The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1186 Ksitigarbha: When did the underworld become yours? 【2 more】

Third uncle!

Cang Yue, who had always been calm like Cang Yue, was rarely nervous and excited.

She followed Su Qingli, looking for familiar people among the crowds of people, the love of her heart who had been separated for several years.

Jun Muqian held the book of life and death, calmed down her emotions, then looked up and saw a familiar figure.

She saw Junshang, she saw Yun Yi, she saw the people of the God Clan, she saw the seven great families of all spirits that she had purged, and she also saw the divine hunters led by Miss Ting.

She even saw the old man from the Feng family who once taught her how to use magic talismans. Even though she couldn't remember his name, she could still remember it when she saw his face.

Everyone is back.

This is not a dream.

it is true.

Their faces still bear the vicissitudes and pain that they have experienced after suffering in the endless hell for the past few years, but everyone is smiling, no matter how hard they are, they still smile.

They talked and shared each other's joy.

Jun Muqian even saw those familiar people hugging each other, unwilling to let go, as if they were holding the most precious treasure in the world.

After the disaster, the rest of my life will finally see the light.

Her eyelashes drooped, and her heart ached with twitching pain.

elder sister?

At this time, an extremely small voice reached her ears, with a bit of disbelief.

Jun Muqian looked up.

The little girl stood timidly by the door, as if she didn't dare to come out. She only poked her head and whispered: she sister?

It's sister. Jun Muqian's throat rolled. She walked over, leaned down, touched the little girl's head, and smiled softly, Nuan Nuan has grown so tall, she will soon catch up with sister.

When they parted, Mu Nuan only reached her shoulders. Now he was only half a head shorter than her. He was taller and wider than before.

In a daze, Jun Muqian realized that the past few years were neither short nor long.

One year spent similar, each year is different.

Everything is changing.

Sister, I haven't given up on my practice. Mu Nuan finally calmed down and hugged her happily, her face flushed, I'm already the Heavenly Supreme Lord, eh, no, no, I'm stronger than the Heavenly Supreme Lord, but what's my name? Woolen cloth……

When the little girl's concept was still in the Wanling Continent, she didn't know that she was now in the wilderness.

It's called a True Immortal. Jun Mu smiled slightly, Nuan Nuan is so amazing. She has become a True Immortal at such a young age.

After a pause, she repeated again: That's great.

Yeah, everything is fine.

It was as if the catastrophe of the continent's collapse had never happened. The sky was the same blue, with stars, moon, clouds, and wind, but there were people who... couldn't come back.

Mu Nuan blinked her eyes: Sister, are you sad? My sister's heart is crying. She cried so sadly. I feel sad when I see it.

Huh? Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that Mu Nuan had some kind of mysterious ability to see into people's hearts, which was different from observing words and expressions or looking into the mind.

Mu Nuan shook the hand of the woman in purple: Why is sister crying?

Miraculously, at this moment, Jun Muqian suddenly felt a stream of clear water pouring into her soul along her wrist, which actually shook away many depressed emotions and made her feel comfortable. A little bit, I am not as world-weary as before, and I have almost lost the idea of ​​​​living.

This is?

Jun Muqian suppressed her doubts and explained patiently: My sister's good friend went to a far away place, and I don't know how to get her back now.

Mu Nuan nodded confusedly: If sister doesn't cry, I can help her find it.

Okay. Jun Muqian smiled silently, Thank you Nuannuan in advance.

She will find Ying Zijin, and she will never believe that this is the fate of death.

Even if she goes to poverty and falls to hell, she will definitely find Ying Zijin back.

Jun Muqian took a deep breath.

I don’t know whether Ksitigarbha restored his memory and strength, or which one of these thousands of people did it.

She must ask Ksitigarbha what kind of situation Ying Zijin is now, but who is Ksitigarbha?

Jun Muqian glanced at everyone and frowned tightly.

Young Master. At this moment, Su Qingli suddenly ran over, her expression more anxious than ever before, Fusu is gone.

Gone? Jun Muqian's expression changed, What's going on?

She absolutely freed everyone, except those wandering souls who had committed the most heinous crimes and were thrown into the endless hell.

I don't know...I don't know. Su Qingli faintly collapsed, I've searched everywhere, but there's nothing there. He's gone.

She went through the Shura Abyss again and again, even if she was bruised, seriously injured and dying, she never gave up, just to meet Fusu one day, but now she couldn't find him, she couldn't accept it at all.

Ali, don't worry. Jun Muqian's voice deepened and he held her shoulders, I'll check the book of life and death again.

She opened the book of life and death, flipped through it several times quickly, and said with a pause, His name is not in the book of life and death. No wonder I always felt that I had forgotten something.

She did not check off Fusu's name, but his name also did not exist in the book of life and death.

This is strange.

Su Qingli could only feel panic growing: What on earth is going on? Could it be that he couldn't bear it, already, already...

No. Jun Muqian shook his head, If this is the case, his name will still be in the book of life and death, but it will not be among the wandering souls.

She pondered for a moment: Wait until I ask Prince Qin Guang and the others.

And at this moment, a familiar gentle and indifferent voice came from behind, with a little hoarseness, calling: Xiao Qian.

Jun Muqian turned around sharply: Master!

Still familiar eyebrows, familiar splendid robes.

His face was cold, like an immortal.

It's Fufeng.

Slow down, walk slowly. Cang Yue hurriedly followed, Although your cultivation level has not fallen, your body is quite empty.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows: Sister Yue is just sister Yue, but her focus is different.

Su Qingli stared directly at Fufeng: Does Third Brother know where he went?

They entered together and had the closest blood relationship, so they would be imprisoned in one area.

Well, Shi Qi disappeared very strangely. He disappeared suddenly, not long before Xiao Qian let us out. Fufeng coughed a few times and frowned, I don't know what happened to him, but I feel that he It’s okay.”

Jun Mu frowned: Or did you disappear suddenly?

Cang Yue was also a little confused: Is it possible that he suddenly realized something?

She was able to escape from the endless hell only after she understood the way of reincarnation.

It's possible... it's possible! Su Qingli was enlightened, but then her voice trembled again, Then why did he leave alone?

Didn't he know she was waiting for him?

Or did he think she gave up?

Ah Li, this matter can't be rushed. Jun Muqian sighed, It's possible that Shi Qi left because of something important. How could he leave you alone? Let's go and meet senior brothers and the others first. Qin Guang Although the king is incompetent, he has at least been a god of the underworld for so long, so he still knows a lot.”

Okay! When Su Qingli heard this, she immediately returned to Fengdu City.

Master Wife, you, Master, Nuannuan and the others can help calm down the others. Jun Muzhen said, You have no body now and can't leave the underworld. I'll go deal with things first and come back later.

Xiao Qian, go ahead. Cang Yue nodded, Leave this place to us.

Jun Muqian nodded, his body moved, and he left in an instant.

When she arrived at the main palace in Fengdu City, Su Qingli had already removed one of King Qin Guang's arms.

Tell me, why did the names in the book of life and death suddenly disappear?

King Qin Guang felt pain all over his body and almost fainted: The book of life and death is not under my control, how could I know?

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward. The power of his soul burst out in an instant, controlling King Qin Guang.

I have too many accounts to settle with you. Some of them will be settled later. Now it's best for you to answer whatever I ask.

The pain became more severe, but King Qin Guang endured it without saying a word.

After a full stick of incense, he still didn't speak.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and directly used the power of the Dao to instantly attack King Qin Guang's Dao Heart and Dao Foundation.

Ah——! King Qin Guang screamed in pain, his face twisted with ferociousness, Forget it, just kill me. Scholars cannot be killed. As the lord of the underworld, how can I succumb to this? In the hands of your junior generation?!

Jun Muqian chuckled: Lord of the Underworld? You really know how to put gold on your face.

This sentence seemed to poke a sore spot. King Qin Guang clenched his fists and sneered: Why, tell me, who is the master of the underworld?

Sun Wukong chewed on the peach and clicked his tongue: Although I was not born in that era, I have heard the name of Ksitigarbha. If you say that you are the lord of the underworld, Ksitigarbha will not agree.

King Qin Guang's face darkened: Ksitigarbha has been away for many years, and this underworld has been taken over by us a long time ago, so why not?

But the second after these words fell, a faint Sanskrit sound sounded, The poor monk has been away for a long time, but his memory is very good. He doesn't remember passing the world to you before leaving.

King Qin Guang.

Okay, I haven’t guessed for a long time, let’s take a guess: Who is Ksitigarbha?

The reward for correct answers is 41xxb (only genuine version) until the update comes out tomorrow =w=

Tomorrow, April 1st, the baby with the guaranteed monthly ticket will be left to the Lord (* ̄3)(ε ̄*). At the beginning of the month, there will still be one update for one hundred votes. Before the end, it should be the last monthly ticket for the additional update. If I count the words Hope it goes well!

Well, even if there is a next book, the little beauty is not the male protagonist. What are you thinking? If so, it will become a mess...

Well, Mu Nuan also has a vest, hahahahaha

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