...

Sun Wukong: ...

Nezha: ...

Who would have thought that Fufeng actually said: Let's see how you perform in the future.

Okay. Bai Wuchang was so happy that he even cried. He wiped away his tears and said, After all, all the hardships are rewarded with joy.

King Guang of Qin dared not speak out even if he was angry.

Just a few simple words can reverse the imperial power of the entire underworld. This is the power of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Jun Muqian breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not willing to turn against the underworld. The earth realm is a crucial realm among the three realms. It is not a good thing to push the earth realm to heaven.

But now all the problems have been solved. Ksitigarbha is back and has regained control of the earth.

The status of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother among the innate demons cannot be compared with that of Ksitigarbha, and it is even less possible for them to surrender.

After the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas left the heaven, the earth realm will also leave.

Su Qingli hesitated for a moment, then took a step forward.

But before she could speak, Fufeng said directly: I know what you want to ask.

Monkey King: Such monks will be taken away by female fairies.


Fusu: My vest is a bit strong


Well_(:з」∠)_, sometimes you just hold on and don’t overturn your previous guesses at will. Don’t be discouraged if you get the wrong answer, there is also a consolation prize of Xiaoxiang coins=w=

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