The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1183 All trump cards exploded! 【1 update】

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank suddenly, not caring about the pain coming from her body. Even though she was still lying on the ground, she didn't have the strength to get up immediately.

She sneered and shouted: Golden Rope, go!


Before she finished speaking, a golden rope suddenly sprang out from the waist of the purple-clothed woman, and flew away with a whoosh, making a crackling sound.

It was like a long dragon roaring upwards, rushing thousands of miles across the dark vast world, as if it was about to tear the sky apart.

In an instant, the light exploded, spinning and almost cutting the space into pieces.

Ying Zijin's body suddenly froze, and before her first foot could step out, she was tied up with a golden rope.

With a bang, he also fell to the ground.

Moreover, the golden rope was getting tighter and tighter, locking all her limbs, preventing her from moving any more.

Although this golden rope is not an innate spiritual treasure, it can be regarded as an acquired spiritual treasure, especially because it has been with the Taoist Supreme Laojun for a long time and has already given birth to a spirit. It is natural to tie up a Daluo Golden Immortal.

After another ten seconds, Jun Muxian finally got up from the ground, her shoulders still a little sore.

She rubbed the injured area with one hand, turned the other hand over, and used the gold rope to drag the woman in black back. She didn't let go of her hand until she was dragged to a safe place, far away from the long river of magma. .

Jun Muqian stared at the person who was tied into a rice dumpling, with the flames of rage suppressed in her peach blossom eyes: Ying Zijin, what do you mean?

Her throat moved, and she laughed angrily: When did you learn to use such dirty tricks?

She really didn't know how Ying Zijin threw her over the shoulder and left her unable to move for more than ten seconds.

It seemed that she had underestimated the strength of her life-and-death friend.

It all depends on strength. Ying Zijin was calm and composed, and did not think there was anything wrong with what she did. How can it be considered a dirty trick?

Okay, you have the guts. Jun Mu Qian calmed down and said, Yes, everyone depends on their strength, but you still have to be one step behind me. Just admit defeat. Don't try to compete with me.

She should have known that this woman said she wanted to be obedient, but in fact she would not listen at all. Instead, she kept silent in order to lower her vigilance.

That fall hit her hard.

This proves that Ying Zijin not only did not hold back, but also acted ruthlessly.

Jun Muqian suppressed his emotions, then crossed the golden rice dumplings on the ground, and walked towards the magma river.

She had just taken ten steps when her ears twitched, she suddenly turned around and slapped her palms backwards.


Two equally powerful spiritual powers collided together, causing a huge shock wave in an instant!

An explosion-like sound came, and the vast world was shaken.


Jun Muqian took a step back, her expression completely darkened.

No. At some point, Ying Zijin had escaped from the confinement of the golden rope, You still have to grab it.

She said calmly: You haven't tried it, and I certainly haven't tried it either. If you say who is a truly carefree person, you really know how to change the concept.

She has been wandering in the universe for a long time. She has even forgotten her own name and lost her heart. She is heartless and has no desires. What else can she care about?

Jun Muqian clenched her fingers, her throat tightening: Are you serious?

It's been a long time since I had a fight. Ying Zijin raised his hand, Come on, give it a try and see if you are still the little girl from Wanling Continent.

Jun Muqian sneered: Okay.

She knew that neither of them could convince the other, so they could only rely on a fight.

Whoever wins can get the Book of Life and Death.

After Jun Muzhen agreed, Ying Zijin made a move.

With a swish, countless people appeared around the woman in purple, surrounding her.

The art of thousands of clones!

A little trick. Jun Muqian glanced at her, You have a clone, and I have the Dao of Heart. Do you think I can't find your true body?

She frowned coldly, clenched her hands into fists, and rushed directly towards one of these thousands of people without even looking at him.


Another punch!

With a wow, the light shone brightly, and the two people retreated from each other with a loud sound that shook the ground.

Jun Muzhen knew that she could never leave time for Ying Zijin, so she waved again: Nine Heavens Breathing Earth!

The earth-yellow sacred object flew out from the Hunyuan Bell and turned into clouds and mist, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

Ying Zijin suddenly raised his head, propped his elbows on the ground, and passed through the blockade of Jiutianxi soil.

Immediately, she stepped with her foot again, passed through the gap, and attacked the woman in purple.

Jun Muqian retreated and fought, each attack aimed at Ying Zijin's legs, but they were all easily avoided, even though it seemed to be a complete blind spot.

The misty belt entwining the sky.

Nine-colored neon clothes!


All the binding treasures in the two Nuwa's treasure houses were used by Jun Muqian, flying in the air, piercing the space, and forcing them forward.

But because Ying Zijin is still the guide of the world, she can predict every move Jun Muqian makes.

Suddenly, relying on their respective trump cards, the two were evenly matched.

In order to prevent the other party from approaching the long river of magma, both sides were completely ruthless, and they were only one step away from being killed.

Dense attacks followed one after another, blocking the way, so that neither of them had the energy to go to the long magma river.

Between the vast heaven and earth, only the sharp impact could be heard.

The ground had long since cracked, and the strong wind whipped up by spiritual power had obscured the figures of Jun Muzhen and Ying Zijin, but it could also be clearly distinguished that someone would be knocked to the ground every few seconds. To the point of dazzling.

And finally, after a full hour had passed——


With the subsequent loud noise, the winner of this battle was finally decided.

The smoke dissipated and the spiritual energy circulated. Jun Muzhen was standing, and Ying Zijin was fallen.

Sweat soaked through the clothes of both of them, and the mixed blood gurgled behind, and both of them were seriously injured.

Ha... It's amazing. Jun Muqian took a deep breath, raised his hand and slowly wiped away the blood on his lips, and slowly straightened his waist, standing in a lazy posture, but in fact it was because he had suffered a lot. Hurt, I take back what I said before, you are not weak at all, you are awesome.

As she said that, she gave a thumbs up, whether it was a compliment or a mockery: That's awesome, Ying Zijin, you are the only one who can push me to this point.

She can be merciless towards her enemies and kill them at will.

But this was her best friend. She couldn't let Ying Zijin die on her behalf, but she couldn't stop him. She could only knock him down, but she had to avoid his vital points, and she couldn't really seriously hurt Ying Zijin.

Jun Muxian has never fought such a difficult battle. Even when her soul was pulled out when she faced a powerful enemy, it didn't make her feel difficult.

Ying Zijin coughed a few times: It's an honor.

Not only was her whole body imprisoned to the ground by Jiutianxi soil, but her limbs were also tied up by the Misty Winding Belt and Nine Colorful Colorful Clothes, sealing away her cultivation.

I'm not praising you. Jun Muzhen swallowed the sweetness in her throat, You are still going to lose, so don't try to compete with me.

With his spiritual power exhausted, even if Ying Zijin is the master of the world, there is nothing he can do.

Remember what I said. Jun Muqian staggered towards the magma river, If you can't find a girl for my son, I will never let you go.


A minute later, Jun Muxian finally reached the edge of the magma river.

She raised her hand to wipe away the wounds on her body, and breathed a sigh of relief when the blood stopped flowing.

But it's really cruel.

Jun Muqian pursed her lips, and thousands of images flashed through her mind. She slowly closed her eyes and was about to jump down——

But suddenly, Jun Muqian could no longer feel the heat of the magma. Instead, a breeze came.

She opened her eyes suddenly and found that she and Ying Zijin had changed places!

She was moved to a place fifty meters away from the long river of magma, but Ying Zijin appeared beside the long river of magma!

Jun Muqian's eyes widened, and a ferocious look appeared on his face.

Five elements transposition character!

Ignoring distance, location, and cultivation, as long as you lock the target, you can change it. This is a good thing for escaping and outsmarting enemies.

No spiritual power is needed, just a little power of the soul is enough.

But now!

The life-protecting talisman she gave to Ying Zijin was used by Ying Zijin on her!

Do you really think you are the only one who has the things I gave you? Jun Muzhen sneered suddenly. Her soul power was also about to use the last five-element transposition talisman.

However, Ying Zijin still looked calm. She raised her hand and the light flashed.


Another talisman was photographed!

Jun Muqian was shocked all over.

Yin Yang amulet!

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