The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1182 Get the Book of Life and Death [3 updates]

But the price of getting the book of life and death is really...

Hongjun shook his head, looked at the turbulent galaxy, and said with a smile: You don't have to be angry, you and I are one now. Although no one can control the other, we still know each other's thoughts.

You want to always control the ancient world, so you sent down calamities three times to eliminate the threatening demon gods and then split us saints. I have to say that it is really a good method, a good idea and a good calculation.

God is ruthless, God is jealous, God is jealous, God is selfish!

The way of heaven will never allow things or people to be beyond its control, and it will never allow itself to be disobeyed, even by just one word.

Therefore, heaven sent down calamities.

As soon as the Calamity Tribulation occurred, the three clans of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin were wiped out, the two brothers Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun were eliminated, and the Six Saints of the Prehistoric Age were divided!

No one can compete with it for this prehistoric time!

But now, not only are some people disobeying it, but they also don’t have it in their hearts. How can it not be angry?

It cannot spare those who disobey it.

But Tiandao is not a living creature after all. He can only use his hands and feet to set up impossible tests.

However, the great road that transcends the way of heaven still has restrictions on the way of heaven. Therefore, it is impossible for the way of heaven to bring calamities all the time. It must be reincarnated every 600,000 years.

Now, more than 590,000 years have passed since the Battle of the Gods, and the 600,000-year cycle of reincarnation is about to arrive again.

The Heavenly Dao, which has been dormant for a long time, is also ready to move, preparing to send down the fourth calamity.

Although Dao Ancestor Hongjun has already joined the Tao with his body, he does not know who will suffer if this fourth calamity comes.

It's a pity, it's a pity. I can see with my eyes that no matter what tricks you use now, you will soon become a slave in the future. Hongjun pointed at his own eyes and smiled slightly, No, worse than a slave, illusory Whatever fate Daqian’s heaven leads to, you will suffer the same fate, and it may even be even worse.”

At that time, I will be able to completely break away from you.

The young man in purple closed his eyes and remained unmoved by the stormy waves woven into the sea of ​​stars around him. He whispered: I hope they will be safe this time.


A long sigh that lingered for a long time.


Beside the long river of magma——

Looking at the completely dispersed illusory shadow, Ying Zijin slightly raised his lips: I was still thinking about how you would answer, but I didn't expect you to be quite smart.

There is no heaven in your heart, you don’t have to obey heaven, and you don’t have to go against heaven.

This answer is perfect.

But Tiandao should have been pissed to death.

I suddenly remembered it at the last second. Jun Muzhen shrugged, Actually, I always thought that I was talking nonsense, but I didn't expect that it actually happened.

But what's the matter with Tiandao running away? She frowned, We have passed these three levels, why is there no trace in the Book of Life and Death?

When Ying Zijin heard this, his eyes moved: Maybe, we just didn't find it.

Huh? Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, but then his back suddenly tensed and he suddenly looked at the long river of magma in front of him.

The red flames were still billowing, but she could clearly see the bottom of the magma river.

There are two words engraved there, one on the left and one on the right.



A vague thought came to Jun Muzhen's mind, even though she thought it was ridiculous.

But apart from all the impossibilities, the remaining one, no matter how impossible, is also the truth.

What is the Book of Life and Death?

The Book of Life and Death controls the life and death of living beings, which is why there is such a saying in the world - The King of Hell tells you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch.

So, if you want to get the book of life and death, you have to exchange it for the corresponding things.

Otherwise, even if you have a book of life and death, it will be useless and you will not have the mystical power to control life and death.

Only by sacrificing life and death can the book of life and death be restored.

Obviously, Jun Muqian was not the only one who had the same idea. Ying Zijin also stood by the long river of magma and did not move for a long time.


For a moment, both of them fell into silence.

In the boundless hell, only the sound of molten lava could be heard, like some kind of warning.

This silence lasted for a full ten minutes before Jun Muqian spoke: How is it?

Ying Zijin turned his head and looked at her: What about it?

Can I believe this? Jun Muqian stared at the long river of magma, If you jump from here, can you get the Book of Life and Death?

Before Ying Zijin could answer, she clicked her tongue: Look at me, I'm confused again. You're the master of calculations in the world, so how can you not figure it out?

Ying Zijin remained silent and did not speak.

Seeing her reaction, the smile on Jun Mu Qian's face gradually faded: That's really what it's going to be like.

No wonder Tiandao said before that getting the book of life and death is not a simple matter. This does not refer to the three levels just now, but to this last step.

Life and death are not things that anyone can give up easily.

Jun Muqian asked herself that she was not a great savior. She also admitted that she was sometimes selfish. She even admitted that she was afraid of death, but she could die for the one she loved without hesitation.

Like Rong Qing, like a little beauty, like Ying Zijin, and like her friends and family in Wanling.

Ying Zijin looked at the long river of magma for a while, with no expression on his face, as if he didn't care, and his tone was understated: Jun Muqian, it seems that someone must jump in today.

Well, yes. Jun Muzhen walked over and stood side by side with her, Whether you dance or I dance, that's a question.

After a pause, she curled her lips: But I have a suggestion, you can listen to it.

Ying Zijin lowered his eyes: I'm listening.

None of us know whether we will die if we jump, but there is a 80% chance that we will die. Jun Muqian put a hand on her shoulder and stood with her legs bent, So this candidate may not be careless, there must be a person Suitable, preferably without worries.

As for me, I have a husband and children, but they are all fine and fine now. My father-in-law and mother-in-law are protecting them. They will be fine, so I don't have to worry.

As for my brother and the others, they are about to recover. Once they recover, no one can beat them except the saints of heaven, so there is no need to worry.

Now only Master and Fusu are left. As long as I get the book of life and death and rescue them from the endless hell, they will be safe and sound.

Ying Zijin’s eyebrows gradually narrowed: “What do you want to say?”

What I want to say is that although you are alone, there are still many things that have not been completed. Jun Mu smiled slightly, Look at you, you don't have a man, you don't have children, you haven't even found your own heart, so you are certainly not helpless. Someone who has nothing to worry about.”

But I'm different. My only wish when I came to the Great Desolate World was to save Master and Fusu. I've been waiting for this wish to come true for too many years.

She said calmly: I can't allow any mistakes, so I will save them at all costs.

If she had not restored the Book of Life and Death, Fufeng and Fusu, the souls of millions of people would have been annihilated, and they would have lost the chance of reincarnation.

Ying Zijin's eyelashes fluttered and he smiled faintly: It sounds like I have no reason to reject you. You are a good candidate.

That's it. Anyway, once a person walks through the world, sooner or later he will return to dust and dust to dust. It's just a matter of time. Jun Muqian stretched out, I have lived for three lives, and I have lived I'm tired of it, and I just want to try what it feels like to actively seek death. I think you won't rob me, right?

Ying Zijin looked at her quietly: No, I said, this time, I will listen to you.

Very good, then it's settled. Jun Muqian nodded and stepped away, After you get the book of life and death, you will go to the Infinite Hell to save people, and then go to the Illusory Great Thousand and tell my son that you will do it for me. If he finds a girl, he has to keep looking for her, otherwise I won’t let you go.”

Ying Zijin raised his eyes: What about him?

He will understand me. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, He and I have the same mind, how could he not understand me? If the person trapped below today is Xi'er Nian'er, his dearest relative, he will also Will do it.”

Before, we only had each other, but now the children are born. This is the continuation of our lives. He will accompany the children to grow up.

Ying Zijin said calmly: You have said all the words.

I can't help it, I just talk too much. Jun Muzhen turned around and said, Remember, you must help me find a daughter-in-law.

She took a deep breath and walked forward, taking only two steps.


A strong force came from behind her, holding her shoulders and throwing her down, knocking her to the ground. The movement was extremely cruel and merciless.

Jun Muzhen didn't expect the sudden whirlwind, and he couldn't recover for a while.

It was also when she was in a daze that a long black shadow jumped over her and headed straight towards the magma river at an extremely fast speed.


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