The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1188 Welcome to the final battle! 【2 more】

Su Qingli was startled.

Do you know what she is going to ask?

Fufeng was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: But now, I can't say it.


Jun Muqian looked stern.

Ksitigarbha cultivated the way of prophecy, and he could predict the great and small events of the prehistoric times.

Although she didn't know whether Ksitigarbha's divination method was similar to Ying Zijin's, it was undeniable that they could both see the future and be able to see through the past.

As long as they are willing, a person's past and next lives can be seen thoroughly, and they can even accurately calculate what will happen on which day and time.

Although Fufeng has not yet fully recovered Ksitigarbha's full power, he has not lost his ability to perform hexagrams, so he must have seen something.

And when Fufeng said this, could it be that Fusu's whereabouts were related to the life and death of the prehistoric era?

However, you can rest assured. Fufeng comforted him, Since I was once a brother with him, I know a lot about him. He will be fine. There are important reasons for leaving. There is no way he will leave you behind.

Su Qingli frowned.

She did know something about hexagrams. When she was in the Shengyuan Dynasty in the past, she had the position of Qin Tianjian. Qin Tianjian calculated solar terms and some disasters based on celestial phenomena and astrologers.

But Qin Tianjian's hexagram prediction ability cannot be compared with that of Ksitigarbha. Ksitigarbha can be said to be the first hexagram teller in the world, and his words will naturally not be false.

Thinking of this, Su Qingli felt a little relieved: Then thank you, Lord Ksitigarbha.

As long as Fusu is fine, she doesn't ask for anything else. She just wants him to be safe.

Li'er, don't call me that. Cang Yue on the side couldn't help laughing. She joked, You are the daughter of the ancestor of Styx, and you are a mortal enemy of your third uncle. If you call him that, I'm afraid it won't be right. Do you want to bring your father back alive from the chaos?

Fufeng: ...

Su Qingli: ...

Jun Muxian: ...


She had forgotten about this incident.

With this mentioned, she still remembered the Styx Patriarch's letter to the little queen, saying that if she saw Ksitigarbha in the future, she must deal with him well.

Su Qingli obviously remembered it and was extremely embarrassed: This...

If Ksitigarbha had been someone else, she would have gone up to fight him without saying a word, but since Ksitigarbha was now a close friend of the same camp, it would have been difficult.

Fufeng pinched his eyebrows, obviously having a headache: Xiao Yue, don't make trouble.

As soon as this memory was restored, he naturally remembered all the past events.

Although this memory was originally sealed by himself, it felt a little strange after receiving it again.

However, he really had no intention of becoming an enemy of the Patriarch of Styx, and he had no intention of quarreling with the eccentric Lord of Asura. It’s just a pledge to become a Buddha.

Who made the Asura clan also be bloodthirsty and capture wandering souls?

So, we are still us. Cang Yue smiled faintly, Even if we restore our previous identities, we are still us. This will not change, and the relationship between us will not change either. You see, Didn’t I call him “sir”?”

After a pause, she raised her eyebrows: Besides, if Xiao Qian's life experience comes out in the future, and if he is above us, will he still be called Xiao Qian's ancestor?

Hearing this, Su Qingli said decisively: That's impossible. Xiao Qian was down there at the time. I can't name this ancestor.

Jun Muxian: ???

She was shocked by the shamelessness of a certain queen: What did you say? Say it again?

Su Qingli was innocent: I didn't say anything, you are thinking wrongly.

Jun Muqian was silent for a few seconds and said, Thank you.

With Su Qingli's level of observation, how could she not tell that she was in a bad mood, so she used this method to enlighten her.

Su Qingli blinked: No thanks, just help me practice my troops.

As she spoke, she glanced majestically at the Asura soldiers behind Indra, and snorted coldly: I'm so weak that I don't even want to see it.

A group of Asuras: ...

Jun Muqian looked at the gods of the underworld such as King Qin Guang who had been taken away, thinking that the matter in the underworld could be brought to an end, and said: We'd better change places, and Sister Yue and Nuannuan don't have bodies. Looks like I’ll still have to use the artificial whip.”

Fortunately, before Rong Qing left, he put the artificial whip in her place.

I don’t know if it’s because of Hunyuan Bell, but she can easily use all the innate spiritual treasures in Nuwa’s treasure house, even if she doesn’t recognize the owner.

There is no need to use the human-creating whip. Fufeng said, Xiao Qian, your child has a special constitution and ordinary flesh cannot withstand his strength, so he needs to use the human-creating whip and the guardian of the heavenly saint level.

But Xiaoyue and the others are different. They originally had physical bodies, but they were just destroyed.

Jun Muxian looked at him: What do you mean, master?

As long as Xiaoyue and the others get out of the hell gate, they can gather their physical bodies independently. Fufeng responded, Although my strength has not been fully restored, this can still be done.

Jun Muqian looked slightly shocked.

The strength of the innate demon gods was indeed stronger than she imagined, especially the former masters of the three realms such as Ksitigarbha, Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun and Xihe.

Xiao Qian, you did a good job, much better than I imagined. At this time, Fufeng smiled slightly, You have to know that I was not able to come out of the Infinite Hell in the previous prehistoric times.

This sentence made Su Qingli, Sun Wukong, Nezha and others all confused.

Jun Muxian understood, her eyes condensed: Now that the master has come out, it is also a variable.

One variable can cause thousands of changes in the future, and maybe they have the possibility of winning.

Yes. Fufeng confirmed her idea, There are still many variables, but we can't say anything.

If you tell it in advance, it will no longer be a variable, and you will be backlashed by the law of heaven because you change the cause and effect in advance.

Jun Muxian thought for a while: That thing was injured by my father-in-law and won't be able to come out for a while. This period of time is just the time for us to accumulate strength.

Then the first thing we need is a base. But for this place, we need to choose it carefully.

Fufeng raised his head: I think the Great Sage should have the answer to this question.

Jun Muqian was stunned and looked over: Senior brother?

Sun Wukong really stood up slowly and was silent for a moment, then slowly said: I, Sun, think it is good to have a place for convenience. In the past, Haotian sent Yang Jian and others to attack, but they had to set fire to it. One burn.

Jun Muqian's eyes brightened slightly: Senior brother, are you referring to Huaguo Mountain?

Sun Wukong nodded: Exactly.

With our current manpower, it is very easy to rebuild Huaguo Mountain. Nezha pondered, Huaguo Mountain is indeed a dangerous place. It is suitable for defense, not for attack.

Su Qingli also said: I can set up a teleportation array in the Asura clan. If something happens, the Asura clan can teleport directly there.

The earth boundary has been taken back now, and it can be used. Cangyue also smiled, Although I am not good at attacking, I can still help a little.

In this way, the strongest power can be gathered in one place.

And at this moment, several more voices suddenly came, with uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

And us!

We're going too!

Jun Muqian suddenly looked up and saw many familiar faces rushing over from outside the hall.

The first person to rush in was Mu Nuan. She jumped over and said, Sister, I am also very powerful now. I can help my sister.

Jun Muqian touched her head: Sister knows.

But closely behind Mu Nuan was Miss Ting, whom she had not seen for so long that she had almost forgotten about it. She suddenly remembered it after seeing the symbol of the divine hunter.

My subordinates pay homage to the Lord of God! Miss Ting knelt down on one knee, as she had done before in front of Mount Sumeru, bowing her head and bowing in obeisance. This subordinate, along with a hundred thousand divine hunters, will follow the Lord of God to the death, and is willing to do his best for the Lord of God.

Before Jun Muxian had time to react, a voice with a faint smile also sounded.

Since the temple speaks first, it is natural that our God Clan cannot lag behind. It was Yun Yi who spoke. The priest elder of the God Clan had a spring breeze smile on his face, Your Majesty said before that the God Clan has hundreds of thousands of people. Also sent by His Highness.

Now that I have met with His Highness, I can finally entrust it to His Highness. Your Highness must not despise us for being weak.

How could it be... Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly heated up, and she felt like her blood was boiling hot. She smiled, I have always said that I will protect you with my life, as long as I am still here.

Hey, Miss, you can't forget us. Although we are weaker, we are still part of the strength. Those who said this were several Mu family members.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows: If you want to share the same difficulties, you will naturally not forget it.

The Cang family and the Fu family are still in a state of inability to accept it. The Feng family saw Su Qingli and decisively sided with the Asura family.

The seven major families of Wanling, the Sumeru Mountain God Clan, the Temple Divine Hunters, the Spirit Clan, the Earthly Officials, the Asura Clan plus Sun Wukong and Nezha!

This power will never lose against heaven!

Yun Yi smiled again at this time: I still remember that His Highness said that we were all members of the Jun Alliance. In the past, the Jun Alliance only had temples and gods, but now there are many more people.

Jun Muqian's eyes twitched: If you don't mention it, I've forgotten it.

She is keen on building various forces, but often because she is too lazy, she claps her hands and leaves in the end.

The name Junmeng is not bad. Fufeng moved his fingers and did some calculations, Junmeng, by God's will, it's a good sign.

Okay, then let's go to Huaguo Mountain first. Jun Muxian looked into everyone's eyes, clasped his fingers, and said slowly, Deploy all our forces and prepare for this final battle.

Ancestor Styx: It’s okay, there’s still this bastard Hongyun:)

Ancestor Hongyun, whose vest has not fallen off: Return the gourd to me first! ! !


In fact, there is still such a thing as divination, but it is almost impossible to find those who can calculate, and those who can calculate will not do it easily. With the help of horoscopes, they can directly predict when and what big events will happen. You even know what age you start getting acne_(:з」∠)_

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